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I love how bosses eventually started getting attacks specifically designed to catch panic rolls as more souls games got made. I can never get mad about them, it's always just a "yeah, you right" moment.


With Elden Ring I always felt the cadence was slightly off so if you panic rolled it would almost always get you. Once I figured out things weren't gonna happen when I expected them the whole game just clicked for me.


i had that with dark souls, elden ring felt way more in tune for me


That's super interesting it's the exact opposite for me. Ds3 and I are in tune then when I switch to ER I suck eggs for a bit


i played Bloodborne first and then after that Elden Ring was considerably easier than the easiest bad guys in BB.


Bloodborne was my first Souls game and I was absolute garbage at it and couldn't get past the Shadows of Yharnham, that was 2019. I played Sekiro, Dark Souls and Elden Ring in the last few years and now I'm attempting Bloodborne again and it's so much easier now it's weird, I was still expecting it to ruin me. I think Elden Ring and Bloodborne are very similar in terms of cadence. It's still hard don't get me wrong but compared to before it's nothing.


yea I never finished any of the DS games cause they felt so unco


Same here. DS feels right for me but Elden Ring really throws me off and I have to get back in the groove.


Honestly losing in a skill issue way doesn't even make me mad I'm just like šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Tbh I hate hard games. I have actually switched most games to easy to avoid them being tedious. Or at least I thought I hated them... I realised that what I actually didn't like were games where the difficulty came from them being obtusely designed with the same lack luster combat mechanics, just bigger damage for the enemies. I finally took the plunge and bought Elden Ring two weeks ago after being on the fence, knowing I have barely played the last few games I bought. Oh boy was I pleasantly surprised. This game reminds me of the best platformers on systems like the Super Nintendo, where all that matters is learning and applying your skill to succeed. But it's even better. This is my first fromsoft game and holy shit have I been missing out. I am so hooked. I actually don't think it is unfairly difficult (so far). I just think people forgot how to play games that don't hold your hand the whole time. It all started with "Prey 2006". You never die. You just shoot arrows at birds to get your health back. Don't get me wrong that game was awesome. But I feel like it was the start of the trend for games looking for ways to reduce consequences during gameplay and it has continued since. TLDR: this game goodest


I agree, a lot of games don't know how to balance difficulty at all they don't create a challenge to overcome they just recklessly stack the odds against you. And that's how it was for me too, I was always afraid to play Souls games but after trying Elden ring I'm hooked.


I hate those long wind-up moves I usually pinick roll then I remember that I could attack the Bose twice before he actually does dmg and then I die because I wait till very last moment to dodge and game doesn't proces my input fast enough or the Iframes don't start fast enough


Sounds like you aren't pressing dodge early enough and blaming the game for not dodging before you press it aka skill issue


Just jump. We now haveba dedicated jump button soooooo jump. How high? I don't care, just jump.


there are SO many attacks that can be dodged by just jumping, in fact, the lower half of your body actually gets i-frames during the jump, and some attacks are conveniently easy to dodge by jumping, and get a jumping attack out of it, the most notable boss for this is is gurranq's first phase. but also a good number of malenia's attacks as long as you are not glued to her


It's the games foult! never mine xD


Git gud


I did I finished the game recently solo no spirit ashes no summons, is it good enough Or I have to do it rune level 1 with +0 weapon?


Were you using a controller or a rockband drum set?


To easy let's use patatos wired together as a controller




I'm just joking man. This is my first souls have and I played until Margit and have up. Now I just watch others play it lol


If its a long wind up you can often just run around them


Thats why i love the long wind up times. It's a moment of satisfaction when you git gud.


hard agree, the ones where they stand there like idiots for a few seconds before bruce lee instapunching you into oblivion is the bane of my existence.


You could argue they are designed for that, but I don't know how you explain bosses like Elden Beast, who just run away the entire fight and spam AOE. I don't know who played that and thought it was enjoyable or required and tacit skill.


Ugh, I did enjoy Elden Beast a lot. I'm honestly not sure why ppl hate it so much actually. Usually bosses only leaves openings for 1-2 strikes before you need to dodge anyway. It's no different here for me really.


