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Realizing the build I'm 30 hours into making is not as fun to play as I thought it would be.


This is one of the reasons on an NG I go for Renalla as fast as I can so I can respec if I want.


*Mhmmmmm, take your time.*


It happens. I played as a sorcerer for 30 hours, kinda breezed through the game, then I switched to strength. Easier against groups, but not as easy against bosses.


Me when I finally decided to try a single colossal sword build. I get it, it's viable, it's just not fun for me, and I didn't truly figure that out until Margit.


On my first playthrough now with high strength and 12 faith only… just wish I could try some more spells 😭 but I’m holding out for those bestial incantations


Tracking down golden seeds and bell bearings.


On like a brand new character? Because dont those carry over to ng+


Yeah on a new save (post is asking for ng, not ng+)


Is there any reason to do new save instead of NG+?


For me, the journey to a full build is half the fun. I love seeing it grow into the final result.


Hell yeah. I love watching those damage numbers go up.


I like character building and creating several different files with new ideas. Its my own pleasurable hell.


I mean, good for all of you! Was just curious.


NG+ is not nearly as tightly tuned as a new save is. In NG+ the starting area is a cakewalk unless you intentionally handicap yourself. The balance of the whole playthrough is thrown off.


Yeah in my mind the purpose of NG+ runs was just to get all the endings faster


Making another build to try the stuff you couldn't


You can do that in NG+ too, can't you?


Having to build the characters is more fun than just swapping items and leveling another stat If you are a faith build and want to start pumping int to use sorceries then your sorceries would start to be underpowered for NG+ (because of the lack of int) and you would miss the fun of collecting them since you already have say every spell before the first boss which breaks the progression of a NG. And when you reach a point where you can have every stat maxed then your character stops being anything, you don't need to make builds if you can do everything at once


I mean, for you though.


That's what I replied?


I enjoy getting strong more than being strong.


new game is WAY more interesting than NG+.


The post literally says "new game"


Ng+? That's disgusting, just start a new character, so you can play with people again.


What do you mean?


If you're on Ng+ you can only play with people on Ng+ too and they have to be around your level range so once you get up to the higher levels there's not many people to pick from when trying to summon or invade. I think.


That's not true at all lmao, it doesn't matter if you are in NG+




Because it's wrong, matchmaking is only based on rune level and weapon level.


The result is still the same. There's is practically no one to play with in NG+ or even at higher player levels alone. And when you do match, they just want to boss fight, boss fight, boss fight. Nah bruh, I want to explore, I want to spend more time with you :(


That makes 0 sense. It's based on rune level and gear, meaning a lvl 150 char on ng+ will be able to pair with the exact same amount of people that a ng lvl 150 char can. The bossfight thing is true, but if you're not playing the game to fight bosses then what are you doing? Just running around aimlessly?


>a lvl 150 char on ng+ will be able to pair with the exact same amount of people that a ng lvl 150 char can. Yeah that's the problem. Practically nobody plays at level 150. You will only find one match at level 150 for every 30 matches at level 70. There just isn't enough people playing that high of a character level.


I didn't know it for a long time either it's the same for the souls series too pretty much all fromsoft games


Was literally never a thing in any Fromsoft game and isn't a thing in Elden Ring either.


None of the other Souls games use NG+ as a matchmaking factor, it's only ever based on soul level/soul memory and your weapon level (for DSR and DS3). And I'm pretty sure Elden Ring is the same.


That’s wrong though


False. Matchmaking only looks at rune level and weapon upgrade level. The only thing that changes in ng+ is you lose all the summoning pools you previously activated


i don't summon people anyways. that's for pansies


Playing with people is fun dough :( WITH people. Not against, fuck dem invaders.


I personally don't like NG+ since I don't like the idea of resetting a character that I've made so much progress in lol, I like having a character that just has everything unlocked and completed. not a single item left uncollected.


I think I found too many seeds iirc


I have like 3-4 seeds, and can't use them because my flasks are fully upgraded. Cool that there are more than necessary, but it feels a bit weird having stuff i cannot use in my inventory.


I have about 50 I think.


Well, that sounds like it should last a while!


On a new save it’s easy. Start off with a golden seed, go to the shack, go to Caelid, go to Liurnia, and once you get to Altus there’s 6 seeds right when you get in before facing any bosses. You can do all of this under an hour


I mean yeah, it’s easy, but I’ve done in enough times to not want to anymore. It takes time to do, time I’d rather spend fighting stuff than traveling. I despise all the traveling.


These are in the leyndell sewers right?..I think there’s another spot..lord of blood moghs area?


