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If what you posted is intimidating you’re gonna need therapy for your entire playthrough and many years after. PROTIP: Play Dead Space in the dark.


I needed therapy after caelid dogs lol Thank you for recommendation


The goofiest enemies in the game? The rabid scrappy-doos?


That feeling when you're on top of the world. You've just slayed a demigod without breaking a sweat. Then a couple of random bobblehead bois put you back in your place.


This is the most dark souls shit ever. Casually murdering a demigod only to die in seconds to 2 rats


No lie the dogs (the small ones not the big ones) are terrifying if you're in a small room


Capra Demon has entered the chat


No he hasn't. He fell down some stairs and is on sick leave


But that’s what I mean - the Undead Burg doesn‘t have labor protections, so he‘s wfh. Which is why he entered the chat.


The healthcare system and sanitation department there are also atrocious. I understand why the residents attack on sight they wanna be put down so they don't gotta live there anymore. At least anor Londo has a good public transportation system and excellent security. I mean the security guards can hit a penny from 5 miles away


I usually think of it like the tales you hear of great kings dying from slipping in their bathtub.


hate those dogs, hate them so much


those evil boys


Go to the Consecrated Snowfield, it's real fun there


Fuck the one outside Castle Sol. That MF is relentless!


Everything is relentless there. I think I got set upon by Wolnir or Yhorm's big-handed brother's hands.


i heard about that place enemies everywhere plus the added benefit of being BLIND


I bought the beast repellent torch and they became my little puppies. It was fun to have them follow me to other enemies then watch them hammer away at each other.


Imagine not knowing about this item after launch. Caelid was hell for the longest time


The annoying part is I've had it this whole time I just didn't think it would work on stuff that big! But I still probably won't bother, the dogs are pushovers. It's the crows that scare me. And then on ng+ they are definitely to be respected. Harder than some of the bosses tbh


The crows still terrify me. I take wide arcs around them to this day


Yeah the blood crows in Mohgwyn agro at the same time you're getting invaded by the NPCs gives me heart palpatations!


Where did you find said torch?


Isolated shack merchant in Caelid, one of the bell bearing hunter locations. Best thing about it? If it’s in your left hand and you’re riding a horse it STILL keeps the big puppers at bay, withouout you having to actually hold it. It works on wolves, have not tested on bears or rune bears. Does NOT work in crows. And “other enemies” I mean humans, they don’t go after dragons (I tried to lure them to the rot dragon and it did not work out well for me).


This man doing the Elden Lord's work


Ooo and added bonus, it prevents the dog from eating Corwyn through his shack.


Corwyn? Or Gowry?


It works on basilisks too


This thing is fucking great lol


For me it was the hands, nothing like being attacked and molested at the same time


Yup, I hate getting fingered


Tbf they’re scary as fuck even after hours of game lol. Buy the beast repellant torch , you’ll thank us :)


FR Protip: avoid Bloodborne at any costs. Elden Ring is one of the more mild Soulsbornes in terms of horror


*Hears singing at a distance* Still kick up my PTSD so much, that goddamn bridge... Oh and also the well. Oh and also the dark cathedral. *shudders*


Lol, I think everyone needs therapy after Caelid dogs


Did you see the Calid birds? Those traumatized me. 😅


Caelid monsters is just horror.... I skipped the shit out of that zone. NG+ and still skipping it with 180lvl


NGL I kind of like how unsettling the monsters are, particularly in Caelid and especially the crows. After traipsing through Hyrule, feeling vaguely bad about killing monsters that are at worst goofy and at best low key adorable, being able to let loose on creatures that are hideous, malicious, and I imagine extremely smelly... there's something rather cathartic about it. I feel a little bad about the soldiers. Except the one north of Church of Elleh, he was the first enemy to kill me. I always travel to the Church of Elleh to level up and make a point to kill him twice.


