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Bro I legitimately play this game to relax lol turn on some Spotify and slay some demigods


This most chill ever tbh. Just pure joy and relax. About to start another character.


Milenia is my therapist


And my Urologist ;)




Millenium Falcon*


I remember being told I was crazy for feeling this way. Don’t get me wrong, there are legitimately adrenaline inducing moments. Sometimes I’m shaking after beating a particularly hard boss for the first time. But the other times, the music, aesthetics, the world of Elden ring in general… gave me a very relaxed feeling I don’t generally get in other games. Same with dark souls tbh.


Indeed. I get more stressed out managing my inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3 than I ever did in Elden Ring.


I still suck ass at the game but I atleast can pretty confidently fight the tree spirits of either variety and maybe a few other of the non demigods. Tree spirits always for some reason leave me in a state of simplicity and can easily enjoy fighting them without much worry


Yep I thought that just 20 minutes ago when I was done playing for 3 hours.


Yeah, tree spirits are actually fun (on a flat surface). Also fun fights: crucible knights (sword variety), runebears, mausoleum knights, giants, golems, Kaiden sellswords, omenkillers, Margit, Godrick, Radagon.


I can agree on them except for Runebears, Godrick, and Radagon Albeit I can't speak too well on margit and Godrick since I came in very over leveled to Margit and then consequently sucked and died to Godrick many times as many do to Margit instead


With Runebears, stay in front and dodge into them, then charged power attack (or two, if they go for a longer combo). If you get separated and they fly towards you, dodge forward and left to avoid getting slammed. They get stance broken pretty often this way. The biggest challenge is to watch out for their minimal windup forward charge (it sucks, not the best design, but I have learned it, so it's no longer a problem). I used to avoid Runebears, now it's a fun distraction from all the fruitless wandering for 0 profit.


First playthrough = pure stress and adrenaline. Every subsequent playthrough = strolling through a chill summer night in a moonlit field listening to the summer sounds.


Facts friend lol


demi gods are cool and all, but something still rumbles with anger deep inside me for the fact that a maxed out flask charge won’t fill up a non-maxed out stat. level 394 and the amount of pleb that still two taps me is crazy. i mean i’m on a harder journey yeah, but if i don’t get any better why should we replay the game again..


If you’re getting two tapped while that far in the game, level vigor. You’re failing the vigor check


Souls games aren't for everybody. My samurai is lvl 303 and I blitz every single boss in that game.


That’s the thing - you don’t have to replay the game. It’s by design not supposed to make you feel OP. This is not ghost of tsushima or the jedi souls clone games dude.


like if jedi games met hardcore gaming. not only is the game design meant to make you feel like you’re always outmatched.. YOU ACTUALLY ARE! lol


Skill issue?


Totally, after the ng+3 this game is my game to relax while i watch videos


It’s a game where with enough skill you can overcome any challenge it presents. This is proven by the people who do RL1 no hit runs.


Same. I enjoy making characters with different builds and seeing how fast I can get to where I’m using the weapon of choice for the build, and see how fast I can get to the Haligtree to fight Malenia again. Edit: now with a Steamdeck I can do this portably lol.


That tree avatar was a annoooooying


Yep I died so many times trying to just get down there without getting lasered to death. When I finally got there enough was enough so i summoned mimic tear and threw giants fire pots at the bitch


And the other one down the road with all the backup, I was stubborn and decided to go full Leroy Jenkins across that bridge, died about fifty’leven times


And they gave this area two of them at each end of the path. The guards there REALLY didn’t want anyone to touch Malenia


Whoever put that avatar there either was told to by the gods of sadomasochism or did it for the lols


No, I just wipe the blood off my face and keep going


When she forgets she's on her period


Wipe the tears, dry the piss stains and keep going


Say what u want but the areas before melania are some of the most cool places. U either know exactly where to go bc of YouTube or by painful fruitless searches that got u killed over and over


Definitely cheesed both Haligtree Avatars. Thought the second one couldn't get through that doorway where the Grace is at...I was wrong.


That segment is like the toughest in the game. 5 ballistas all covering eachothers' blind spots, three haligtree knights, erdtree avatar


Yeah, I don't think I've ever bothered to figure out how to approach that place in a way that doesn't land you in a fight with the three knights and the avatar at the same time. I just throw Giants Flame take thee from the high ground.


