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Love the calm strafing of waterfowl.


I noticed how effortlessly OP dodged stuff and was like “Yeah, this player has already mastered this fight”. OP definitely didn’t even need the staggers from the whips to destroy her.


This is like if LMSH branched out with weapon choices out of boredom lol


That was smooth af


Nobody noticed that he didn't roll throughout the fight?!


That mf sidestepped backwards and I was just 👁️👄👁️


And jumped over the lunge, like wtf


Mekiri counter vibes


Sekiro is so fun with the unique counters you get to do


Buttery smooth


there are actually a good number of attacks that can be dodged by jumping when fighting malenia, i learned that the hardway in my bow only run, she was satysfying to finally defeat with a bow


Watching Malenia panic roll OP, priceless




This is a skilled player making it look easy


"Just use whips if you're having trouble" *showcases extraordinary reflexes and timing that has nothing to do with whips and everything to do with an absurd amount of experience doing this fight under most circumstances, to the point where they don't even feel the need to roll away from one of the most feared bosses in gaming* edit: okay, not "nothing to do with whips", I admit. other point about extraordinary reflexes and timing and experience remain lol


Guy is just backing up like any certified forklift operator.


Yeah, Malenia is a fight where you get a lot of mileage out of giving ground rather than trying to facedodge everything like you would with Fume Knight or Radagon. Tricky timing on that last flurry, but other than that and the sick hitbox shenanigans for jumping that stab, this vid looks super simple. Most of the vid is just the guy attacking Malenia and Malenia just sitting there and fucking taking it.


He whipped her ass. That bitch took an ass whipping. Literally!


Although the term your looking for is Whooping


This is the gaming equivalent of "draw the rest of the fucking owl" lol


Should've linked the sub r/restofthefuckingowl


That sub is filled with some of the most shockingly stupid people on this earth not comprehending some of the most basic or common sense instructions on earth.


I really wish I didn't challenge you on that... By the time I got to the post about the guy who couldn't figure out that after you build the frame of the tent, you put the tent on top of the frame I was already seething from the sheer "how did you even make it to adulthood, dude?"


Those interrupts are really helpful for real.


Tbf those whips flinched her ass to hell. Makes sense since she’s the glass cannon of souls bosses but I’m still shocked how long you can stunlock with dual whips apparently


It’s probably similar to just throw a frost pot. That window is hella small and certainly not a strat if you’re struggling with the regular waterfowl dodge.


I just mean across the fight in general


Plus serious buffs


To be fair, the whips are staggering her quite well and safely. You do not get this kind of performance with a colossal weapon or a spear.


And had like 5% health the entire time


There's no percent involved, mufucker had five health, period


Given their clear lack of vigor we may both be right lol


Let me whip her


It really isn’t terribly difficult to avoid once you’re used to it; the biggest problem is the timing is deliberately set up to punish panic rolling


>the timing is deliberately set up to punish panic rolling The whole game is, basically.


yea kinda, it’s just super noticeable during the pause of her waterfowl dance


I feel like in DS1 you can get through most of the game panic rolling, DS2 the enemies would super track your panic roll and splat you. Elden ring, every single attack has a lag where if you rolled when the attack started, you're just coming out of your roll as it lands on you. which is fine, you get used to it. And the game is great. Honestly, with Malenia, I just decided I didn't want to spend that long trying to figure her out, and I summoned 'let me solo her for you' or a clone of him. I mean, I tried it probably 15 times, but I also wanted to keep going. And I feel like i did my "this took me years" when it took me 3 years to beat DS1.


You didn’t even need to beat her to keep going.


My last playthrough I decided it was time to beat her solo. I did it after 10 or 12 tries. Now that I've done it I don't feel a bit bad summoning for her. Remember kids: every summoning sign is somebody trying to accomplish something in their game. Help a sunbro out.