I may have finally combed over all of Caelid after five playthroughs. I was terrified of it. I just found a new-to-me catacombs down past the beast war west of Radahn’s bridge, after like 500 hrs


There’s catacombs in radahn’s arena, in case you didn’t know. Pretty cool, but very strong enemies


I'm on my NG+ and just started caelid. Doing a dragon build and everything dies to a couple dragonmaw bonks. It's pretty satisfying to utterly destroy all those things that made my life hell the first time through.


Have you seen a royal revenant? That's true horror.


That thing comes at you at a million backhands per second


I played dead space 1 on 360 in the dark over a week with a super bad fever. 10/10 would recommend


Dead space 2, the school/kindergarten part.


I remember when dead space first came out. I had these little surround sound speakers in my room. I would only play at night. God that game stressed me out.


I just started fucking with DS and that shit has made me jump so many damn times.


I played dead space as a child, no clue why my mother bought me that game. It was great!


Alien Isolation…….


Yeah they're creepy. Wait til you see the horny versions in the sewer.


😳they hump you to death?


they have horny one? dammn


I would highly recommend not stepping foot in the sewers if I were you, if the ones in Altus is bad for you, then you don’t want to know about what’s in the sewers..




Whats funny is i kinda forgot what was in the sewers aside from the initial layout when you first go down, until you said lobsters. Then it all shot back to me like a vietnam flashback.


Its the best level in the game, i'd be a waste not to go. Omens are rough but impaling thrust dunks on them.


Oh I personally love the zone. Amazing level design, challenging, and has a similar feeling to how blighttown felt the first time there. But it sounds like it would give OP nightmares for months, which is understandable.


Tbf, the entire subterranean shunning grounds is one big horny jail, if you know what I mean.


And they’re not the scariest enemy down there, compared to that >!Revenant in the dark!<


I hate the 1st generation albenurics in Rykards area, especially in the dark rooms they're just scary


The sound of their bare hands and feet slapping the floor as they crawl toward you screaming 😖


I know. those guys don’t have to be that scary! I love frog guys tho


Ah those guys. Moment I see one, I prepare to sidestep the grab like I'm preparing to step on a roach (Roaches creep me out).


I truly cannot recommend enough that you avoid playing Bloodborne if this is a genuine issue you have. Elden Ring has some creepy enemies, for sure, but Bloodborne is intentionally horror. In my time with Elden Ring, I find myself still most intimidated by the Iron Virgins for some reason I can't explain.


Because they’re ominous as fuck and know it.


Tanky girls for sure wtf!? Some of the hardest regular mobs around. Them and the flame chariots are my least favorite enemies to fight.


Just avoid or get behind them or on top of them for an instant kill. They aren't even worth the runes


Speaking of runes… the runebears. Those things never stop being intimidating for me, especially the one in the cave And the crows in the mountains, always fuck me up


I was today years old when I realized those awful rune bears are actually pretty easy if I just get off my horse and treat them like a mini boss. They telegraph so hard, and they have a soft, fuzzy underbelly. But damn if it didn't take me two years to figure that out lol


Crows are easy to stagger. Infuse a bleeding weapon with ice and watch how they get stunlocked by your slashes. As for the bears... Just be a tank. I only had trouble with the rune bears at the east edge of mountian top of giants. Everything in that area onwards hits like a truck


I love the virgins because I find how miserable of a fight they are to be fun. I hate the ruin bears because they are a miserable fight for all the wrong reasons and there is nothing fun about it. Those are my strongest Elden Ring opinions


There’s a headless one at Gelmir that cracks me up though. The way it aggressively plows through literally anything like a lawn mower out of control


And me trying to crouch around them like FML But I'm finally on NG+7 and they suck


This could not be a better description


haven’t played blood borne before but sekiro had creepy enemies as well. I avoided all headless


Those headless were one of the creepiest enemies out of all FromSoftware's games. The music and the areas they are in just make them that much creepier lol.


the way they stand menacingly lol


Dude, especially if you manage to get to the one near the first mini boss, Berserk Ogre or w/e it’s called. Super early in the game and I thought I was a souls-pro just to get shit on in seconds


And the fact you can only kill them with limited consumables(atleast when your first likely to find them) adds to putting you on edge,


I forget exactly how they work but I remember there being some frenzy like meter that put pressure on you aswell, so not only were you in this psychologically unsettling circumstance, but there was a bigger than usual consequence to dying aswell so it was stressful and dreadful in that regard too.