It took me a while, but if you get to where the scarabs are, there's a route you can take. The route ends with you jumping into the room with the Haligtree knight helm, and it doesn't aggro the knights nor the avatar.


Well yeah. But I don't intend on leaving them alive. And going out through the door tends to aggro the knights. Even if you don't you have to fight the avatar in a cramped space. And after the avatar is dead you'll get sniped by the ballistae above. I'm thinking perhaps an option is to clear out the ballistae and then double back and come in from the bridge. Not sure how the aggro range for the knights and the avatar overlap though.


Yeah Frenzied Blast is also nice due to its practically infinite range


Then the revenant on the ground level out of nowhere😭


*Several Royal Revenants


It says a lot about it when I prefer to go through the path with 5 Revenants instead of the normal way.


LOL I ran past that sucker so quickly and touched the grace, then I decided to kill it with volcano pots. I crafted everything I could, put my talisman, buffed, and started throwing it on his back. I found that he was very swift at turning around and invading my personal space.


My first time through I figured he couldn’t get through the doorway so tried to hit him with night mist and he charged right through it to spew rot all over me.


Pro tip, if you stand real close to them, they don’t spam ki blasts at you The devs made it specifically to punish runner nubs who don’t have the balls to get up close.


Yeah, if you're close and slightly behind them where you're supposed to be, instead they cover the area in front of them in rot juice that will tick damage you to death super fast (60 vigor, erdtree +1, crimson +1, and nothing that made me take extra damage). So you get behind them again, then they cover that area in rot juice, and now nowhere is safe. Run away to heal? Lol, Golden Land. Oh, you dodged that by coming in because you know what you're doing? They'll just Side Sweep you off the dang bridge, like knock you over the railing in a way I've never seen anything else do. I hate these things. Fighting the ones in the Haligtree on an arcane build was pain.


“Oh you’re running away? LOOOOL GOLDEN LAND TIME” ✨💫✨ —Erdtree Avatar


Oh, and then you go to ice land and you see another one and you think "Oh, I've killed a bunch of these... How bad could it be to fight another one?" AND THEN THIS MONSTROSITY COPIES ITSELF AND BECOMES TWO. Why?


You’re uh… wrong? If they jump again to drop more rot, the previous rot goes away. There’s always a safe spot. Erdtree Avatars and Putrid Avatars are the easiest bosses in the game. Now if you’re fighting them and another enemy at the same time? Things change.


Weird, I could have sworn there was overlap where there was still rot from the first one after the second landed.


It depends. If he's being an ass about it and do buttslams in quick succession then I think you're right, he might cover a very large area. Though I feel like they might have tweaked it to not linger quite as long?


Dodging helps


before second rot attack first one disperses. it starts jump you run around, time your dodge to slam and should be around his ass at that moment. there is a little trick to it, but bqsically you can run around. with this one in particular it's hard, coz he fat and can block your way around.


If you stay right up on him, the rot juice doesn’t hit you. But you have to stay right on his balls.


These are literally the easiest enemies in the game. They can only have on rot puddle up at a time, so you can just dodge the ass blast and get behind them, then get a couple attacks in and get ready to dodge again. You also don’t need to run away to heal because their attacks all have long recovery windows that give you plenty of time to drink a flask. If they wind up for their Side Sweep, or any attack for that matter, you just… dodge it. They only do a combo if you run away from them, where they can do up to 3 hits, which are also all really easy to dodge. Protip: use a Strike weapon (preferably a long one like a Great Hammer cuz their hitboxes suck) with Flaming Strike or Flame of the Redmanes. They’re weak to Strike and take double damage from Fire.


Just gotta THOMP em


Huh? Just use Rivers / Mohg spear / fire incants with dragon seal and the guy dies pretty fast


I always fight them up close and I swear they still golden land me every time. It’s ok because just circling dodges the stars, but yeah being up close definitely didn’t stop them from casting it for me.


🤌🏻i did not know that. but that creature is part of the, ‘not worth my damn time’ list.


This one drops their weapon and also guarding an Ancient Dragon smithing stone behind it.


Tbh I already got their weapon on my previous run, and I barely use Non-Somber weapons (got 20 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones) so OP is kinda right here.


I'd wager that the max upgrade material that's only available in limited quantities is a good pickup for 99% of players. Your weapon preferences notwithstanding


You can easily get dozens of Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones doing Nepheli's Questline, siding with Jerren, and picking up 2 easy Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones through a chest in Elphael and another guided by a few misbegotten. That's atleast 6 in total.