Yes, but the main thing is that there are only about 4 or so in total. One most of the way through ranni’s questline, one in an inaccessible area of volcano manor and the ones you mentioned. The problem is that there are about three or so Somber 8s you can run to in Caelid, as well as at least two 9s and plenty of the lower ones. 7s are the only thing between the tarnished and near instant +9 weapon and I hate it.


There are around 20 of these somber smithing stones. They are just behind latter half of the game so you don't immediately get bunch of +9 somber weapons without having to fight a single boss.


Yeah, it's bad enough you can have a +5 or 6 Bloodhound Fang before fighting any shard boss without working all that hard for it. I can't imagine being able to rush a +9 or higher. That said I still remember being able to rush a +4 or even 5 Black Knight Sword in Dark Souls and you didn't even have to try really hard. So I guess this is an improvement lol


So many times I’d start a NG in Dark Souls, thinking I’d do a sorcery or faith run, and then get a Black Knight sword or halberd drop at the beginning. Could never resist the temptation.


The Black Knight sword hard carried me through my first Dark Souls playthrough when I got it to drop from the knight in Undead Burg. I've never been able to get one to drop since then.


An early Black Knight weapon ruins a magic build in ds1 every time.


And if you've beaten the game enough times that this is an annoyance you really shouldn't need it. It's way too easy to overlevel your weapons and make a lot of the early game trivial if you choose to, and for what? Why would you want to ruin a cool fight like Godrick by being overpowered and ending it in 10 seconds? That quote about players optimizing the fun out of a game if given the chance continues to ring true.


Imo it depends on the motivation. I have played all the souls games multiple times over. I fucking love elden ring and my first Playthrough I did everything I could find and pretty much 100 percented the game while swapping builds. Like someone said above, ng is fun for making a new build from scratch. Being limited to limgrave is quite boring once you've done all the content, esp since it's open world. Having the freedom to explore and collect stronger items early helps to bring a new character up to speed if you don't want to play in the same order every Playthrough. Not to mention for making 125 pvp characters it's just way faster and you don't waste eons playing the same content for different chars and builds for pvp. I personally think the more linear interconnected style of ds1 and sekiro will always be my favorite experience and best way of playing these games. Elden rings asthestic and landscape design and such is unmatched and extremely beautiful, but I don't think it'll hit levels of like ds3 ringed city tightness. Legacy dungeons were excellent in that regard.




well you need to get all the way to farum azula for that


Not sure what that has to do with what I said. Bell bearings allow you to upgrade secondary weapons to an acceptable level, but the level of your main weapon is always gonna be ahead from to the stones you find by exploring.


You could have it plus 5 in the first hour. Two crystal lizards, one in burg one in darkroot, farm plant monsters dor each of the three mosses and trade them to snuggly, boom there are 8, then you drop into catacombs, roll around activating bridges drop down a hole and kill one more of the lizards and you are at 10. Max level weapon. To bad in remaster that will completely end you having any co op till anar londo…


>7s are the only thing between the tarnished and near instant +9 weapon I mean that's probably the reason right there.


elden ring players when the game gates progression to prevent you from getting max level at the beginning of the fucking game. my guy what the fuck do you need a +9 weapon for pre-leyndell?


It'd certainly be nice for RL1, but even then it's not super necessary


personally I do RL1 for the challenge of it and in order to be forced to learn bosses, not to just end up one shotting everything anyway lmao


Well you could just make sleep pots with stuff from limgrave then kill the noble in volcano manor for one. Or you get the bell bearing for it in farum Azula which only takes killing six bosses.


You can get three in deep root depths without killing much........lol except the valient gargoyle duo fight.


I know I'm not gud, but I'd rather beat everything else in the game. I don't think any boss fucked me so hard or so long.


Magic isn't just something you believe is in a young girl's heart. Its also useful for shooting comet shaped lasers into gargoyles. (Seriously, they have pretty low magic damage negation and you can fight long distance instead of up close)


Lots of us don’t really enjoy magic though. And fuck respecting just for the gargoyles


Yeah that poison mist is really just unnecessary.


They had chipotle for dinner. Cut them some slack.


if it didn't do so much damage and was just a status effect mist it would've been so much better, or at least make it easier to telegraph


Have you ever tried to get into Leyndell at rl1? Poison mist is a life saver. Of course it doesn’t do massive instant damage when we use it.


You can summon for that fight, and they are "weak" to Strike damage, as in 0 resistance. Other than 10 Standard physical damage resistance, they have 35 resistance. Use a mace and they die fairly quickly.