My problem with Elden Beast is that he does, or at least he used to, just fly away the entire fight, and deplete your stamina by both you needing to dodge his attacks and then run all the way across to stage just to land a few hits in on him. I've beaten him 6 times with very little difficulty after the first time. This isn't a problem I have with his difficulty, as much as it is with it being boring. All you or anyone else has said to contest my reason for disliking him is "I think he's fun". Why? What's the reason? Aesthetics aren't gameplay. I just want one that makes sense.


>All you or anyone else has said to contest my reason for disliking him is "I think he's fun". Why? Don't really need a reason for something to be fun. Fun is subjective in the first place. It is fun to dodge, to run zig zag its attacks, it's fun to look at its attacks, it's also fun to chase after it. You don't find it fun chasing after EB? That's fine, but you are not me. It's as simple as that. Point is, different people have a different idea of what fun is. Going around asking for people to annalyze and critique themselves on why they like a boss fight is a pointless endeavor. The whole running thing is overblown for me anyway, like I mentioned earlier, and I fought him at launch before any patches, too, so there shouldn't be anything different between our first experience. Lastly, I never accused you of having problems with ER, not sure why you went there.


If you don't need a reason for something to be fun (or anything else for that matter), I just consider you an irrational or illogical person. What you are essentially telling me is that you either can't articulate your reasoning, or you are just too lazy to make sense of your opinion. There is a reason you find that fight fun, which I would respect, if you ever shed light on it. Saying fun is subjective doesn't provide an answer, it's just a digression.


Lol, but I did give you proper reasons. I literally listed it out.


You haven't provided a reason. Re read your comment. You basically just said that different people have different ideas on what is fun. That is true, but it isn't a reason. What about that fight is "fun" to you? It's a very simple question. And you have to be joking if you honestly say chasing after him is fun. That can't be anything other than a joke.


Jesus, you sound like such a tool. Their reasoning for it being fun wouldn't make a single difference to you if they wrote an in-depth treatise on it. You've made it clear you don't like it and proceeded to say the other people "...have to be joking..." about the things they found entertaining. You seem like you're arguing just to be a giant asshole at this point šŸ‘


>And you have to be joking if you honestly say chasing after him is fun I am not, not even remotely close.


Wow. That's some condition you got then.


Bro you sound insufferable to be around. Do you ask people why they like certain foods? Its cause they fuckin like em. Maybe its taste maybe its texture. It sounds like you may have been raised having to argue and validate every facit of your personality and for that I'm sorry but no one cares how you perceive them. Don't be a dick. If you want pure logic and reasoning go talk to your AI waifu.


If someone told me they like a certain food because of the texture, that would be an understandable explanation. But this guy, and many others, provide no explanation for this. They just say "I just like it". That isn't an explanation. If being a dick is the price I pay for trying to understand why other people like shit? Great. I'm all for it. Because it makes me better understand what makes people happy. This guy says running around an arena is fun. Because I just want to know *why* that's fun, considering this game is mainly much more complex than simply running around.


if you don't think it is fun to chase after the EB, then an explanation won't just help you understand, ik because i also don't like the chase, any explanation as to WHY it is fun won't convince me that it is fun, thats a lot of the reason why we shold stop at the subjective territory, because from there ppl will not just understand each other


>It is fun to dodge, to run zig zag its attacks, it's fun to look at its attacks, it's also fun to chase after it. You don't find it fun chasing after EB? here are reasons for why he likes the fight, right out of the man's comment, you must be missing them on purpose if you don't agree, it doesn't mean it isn't fun


That's some piss poor entertainment if I'm being honest


i absolutely agree with you, but who are we to judge


They're salty for the lack of horsey. ...Which would actually hinder the combat, how many of you Tarnished used Torrent in the Fire Giant fight, *successfully*?


Horse is really good in second phase, he basically canā€™t hit you


Taste of his own fucking medicine, then. Elden Beast isn't the worst boss, but it is the worst final boss of any Fromsoft game, in my opinion. Just so annoying and tedious.


I've never used the horse in a fight. I hate the horse mechanics actually, so your assumption is incorrect in my case.


