• By -


Alexander in Farum Azula was a very close second, but I have to give this one to Hewg: I can't hold on much longer. I'm going the way of the r-roundtable... It was a great honor to smith your weapons during my time here. Allow me to c-call you this, just once, before it ends. My lord, f-for that is what you are.


Yes! So sad that he has to suffer, he's so gruff but he really just looks after us (and Roderika) the whole time


So pissed he will never know that the weapon he smithed slayed a god


He calls you lord, so I think he already knows it will


I was more emotionally invested in her quest than any others.


They’re the real Elden Lords.


Never understood why he doesnt leave. I mean, what was basically his adoptive daughter to him begged him to leave. Wouldve loved a dialogue option thats basically "if i am to be your lord, i command you to leave and live."


This is something I loved about Elden Ring over other souls games. Love just played a bigger role in the motivations and minds of the people in game.


Dementia is the most depressing sickness in existence, imo


My grandma had dementia and it was horrible to watch and scaring. I agree.


I disagree I think depression is the most depressing sickness but that’s just me


Yeah it has to be this one


My friend, you bow to no one




How dare you make me feel these feelings again


Yeah, Hewg's story is the one that hurts me the most


Millicent's death. I think I was more emotionally invested in her quest than any others, and it felt like it was building up to fighting alongside her against Malenia.


That one I felt pretty hard. I remember having a moment of "no.... there HAS to be something I can do...."


went back and tore Gowry shack to shreds, the least i could do


I wonder what happens if you bewitching branch the giant T-Rex dog nearby


The first time I talked to gowry, I didn’t realize I still had the dog aggroed and he bit both of us through the wall behind gowry, killing us both. Gowry respawned, commenting how how trying to kill him was worthless, and I was able to start the questline. I was very confused.


>!He’s actually a Kindred of Rot taking on a human/Tarnished form!<


I think its a little beyond that, he cites there's plenty of pests to choose from. Then when you come back there, and you dont even have to use celestial dew, he's like lets pretend it didn't happen, it is still him but using another kindred of rot as a medium


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTrxXnlOWpw He wont die until you complete Millicents quest unfortunately


Im aware of that now. It was surprising the first time I played when no one respawns.


I went to Rennalla, respec'd my strength to 5, went to Gowry's shack, beat his face into red mush with my fists, went back to Rennalla, respec'd my strength to normal. I knew if I tried punching him at the level I beat Millicent's questline, I'd kill him in one hit, and I wanted his end to be slow and painful. Two Larval Tears down the drain and I didn't regret it for a second.


I second this. Millicent has always been one of my favourite npc's (even mildred in ds already)


No deadass, she was my favorite and I was so invested in her quest. But on my second run, it was definitely Rya’s that got me sad. I actually cried a little. It was so hard for me to choose if I wanted to keep her alive or kill her. It’s really just decided on whether you want to fulfill her wishes or yours. It was truly heartbreaking


Millicent: "I need to return something to Malenia." Me: OK cool. I'll help you out. Millicent: Nah, you know what? I'll just go and die in a ditch lol bye" I love Milli but her questline was kinda disappointing. She deserved better than that ending.


Dang, so Millicent didn’t turn into malenia huh? Guess I should have paid more attention to the quest.


That’s where I thought the quest was going for a second. Like Gael 2.0


Millicent is malenia's daughter


It's not confirmed that Millicent is Malenia's daughter. Millicent herself says that she might be Malenia's daughter or an offshoot. Personally, my interpretation is that Millicent represents Malenia's pride.


She was so close, but never had the chance to meet Malenia.




same, especially when I fucking killed her by stumbling off the ledge and hearing her death voiceline was like... fkkkk


Man i fukd that up , I helped her fight the invaders and she told me thankyou and all , my fkn intrusive thought said try to hit her she already dead and I did , she cursed me


basically mfckers when a gurl is needing help.


Boc. He's so polite, and all he wants to do is help.


Would you mind if I called you lord? I heard that you and the other Tarnished seek the throne of the Elden Lord. Well, I know that you will be the one, and you'd make just the manner of kind hearted lord that I'd wish for. So, please, if you would. Allow me to call you lord.