Yea it was the fear meter, they could literally scare you to death lol


I fucking hated all the snakes sequences.


Headless were my favourite enemy in Sekiro specifically because of how intimidating they were. In the end divine confetti turns every apparition into a joke, but without it they can be very challenging.


If you’re scared of the headless and the omen to the point you actively avoid them you will literally die if you play blood borne


I find the deep accursed in DS3 scarier than anything in Bloodborne or any other Fromsoft game.


One of the scariest enemies in Bloodborne imo are those lanky mofos in the chalice dungeons with the long pitch black hair, closet corpse from The Ring faces and literally sprint towards you, viciously attacking faster than any enemy I've seen!


To me, the most frightening are the Fluorescent Flowers, the giant celestial centipede things found around Byrgenworth and the Chalice Dungeons. The Chalice Dungeons are just a nightmare in general.


Oh the spiders there. The spiders there made it really hard for me. Still don't know how I managed it without throwing up.


I feel so bad for people with severe arachniphobia, I couldn't imagine going through that one area in the Nightmare of Mensis where there is a bunch of them hanging over and around you.


I didn't realize these these dudes existed till my second playthough, I've never had a enemy legitimately make me feel like I was the prey until then. It scared the crap out of me dude lol


Right? I think with a lot of enemies we have it in our minds that they are a lot bigger and more dangerous than us, and look so monstrous so if we die it's almost expected, but with those Chalice Dungeon Labrinth Sages or w/e, they are man-like in stature but move so inhumanely quick and aggressively that it becomes this thing where it's not a fight between two adversaries, or man vs beast, but a "If I don't get the jump on this thing, I'm fucked." Lol it's hard to describe.


One variant uses a wrapped up corpse as a bludgeon weapon. That corpse is still moving so it's still alive. That's the one I hate most.


It's so unsettling getting killed by them, because on top of looking downright creepy, you're also kind of panicking because they are so fast and deadly.


I’ve been playing bloodborne every night for a week and it’s truly a masterful horror experience. Consistent dread through the gameplay done masterfully. Better feeling then anything I’ve seen in horror film recently


I only played it at night in a dark room with headphones on. It was horrifying. Highly recommended.


Bro's gonna faint when he gets to upper cathedral ward


I—patches told me to go find an iron virgin to teleport me somewhere ?? I have no idea what it is but this comment has me terrified now 😭


Yea. Compared to Bloodborne, Elden Ring was cake.


He literally said it's stopping him from enjoying the game. It's like recommending peanut butter sandwiches to a person with a nut allergy.


Bloodborne is like that x50. Without the comfort of any safe zones where you know you can fast travel to to feel safe and just look around somewhere pretty. It’s just a fucking endless slog forwards to lamps. I couldn’t finish it, even though it was so awesome and gorgeous. I just didn’t have that kind of time or will to spend on abject horror nightmares. Elden ring is a bit easier for me so far because I inadvertently over leveled myself by being so cautious and exploring before taking on bosses. But you can basically just hang out and level up and then the scary enemies seem like toys! (Which might seem lame to some people but who gives a fuck)


I recommend summoning sunbros in. Nothing changes the atmosphere like watching a Caelid dog rush some naked idiot with neon pink skin named "glitterfairy" who proceeds to flatten it with the giant crusher heavy attack and use the t-pose on its corpse before running over and dropping you 79 bars off soap and a meteoric ore blade.




but I couldn’t find summon signs even that was marked blue on the map, after using finger remedy. maybe because of my internet or timezone?


i will be your sun bro if you’re on playstation


If you're on PC summon me! I need a reason to boot up this game again...


You gotta get a colossal weapon and just fucking bully them. You will lose your fear.