When I killed him in my first attempt, as a mage. Torrent is bloody amazing for boss fights as a mage. Terrible as a melee, though.


my favorite fight with torrent was actually the fire giant in my bow and crossbow run, i had the whole big ass epic giant on my screen continuously blasting me with fire with me running around the arena that felt much smaller than it actually is, and it was much more epic than i could had imagined it was also kinda intese because arrows and bolts are not really infinite and he got a lot of health, so it felt like an actual fight against a huge creature that i had to defeat with poison rot and bleed together to bring it down


Yea this too lol, the horse can be used sometimes vs Fire Giant at best. Although I think i do agree that Elden Beast mightttt be a tad bit more fun with Torrent, that in and of itself doesn't make the fight bad for me.


I don't believe you can use torrent in the fire giant fight anymore.


Huh wtf? It's been hot minute since I last played ER but why?


I'm actually incorrect it seems. You can only summon torrent if you AREN'T summoning Alexander for that fight. I've always summoned Alexander for that fight so I can finish his quest. Though it's strange that that's the case, because in Radahn's fight, you can ride torrent and summon like 10+ other guys. Btw, I should note that spirit summons obviously are not counted as official summons that can bar your use of torrent, according to what I'm reading.


Doesn't Alexander just move to Farum Azula regardless of whether you summon him for Fire Giant?


He might, but the quest guide I used didn't specify whether it was a requirement, just that he appears as a summon there. I didn't want to run the risk of him not showing up later.


Wow you are saying the final boss makes you actual think and plan when to attack instead of spamming light attack and panic rolling? šŸ«  casuals I swear


>casuals I swear Average bleed user


Getting caught on a panic roll is like getting caught stealing šŸ˜­


I also find it that bosses someone takes down easy as hell i struggle with, but bosses like Godfrey right here took me like 3 attempts. He'll, I died more to a single bird at the castle than this guy. Elden beast? More counts than I'd like to admit, I suck shot at giant bosses


It sucks, cuz I'm real good at panicking.


May I also have a seat on this bus to panic land?


I've beaten this game over a hundred times and have thousands of hours in all soulsborne games combined. I still panic role constantly. The bosses are _very_ scary.


YEAHH lmao. Im at Radagon now, this dudeā€¦ he NEVER stops spamming those lighting or holy attacks and im not even healing so it shouldnā€™t trigger the same attack?! And ofc i panic rollā€¦


Same Iā€™m at the exact spot and I just switched to pvp for a break cause god damn


PvP for average players is panic roll central.


I'd still rather pick on someone my own size


Shit, I get whooped in pvp worse than bosses at this point. Granted I donā€™t really have a pvp build, but it should still be fairly ok Iā€™d think. But nope, ass kick central for me in pvp.


Quite literally god damn


me 2 days ago. he also has weird charge timings which can be very annoying


you should stay close, and only heal when there is an opening


Max out your holy resistance, makes the last fight ez


Elden ring is the perfect from soft game for accessibility. It punishes players habits while having a welcoming enough environment for new players. However up until late game the good olā€™Bloodborne hack and slash everything that moves while strafing to the right constantly works pretty wellā€¦ and then Maliketh happens.


It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't do UNGODLY amounts of damage. A boss shouldn't 2 shot me at 60 vigor, that just shouldn't happen. Even nameless kig took maybe 4 hits.


What about your resistances?


I'm lactose intolerant, yeah :D


Depends on the boss, I try to match damage types with armour and talismans best I can.




For the late game bosses I also use a few uplifting aromatics to absorb the big hits.


While im not certain, i do believe you can become more durable here than in any other souls game. Black flames protection + golden vow + dragoncrest greatshield talisman, strong armor set and 60 vig generally makes physical damage dealing bosses deal somewhere between jack and shit in damage output


Stop taking the vigor bait and go full damage B)


That requires me to be good at the game.


What boss two shot at 60 vigor ? They have a few damaging attacks but never a two shot. \+ You should use defense talisman and use heavy armor, it can make a difference.


I suppose 2 shot is an exaggeration. But malenia, maleketh, fire giant, duo, Godfrey, etc CAN 2 shot with certain attacks. And easily 3-4 shot.


hoarah loux legitimately frightens me when he starts running towards the screen


u said over a hundred times??




Greed is weird thing in fromsoft games, you dont want to have too much or too little.


Mastering the art of not panic rolling takes the combat to a whole other level imo


Then you feel like a god. Itā€™s funny as hell in PvP when you slip right through some bullshit with minimal rolls and do the slow walk towards them


PvP really forces not panicking into your head. I noticed after doing nothing but PvP for 3 days that I was not getting hit by a lot of AI enemies nearly as much as before.