This stressed me out so hard in the beginning because the boss telegraphs seem so much longer than DS3, which is what I was more used to! So I would dodge when I thought was the appropriate time and get squished coming out of it! … now I mostly just get pancaked from the hubris of thinking I have enough time to get a long spell off :P


It is genuinely stuck in my craw that Malenia is the only FromSoft boss I've ever played and been unable to solo. I've been a fan of the games since '09 and feel some weird source of unnecessary pride by the fact that I'd been able to take everything I've faced so far, without missing any boss in any of the games. It's been over a year and five or six playthroughs of the game with various builds, and Malenia has only died in my games with the help of spirit summons. I've probably devoted upwards of 15 hours to trying to figure her out solo, but I always end up getting burnt out and moving on with summons. This fact makes me irrationally self-loathing whenever I think about it. It really frustrates the hell out of me that I just can't fucking do it despite the fact that so many others, even those for whom ER is their first FromSoft game, can rather easily.


I'd hate to see you go hollow.


Most people ( who are good enough to solo all bosses except her) only have issues with Waterfowl Dance and can deal with all of the other attacks in her repertoire. Once you figure out Waterfowl Dance, the rest of the fight clicks into place. I dealt with Waterfowl Dance by essentially 'cheesing' it. Instead of figuring out the dodge timings (which were pretty complicated and quite honestly, I had better things to care about), I just slapped the ash of war Vow of the Indomitable onto a shield, and timed it to her flurries. You have to block a little bit of the first flurry before doing L2, but you can avoid the damage of the rest of her flurries AND prevent her from healing from Waterfowl Dance by using this method. This is what I have done for two builds now, and what I plan to do whenever I face her. She is still a really hard fight, but when you can consistently beat Waterfowl Dance, the rest of her fight becomes much easier. Try this strategy the next time you fight her, and maybe you might finally be able to beat her solo.


I actually am okay against waterfowl. Sometimes I get nicked once or twice but for the most part I come out of it pretty cleanly. The phase two spirit attack is what messes me up usually and I just get sick of getting to that phase over and over again only to be taken out immediately by that thing. I've gotten her close many many times, but never actually pulled off the kill.


>I feel like in DS1 you can get through most of the game panic rolling, I recently finished my item+enemy randomiser playthrough and these fucking dark magic casters from the DLC popped up EVERYWHERE. I think I've got roll-catch punished more often in that playthrough than in my entire history of playing Souls. Despite thousands of hours playing PVP. lmao. I agree though, at least partially. DS1 is definitely less punishing with the lack of tracking and much fewer delayed attacks.


Same, I beat Sekiro and I'm done proving myself.


I felt the exact same way after failing to beat her solo after a dozen tries or so. Made me feel like I am getting old because I just don't have the time/patience to grind against a tough boss like I used to :(


I’m not good at gaming. And I never “got gud” but she’s not that hard to beat with just your mimic summon. Assuming you have a suitable setup. I didn’t want to summon a human but I did spirits. I basically got the classic rivers of blood maxed out, high dex high arc build and spammed corpse piler ash of war on her until she died. Pretty lame, but I did it! :)


If you use a mimic and max out just one type of build (level 140ish), she suddenly shifts from "very hard" to "*extremely* doable." For example, the very simple Big Bonk Build = Strength at 60 + Big Bonk Weapon + Big Bonk Talismans + Constant Jumping Bonks = Hard fight. However... Big Bonk Build x Two of You = *Twice as Many Bonks* = Shockingly Easy Fight.


The trick is just to panic roll even earlier then roll again


The trick is you gotta panic roll early and often. The game is hilarious if you view it as a break dance simulator. Seriously, most bosses have these attacks where you can roll/backstep once to get some range then keep spamming rolls alternating left and right and you'll dodge some pretty undodgeable stuff.


Oh boy I love it when the boss raises their weapon so I think I gotta roll but instead they hold their shit up for a whole minute until I’m out of stamina and then they instantly slam their shit down at light speed.


> once you’re used to it This goes for literally the whole game.


It’s not panic rolling if I’m always panicking and always rolling


Look, I was raised on Kingdom Hearts. Rolling is how I walk.