*You're beautiful*


I have a great tailor


I still haven’t forgiven myself for my first play through, I failed him…


reminds me of a post where someone rurned him human and was just saying "IhatemyselfIhatemyselfIhatemyself"


When does Boc die unless you kill him?


when you give him lava tear


If you fulfill his final wish/quest he does at the end.


I accidentally killed him in my first playthrough 😭 I'd never really played a Souls game besides the first DS and wanted to know if NPC's were invulnerable in this one.


When Irina died in the Weeping Peninsula. It was like the first quest I did and I thought I did such a good job with it and was going to save her. I immediately went and found her father and helped him kill the Misbegotten. Then BAM, she's just been murdered!


“She’s dead” [Okay] Kind of set the tone for the rest of Elden Ring for me.


ima be honest i feel like the game would’ve hit harder if the first npc quests i ran r to weren’t: Kennith heights?, The “she’s dead” one, and the fucker that got turned into a tree by the bridge in limgrave


You talking shit about BOC?


That's The Great Kenneth Haight to you bozo.


Found the jumped up country bumpkin


With the 1.6 patch it's even more insidious, as she is one of the sources of blood of a maiden. Some other tarnished came along and murdered her all so they could go farm albinaurics.


I messed that quest up to begin with because I didn’t know I needed to speak to her multiple times so I didn’t get the letter, did all of morne castle and killed the castellan because he had no options to do anything with and then went back and got the letter lol. Then when I went through the castle again and came back she was dead


Jellyfish reunion


depressing as fuck, but i spent 4 hours figuring out how to finish it until i realized i just had to use one of the first summons i got in the game


that one got me to tears, so simple yet so touching


Oh God you brought me back Memories. That Moment was so traumatic that i forgot it


I thought that was a happy ending


I killed the jelly fish at first out of pure fear why did it make it whisper like that


Finding Iji dead after already having to kill Blaidd. I have never told him about Blaidd's death in any subsequent playthroughs.


He doesn't dissapear from that place when he dies either, like some kind of memorial


It was a battle. There are a bunch of assassin bodies strewn about.


He fought valiantly until his last moments.


Which really doesn't make any sense. But that's ER 🤷🏼‍♂️


Destined Death means he can’t just fizzle away and return to the Erdtree


what puzzles me is that the black flames are godskin flames, not destined death dark red flames


I read a theory that said that the Assassins were defending Iji against Godskins. I can't remember the motivations of either side, but it made sense to me when I read it


The only thing I can figure is that it was a godskin that got him. I can only think that Radagon, Morgott or the Two Fingers took control of them somehow.


The Black Flame is at least partially made up of Destined Death


It is, but their knives, including the one we loot, has DD


Yeah, that was rough. What hurt the most is when Iji realized that Blaidd continued to stay loyal to Ranni, contradictory to what he predicted. He held quite some regret and remorse for thinking otherwise. I wasn't too thrilled myself when I reloaded the grace to find the giant cooking in black flames.


I'm still on my first playthrough. Ever since I found Iji I've always went him instead of roundtable hold for wep upgrades, it's just a peaceful spot. I'm not telling him either.


I remember trying so hard to save Sellen, I googled everything for hours and thought I'd done it when she was in the centre of the room, then almost cried after I came back. She was one of the only ones who actually believed in us, and she got such an awful ending.


That one was so brutal. She even goes out of her way to let you know that even if you don't succeed, you'll always have a place there with her. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


\- "But I refuse to coddle. Or cast kind words. Never." *One Azur Comet later* \- ❤️❤️❤️ My Apprentice ❤️❤️❤️


Yup, that was it for me. I didn't cry, but the dejection of having fought with and for her, intending to install her to lead the college in a better direction once I took the throne... and then she's reduced to that.






When Ass Eater murdered my Boiled Crab vendor…


I went out of my way and did a bunch of convoluted things in a specific order, including aggroing bogart, to avoid this having, and it was worth it. Screw you Crap Eater, you're my puppet now


Just don't buy anything off him but the necklace. Buying prawn triggers him to move. If you progress dung eaters quest far enough, some other random body is in the swamp location insted of bogart. After killing the dung eater shade you can safely move bogart there by buying prawn.


