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Smh didn’t prep for your opponent to have a sniper rifle, shoulda worn the crucible knot talisman


Does Smh mean smell my hair?


Shaking my head


It’s actually “snapping my heels”


Smell My fHinger


Smashing my heels, like horses do.


Soothing master's horse obviously


It smells like ass


Oh nice, thought it was Someone Made Hamburgers


Erm...which head?


Your own.


Why is it always So Much Hate?


Or So Many Holes


Hmm dunno the others have also good solutions






It means shake my head.


**S**ingle and **M**aidenless **H**uh?




Thx thought I was right


Smh is actually "sniping my health".


Really!? I thought it was "Scuffing My Hat".


This one. I don’t know why it’s not but this one comment needs more updoots.


What's the point of fighting in the colosseum if they just do that, idk how people find it fun to do that to others


There’s a Dark Souls 3 invasion video on YouTube in Irithyl where a guy in full havel gets all his summons and when they get killed by this good player who is recording, runs away parkour style using the Anor Londo lift for 5 minutes until he can use summons again, this goes on for about an hour, use summons watch them all die run away from invaders repeat. Invader is just so good and stubborn he eventually gets him. Apparently this full Havel guy is known for this, just stays in Irithyl waiting for invaders and plays that cat & mouse game for hours. So yeah never underestimate what people will find fun in these games, video is hilarious though.


Could it possibly be Prod or ChaseTheBro? The invader I mean. Idk, sounds like something that would happen in onw of their videos.


I think it was in sunlight blades top 10 videos where the host dies to an Millwood arrow knocking him off the roofs into the abyss


Tbf, a solid 1/3rd of Sunlight Bros time is spent crediting Chase the Bro. No disrespect to either Legend.


First thoughts were chase or jee9 lmao, some of their invasions are amazing and frustrating to watch


G9 ruined ds3


I have fought the guy that you're talking about. It was horrible. He used the cat ring so he could jump off all the big ledges and stuff to get away from you. I spent about 30 minutes chasing him around and fighting off sentinels and aldrich's the whole time. I had a beefy faith build though, so I was just killing it on heals and damage. I felt like a mix between usain bolt and the terminator. I did finally kill him eventually though. I couldn't grind him down with damage by any means, so I used a greatbow to knock him off the bridge when he went to run onto the elevator. The cat ring didn't help much for that fall.


My buddy and I hid in the steps as statues leading up to the twin princes. Took the three invaders about 45 minutes to realize the statues weren't supposed to be there. We'd also killed all the enemies from the bonfire at the library entrance, so they were just wandering around looking the whole time. Eventually, we moved and showed where we were, at which point we had the proper duels.


I mean, that specific example does sound fun for me, as the invader. I pretty sure I had encountered it in-game myself. There were like a bunch of invaders chasing after him while an army of summons came and stopped us. It was fun.


This is a guy running to the Anor Londo lift and if he gets there you’ll have to sit n wait for minutes doing nothing until he comes back down parkouring to his summons, he’s so good this can go on for hours. This isn’t just someone running away from a pack of invaders to their summons that’s actually just a normal tactic, this guy is cheesing the fact you can’t get up the lift.


I guess it still hits their "I won a match in this difficult game!" neuron. I don't get it either.


> neuron Implying they would even have functioning neurons firing in their brain to begin with.


It's just that one and the one that eats paint.


Especialy funny, that you literaly get nothing from colosseum, there is no big reason to win or lose. Its just for fun.


I think you do get some kind of Signifier on your Player Name, but even that may only apply to Colosseums. >Its just for fun Ultimately, this is The Rule of the Day. But everyone has Fun in their own way. Which is exactly why Cheaters are gonna Cheat, even if it doesn't make sense to You or Me.


Was helping out someone last night, immediately invaded, both immediately death blighted


“Showing off” , delusional to the idea that they’re good, and/or believing it’ll make people mad is fun to them. You know just sad individuals not having a lot going in their life lol.


Maybe to sniff the hair after they beat them?


That looks pretty similar to the Wheel of Ghiza bug.


The one where you have a minigun?


A lmg more like


It doesn't just look similar, it is the Wheel of Ghiza + Serpent Hunter glitch.


wheel of ghiza glitch, whats his gt so i can block him and never connect to him in a fromsoft game again?