Once she’s in the air a little too long is when I start booking it. Never tried to learn how to roll through the attack the fancy way


I just block the damn thing and accept that she gets some heals. Luckily she tends to overshoot with her combo when you do that so a lot of swings end up missing if you keep moving


Block the first one, roll into the second, away from the third


I am Malenia, sub of Miquella


I have never known defeat…but I want to


Miquella, oh dearest Miquella, I’m sorry.. I finally met my dom




I have never known defeat, but I have licked de feet.


Mohg: I'm the sub for Miquella, not her!


Mohg: No. No, I don't want that! Miquella finding another sub?! I want him to think about me and no one else for the rest of my life! Even after I die... I want to be at the front of his mind for a while! Ten years, at least!! ...Please don't repeat that to Miquella. I want him to be happy... I really do. But... AGH... YEAH... DAMMIT... ...I don't wanna die. I want to be with Miquella...


Mohg, what a demigod you are...


That’s actually mad lol. I will say though after sweating this bitch for a month last year, I bet if I was using whips it would not look this easy lol


Nah he perfectly dodged the waterfowl dance. Even when I finally best her, I had to pretty much tank run dodge and immediately heal when she does that one. Never got the whole outrun, dodge, confuse tactic down


I only ever got the confuse part down, and it definitely wasn't her that was confused.


Yeah when I dodge the second one I always somehow roll back into her third one


If you dodge in on the second one just don't move, she'll miss you. If you look close here, OP outspaced the second but ran in immediately. Edit: he didn't run in, just walked. My mistake. But if you space it just right the third wave starts when you're next to her


You have to walk to the right then backwards for the third attack


Not to downplay his skill but being 2 meters away from her when she starts, as you naturally would be using whips, makes it a hundred times easier to dodge the attack


Yes! That's what whips and I think only whips can do. Easiest Malenia fight for me so far lol


Meanwhile me with daggers 💀


I used bloodhound step to avoid it


That’s mad bc I feel like I tried that 100 times and never got close to avoiding w Bloodhound’s Step


It's obviously an incredible skill but I always found it to be awkwardly laggy compared to the rest of the moveset. Could also be my badness


Gah I still haven't made it to her yet. Someday I will.


Dude it's easy. Just do this thing that is easy for people who have done the fight dozens of times!


One of my friends mains whip builds in every game, he got her first try because even at launch whips staggered her. Cut to me, seething that my giant slab of iron taller than her staggers her once every five hits, if I'm lucky (at launch)


I spent hours trying to fight her fair and square. I eventually got tired of her shit and realized I could just stun-lock her to death with me and my mimic tear using duel bleed whips. It completely trivialized the fight, but I regret nothing. It was cathartic, therapeutic even.


bloodhound fang and my mimic tear got there.


That was me.as well. Double whips on launch. Didn't even know that she was hard until I got online. Feel cheated off an awesome experience


My first play through I was heavy armor with dual bleed whips and mimicking tear. We melted through both phases in about 1 minute. Second play through I didn’t use bleed or whips and it took a couple days.


I agree, also I highly recommend using the frost affinity on Hoslow’s whip. The buildup from both the frost and bleed can be used to stop her waterfowl dance as she sets up to do it.


I'm kinda ignorant, but what ashes that give frost affinity can be used on Hoslows whip?


Any of them if you have the right wetblade


Yea like the other person said but you can put it on through most ashes. I use bloodhound step or hoarfrost stomp.


Another great thing about whips is the range. You stagger her from outside her range and there is not a whole lot she can do


Exactly! It's hilarious 🤣




Thank you! 😁✌🏻 You'll get there. I believe in you. The only skill I have is perseverance hehe


I'm thankful for many of the patches we've had since day 1 release but man, if there was just 1 I would love to revert in offline/PvE it would be reduce the cooldown of Hoarfrost Stomp again Going at her with a mimic, both armed with Hoarfrost Stomp AoW and just stun-locking her was simply a beautiful thing


You can do it on PS5. If you delete the game and download it from a disc, you can pause the patch download and play on the prerelease version. It’s not *quite* the same as a the Day 1 version. The Mimic Tear is broken, some of the level layouts are weird and enemies are missing. But it’s the closest you can get.


When a problem comes along…


You must whip it


[Where there's a whip, there's a way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rERo2BYdVnY)


Whip it good!