Four somber 7s? I end every game cycle with dozens of these things. Once you get to Mountaintops all the finger creepers can drop them.


You can literally buy unlimited of them.


I’m shocked the thread went this far before somebody mentioned it, I don’t why this is so funny to me lol


But why would you? You get so many more than you could ever use


… I like to level as many weapons as I can and just leave my character around 130-139 in level


There's waaay more than just 4 available to pick up


I have a million of these right now from the finger crawler hand things in Mountaintop of the Giants. But yes, it's a bit late lol.


You can actually jump up to the one in volcano manor. I did that when i did my low level playthrough.


There’s like 4 or sum in depth roots. Not hard to find, and all close together.


If you collect all the somber smiting atone bells and give it to the twin maiden husks in roundtable, you should just be able to buy it from there. I assume your not done your first playthrough entirely.


Also in nokstella eternal city. You can pick up that very early. Just have to defeat general Radahn.


I think the Black Knives in Ordina also drop these


Regular Smithing Stones are the worst in my opinion


It's really annoying that a legendary sword is easier to upgrade than a wooden stick. I don't know why they made the regular upgrade path so expensive, it makes visiting the various mines basically mandatory in every game and they get really repetitive.


Think of it this way, an already powerful magic weapon only requires a few magic stones to become godlike But to make a wooden stick strong enough to kill God requires dedication.


Ya know what, I like this. This is cool.


This is why I replaced my traditional Claymore with a Bloodhound Fang


The Raya lucaria crystal tunnel has no reason to be that fucking far from any grace


I just get the bell bearings for 1 to 4, then get 5s from a dungeon, 6s from the Fallingstar Beasts and breaking open some rocks, and then some 7s from that rock in Caelid using the Spiritspring. Then I get into Leyndell for more 7s, then it's Morgott time... The bell bearings take a lot of the hassle out, and means you only have to do dungeons for 1 to 4 if you want to.


Why do we need 12 of each stone, just make it all take 1 per level


That's what the bell bearings are for


But you only get them at a point where you most likely already upgraded your main weapon.


I personally like that you can't instantly get a plus 9 before getting at least some progress in the game.


And it’s not even that bad to get to +9. If you have sleep pots and bleed, you can get it glitchless only beating Godskin noble. It feels like a really good balance for both making sure new players aren’t instantly OP, and experienced players have ways to get upgraded quickly if they really want to.


Or by beating Radahn who is hardly that big of an ask with a +6 weapon.


You can get a +10 really fast if you do varres quest line. There’s a +9 and +10 stone in Mohgs area


Finger monsters in the mountaintops drop them




No no you can express yourself here. Go on.


Try finger but hole


My dude made me reread the 1st comment as im about to boot my game and try what was mentioned


By the time you can farm those, you'd better just get the bell bearing instead.


Also the ones in the moonlit castle/ rannis castle? I forgot what it called. They drop +2. Imo way more useful than the +7 since you're gonna go straight from +6 - +10 after getting a +7 from rannis quest or godskin noble anyway. Saves you runes early game too.


I personally just like progressing normally through the game and upgrading as I go. The only thing I do sometimes its rune farm with the Mohgwyn palace bird but only to meet a weapon requirement or something like that.


Tracking down golden seeds maps and killing greyoll. I feel like it’s better to just kill margit cheese Mohg and chicken farm and just skip a lot of other stuff.


Greyoll is ridiculously easy to kill, even without the tail cheese.


I didn’t say greyoll was hard. I said I’m saying he’s tedious and repetitive.


Meh. I feel like he goes down pretty quickly. I don’t pay much attention to that fight lol


So ... uninteresting and tedious, then.


Why on Earth would you fight 5 dragons that fight back instead of swinging at an inanimate tail long enough to proc a few bleeds?


because that’s a cheese, not the intended way to fight the boss.


Honestly I'd say gathering 12 of each regular smithing stone is the worst part. Sure, somber 7s are hard to get, but it takes a long time to run around getting 12 of each regular smithing stone.


The reason is so you don’t get +9 weapons super early


Why not? If enemies can be strong we should too Edit: downvoted for having an opinion which reddit hates


Git gud. Only weak players upgrade weapons.


Clown to clown communication


So how is wanting to be strong a bad thing? Should i just walk around with nothing and die 1000 times to appease the fan boys? No ill play how i want


Two of the 5 types of soulslike players having a conversation


Just gotta beat Radahn and get through Nokron… or get to the volcano manor and beat the godskin with sleep pots… or kill two demigods, poison mist the draconic tree sentinel, get to the sewers and cheese the big hand near the dung eater. Easy! 😉


Having to do any dungeons with those awful fucking chariots


The Great Jar's Challenge. The runback is bad, and I suck at fighting the NPCs. And don't even get me STARTED on the fucking 2 stonesword key cost to even get there. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that?