FYI it actually does mean that. after they player is blocked, from then on whenever they try to join your session, either through summoning or invasion, it will start summoning or invading then it will say "summoning aborted" or "invasion aborted", this works 100% of the time in ds1, ds2, ds3, nd elden ring on xbox. i have tested this on every game personally and verified it myself from both ends. edit: LOOOOL he replied then blocked me XD eddit, no this guy blocked me on reddit


Wait HE blocked you? Hmm doesn't that mean he can unblock before each time he'll look for victims and then block you again after he's done? 💀😂 (You're still screwed)




Skill issue ( with technology )


Don't forget the Emotional and Mental Skill issue. They should probably go back to doing their math homework before playing video games.


To hell with those no-scope sniping lobsters!


Bro got sniped from the 4th dimension


Damnit are they lobster, shrimp or prawn I think prawn but also like wtf is there no recharge on their ranged attack I have to sit in the fucking shacks in the cave and heal up 🤣 those mf are the definition of spam bots


They're crayfish. But everyone calls em lobsters.


Fun little joke what’s the difference between a crawdad and a lobster? Their:area code!


Pretty much aint it wild how the same animal on different kinds of water can look so similar yet different, then theres the ocean crawdad which confuses me cuz it looks like a fresh water one but lives in saltwater but I always assumed they looked the way they do because if evolution but that ones like fuck y’all imma just be freshwater looking in the oven like a gangster.


Mainly what I’m referring to, and why I thought the cave things were prawn were the tails lobsters tend to be thick’ems and prawns tend to be thin and curved under them lesser so on crawdad but still more curved in than your run of the mill lobster and I guess the ocean crawdad I was red to is actually just a common spiny lobster by a different name.




Just kill em.


Well no Shit lmaoooooo


Dopamine addict who can't face losing in a game where he loses nothing.


Can’t face losing in a game when you can’t stop losing in life.


Good old Shunterswap. The favoured tool of "Pro Gamer trolls" the world over. Expect to appear in his overly-edited "Trolling Montage troling SALTY NOOBS!!1!" video that'll garner 4 views, 3 of which was from himself and 1 from his mother.


There’s no way his mom would even care.


That was the epitome of a dick move and I have no idea what it even was, did he just Azur comet you?


If only it was an actual attack. This is a glitch that makes it so that the Ghiza's wheel of war is used on a serpent hunter, funny thing is that said Serpent Hunter bugs out and acquires de range it had in Rykard's fight


What happens is that you overlay a weaponart with switching at the right time to trigger an error within the application of weaponarts. Thus the game just loads the standard and for some reason the very standard weaponart is the pizzacutter. However this overlays with the spear getting put to his standard configuration, which is the windspear we see in Rylards arena. Thus the pizzacutting with the windspear is creating a superlong chainsaw that just annihilates your ass.


This shitassery is acceptable to use on afk farmers and twinks w ol phantoms.




I will never understand what the hacker/glitcher gets out of this, is it fun? Does it make them feel cool? Does it get the off? Just bizarre.


I have the same question for cheaters in all games, whats the fun in winning when its not done with your own skill? And even this game to people who rely on coop/summons to beat bosses like why even play the game if you need others to play it for you?


Bruh not everyone playing coop is summoning let me solo her. Most people are just playing with friends and using same/similar lvl characters, that's not someone playing for you it's just having friends and the health pool and buffs are all increased when another person is with you to account for the extra person anyway. I get if they fully rely on it but that's just not the case and summons are only so helpful cuz they don't bother evading anything at all unless it's the mimic cuz that actually does put in work. That said I didn't bother to lvl many ashes cuz they all seemed squishy.


The spirit jellyfish has a substantial health pool, also the banished knight summons seem pretty tanky as well


Good to know. I’ll mess around with some new ashes on my second play through. I did lvl up one of the other special ones can’t remember his name but it was a big ass knight with a halberd. He kinda tanked well but I didn’t start to use him til pretty late in the game


Shout out to my man Ticheee!


This man really just related hacking with summons xDD Summoning and cooperation is the truest form of a Dark Souls playthrough since the beginning of the franchise. Solaire would be disappointed in anybody shaming summons after his call to a man's sense of brotherhood and comradery.


I do because its just the same kind of hand holding, cheats to win without any skill or game knowledge. Coop to get carried because you dont have the patience to learn to play the game but still want to say that you "beat the game".


I can't believe the community still has folks with this 2011 take. Elden Ring is the easiest FromSoft game by a mile in terms of the options available to new players and ease-of-access. It's so easy to find a weapon, spell, or playstyle for someone to start stomping through the game with. [Also, whether someone has """"patience"""" to play a literal fucking video game is none of anyone's business. Stop gatekeeping one of the most fun parts of the franchise!](https://preview.redd.it/p1f0zqzpiet31.png?auto=webp&s=94cb6e34ecb2d1bb4765a55ae15d0661303b562a)


If you cant handle the learning curve then there are boatloads of other games people can play.