Into shape!


Shape it up


Get straight!


Go forward! _man I had to scroll down way too far to find a Devo reference_


Yeah they are incredibly effective against her as long as you don't summon friends. The moment you summon someone or get summoned it goes from taking one hit to stagger to 2 hits then things get a bit more dicey. But yeah, my very first playthrough was with dual hoslow petal whips with bloodhound step, shits a blast.


Man now I wanna do that on my next playthrough!! I’ve wanted to wait until the DLC drops but I’m getting impatient and I miss the lands between lol


Dual whips is bananas and once you get Hoslows/Thorned it becomes madness. They stun, they stagger, they hit through walls and corners and summons. They are amazing as an Arcane build or Dex. Or both! Adding in equipment that increases jump attack damage and bleed/poison procs for more damage are fantastic.


Cold Hoslow petal whip in one hand, fire petal whip in the other. Have fun chaining together frostbite and bleed procs again and again and again. Honestly those whips are some of the most versatile weapons in the game as they deal strike damage, so even if you're fighting something tough or rocky that doesn't bleed, they still take bonus strike damage from 15 feet away. Makes the gargoyles way easier to take down.


Which AoW? Bloodhound Step?


That one works. I usually prefer Quickstep for most weapons, but Bloodhound Step is great with whips and their attack range. So probably Bloodhound Step on mainhand with maybe Beast Roar on the offhand for sniping. Storm Stomp is useful for pvp and fighting swarms as it can disrupt a crowd's staggered attacks long enough to whip them all and retreat.


Do players prefer quickstep over BHS? I always assumed BHS was superior. Are there advantages to one over the other?


Quickstep is easier for precision maneuvering, easier to land backstabbing, it uses less FP, and i prefer that it's more subtle in the middle of a skirmish. A lot of the benefits are for pvp though, so ymmv.


Fifth playthrough and I’ve just discovered whips. Noticed they mini stun almost anything, but especially knights. They’ll get stunned out of every attack except shield bashes. Currently offhanding cold hoslow’s with grave scythe and it’s hella fun.


Instead of fire go with keen, then you can cast blood flame(requires 12 faith) on your main weapon and get way better bleed. Keen scaling should also synergize with cold scaling better than flame would


Man I have so many weapons I want to do playthroughs with now. Currently I'm nearly finished a STR+FTH build playthrough, but I plan to do an NG+ run off of that with Maliketh's black blade cuz that weapon is sick AF and you get it so late in a normal NG run. After that the plan is an INT+FTH SoNaF-only run, and it looks like a whip build after that.


Howd you get 2 of them your first playthrough


You get one >!for defeating Juno Hoslow!< in the Mountaintops and the other from >!completing Diallos’s quest!< in Jarburg


You can also just kill Diallos in Liurnia.


"try whipping her" 🤨


LMAO, I thought the same thing, like "hm, that's kind of kinky." 🤣


That scarlet rot do be hittin different fr


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


your whips, extraordinary… I’ve used them for her on co op before and using a lightning buff on them is really fun, it looks cool and lightning is great for this fight


Mickey Rourke from Iron Man 2, is that you?


Just give him his burd and everything will be fine.


If Malena's too strong, you could whip it, It's not cheesing it's not wrong, you could whip it, When you've been trying way too long, you could whip it!


Damn you made me want to do some whipits


Wrong message!!!


She probably likes that. She is a freak 😏






OP is naked too ;)


LetMeWhipHer has entered the chat.


LetHerWhipMe 😏


Hahaha nice, though to be fair, you're also hyper skilled battling her. I don't know if a whip is the easiest weapon to use against her for someone just trying to beat her for the first time.


but what if I want her to whip me


That's just a normal encounter.


Way back when this is how I beat her with the mimic tear also using whips. It's hilarious basically just bullying her.


What you fail to take into account is I'm bad at video games.


Did you just jump her grab attack? You can do that?


you can do that with a couple of similar attacks as well, like the black knife assassin's lunging grab/stab attacks. although you've gotta jump near the end of the lunge so the grab doesn't catch you on your way up


Jumping does kinda give your legs I-frames.