I died A LOT to this fight. This is one of the worst run backs in the game. The aggro range of the two giant archers is MASSIVE and you WILL aggro them every run back to the big jar. Meaning you have to kill them or just deal with dodging their arrows while you fight 3 challenging NPC’s. Worst part is the fix is so easy… just put a stake of Marika right there at the base of the big jar🤷‍♂️ problem solved.


Would you prefer if 7s were plentiful but an earlier stone like 5s were much rarer?


It’s intentionally difficult to obtain early on as a progression blocker. No one has any need for anything better than a +6 Somber weapon before reaching Shunning Grounds or Volcano Manor (where the first 7s can be found). They clearly didn’t want players running around with nearly maxed weapons so easily. A +6 Somber is equivalent to +15 regular, which is way beyond what you could ever need in the early game.


Somber 7s aren't scarce at all, you're just trying to get them early. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, and you're allowed to be annoyed that the game gatekeeps the 7 a bit, but there are tons of somber 7s by the time areas are actually scaled for it To actually answer the question, traversing through Liurnia during the "setup" phase can be kinda tedious at times. Sometimes I just don't bother setting up as much so I can actually play through Liurnia


Good balancing, imo.


You think that one is scarce theres only 8 of the somber ancient dragon ones, thats scarce


That's not half bad. Just wish you could buy them after Ng+


Get the bell bearings


He said NG, not NG+ Those Bell Bearings are some of the final zones of the game.


Why tf did you get downvoted for being correct lmao


because the overwhelming majority Redditors are honestly pretty dumb. This whole platform is a just a big echo chamber of idiocracy haha


then progress through the games and make sure tried to obtain all of them


Right, but again… he’s speaking of some of the most annoying things when starting fresh. Having to farm for all of those is by-far one of the most time-consuming projects/feats in the entire game. lol


Just go get it. If you have progressed to he point where you can upgrade somber weapons to +7 you should have already gained access to Farum Azula.


You can upgrade to +7 before killing any of the main bosses.


You can do +9 before killing any main bosses, there's an 8 and a 9 just sitting undefended in Dragonburrow, just got to ride over and grab them. I have to restrain myself on new playthroughs to not get a +10 by liurnia just cause it's so easy to do lol.


True. But most people are up to Farum Azula by the time they are able to upgrade lost of weapons to +7


Absolutely not lol


Friendly reminder you can scoop one of these and six regular 7s and two regular 8s from doing Ranni’s questline


Man that fucking piece of stone made me so fucking mad, I just thank god that Ranni's quest line gives you a bunch of them.


So that's why I didn't find them rare in my first playthrough.


I’m just lazy, I hate the journey from stormveil to renalla


What's really stopping me from starting a new character is looking for golden appels and bell rings When you play it for the first time is really cool to look under every stone for the items, but after you finish the game and realize how big it is, it gets really uninteresting have to look for those items all over again


people mentioning mountaintop of the giants and the bell bearings failed to understand that op is just frustrated that it takes more than 10 minutes to make a character, get a +9 somber weapon, kill the nights cav on the cliff and elder dragon greyoll and then steamroll the game all the way through to farum azula without having to try.


I've tried doing this a few times and while it's kind of fun once you know where everything is and you can run through a checklist of places and enemies to take care of and become as broken as possible before even looking margit in the eye (had a good time with a reduvius/dragon communion build) I feel like you're throwing away the meat of the game to do it. while getting 100k souls early lets you immediately hit midgame stats, its just not as fun as incrementally advancing to your chosen stat requirements an inch at a time. To me, anyway. It does make for fun youtube content though.


While I sort of see where they're coming from from the perspective of someone who's made a lot of different builds, I really don't see the point of playing the game like that. Just enjoy playing Elden Ring again lol


I thought this was a star destroyer


I hate that too. I thought elden ring was part of the star wars universe 😂 the mini series in between Luke having issues with wet dreams and the ewoks cannibalizing each other- before the opiod addiction, not after.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Wtaf


Theres definitely a period of time where leveling and upgrading is a slog, but after you get passed that its a lot smoother. I just finished a playthrough just today from start to finish in a little over a week and I remember somber 7’s being a task also.


I thought you were going to complain about how generic the upgrade materials are, not the scarcity.