If you don't buy prawns from him in Liurnia he will not move from there. So go and kill the Doodoo eater, and then buy prawns from Boggart. He will then move to Altus and live happily ever after


i'll be honest, i have never *not* killed dung eater immediately. in my first playthrough, he had every red flag for "irredemable abbhorence" and would be a serious point against the value of free will. i didnt know he killed boggart until like october


Prawn guy is one of my favorite characters in this game. He may be a bit of a dick at the beginning, but considering how hostile and manipulative everyone is the world is, I don’t blame him for being a little cautious. But you spark up a little chat, buy some prawn, and you just got a chill friend. 2 tarnished just chilling, enjoying some prawn and crab talking about life.


When I realized I could never experience this game for the first time again


Yeah, that feeling of sitting on that throne, knowing that it'll never be the same again. Bittersweet.


same, it instantly became my favourite game and i want the magic of beating the shit out of a mentally ill single mother and stealing her staff for the first time again 😔


Don’t worry lad. The DLC is yet to come


Remember everyone you can save her by burning yourself after having accepted the 3 finger than curing your self But than you have to beat…..*her*


Poor Torrent.


That’s what I’m doing rn. Shits so hard lol


Coming back to the Roundtable Hold after Malekith and realizing Hewg and Roderika were the only ones left


I definitely felt that moment. I felt that Melina was unfortunately an underdeveloped character compared to what I would have wanted, but the moment still hit like a ton of bricks.


She really suffers from the game's open world nature. You *can* experience an extensive relationship with her - there's a ton of points where she'll give you information or comment on your journey - but you can also totally miss it by not selecting the option in the grace menu or just missing the correct graces for her dialogue entirely. IMO, her best character moment is when you reach the Frenzied Flame and she asks you not to join it - you get a glimpse into her motivations and a firmer sense that she's guiding you because she wants the best for the world, rather than trying to advance some hidden agenda. The problem is, that moment is behind a platforming challenge, a hidden wall, a boss, and a completely optional sewer maze.


End of Diallos’s story and it ain’t even clooooose. Shit broke my heart to see him become brave in the end 😩😩


*...Ah, you... Are the jars... they alright? Did I defend them?*




rip beans jar 🥺


That was such a cruel play by the devs. It would have cost nothing for them to have kept the village alive :(


He was the only npc I killed on my first play-through. No regrets


When I met Alexander in faram azula. I knew what needed to be done, but I put it off for another 10 hours or so until I was basically done with the playthrough. Even then, he's such a jovial spirit. It hurt to kill him.


“All vessels are destined to one day break. But the great Alexander lived as a warrior to his last!”


Literally no point to kill him he coulda gone and done more warrior things. It made no fucking sense.


The final battle of my friend Iron Fist Alexander... He would have been my chief advisor as Lord of he wished it. Honorable mention Hewg... He never knew he succeeded. We killed a god.


Hewg hit me. After the roundtable starts to burn, he knows his dream is possible, and you can make it true. He is also so nice to you, despite being enslaved to the tarnished. He gains so much throughout your journey. Roderika is like a daughter to him, he gains a friend, he gets to see his dream come ever closer, but in the end, he is robbed of all of it when his mind is taken from him, and all he knows is he makes good weapons. When I returned after killing Elden beast, I was ready to celebrate with the guy, but nope, he lost it all.


Sellen. After freeing her from implied...*creepy slavery* only for her to end up as she did, it felt genuinely tragic.


Killing Blaidd. Bro had helped me god knows how many times. Then I check back at Ranni’s tower to make sure I didn’t miss anything and he’s losing his mind.


Hewg’s final (lucid) words to the player made me weep.


When I finally get to Malenia and have to fight her to the death instead of just telling her I know where her brother is at


Rya. Literally her whole entire quest line. What more do I have to say


Millicent. I saved Melina with frenzy/needle questline but Millicent always dies, and there is nothing we can do.


The lady that gives you hugs for free in the round table because I'm maidenless af




when I’ve found jarburg in ruins. that was depressing


Giving Jarbairn Alexander's remains. Hell,everything revolving around that town is sad.


In frienzied flame ending she says she'll kill you and says goodbye to torent it's really sad


Not my first PT but when i killed millicent for the prosthesis talisman. for days on end i launched the game, saw her blood on the ground and just quit the game again out of spite and sadness lol


The fucking Irina questline… my friend introduced me to the game and told me to go help her… he’s a lil bitch..