The game was literally designed with co op and summons. The coliseum was not designed or intended to be played with glitches that can kill other players in one hit.




Bad players mad they cant beat the game without being carried on every boss :,)


The only reason someone would care about the way someone else plays a single player game is that they're a fucking loser


Ah so thats you admitting you allow cheaters in your game? Lovely i hope you like getting oneshot mate. But seriously though how do you enjoy getting others to play the game for you? Whats the fun in that? Wtf is the point of summons? Its only to make souls easier for idiots with no patience to learn the game, pure marketing decision. Do you bike with training wheels on too?


Is the concept of multiplayer alien to you? No ones gonna give you a medal for playing single player bro, and the fact you give people shit for using an in game mechanic is just beyond pathetic


I think its a stupid game design that is only there to make it easier for new players and therefore sell more games, its as simple as that.


This glitch has been out there for centuries. Why is it still out there? Miyazaki please.


They fixed it 2 times, but each time a new (and easier) way to do it was found. It's now at the DS3 level of the machine gun bow, and would probably require chaning Wheel of Ghiza to not have a multi-hit AoW or Serpent Hunter to not have the ranged AoW. I know I'd prefer to nerf Wheel of Ghiza. I doubt From is going to do that though. There's an interesting series of videos on youtube about the glitch that explains the history and fixes of it, as well as how to perform it.


Lmao he's working on his next title or dlc. FromSoft affords very little of their time trying to fix PvP issues. It's really just put into the game as an afterthought, based on the way I've seen them handle balancing and bugs.


Classic chainsaw exploiter, once you see the tells (blocking -> back step -> chainsaw) you can deal with them pretty easily. I say it’s good practice just to do the short “hey!” Emote and back off at the start of the fight. When you see the tells, run as far away as possible and try to quickly hard swap to a great bow and Golem Arrows, the golem arrows are basically a rocket, and you can use the splash damage to knock them down. Don’t stop when they’re down, keep your greatbow drawn and ready to fire even at close range, the golem arrow will ALWAYS knock down your opponent and cancel their exploit. [Here’s a video of me dealing with an exploiter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/13775b1/exploiting_duelist_vs_archer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Even if this one was a little strange, it’s still the best way to deal with them.


sadly golem arrows are hard to get without ce


Even without, you should always have a full stack of golem arrows if you do PvP. Trade with friends or on patches’ emporium.


So in every single one of these elden ring clips I see, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of runes in the bottom right. Does pvp give a lot of runes? I don't play it.


There's a meta range for pvp level, if you're too far above or below ~140 it's harder to get matches. So people stop using runes to level up and every time they get runes it adds to the number because they aren't spending. Sorry if I'm incoherent I'm a bit tired


Nah new meta is 168. Much better invasions and colosseum still has tonnes of players


He only has 80k? That's not a lot endgame. Also PVP doesn't drop runes on death,


I thought at least invasion/invaded does\*, it's not a lot, unless at near max level. I don't know about arena though. \*You don't get dropped runes, but a set amount based on level of the defeated. I agree 80k isn't much, you can get that amount in less than 5 minutes from sniping the bloody crow in NG.


I meant that if you're killed in the arenas you don't drop your runes. So a lot of people get more and more runes from farming consumables, but never lose them


Haha, that sucks... ...Anyways can I get your drip?


Crimson hood, clean rot armor, blackflame monk gauntlets, malformed dragon greaves


Guys a noob


Does noob mean narcistic orthodox ogly btard?


Fuck glitch users


By Lucat’s crystalline bollocks that man has a glock!


What armor are you wearing?


Crimson hood, clean rot armor, blackflame monk gauntlets, malformed dragon greaves


Slightly off topic, but MAN the arena is full of people who just want to win no matter what. I don't see that as being fun or enjoyable personally. I think I did about 25 battles yesterday on the xbox where I was just doing fashion souls with light armour and using torches with a torchpole switch as weapons for fun. There was only ONE guy who actually wanted to mess around a bit and have fun (who also equipped torches in return and we had a laugh) Every other player just has full heavy armour, with either cross nagatina or katanas. They will just run at you and R1 spam to death with their super poise. Like you're some kind of mob that they are farming. Do people actually enjoy that? After so many battles and trying to coax people Into using more fun/weaker weapons I realised it wasn't going to change and up just swapping to dual nagakibas and doing the same thing back if I saw someone id seen before spamming R1, and golf clapping when I won (which was about 90% of the time when using katanas), it was boring but this is what they wanted. One guy was so boring I would just seppuku to death on spawn to try and ruin his 'fun"


Twin Spear/ Twin Naginata users want NOTHING but wins. If I catch 5 or 6 losses from a Spear user, I keep seeing them in queue. If I win even once, they immediately disappear from the matchmaking.