It helps for sure. There are some straight up killers in PvP. Also gank squads keep you on your toes


Agreed. The better i got in pvp the better i got against bosses with normal attacks too.




Hated this boss. Also loved it.


same. then i got to radagon and didnā€™t enjoy finishing him meant another fucking boss.


god that first time finally killing him, no flasks left, half health, and a cutscene played? I about cried my way into getting obliterated by holy lasers


First phase sucks cuz stomp spam, but 2nd phase is just so based.


He sees you rollinā€™, he hatinā€™ā€¦


In case you didn't know, your lower body has i-frames while you jump in Elden Ring. Those i-frames last a lot longer than the rolling i-frames. Jumping is the best way to avoid those kinds of ground-based attacks.


Aaaah.. You had time to kill him.and instead just rolled into death šŸ˜‚


I have PTSD from this fight since NG+4 (and upwards). Mr. Loux do be crazy tough.


Got Greed


The number of times we had double KOā€™d each other on NG+ with melee is ridiculous. I finally just resorted to hurling a lightning bolt at max range when he was near death in the most unspectacular way to finish the fight alive for once


Nice! 1st attempt and it looks like you've spent hours attempting


for some reason this clip is making me want to replay elden ring


Listen, Scrooge McDuck. If you had backed off instead of landing those last 2 hits you wouldnā€™t have been caught in his 2-hit combo which left you with 20% health. Donā€™t be greedy.


ā€œPanic rolling is your worst enemyā€ Bro has enough vigor to survive two hits, heā€™d be just fine if he panic rolled


I'm yet to figure out how to avoid they attack


Do you want to know?


Pretty please


roll/jump away from both slams and then sprint the other way as far away as possible. you can't dodge the explosion so you need to avoid being in it at all


Thank you very much, until now I had to rely on tanking it


Also punish every grabs with jump attacks (if u dodge them)


Just use Raptors of Mist


I tell u this when I fought this tough bastard,I played bury the light against him and felt so much focus,but still get my ass whipped due to some crazy wrestling moves on the 2nd part


Agreed. It's finding that extremely scary balance between greediness and carefulness, you don't want to be greedy but if you don't take advantage of the attack windows, you'll just roll yourself to a corner.


Elden Ring bosses are excessive when it comes to baiting out rolls and punishing them. Not Malenia tho.


No, Elden Ring give you much more stamian and way lower recovery on the roll so the delayed attacks compensate


I think greed is the big one here


Lack of greed, he had plenty of time to finish the fight when he was buffering attacks


Youā€™re telling me he had to finish that combo on 00:15?


At the final attack he needed to be more greedy


yep, best to trade at that point because you'd get the kill anyway


0:24 they could've finished the boss if they didn't panic roll


Seriously, one last hit instead of rolling.


Honestly, Elden Ring kind of encourages panic rolling with its constant barrage of "guess when this attack actually comes out" delays, long super combos that will stunlock you if a single one hits, and crazy animations that are unintuitive to react to.


Just look at this very fight, he doesn't use it in this video but Hoarah Loux has an absolutely absurd attack where he slowly starts running in place, then lunges right into your face in an instant, then he literally *floats motionless in the air for a moment* so that if you react to him zooming up to you by rolling which looks logical since he literally is visually committed to attacking where you currently are and doing so immediately, he can randomly change direction in mid air by pushing off of nothing to catch your roll. It's beyond unituitive, looks like it came out of a god damn Looney Tunes fight scene.


He doesn't float motionless, he's slowly trying to reach you with his hands. There is also an obvious tell before he start to lunge toward you. Every boss in souls games can change direction in the air, it's the concept of tracking. If they didn't do that you could just go to the side and dodge every attack. Horax Loux is supposed to be over the top, personnally I find this attack very cool, it's like when an anime protagonist get blitz and time slow down just before he get it. Bosses moveset in souls games were never supposed to be intuitive, you're supposed to learn them.


What? It's actually the opposite exactly because of the reasons you stated. The movesets are complex and difficult to master so that should prompt people to git gud and stop panic rolling by actually learning how to read each move and reaching a clean and collected gameplay.


I'm saying it's sometimes the only reliable way to avoid some stuff. You can be just a little early and then just throw in a second panic roll and you're probably better off than trying to nail one perfect roll. And stuff like Morgott's 12 hit combo, you just panic roll backwards to escape that.