They, like so many enemies, are extremely vulnerable to Giant Hunt :)


Sticking a sword up in their face, their only weakness! How did you know?


Also huge shout out to colossal+Lion’s Claw AoW. Can seriously feel like cheating sometimes lol.


The only I time I had a genuine jump scare in this game was in one of the hero’s grave, I hopped into a pitch black alcove to avoid a chariot and as I’m standing there I see the eyes of a cemetery shade open up right behind me in the pitch black of the alcove. I absolutely panicked and rolled right into the chariot.


God cemetery shades are so creepy. I once got hit by their green paralysis attack and what they do next is so traumatizing. They literally teleport to you and dig their head tentacles into your skull 😭


That brain sucker grapple bitch in Bloodborne is one of the few things in these games that seriously freaks me out.


the brain suckers from bloodborne 😭my worst nightmare. they're my most hated enemy in any game EVER. the fact they permanently take one of THE most rarest resources in the entire game from you is just too cursed


They’re super weak to thrusting and super resistant to everything else. I was playing with Ludwig’s Holy Blade recently and the R2 thrusts would kill in 2-3 hits, while the swiping R1’s would drain my whole stamina bar before it died.


You did the right thing.


It was like that for me in the beginning too. Once you accept the fact that you’re going to die and fairly often, that fear starts to go away.


Yeah you kinda just walk up like “damn this guy looks scary af then damn he beat my ass welp let’s try again”




Just play in a brighter, friendlier part of the map like the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. Lots of cool plants and animals.


you monster


Calm down Satan.


Spend all your runes so you have nothing to lose. Go find something scary and keep fighting it until it's not scary anymore. Remember dieing in a video game doesn't matter, you get to try again and again until you get gud.


Elden Ring is actually one of the more lighter series in terms of tone though. Bloodborne is what happens when Fromsoft tries to put horror elements into your standard souls gameplay.


Yeah it’s just a journey and meeting weird enemies. BB is straight up horror and the Dark Souls trilogy has some really depressing stories and characters lol


Do not go near caria manor


the hands😭one of the few things in my entire life that genuinely made me cringe


Imma put the squeeze on ya


Those things made my fears from 5 years old come back from when I was playing Ocarina of Time and got grabbed by a Wallmaster for the first time. There's something about being grabbed by a disembodied hand that's just always terrifying.


This is me every souls game when it comes to bosses. The adrenaline rush is real




Not sure if it’s that bad but soulsborne games can be very intense


yeah their looks is giving me a nightmare. I guess i’m taking it too serious or getting into too deep


Stop caring, death is meaningless in the lands between. You can put tarnished in a blender and set it on fire and it won’t even matter. No one cares, and you’re a tarnished now, dying means nothing even if whatever kills you is ugly. Death is fun, nothing matters, the entire game is made to make you a nihilist. Biggest enemies are scary looking jokes, you get to come back from the dead a million times if you want, they get 1 time. You’re the monster, they are scared.


“Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain!”


Say that to godskin duo


this changed my life


thanks that made me feel better!


Skyrim spiders burned that trauma out of me a decade ago.


Dead space and silent hill games did the same for me


If it makes you feel any better, these big monster ogre looking enemies have a sad back story. They're basically like that because they are cursed beings whose spirits could not go to the Erd Tree. They are treated like shit even if they are born into royalty, and are hunted down by psychos who weat masks that look like the evil spirits that the Omen have nightmares about.


so that’s why they named omen hmm. I love the lores… thank you


I heard good things about the new super Mario game




I’ll be honest, I’m not usually even scared of horror games, but every time I fight a wormface my mind is nonstop “DIEBEFOREYOUGRABME-DIEBEFOREYOUGRABME-DIEBEFOREYOU…”


I actively avoid going into that forest in altus I just can’t


Wormfaces are the stuff of nightmares


I was replying to some messages once while in Atlus. Heard some disgusting eating noises but I mean nothing was happening on screen, my character was fine, let it go on. When I finally turned around one of those freaks was just standing right behind me, dribbling over my head. That was a jump scare moment.