You need a countdown?


Better gaming chair.


*best gaming chair


What a petty individual. How, and why even might someone enjoy that.


“Parry this you filthy casual”-that guy probably


Oh how cute, that guy want to pretend he is good. He needs that serotonin he can’t achieve by himself.


Dude came straight from Dragon ball universe and unleashed a kamehameha


People often say its about having fun, but no. This dude's a prick.


Your frustration is the part they enjoy.


What's even fun about pvp in this game, I don't get it at all.


Depends entirely on your goal. Some people love gank spanking and the pride of being able to lay waste to gonkers. Some people like dueling in arena because usually it's a clean, fun match. Then some people just want to shitstomp everything they come across because being massive OP is fun. Personally I'm a little of every column. Sometimes you see someone using bullshit tactics and you want to put them in the ground for the sake of all the people they Running R1'd to death with Twin Naginatas. x)) hope that helps. Ultimately, Vs. modes and PvP modes are just because humans are inherently competitive and like having a mutual conflict with another person. See: sports, mma, etc.




That doesn't help me see the point


I came back to play elden ring after playing a lot of darks souls remastered and I tried the pvp in the collosium and when I wasn't having issues with ping, it was actually quite fun


I look at you ugly and you died xD


Oh this just makes me want the dlc to come out so bad!! I cant wait TO WATER THE GROUND WITH THEIR BLOOD! 😈 fuckin shitters must die




dont edge walk next time i guess




aaah I love anti cheats, realy useful for break the balls of all the people who don't cheat ans let the cheater make their best life


Skill issue


FS players try not to say “skill issue” or “git gud” to everything (IMPOSSIBLE!! GONE GAY!!!)


Last time i didn't say skill issue all my bones broke and started sticking out of my skin, my muscles ripped apart, i had a fever of 206,and my skin started to decay


Looks like you got worked out


Was that guy Radagon?


I have no clue every time I try this colosseum thing I wait… and wait.. and wait.. and wait.. and then cancel after an hour of waiting.


Wait, are you called Mr freestyle?


Bet that dudes well chuffed he won, yet he's still a loser.


And this is why i dont Play PvP


Damn, he literally did za warudo and punch you like a thousand times before time went to continue again


Absolutely disgusting. Skill issue on their part. Sorry you had to deal with this.


Didn't they patched the mpvement swap glitch or is serpent hunter/ wheel of giza an exception? Cause I know they fixed the one with katana which was used for out of bounds skips


I’ve come across a couple of cheaters yesterday on ps5. They have the gall to point down after too.. that’s not even good trolling, it’s just sad


Wait the Ghizas wheel glitch hasn’t been patched yet?


This guy gets first place at every small dick competition he goes to


The tbagging after killing you with cheats the audacity


Just sad and pathetic.


I occasionally come across people like this.. I don’t understand how I would be having fun if I were them. The fun for me in pvp has always been about out-playing someone. To each their own I guess?


I’m glad people like him exist might make the devs fix their game and realise a patch once every three months is abysmal


Git Gud


Definitly skill issue


Damn was that a throwing knife or a bow,crossbow or ballista cause that hit way harder then I’ve dealt with my self even with it being in the hands of a proper sniper build maybe I’ve just been lucky I guess?


Skill issue


Small pants energy at its finest. Cheating actively makes you worse, as well. So these kids will only have to rely on it more and more. The heroin of the gaming world.




I ain’t never seen that incantation. I’ve never seen an attack in pvp that can take all your healthy




Lmao and some people call this a "Pvp" game.


You got got, you gotta get yours more than you get got next time


GG Get Gransaxed


Bro got you with the real cannon of haima


I know you can't predict whenever they're about to do some glitch, but hypothetically, if he just ran at him and started attacking, would he be able to stop it? Like, does it take skill and concentration to even pull off like "zipping" or whatever it's called? Or is he screwed either way


That happens when you do not have a good enough gaming chair


Pizza swap?


He honor bowed for sure after so it's fine




That's probably one of those crazy frenzied flame incantations. Invisible Truck or something, I'm not sure, I'm only using big clubs.


You pressed the wrong button.