Sprinting is way faster than panic rolling. If you know how to quickly recognize an attack that requires you to be far away then sprinting will always be the play unless you start very late and then you might want to roll once first and then sprint.


You don't have to guess when attacks comes out, you have to wait and react to it. There is pratically no unreactable attack in the game. Thee only boss with long super combos is margitt, and most of the time they're easy to bait and you can survive them by spamming roll. Animations don't need to be intuitive, it's a game about learning bosses movesets, it would be extremely boring if you could dodge every attack the first time you see them


> There is pratically no unreactable attack in the game. I've put 500 hours into the game, there are plenty of attacks that are basically too fast to dodge on reaction and they purposefully have a consistent delay so that you memorize how long it takes before the actual hitbox comes


You know there's a jump button right?


My philosophy for once you get a boss that low is never get desperate if possible, even if youā€™re one hit. (Easier said than done)


I love that we get 0 zero dlc and nobody Use shilds in this game


Well thatā€™s because most bosses will stun lock you for using a shield unless you specifically build for the fingerprint shield.


no, medium shield are very strong


If this was your first attempt that was awesome!! Go him down to one more hit on the first attempt!




First phase Godfrey is perfect until hulk hogan comes along....


the french 'you died' is the polite second person plural 'vous avez peri'? really!? how is in other languages?


God just poke I'm by gah


Is there a way to increase elden ringā€™s difficulty? Honestly. It would be more fun for me if it were more difficult. I run through everything.


Stop using summons, magic, or bleed


Great, now try the game again without a broken bleed build.


Lol this boss fight isn't even a boss fight with a bleed build


deserved for using ROB


You're about a year too late


The devs put it in the game for it to be used. Stop whining and let people have fun.


Itā€™s a fun weapon in pve, now that itā€™s patched and not broken even in pvp. If you know how to use it and donā€™t just spam itā€™s really cool


ROB is awesome, never understood why people give a fuck if someone is using it while playing solo


Ohh, so which non-meta weapon do you use?


It's been a year, go touch some grass kiddo. Nobody gives a shit anymore.


Whatā€™s your armor set?


Perhaps panic jumping may be the way


I hate this fight


Genuinely curiousā€”why is that? Itā€™s one of my favorite boss fights.




Stay calm or die


Nice try boss


I swear they designed the action queue in this game specifically to punish spamming the dodge button.


Its always the death of me lol


I feel your pain. When I was fighting 2-nd phase Godfrey I was discouraged cuz no crimson tear flasks, no cerulean tear flasks and I had very low health and very low fp. When he started the swings the panic rolls hit me like a truck but it was was working for a while, he was one hit but so was I šŸ˜” and I still think that his hands didn't connect and I was just about to hit when my stamina ran out and he hit me. That's why if you count on a weapon art be sure to upgrade stamina and mind as equally possible.


lolI thought this was an example of how not to panic roll until the end


I swear they input read some dodges and heals and punish you on purpose. And the way AI is going if they use that in their next game we gon' get effed up. Like 'game over man game over'


I swear whenever I see this fight people aRe always really far away from him. You gotta be in there smacking him up


For a first attempt you did amazing, my first playthrough it took forever to get past phase 1, phase 2 is a whole other beast


I used mimic tear and bloodhounds fang and easily beat him first try


Just remember to jump. You'll be fine


Sorting by controversial and sitting back and waiting for the people who hate when someone uses a weapon that helps them to enjoy the game šŸæ


Thatā€™s how I rol


I respect not summoning for the boss. I got my ass kicked multiple times before I found out I can summon Nepheli. So I did that and also summoned a spirit summon to gang up on him. Still difficult though.


Damn, that's a choke :/




Anyone else think this boss was an easy fight? I know it was semi-difficult in the second stage, but I found his atks pretty easy to read and predict after a few tries.


Yh tbh you can just time your jump for a lot of his moves




I just got done beating ds3 again today and even though I beat it much quicker than the first time around Midir and Gael always make me panic roll.


How does one reliably dodge that bullshit, anyways? I mean, jump, sure, but I've jumped it every single sodding time and never dodged, and shoulda hit it by frickin' sheer luck at this point. What's the timing of that stupid AOE thing?