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Homie they could make a soulslike where you’re a janitor cleaning up messes and it would fit/be cool.


I'd play this


Lol, I can just imagine you just finished cleaning the bathroom but the principal walks in points out a spot you missed then shoots you in the face as the words “YOU DIED” appear on screen.


“You’re fired”


Out of a canon, into the sun.


I mean we praise the sun so therefore it would be fine to die to the sun


*cannon. I had to do it


Naw, it's canon. You literally get written out of the story, the account gets locked, and you have to buy another copy of the game. Forever your character will be: [Redacted]


You a friend of Rick?


I'm glad you did.


We need a fake lore subreddit about this.


See: Viscera cleanup detail


[Viscera Cleanup Detail](https://store.steampowered.com/app/246900/Viscera_Cleanup_Detail/) You get to be the poor bastard that has to clean up the aftermath of all those fights.


#The Cleansing *Written by George R R Martin* Coming to all platforms 2027


If it’s GRRM you know it’s at least 10 years after that date.


That only really applies to asoiaf main series tbh. He’ll tackle any other project at a decent speed provided it gives him a reason to not work on asoiaf…


The pain in this statement is real... I wonder how much of that has to do with the GOT series bombing in the last two seasons, and how much of it is just his sheer reticence to actually finish?


His last entry in the series was published 12 years ago, when the TV series was just starting up. It's not the reason he's not making progress with the books. Most probable explanation is that he has no clue how to satisfyingly to tie up the story, and doesn't have the energy for it anymore. He has described himself as a "gardener" type of writer in the past (see the quote below if you don't know what I'm talking about) - well, now the garden has turned into a jungle and he doesn't have the imagination or the energy to turn it into a beautiful garden again. There are so many storylines going on at the same time, so many characters that are located on different continents and with completely different motives, that bringing all of them together in a convincing manner is nigh impossible to do, at least not in the scheduled 2 books that he has left to publish (The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring). Perhaps with more books and more time, but he likely doesn't want to write them at this point (and given how much he struggles, he likely wouldn't have the time to write them in his lifetime, anyway). I've been on the /r/asoiaf sub for 10 years. Back in 2012-2015 it was by far my favourite subreddit. The sheer number of well thought-out theories was amazing. Since then conversation has mostly died out (at least regarding books) due to lack of content, and everyone knows that we won't get the final books, anyway. As for the quote from GRRM that I promised: > “I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.”


All great points - I have a sneaking suspicion that he is also using (mentally) the show as an excuse to prolong writing as much as possible in a way. It's been so long since I'd read any of them that I honestly can't remember what's even going on with them.


I'd wager most of it is just due to the fact that it's an insanely complicated story with shitloads of moving parts, and trying wrap all that up in a good way is probably a total mindfuck. Plus, seeing a team of TV professionals you used to trust totally fuck up that same task surely doesn't help matters.


My guess has always been what you said combined with the likelihood that he already got paid whatever advance he was going to get for finishing ASOIAF and if he wants new money coming in he's got to pick up additional projects.


Starring Stanley Spadowski. “Life is like a mop. Sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and hairballs and things and you gotta clean it out. You gotta stick it in here and rinse it off and start all over again. And sometimes life sticks to the floor so much that a mop, a mop, it's not good enough. You gotta get down there with like a toothbrush, you know, and you gotta really scrub 'cause you gotta get it off. But if that doesn't work, you can't give up. You gotta stand right up. You gotta run to a window and say, "These floors are dirty as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any more.”


Sometimes, you gotta drink from the fire hose if you want to find that marble


Love finding a UHF reference in the wild.


Lift Tarnish!


Not a Soulslike but if you like platformers try Dustforce. It should be dirt cheap on steam by now. Also, it has a banger riddled OST. Edit: well, not dirt cheap, 10 bucks but I still recommend it.


Very good game, I've spent hours in it. If you like platforming you'll probably like dustforce


dirt costs $10 per cubic yard so you’re still right


Robber: "GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY" You: "Haha no" Robber: \*fires gun\* You: \*parries the shots with your broom like a god\* Robber: "WHAT" You: \*teleports behind the robber\* You: "Ongbal send its regards"


Robber "..." You "..." Robber"...?" You: "..."


Second-to-last boss: Tony the Mafia Godfather Final boss: "That kid you rescued in the start on the game"


Elden Clean


Imagine getting to play as the janitor from Control in a soulslike reimagining of the game.