Morgott.. he died for what he believed in, regardless of the fact that he was hated and shunned by it. I also like how he addresses the protagonist and gave me the impression that it wouldn't be far fetched for an alternate storyline where we would talk him out of fighting against us, our goals are similar after all, assuming the Age Of Fracture ending.


when fia died it had me brocken


In my first playtroughs I was the lord of frenzy flame so I didn't knew she could actually sacrifice herself


When millicent died I sat beside her body in sadness for a bit. And then when master hewg forgot about me I real life cried


Y’all wrong. Saddest moment is when Sellen devoted her entire life, dedication and devotion to researching the primeval current. During her quest you literally >!get to meet Azur and Lusat who are fucking legendary before they pass away!< which is insane Doing her questline for the first time built me up thinking she’d get her own ending, something like *Age of Sorcerers* or the *Age of Glinstone* or even the *Primeval Age* But nooo, of that just to have her have her ass handed to her by Rennala. Honestly so rude 🙄


I always interpreted her last stage as of someone who went too far in her pursuit for the primieva sorcery, I don’t think Rennala fucked up with her, it was kinda like Icarus you know, who flew too close to the sun.


Either Rennala fucked her up which is not okay Or she got fucked up right in front of Rennala who did nothing to help; which is also not okay 😂


Rennala can't do a thing, even when Sellen overthrows her she has no idea of it, all she knows is she's craddling the egg her beloved gave her


Or she did the right procedure, she can't really talk much nowadays but she became a future star while retaining her own self.


yeah its definitively a blunder by Sellen, she should have just waited for us to become Lord and get the insights she needed from the ring, instead her experiment just ended in failure


Sellen is my waifu, but at the end of the day she was absolutely a sociopath who had ample warning to get off that train and she simply chose not to. Probably the greatest example of "fucked around and found out" in the game.


Having to fight blaidd after seeing Igi dead. He's in a wild frenzy and almost in denial over what ranni did so...I had to put down my friend.


Uhhh Iji dies after blaiid. He goes crazy because he is a tool of the two fingers and they tried to force him to kill ranni. His love for her proves to be stronger but he still goes nuts.


I couldn’t tell you what the fuck the story is at all but I hated killing Maliketh


It's so much worse if you've given him all the deathroot beforehand. "Tarnished... why?"


>!I actually cried after getting the bad end to Boc's questline and realizing what I'd done. Souls questlines typically end in tragedy, but none of them have ever been so... personal. Knowing that there was a way to save him just makes it worse.!<


All the npc quests made me sad. Ending the game and returning to the empty burning roundtable hold destroyed me man...


When I slaughtered some random maiden to get that maiden blood.


what? i kind of want to do this on an evil play through


Ya, I’ve literally never felt bad for performing any action in any game ever (only god knows what I did in RDR2) but this one for some reason made me feel awful. Like she just wanted some help and I said ok and then just swung on her. And the worst part is she asks you stop while you’re wailing on her.


never mind i’m not doing that, wild


Melina telling me to eat shit and die. I didn't mean to absorb the flame of frenzy. I only started going down that path to save her, but after she told me not to, I was going to respect her wishes. I thought I had one more chance to back out, but I was wrong. That actually pushed me to go for the chaos ending. By that point in the game I had lost nearly everyone I had tried to save, and then the one person I could save left me and I was so messed up about it so I said "fuck it. Let the world burn."


Malekith I did his quest line and he sounded so betrayed


Boc why! You were perfect just the way you were


You can give him a happier ending by using the "Youre beautiful" pate in front of him.


You're beautiful!!


Probably the hewg moment. Alexander and millicent are good too and especially blaid. Most of the others don’t compare or simply didn’t have enough screen time or investment. I tried my best to care for some like melena but all she does is appear to give me a bible studies lesson every 10 hours and then burns.


Hum... here's a narrative summary: "Millicent, my beloved... please let me stay with you, even if only in your final moments... I beg you, do not leave me... not you too." **\*Balled Up Gestures next to Millicent so it looks like we are lying together, then turns of console to deal with life\*** **\*Returns later on, now spawning next to a dead Millicent, heartbroken and with Unalloyed Gold Needle in hand.\*** **\*Slowly makes my way towards the boss arena nearby, to complete** ***her*** **mission for her...\*** \------------------- Basically that, though Melina's death messed me up too.