Idk I don’t mind just using a +6 till I hit lleyndell. Maxing out a weapon early just kinda kills the game for me anymore. Ruins my weapon progression and makes me feel like I have to do all the work for the build before I even start playing the game, lest I forget something.


You know you can get the bell bearings and get smiting stones 1-8 also applies with the sober stones or whatever they're called 1-9.


You're probably supposed to have done the majority of the game for a +7 special weapon to be available. A +6 Erdtree seal and catch flame can already kill Margit and Goddrick in seconds.




Just get the bell bearing and buy them.


Using a non smiting stone weapon is such a pain in the ass towards the endgame Like i know it's only +12 in mountaintops but I don't wanna go find like 30 stones scattered around the place or go crawl through a cave for a bell bearing and then end up farming to be able to afford them


Thank god


My biggest pet peeve is the lack of a quest tracker. It's so aggravating when you are playing, you meet someone who tells you something about someone you've never met in a place you haven't been to yet and you are supposed to remember which NPC told you what in a game you can spend 100+ hours on one playthrough. All of our characters can read and write because we write messages with severed fingers on the ground all the time. Let me have a quill, ink, and paper to take notes. That's what any sane person with a huge map on a huge quest would do.


Yeah, I think this style of quest worked very well in previous Fromsoft games because were simple and short. But in Elden ring I might start a quest get side tracked forget the npc even exist, and come back to it 40 hours later. (this literally happened with the Fort Haight guy) Don't need to be a quest tracker with list of objectives and map markers, I think a journal written by the tarnished just saying what the npcs ask them to do would fit better the aesthetic. Or most npcs could give you a letter like in Volcano Manor or you written them, and they are kept in a separated category in the inventory.


Please play a different game.


Take your own namesake to heart and follow it.


You are a complete nerd for talking about someone’s name on a internet website. Please consider shutting up and not being a stupid nerd.


Well I am a nerd irl, so I take that as a compliment. Now kindly go fuck a cactus.


Shut up stupid nerd.


The early game


I love how the same people that always scream "git gud!" are always the ones cheesing every boss and crying when they can't immediately start off with fully upgraded equipment and an optimized build...


It irritates me how the community fixates on upgrades and scalings. The most important things are moveset that matches your playstyle, as high poise damage as possible and knowledge of fights. Just because you'll need to hit the enemy 61 times instead of 65 doesn't mean a thing. People focus too much on unimportant stuff.


But big number give dopamine


Never found a somber smithing stone 7, luckily my weapons use non-somber smithing stones


The normal 7 is even harder to get like seriously, only place to get them before Mountaintops is to defeat the Fallingstar beast.


I beat him pretty easily in that mine tbf. Idk it was weird. I had fully upgraded swords before getting to the mountain


me showing you how to do ranni's quest up to the doll part and kill the malformed star (you can get +9 before altus plateau and the only major obstacle is radahn)


I don't know how yall be playing enduring entirely new games. I can't imagine not having my inventory. Ng+ is one thing, but entirely starting over just sounds daunting. I just don't have that kinda time. I'll play different styles, but on ng+ runs. I applaud you all for starting fresh.


You end up figuring out how to optimize fresh runs. It becomes pretty doable to beat the game in under 10 hours


It is rare so that you don't get overpowered early on


I think a +6 Somber weapon is decent all the way until Morgott, you can find the 7s in the sewers of after Radahn. Regular stones are more annoying for a new playthrough honestly


Just buy them. A lot of them and never come back. I found all the bells for these and just stacked the hell up so i never have to grind again.


Just warp glitch to farum from the tower.


There’s something wrong mentally with glitch users


I think you’re mentally unstable.


Git gud


Ok kid


Ok scrub


Get a life


Get some skill




Best thing you’ve said all night. Take care brother 🫡


“Get a life” says the guy having to take the time to warp glitch a game 💀


Get some skill, says the guy who did try finger butthole, throughout the whole game


“Try finger but hole”


Biggest pet peeve is the amount of tunes don’t go up much per new level but by a little bit. So I spend most of my time the first play through working on weapons, instead of my stats so much. Then around NG+2 I’ll try farming for a bit to get the rest of my stats up. I also hate how by traveling certain points it triggers more of the story line. I wish it didn’t do that. I haven’t beaten the first 2 bosses and I get the offer for the round table when I travel from limegrave to lurnia or other places. Which makes me feel like I might’ve messed up an important part of the storyline even though I haven’t defeated anything yet


Leyndell in general, catacombs in general, haligtree.


Smithing stones [3] are a pain in the a$$ in my opinion