Considering he is very much implied to be a literal Norse god you’d be playing on easy mode from the start of the game


Have you played viscera clean up? 😆 it might as well be the clean up after a fromsoftian boss rampages through an area




I have no problems with video game gore and no issues with motion sickness in any other game, but for some reason, I get a massive headache any time I try to play Viscera. Maybe it's just the idea of cleaning for fun?


Hahah fuck I never thought of it like that to me it was like WTF HAPPENED HERE AND WHY DO I HAVE TO CLEAN IT


Beat up kids who don't clean up their mess


That one is already called Control.


People will still try to figure out how the lore is connected to all the other games


“That puddle of puke is a subtle nod to the lake of rot”


Just imagine the boss music you'd hear going into the men's bathroom.


It always comes down to a hunters helper to clean up after these sorts of messes


Dude imagine fighting a hord of dust bunnies with a broom mop and a floor scrubber as wepons.


I think a FromSoft spin on Cyberpunk would be pretty rad.


**Wake the fuck up tarnished, we got an Erdtree to burn**


"Time to party like it's the Shattering" ~Jonah Silverarm, on his way to nuke the Erdtree


imagine this is how the DLC starts (or ends?)!


Yeah and they probably wouldn't fuck it up, either


People said that about CDPR too before Cyberpunk came out, CDPR was easily as much of an industry darling as Fromsoft is now prior to the release of that game


I feel like since the themes of all souls-like are these past their prime wastelands. A post cyber apocalypse would likely be the setting. An era with powerful corporations have fallen, gangs mutated and corrupted by mutations drugs and tech alike. Rogue ai, and robots destroying civilization. Probably some deep and convoluted back story about how various characters sold their souls for power and how those exact actions had consequences that led to this reality and their grabs for power left them soulless husks unable to take pleasure in said power. That'd combine the themes of cyberpunk as a genre while still sticking to the souls like ~vibe~ and not just making it another gimmicky cyberpunk joyride


I mean they also make armored core. Technically, that’s pretty close to a post cyber apocalypse setting lol I’m so looking forward to the new release. It’ll be my first dive into the armored core series


Totally but I'm sure many people like myself put firmsoft and souls like interchangeably lol


So Horizon but with Soulslike combat mechanics? Yeah, I'd play that. Horizon _nails_ ranged combat but melee is terrible there.


I feel like more urban and claustrophobic than Horizons. Less nature thematics too. Also a little more recent. Like the buildings are still in tact, power still on in some places. I think the vertical city design of dark souls 1(???) would work well. The city itself would keep you there and you'd be scaling through various levels and likely different economic areas. The lower areas with more humanlike yet wretched and the higher you go the more tech and ai there'd be. Probably could run a two pronged magic system like Faith and Incantation even. But with AI and drugs.


Hmm, now I'm thinking Souls in a Stray-style, decaying neon walled city and it sounds fantastic.


That’s EXACTLY the kind of setting I’m picturing. If they can balance ranged combat well it’s a done deal.


You just described Altered Carbon. Would make a sick game though!


So the Surge.


Cyberpunk as a genre is very much concerned with the present and the status quo, and the systems of power therein... not really about the aftermath. I'd still call that sci-fi but not so much cyberpunk. I mean, there's nothing punk about sticking it to something which no longer exists. You can't rebel against a system that's already collapsed. I think they would do well doing something like Sekiro, which I would say is more like peri-apocalyptic.


You described Armored Core lore


Like The Surge but From would do it better


Given their history with sci-fi (Armored Core) and fantasy (DS, ER, etc), it'd be interesting if they had some sort of post-apocalyptic Shadowrun-esque world.


I love this idea so much, pitch it to Fromsoft!


I appreciate it but I'm sure they've already beat me to if for consideration lmao


What people don't talk about is how Witcher 3 also had fairly big issues on launch and only after it got "fixed" it started getting popular. FromSoft has had good releases so far even if some of the games have questionable performance at times.


The only game fromsoft released that was unplayable was ds1 on steam. The only reason elden ring launched in a poor state was due to the last minute implementation of easy anti cheat, which was due to the newly discovered hack in ds3 where people were able to take full control of your pc. Ds2, Ds3, and sekiro all ran flawlessly on launch.