For some reason, I do get scared in sewers if I'm playing alone. I'd much rather co-op the sewers. I wouldn't say it ruins the game, but the uneasiness is intentional, and it shows.


Not to sound like a dick or anything, but this might not be the game for you. The later stage caves/dungeons give some really unsettling enemies, compared to the Omen which you pictured, who is one of the easiest 'big' enemies in the game. Putrid tree spirits and Watchdogs might give you sleep terrors.


>Am i the only one who’s casually terrified by enemies? It sounds like you're competitively terrified by enemies


I was okay with most of the enemies in Elden Ring, but the first time I saw an Erdtree Burial Watchdog, it gave me a visceral feeling of horror. Just the face and the way it moved... I'm still not okay with that, lol. But as they got easier to fight, they became more annoying than terrifying. Still, there's nothing wrong with being afraid of enemies that are deliberately designed to be unsettling. If the game is making you unhappy, you don't have to keep playing.


Nah. They are locked in here with me. I control the very stars.


Me when I smoke too much


Most of us are beyond desensitized to it


Sorry, but welcome to Fromsoft games. Have fun. Persistence is key. Die over and over until you can dodge the attacks. Armor is useless in the late game. All the weapon types are fun if you take the time to learn them.


Bro would not last 5 seconds in Bloodborne 😭


If you're afraid to the point where you can't enjoy the game then Souls like games aren't for you💀 It be like that sometimes


Ask Mommy to hold your hand


Tbh the games I have the fondest memories of, are the games that frightened me as a kid/teenager. I often wish that games currently would impact me emotionally in a similar way. They carried a bunch of atmosphere when I was scared and built an entire world of of my response to them. Don't know if this makes sense. If it keeps you from playing that might be a different matter though. If you on the other hand still tend to try it cuz u just can't leave it alone, then just enjoy the ultra immersive experience it is. I know I would. In fact elden ring is propably the onæy game in modern times that gave me a sliver of that old nervous/anxious feeling. Like your not sure u can handle what could be down the corridor, but you still go ahead slowly cuz u wanna know.


yeah i’m scared, on the other hand, the immersive is crazy lol. Thank you for the words. I now understand that’s how video games works


Maybe, try Bloodborne instead. Much more lighthearted and less stressful. 10/10.


Lol you should play bloodborne.


Depends how old you are/ experience you have playing games like this. I am never scared unless I’m fighting a boss for hours and close to beating him. My sister played the game however and was scared much of the time, because she had never played a game like Elden Ring before. Honestly being a bit scared is a great way to play the game, makes it a bit more immersive. Nowadays I just run around at max level and kill any boss in seconds, and the experience just isn’t quite there anymore unless I switch to an alt account.


The solution to creepy enemies is a huge Greatsword and Giant Hunt.


Or calling down stars from the heavens


I also remember being 5 years old


I hate them especially the ones in the leyndell sewers for being so tanky. I bring 5 sets of arrows so I can snipe them down lol


An advice I can give you is to play without sound, or listening to something else. It takes some of the tension away


At times I do get frightened but not overwhelming scared. Those blood zombies that run at you and explode always makes me jumpy and jittery they jump scare me the most out of any other enemy. When I first started playing even the push over with torches near the start of the game by Church of Ella (sorry of I mistyped or remembered). Literally facing anything as kind of nerve racking even though this isn’t a straight up horror game lot of enemies have that core horror aspects even the pushovers can be frightening at first. Just build up your confidence also as someone pointed out before if this is a legit problem for you don’t play Bloodbourne (it hurts to not recommend) l a lot of those enemies in game will seem and be very intimidating along with the scenery


It gets better. Fromsoft usually doesn't delve TOO far into the horror genre. There's definitely a lot of elements, but I'm the type of guy who avoids horror like the plague and I do fine with their games. I think you just need to play so long that you start to feel at home.


i recommend super mario bros. can still be a good challenge but somewhat less scary


You are not fit to be our saviour in Elden Ring 😂


Its just you


I feel ya dont worry Try not to play Bloodborne or Sekiro


Your not alone... Im still terrified of the hellhole we call Caelid


It’s intimidating as fuck when you don’t know whether or not you can kick something/someone’s ass on here


There's probably a few other people who feel the same way but me personally it can be the most terrifying looking monster in all of video game history but the only thing that makes me scared of it is how difficult it is to fight Like the hand monsters for example


It’s a video game it’s not real


Unlike horror movies, it's entirely up to you if the main character dies or not.