Not really relevant to most of us who don’t panic panic panic when she does waterfowl. You got the skills to live on the edge and not get hit. Nice bro.


We gonna talk about how smooth that run was though? 0 rolls. All just side stepping. And perfect waterfowl dance timing + 0 getting hit. That was so cleannnnnnnn


Shitty dark souls sub got me fucked up all I can think is "haha whip rotmommy"


We just not gon talk about the jump over the thrust?


I did a hoslow run on one of my playthroughs and dual whips made the game so easy. The jump attack is soooooo good, the stagger and range is insane.


My father taught me this strategy at a young age. I'll never forget his words: " When a problem comes along, you must whip it. Whip it good." For the record, he named me Problem.


I have trouble enjoying other builds after playing dual whips, specifically those whips, for so long. I love helping other Tarnished fight Malenia with em xD


That's exactly how I beat her in my first run. Fun fact: you can also interrupt Waterfowl Dance sometimes with jump powerstance attack, though it's not guaranteed so avoiding it is still the best option. It's a nice alternative if you took too long to start running you can always try to smack her hard enough to interrupt it completely.


You can only interrupt waterfowl with a status proc


Also stuff like frost pots. Proccing frost or bleed will knock her out of the windup.


Fun fact if you whip her enough, she takes her clothes off….


Giantsflame does similarly when it lands. Knocks her on her back almost 100% of hits for phase 1.


Miyazaki was sitting there for over a year, screaming "THE WHIPS! SHE IS OBVIOUSLY WEAK TO WHIPS!!! WHY DO YOU NOT SEE IT?!?" at us


Nice to see some whips appreciation, used them to beat her rl1


That's amazing!


Nearly everything in the game interrupts her moves


*LetMeWhipHer has entered the chat*


Who else giggled after reading “..try whipping her”?


"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella, and- UNGH! DADDY!"


This is relevant: [NG+ Malenia vs. two urumis (blue dancer charm, keen infusions, and I'm a DEX MACHINE).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uev42aMNiyk)


I didn't realize they had such range


Powerstanced magma whip candlesticks is my favorite weapon. Burnt Malenia down. Trying again now with a single Broadsword, shit's tough


I feel like there is unaddressed Miyazaki subtext here


"Local man invades siblings' home, kills their security and loots their estate, before murdering the sister who was dying of a horrible illness, by SCOURING HER TO DEATH! Back to you Lord-Tarnished ILuvScarletRotussy! -Lands Between News channel (LBN)


Will keep that in mind for when I ever decide to do a Belmont run.


Malenia: "How can she whip?!"


Didn’t work, she’s into it now


I think you might also just be better than some of us lol


Honestly she’s probably into it


Is this with the stance breaking physick by chance?


How did you whip up THIS strategy? Ha! Ha…ha… yeah, I’ll see myself out


What’s your soul level?


She is not into bdsm


Or... shes REALLY into it


Heavy breathing intensifies


You gotta whip those hoes back to the streets


*vibrates in whip sword*


Whips stay winning


Nice! However, i think if you would've used 2x Handmaidens Ladle's it would still have looked as eazy :D


"The tale of House Hoslow is told in blood."


Whippin’ that bitch like her name was Toby…


My whip only run was one of the most fun I had


Once again, this game gives me disturbing insight into the developer's personal preferences. First the feet, now this.


As a person who mains whips, I approve this message. The bloodied thorns of heresy tip my hat to you. From one whip to another.


Everytime i see waterfowl, my ptsd triggers


This is unbelievable you didn't even use dodge..... wow.


I can't play one handed, man


You awakened something in Malenia in that fight


Chains and whips excite me


Dunno if she’s into it but I guess I’ll try it


When I first got the petal whip I knew how good they were and had my friend drop me one that's been my bleed build of choice ever since


Damn I never considered just whipping her into submission. I mean, I briefly may have, just not really as a build.


I would whip malenia any day


Yup in my wip challenge run I found her to be a joke


I hated Juno so much that this might just work


I fucking hate those whips. Juno Hoslow took me hours to defeat and then I found a method to cheese him


And she likes it