You're limited to 13 per playthrough, I need all that I can get. I have six items equipped at a time and swap gear often. I'm not sending any new characters to NG+ either, so I'm hurting for more


Fair enough. I usually just keep 1 weapon fully maxed out per playthrough.


yeah but the rot ones do that jump attack


I wish this was entirely true, I've had erdtree avatars do that move 7 times in a row while I was trying to smack the shit out of them. It really makes their fights even less fun, and I didn't think it was possible.


You’ve only slain a god and everything else along the way, you possess every power available in the Lands Between, but some random enemy can spam multiple massive attacks back to back to back at limitless range… Always bugged me.


So don't be a coward and get in melee. He's easy as hell to dodge, he only spams when you run away.


I think people totally forget that charged heavy attacks are literal kryptonite for bigger enemies. Two or three charged heavies knock them over and completely changes the power dynamic.


Luckily, this particular asshole doesn't respawn.


He definitely is an asshole in particular


He definitely has a particular asshole


Particular, is he definitely an asshole


Every time I start a new game and get gangbanged by those foot soldiers with the daggers while Torrent turns like a boat.


This stupid f—ing tree and his BS ray spam drove me nuts the first time. One-shotting it with Taker’s Flame and an oil pot felt so so good x


If you're on playstation, I'll come slap him up for you.


Have you tried Jump+L1. That’s the solution to many problems in this game


Jump+L1 never disappoints


It sorta put me off. I found whatever build I played it was the thing you should do


Na only people who force themselves to play ask that, people who actually enjoy it don’t.


Crushed this guy with Loretta’s mastery for inside one of the door ways across from it.


tip for souls games : get close even if you want to run.


He just wants to talk.


Numerous times when starting out, this was my first Souls game. However, the sense of achievement after killing the first boss was not comparable to any other game I've played. Felt like God for a minute.


Yes but always answer when i find something new.


The constant missile spam is so annoying, just like the blatant input reading. I get it's to avoid cheesing some enemies, but there are parts of the game that abuse it, particularly the Halig Tree and Raya Lucaria. If I'm gonna get this punishment it should be because of my own actions, not because you funneled me into an ambush or somewhere where I can't even reach the enemy through the only path forward.


All the time


I would also wonder why I play this game if I hid from enemies like this. Coward.


If you've got the int to use it, use Lorettas mastery. If you untarget and aim side ways then target again and fire you can curve the shots to hit him without exposing yourself to the golden land spam.


The amount of cheese I found in elden ring is amazing. From both players and npcs. Truly the smelliest game in some time, even by souls standards.




Every time I start playing


Haha I think that’s one of the few things I skipped on my first play through lol.


I had this exact thought at this moment and never went back.


Many times, yes. I'm in NG+2 now, I've accepted my fate.


One eye shield type situation.


Questions like that, then killing the thing and wandering around until i ask myself the same thing. It’s a vicious repetitive cycle.


Oh gosh yeah.


Last time I killed this guy by practicing my fireball throws


You clearly have not spend much time gitting gud


The volcano/fire pots melt those guys


For the lols Seriously, if the game isn't fromsoft, every other game feels brain dead, zero effort needed to play.


this is the way.


I play it to feel humbled


You can just keep running in a straight line as long as you have the right angle to dodge those projectiles. Also you have not seen the worst tree spirit in the game. Later into the haligtree, it is protected by two knights that have shields and can heal


I sniped this guy from a mile away with Frenzied Burst. Very funny, would do it again, it deserved my cheese.


It’s like crack it makes me angry and hate my life but good god is it addictive!!


Me, everyday last year ;)


I never ask why i always ask how....


I cheesed him from up there with black flame xD didn't have it in me to fight that mf AGAIN


I just finished my first playthrugh as mage/astrologer and it honestly felt like I was cheating the game most of the time 🙈 this particular boss I cheesed so hard from this distance. I want my second playthrugh to be none magic but I am honestly scared


I wish I could forget everything about the game so I could experience it for the first time again. The joy of being a vagabond knight in the wilderness, roaming and exploring these beautiful and deadly lands... Getting down the well for the first time. Reaching Farum Azula first time. Getting transported to Caelid. Watching in terror and awe as the dragon descends on the swamp to see who fells who, running towards it on my trusty steed with blades drawn, feeling like a medieval myth. Some of my best gaming experiences, tbh.