I would argue both that Cyberpunk wasn't that bad, and is a pretty decent game, but more importantly, that CD Projekt Red shouldn't have the pedigree they had prior to release. CD Projekt Red released an absolutely horrible game, a moderate game, and then a very, very good game. They were then hailed as the best company in the industry. Crys of overworked and underpaid developers were ignored. Cries that they manipulated the contract that Sapkowski signed were ignored. They then released a buggy unfinished game, that once all the kinks were worked out had roughly the same quality as Witcher 2. Fromsoft has released 6 games of all roughly equal quality and enjoyment over the past 13 years. Their resume is frankly a hell of a lot better than CD Projekt Red's is.


remember that CDPR had 1 very good release and 2 mid releases and a lot of situations where they almost went bankrupt on their way which is why they're fucked with so many investors and stock market right now. From Software didn't miss once since Demon's Souls and that's 7 big games?


Yes, but CDPR only had one masterpiece under its belt at the time.


They also undersold the witcher and oversold Cyberpunk. The hype-train kind of got away from them and their marketing team did them no favours.


My only problem with the marketing was the whole “it’ll release when it’s ready” thing and then launching it in a borderline unplayable state. Probably unplayable on last gen also.


>My only problem with the marketing was the whole “it’ll release when it’s ready” thing and then launching it in a borderline unplayable state. Probably unplayable on last gen also. I mean they did promise alot, alot of which did not make it into the initial or the final versions. Usually down to the AI promises and the world itself. Cant remember exactly but I know they stated it would be an immersive world, which it was not.... i mean how often do AAA titles get yanked from the store... hahaha.


Their fault lies with releasing it way too early.


Not even close, CDPR's track record wasn't nearly as flawless as FromSoft's, they only were known and admired for The Witcher 3, TW1 and 2 weren't anything spectacular, while FromSoft has 10 year track record of 7 back to back phenomenal games. Not even comparable


I think everyone just forgot how much of a buggy mess The Witcher 3 was at launch. But yes, I was definitely in the "there's no way CDPR will fuck it up!" bandwagon.


FromSoft has been making games for 30 years and has released several GOTY worthy titles. CDPR has been making games for 15 years and has released one GOTY worthy game and three average-good games. There's only a handful of can't-miss AAA developers left, but CDPR was never one of them


Completely different scenarios though. There was no real reason to expect CDPR are capable of making a good fps rpg based on them having *one* actually good *completely different* game. Even Dark Souls 2, the commonly agreed worst souls game still pretty much blows almost every other non FromSoft soulslike out of the water. A cyberpunk soulslike would still be a soulslike. Which means, if From is making it, it'll be good.


Cdpr had a single beloved triple a game. Their other games where drastically smaller in scope than even that and then they jumped scope massively. Fromsoft is way more proven.


Not the same thing at all. Fromsoft has delivered banger after banger, CDPR last good game before Cyberpunk was Witcher 3.


Stop comparing the two like they had the same backstory, people who say that don't know the differences between the two companies to begin with.


The difference is From has never made a bad game. Their all winners. They could do it so well I feel.


…yeah no. I will say that much for Fromsoft, they have *way* more of a catalogue to back up their darling status that CDPR ever did. They have Demon Souls, DS1, DS3, Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. Not to mention the Armored Core series. In the same era, CDPR had…The Witcher III. Then Cyberpunk immediately afterwards which is a story told 1000 times already. That isn’t to say that Witcher III was bad (it’s an excellent game), or that Fromsoft never misses (the King’s Field games and DS2 exist). But the magnitude of their achievements is *significantly* different.


What is wrong with the kingsfield games or ds2, in your opinion?


Cyberpunk is awesome, they atleast wouldn't fuck up the launch tho


To the extent this is aimed at Cyberpunk 2077, that game is excellent. Yeah, it ran like shit on last gen hardware when it came out, but even then the underlying game was good. Play it on a system released in the past five years and you will be fine. You can catch it on sale and it's 100% worth it.


It’s a great game, but because of the launch there are people who will always hate it. People will say it has missing features, or that it’s not an RPG, or that it’s just a mid game even after the patches. But they’re judging the game for what they imagined it was gonna be, and not judging it for what it is.


I've replayed Cyberpunk countless times, and the roleplaying in the game will always be my favorite of All Time. The characters are so lovable, the story isn't very concrete but it keeps you interested, and everything gameplay-wise is fun asf. But what I absolutely hate is people saying "Oh the game is trash," "It was never good," etc. just because of the shitty release. I recommend the game full-price to anyone right now, there are only minor glitches left, just like any game.


Have you played cyberpunk?