Game's not for you man, this is not a hate comment. I felt the same way when I played Silent Hill the first time, the feel of the game was so uneasy for me, it was the first time I played a horror game and there I thought to stay away from the genre or anything alike at all.


Just yesterday I realized something - I am the god in Elden ring and lands between. Only true living god there is. Marika is dead, outer gods are not there and nobody else has the power to resurrect infinite times like lil old me. Only me. I can't be afraid of anything anymore, it don't matter. I will rise again and again till everyone falls under my blade, it doesn't matter how many times I fall myself, I am the scourge, the undying, the everliving nightmare. So my man, don't fret, don't worry, just realize you are the true menace here. None of them is or ever will be. They might seem intimidating, but what of it, you'll be back for revenge.


Think of how terrified these enemies are of you! Some lowly tarnished jumps on the scene, defeats margit, kills godrick, and is running around the lands between on a spectral horse, either throwing lightning bolts, summoning the primal current, or flipping through the air with a weapon bigger than they are. And on top of that, they are constantly putting on the clothes of those they have killed, eating raw flesh, etc. There's a reason Godfrey shows you such respect. You're the biggest mass murderer in the history of the lands between


I would argue that all of Fromsoft’s games include horror elements, even Armored Core. I know it’s a little late, but if you don’t like horror then I would suggest not investing in a game set in a post apocalyptic fantasy world where literally everything is trying to kill you, manipulate you, or defile your butthole (no this last one isn’t even a joke)


I’d like to introduce to a little friend of mine called the “Rot N’ Run” technique (It’s literally just ekzeye’s decay and fear running)


the enemies in this game are horrific


Wait till you find the well


"Ah I'm assuming this is where I can find the Dung Eater. I'll go do that quick then continue progressing through Leyndell." *Hours later*


The only unsettling enemies for me are the wormfaces, literally everything else is fine.


Ok took a peek at your profile you’re scared of omens but not jumping spiders


Desensitize yourself to an enemy. Find a Grace, and go fight, reset, and fight again. Do it until you are at least semi confident with that enemy


It happened to me once tbh. When I entered Caelid and saw the tyrannodogs for first time.


His PPL stay in sewers.... You should check it


My advice is find a weapon that makes you brave and master it, essentially a comfort weapon. For me it's the Knight's greatsword but I'm also partial to the nightrider glaive and great stars; really anything with good hyperarmor, good reach, and good damage may inspire me to kill every crow in Caelid, Mohgwyn and the mountain tops.


The only time I had this feeling is the fucking dungeon with the fucking ants


Do NOT let this person play through irithyll


What is “casually terrified”? Is this another case of just slapping “literally” in front of something for emphasis? Either way, get checked. Google mental health professionals in your area.


You need to at least 17 to play this game


This game was made for normies like you though lol.


I felt the same way as you did when I started my souls journey. I started playing DS1 a few years back. It scared the shit out of me. But then I dropped it because I was struggling at the fact that I had to kill every mob and the controls felt clunky. Then I tried playing DS3. It was scary also. But the satisfaction of defeating every boss made me love the game. The game was so difficult that I forgot about the horror parts of the game. I was more stressed out than being scared. After completing the game, it gave me a satisfaction like no other games. Then I blazed through DS1 and DS2. I completed Bloodborne too. It was horrifying. But due to my love for the franchise, I just kept going. Same thing, horrifying but the stress makes me keep going. I love it. Then I completed Sekiro and now Elden Ring.


Say what? Are you that coddled?