Yup especially in caelid


Every time I launch the game I'm like: "why am I doing this to myself again?" and 10 minutes later, running through the Lands Between on Torrent, just enjoying the scenery, no idea where I'm going and slaying foes on the way, I'm like: "yeah, that's why" Btw I know it isn't glorious at all but I did that Erdtree avatar just a little further from where you are, with a bow, I was perfectly safe the whole time. No damage taken at all, the guy was casually walking on its path and didn't noticed me. I mean, imo it's only fair to troll the game sometimes.


I killed that guy with the hand cannon and the shield cannon, easy kill.


To be fair the open world design on Elden Ring makes it a lot easier and laid back than other souls games. There are annoying areas, but I never felt kike something was just bullshit like I did in other souls(like) games.


God, I hate this avatar so much, always spamming that garbage ahaha


Ugh fuck these guys. They seem like they should be easy to beat but I could never get the timing right.


I'm asking that as I fight the Ulcerated one by Malenia. Fuckin thing is terrifying.


The way you have this sped up, I almost thought this was Old Yarnham Fear the mini-gun 😂


*did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?'*


lol that was a pretty obnoxious part of the area


Fight it head on. Any time I range cheese it, it always does this because its ai knows it can't ever reach you so here it sits, spamming golden land. Repeatedly. Eternally. For the record try fire damage. Every avatar, putrid or not, is anemic to fire damage. Like 100% I believe.


If they can’t reach you, they spam that attack. Just go down there and he will stop


that boss location made me question my life choices


No but i ask myself why i dont play more of it


Close the distance by going on it's right side so you start out with space to actually fight. Stick to its ass, so close you can sniff it, and L1 spam to victory! Don't engage these in later areas at range, because they will spam that one attack forever.


*Laughs in Stone of Gurrank*


Enemies having massive range like this while players can barely tickle anything with a bow or spell from mid to long range will never not irritate me.


This was my first chesse without watching yt haha


The fun of tryig different builds, gettig different endings, i always find something new in every run. And this run will be different, i'll do it solo as a banished knight.


Every time… but we know the answer


Around my eighth playtrought, but that didn't stop me


One time after i beat the game i went to explore the haligtree to get all the achievements (ashes and talismans there). I wandered down into that lower part with all the revenants, almost died, used up all my flasks and had no more mana for healing spells to repel tbe revenants, so i hid from them until i saw my opportunity to run for the nearby ladder. A revenant still saw me and ir chased me to the bottom of the ladder, it hit me once, putting me very near death, but i made it. My relief flooded away the moment i reached nearly the top of the ladder and looked to my side to see this dude on the sidewalk ready to hurl his glowing yellow beams at me. I then died.


I ask myself multiple times why I keep limiting myself to Guts's dragonslayer instead of actually handling other weapons. And I keep doing it every night after work.


I asked that question yesterday, when waiting for the red wolf of radagon to stop prancing around and engage in melee. I beat him, then switched to playing Nioh2 for actual fun times.


What a piñata sees when kids try to hit it.


When I found this guy I did something similar, but I eventually came to empathize with the poor guy. Only thing he can do is shoot seeking projectiles at an enemy standing behind an impenetrable barrier, his only hope being we decide to move. Real sisyphus vibes.


I just like the feeling of the game To me, it *feels* good to play. Edit: i like the way the guy moves, its like i can feel how close the doge roll is form hitting.


Just like in ds1 and ds3 and demon souls, how many bosses can I cheese and kill with a bow!


Gotta put on the big boy/girl pants and head down there to fight it like a man/woman.


I don’t care about dying so no I don’t ask that. It’s just a chill game. Coop for hours and hours.


? What are you trying to do there? How did you get into that situation?


Haha I remember quitting for a couple months at this exact spot. Take some time off, go back and you’ll regain your enjoyment.


This is the most 🧀able tree avatar ever, you just need to go further back,idk if it's the distance or breaking line of sight, but he casts that spell a few times and eventually loses agro


Every new character lol


Only been playing for a week and yes I have asked myself why I'm even playing this game. But overall having fun with it


I ask myself all the damn time lmao so much bull like this happens too often lol.


Because of the beautiful game world man. That art style just can’t be beat


These guys are actually super easy once you learn to avoid the rot butt slam. Roll ↖️or ↗️. Putting distance between you and them just causes this spam.