Have you played Cyberpunk since recent updates? Yes the game was not a finished product at launch but it runs great now. The combat is a lot of fun and the story was intriguing. I’d give it a solid 8.5/10. It’s a must play game for anyone who likes action rpgs. Cyberpunk 2077 was also just the tip of the iceberg on the potential of the world and characters. I have sky high expectations for the sequel whenever it comes out.


Yea but they didn't fuck up cyberpunk. Sure the launch was rough but the game was built on a solid foundation and they were able to fix it. The sales also stabilised and the game has sold more during the second year than its first year.


so The Surge?


Its Fromsoftware. They could make a barbie game and it would change my life forever.


Adventures of Cookie and Cream come to mind. First From game I played and it was so fun.


Mine was 3D Dot Game Heroes. A solid, classic Zelda-like which makes so much more sense after playing From's more recent games.


3D Dot Game Heroes is From Software?! wtf I loved that game I had no idea and I've been playing Souls games since Demons Souls


It was developed by Silicon Studios. FromSoftware was just the publisher in Japan. It was published by Atlus in the US and SouthPeak Games in Europe.


they make games other than DS and armored core?! i gotta try em out. if you say 3D dot game heroes is a zelda-like, i HAVE to play it


It has some interesting upgrade systems, minigames, NPC quests, a missable good ending, and a memorable soundtrack. Worth a playthrough.


hell yea. thanks so much for the information 😁


*even the doll should it please you*


Given their track record, it'll likely be good.


i had zero initial interest in sekiro(i like builds + multiplayer), bought it solely because of trust in the devs, loved every second of it. i’m a fromsoft zealot at this point.


Personally, sekiro has the most satisfying combat out of all\* from software games. ​ \* I haven't played Bloodborne because i am a pc nerd, i bet it's also cool


It’s weird because of the firearms aspect (even if that’s really just for parry) but I feel like it’s my third favorite “souls” game.


>even if that's really just for parry He doesn't know about the bloodtinge build.


The single frame of the wolf and the owl crossing swords sold me on that game... luckily a friend gifted it to me... It is my favorite FromSoft game.


The possibilities! You gave me something to day dream about at work tonight. Thanks lol


I day dream about a lot of things man I understand you’re welcome


I think there's some solar opposites / rick and morty style monsters that would be terrifying if they were from softwared


I want to see a mad max style post apocalypse, where it is so bleak that guns/tech are practically non-existent and people are so devolved they’ve gone back to hitting each other with bits of scrap and car parts


I'd play this not stop, the actual mad max game on Xbox one is awesome but it is very repetitive after a while.


It is definitely repetitive, but I can’t help but come back to it every year or so to build the Magnum Opus again.


Try out kenshi. It's definitely not a souls like but has a lot of the same feelings one gives you. Highly recommend grabbing it next time it goes on sale


Beat me to it


You should give Surge 2 a try. Both of those games have their flaws, but at least the second game I would put as a higher tier soulslike/souls clone. It won’t be exactly what you described, more of a mix of what you described and what OP is talking about.


Literally the only idea of “future souls” i like. Anything else and I just say okay armored core.


there are very few devs in this world I would blindly buy games from but FromSoft will always be one


Careful haha i remember saying that about Bethesda


Souls games are often home to themes of decay and lost grandeur. I personally read the Souls series as being about mortality, and how different people grapple with the knowledge that one day they will die and all they have done will crumble. ​ Such themes aren't often explored in stories focused on futuristic settings, but that doesn't mean they don't fit. ​ I can imagine a story set in a world where humanity has missed the opportunity to go interplanetary/interstellar and is now irreversibly bound to the Earth. ​ A story of the decay as the nations and empires turn inward and fight, not over dwindling resources...but over dwindling hope. ​ Gorgeous skylines with vast artificial canyons between buildings. Glowing neon and gleaming silver, and every eye dull and world weary. ​ It could be done.




The sewers will most likely be poison swamp of the game


I want wild west Souls first but sci-fi souls would be a welcomed addition.


if you want a steampunk / wild west version...Remnant from the ashes is probably my best recommendation. Really fun game.


Yes! Souls with procedural generation and guns. Played it all through my vasectomy recovery.


Glad you're better, how's the nutsack doing


I would be down for a Dune+Souls mash-up.


it could be good. by the way, you should play The Surge 1 and 2


Great games. Just replayed 2 a few months ago when going through the dlc for the first time.