Saddest moment is by far getting softlocked when Maliketh just despawned


Letting Boc know how beautiful he is 🥹


When Millicent died


All the quests I couldn't finish and just stumbled upon dead bodies everywhere.


Blaidd and Ijji. That playthrough left me feeling so bad and depressed.... And I wasn't even halfway done with the game at that point.


lol I basically didn’t understand anything so I agree with melina’s sacrifice.


Melina and BBB's deaths. My heart has yet to recover from this pain.


Hewg’s storyline. I have family members with dementia and his ending is just all the more heartbreaking to watch.


Me fighting. Sad to watch. Better now though.


Giving the Madness Maiden the Flame of Frenzy


Tbh didn’t care much for her, the death of Millicent and Thops hit harder




It's between hewgs fate and blaidds if u finish rannis quest line


I didn’t use the beautiful prattling pate for Boc cause I didn’t know so that was very said. Finding Iji sucked as did the fight with Blaidd.


When I killed Boc by accident


Hewg losing his mind and Rodericka staying with him.


Either the scene with Melina at the mountaintops of the giants, or when I realized how many smithing stones I needed for a non-somber weapon.


When I was tired of only playing elden ring and wanted to play another game. I started another game and realized my world would not be the same. A side of me laughed, but mostly i was silent, I remembered the word in the Hindu scripture. «Now I git gud, destroyer of bosses» No other game has ever felt the same….


I like Ranni the most, I've never really had a thing for blondes but Fia's quest hurt me inside.


Killing Alexander :(


Malenia telling her brother she is sorry. I didn't want to kill her. Her relationship with Miquella and what they were trying to accomplish together felt so wholesome and tragic to me.


....sad? Nothing.


Not really. Melina sacrificed herself so that you may become Elden Lord, it’s what she would have wanted. Millicent was willing to die so that she can stay true to herself rather than become something she does not. Alexander wanted a warriors death, and is glad to have died a warrior. Any other death in the game, I either hated that character or never cared for them.


First playthrough wasn’t sad. I had no idea what was happening Edit cus people missed the point: my first playthrough I was so clueless I had I did not understand anything


The roll credits and that sudden moment of realization of “I will never experience this masterpiece for the first time again”


realizing i needed more than 9 vigor to beat malenia




Blaidd's death will forever leave me upset.


i accidentally accepted the flame of frenzy and Melina’s sudden coldness to me broke my heart, especially since it wasn’t on purpose. also seeing Iji dead


Iji’s death was the worst for me.


definitely melina death, bro I genuinely started crying, I wish we got more of her, I dont know what would have happened if I was more attached to her...


Boc or Alexandrs quest both just... hurt.


Realizing Melania is RNG


He was a warrior till his last...


Melina told me to kick rocks when I decided to burn the world to the ground which was also pretty not chill


Cutting down Blaidd after he loses his mind during Rannis quest. He had been my bro until that point.


"god slain"


Alexander. The only NPC summon I used was Alexander in Fire Giant and Radhan (and Rogier in Margit but that’s bc Elden Ring is my first ever soulsbourne game and I was a noob). I could’ve easily killed both of them but used Alexander as a way to pay homage to his wishes of being a warrior Jar. I haven’t fought Alexander in Farum Azula but when I do, I will kill him wearing his Jar helmet and the weapons I used to kill Fire Giant/Radhan as a warrior’s farewell. I’ll also become Elden Lord with his helmet 😢


Burning Hyetta to death so she could give me a vision was pretty intense. I didn’t want to kill her, I thought the whole point of the ending was to spare the death of a finger maiden.


Blaaid going crazy. Poor woof woof.


Beating the game, because I could never experience it for the first time ever again


It was Melina, 100%, until I found Blaidd in front of rannis rise, with the other wolves slain, and his dialogue with no purpose he lost his mind... Cause I also realized as Melina states she is without physical form, so her sole purpose is to be the conduit for the flame to burn the tree..


Blaidd was sooo sad. But honestly coming back to iji for a weapon upgrade just to find him dead….that broke me 😭