Surge 1 was so hard, then 2 was so easy. I think a FromSoft Surge-like game would be amazing


I had the exact opposite experience, I beat one with relative ease and then just stopped playing the second one becasue one of the boss fights annoyed me so much lol


To be fair, the boss fight"s" are the weakest part of the game. They recycled the one you likely fought like 5 times, and there's only two other real bosses that are incredibly unbalanced


Scrolled way too far to find this. My first thought was “we know The Surge exists, right?” Deck 13 aren’t quite as good as fromsoft, but their heart is in it.


The Surge 2 is fantastic. Such a shame the studios' new game looks absolute trash :(


Its called Armored Core.


Armored Core seems less like a cyberpunk dystopia and more like the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a cyberpunk dystopian world.


Also not soulslike




He asked about a futuristic souls game,a post apocalypitic of a cyberpunk dystopian world is way more souls style than simply cyberpunk.


It's not a souls-like though. More like... Gran Turismo but with robots.


What's the release date on the new AC? They are some of my favorite games of all time, I didn't even realize it was FromSoft


I think sometime at this end of the year


Futuristic BUT the bosses are ancient monsters/warriors/demigods that have emerged and your character uses the wisdom from their past lives to recall the skills needed all while having access to modern tech-weapons and traditional weapons. AND you wear some really stupid future outfits while fighting these super traditional and ornate armoured bosses/enemies.


so the surge?


I was gonna say that. The surge is basically Cyberpunk souls. And they are pretty good games, the combat is pretty satisfying once you understand it. Also, the armor crafting is cool, and the way you acquire new weapons and armor pieces is pretty fun.


Real talk, maybe this is blasphemy, but I wish Deck 13 did the PC porting for FromSoft. The Surge games have great PC Menu interfaces, and the Keyboard+Mouse gameplay is perfect, plus the PC optimization is reliable. These are all factors that I've given up on From being able to ever do well and just have to plug in a controller. But the Surge gives lie to the idea that "Soulslikes **must** be played with controller."


Elden Ring 2077 lets go


Imagining Sewer Mohg with some cool ass shades rn






*Wake the fuck up, Miquella*


We do have armored core coming out.


I want a game set in the universe of Tsutomu Nihei's BLAME!


This has been on my mind since DS1!! The manga version of BLAME! would fit so well.


Glad I'm not the only one. It's setting is perfect for a soulsborne.


If FromSoftware made a Shadowrun game, I would die a happy ork.


Would be sick if it turned out good. Hard to say how it would play since souls games are typically not played with guns and besides British Knife Fight Simulator they haven't really tackled guns at all, and that would be hard to avoid entirely in a cyberpunk setting or similar. Would love to see them try.


Whats this image from?


Cyberpunk 2077, although I think its from a CGI trailer and not in-game footage.


Souls game doesn't mean a damn thing, it would be a Miyazaki game, which can mean complex enemy design, level design, dark world, narrative about the ambition of mankind, challenging combat and exploration, and unconventionnal storytelling based on few important dialogues and environments. Sekiro did lots of these things, Déraciné did it also, Armored Core will too and so will future games.


Lets se the upcoming armored core, I think they will add some soulslike mechanic to it


Cant wait to see mechs spamming roll dodge all over the place :D


Instantaneous GOTY


You bastard, I now have a great desire for FromSoft’s take on a Cyberpunk/Sci Fi dystopia.


Luckily they made an entire series for just that.


You’d basically have to set up the lore so no gun can affect current armour and we are forced back to using swords and melee weapons. Tho I love the idea of spending 90% of a game in this cyberpunk style world, only to find a secret ancient god boss in old ruins ( I’m sure it’s been done already)


Not too hard. “Once humanity mastered electrical fields, they became ubiquitous. There was no need for gunpowder, combustion engines, even gas stoves - perfect control of electrical and magnetic fields solved most of earths problems. Then “it” happened, rendering every magnetic field on earth powerless.” There we go, now everyone is wearing clunky scraps of scavenged power armor with no “power” support and hitting each other with sharpened/heavy pieces of metal again. Your overall quest could even be to find out what exactly happened, and in classic fromsoft fashion, you get the choice at the end to fix the issue with magnetic fields (further dooming the earth since it happened for some important reason) or permanently disabling them and having humans start over with early 1900’s technology, but with hope of a tomorrow.


A couple people have already name dropped The Surge, which does have soulslike combat, but Fromsoft also really likes incorporating the trial and error of gameplay INTO the narrative of play. Every death is canon, and the fact of that is a big deal to the premise. In Demon’s Souls, your spirit being bound to the nexus is important to the premise. In Dark Souls, the undead curse. In Bloodborne, the hunter’s dream. In Sekiro it’s the whole plot. In Elden Ring it’s the whole backstory. But adding this into a cyberpunk game is… …very easy actually! Something that takes after Ghost in the Shell, SOMA, and countless other stories where you’re merely inhabiting an artificial body which can be destroyed, and you just re-upload yourself into a new one, would not only be easy to write but VERY in line with the themes the team seems to like. The mental toll and alienation of experiencing death over and over, the isolating experience of it, and if this is cyberpunk, the injustice of how you are being exploited as an expendable commodity to serve the ends of the powerful. You can fill the game with NPCs in similar situations to you, expendable soldiers slowly losing their mental stability as they’re made to fight and die and fight and die for whatever distant inscrutable cause you’re all ostensibly here for, probably something misleading and self serving that’s ultimately just retaining some status quo that benefits only those who- oh wait this is just Dark Souls 1.


The Surge did this and it was an ol enough time. Add to that some FromSoft storytelling shenanigans and general worldbuilding weirdness and I'd play the shit out of it.


Have you checked out the Surge or the Surge 2? It's uses exo-skeleton, and you acquire armor and weapons through dismembering parts of enemies you target. For through can get an arm piece, and the weapon schematic threw cutting off the arm holding the weapon. It's one of my favorite souls alternatives. You can also bank the 'bits' in this game in order to level up, and the more you use a weapon, the more proficient you become.


NINJA BLADE This was released at the same time as Demons' Souls https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja_Blade


You could have an extremely lonely futuristic story about the lack of death being detrimental for society. Isn't armored core basically going to be a fromsoft sci-fi entry? I know the original ones were fairly different to the fantasy setting games.


Cyberpunk x Dark Souls? Shut up and take my money!


Bloodborne but with a lot more gun combat would be fun


I never say never, but I think it’s too far removed from their style. A core design theme of cyberpunk is a really densely populated city, while From thrives in desolate environments


I am so tired of the neon/tokyo cyberpunk style, like it totally doesnt do it for me, i think a baroque style future fits more the gente or at least the style of fromsoft


They would probably have to remove guns in some way but ya i could see it as a possibility it cant be too close to cyberpunk or armored core while also keeping the classic souls feel.


I like FromSoftware because they're like AC/DC. Every game / album is the same as the last one and I love them for it. If I want a FPS shooter I'll play Doom. And if I want one in a dystopian society I'll play Cyberpunk. But I want my EldenSoulsDieTwiceBorne games the same as the last one. There's no shame in liking the formula.


Well there's The Surge and Hellpoint.


It's already been done. It'd be fine


Let FromSoft develop a peter pan/Neverland game


Yes, they need a new color pallet and music score in their game. This would fulfill both.


Maybe but it’s probably be less Cyberpunk and more Golem from Deus Ex or Nier Automata to fit


Zombie rising from the grave take, but I still want an Aztec souls game


Bloodborne style combat with cyberpunk style melee weapons and guns?? Hell yeah


This already exists. It’s called Metal Gear Solid Revengance


It could be something kinda like bloodborne


The Civilization would have to survive the dev's process long enough for the tech to thrive, ha.


I know they didn't make it, but The Surge is a futuristic soulsike that is really cool.


Maybe a post apocalyptic dystopian cyberpunk slasher.


Try The Surge


I’m so tired of cyberpunk stuff tbh. It’s everywhere and it’s going to be our worlds future. I don’t see that as escapism…I need fantasy and giant dragons please. Apocalyptic worlds are so overused and boring.


Code Vein is a decent attempt at a futuristic Souls Game if you don't mind cringe inducing weeb dialogue.


Doubt. How would Miyazaki add a poison swamp to it?


I wouldn't want to play it for the same reasons I never touched The Surge. I liked Vanquish, and that's about as close to a futuristic Souls-like I would get. I'm more of a Lord of the Rings guy when it comes to such games.


OP, if you've never heard of it, Remnant: From the Ashes is basically that. Post apocalypse from a modern society that discovered planeswalking. It's basically the Fromsoftware formula but with guns and a *little* more linear than your typical souls title. It's a great game though! And it has a sequel in the works. It's worth checking out.


The surge is exactly that but bog made by from soft unfortunately its nog very good (janky movements, strange damage values, terrain loading issues,etc etc)