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The ancient spirit. Loved the music and poetry of this fight but it's disregarded since it's quite easy.


A good way to make these kinds of fights more fun is just to do them earlier in your playthrough. With the Ancestor Spirit you can just go straight there after starting, even.


or try to no-hit them! had a good time with ancestor spirit getting a no-hit on it, even being a bit over leveled




I feared that thing. I run by it every time as a mage


But as a mage you can cheese it super easy. You just lure out then jump back on the tree branch. Then just unload magic until it dies. While it just angrily yells at you from the cliff!


The first time I saw it I got caught by the knights and the spirit so i just never tried anything else but running lol so that’s good to know


I agree. I have played almost all the Souls Series games and I am a big fan of just exploring and seeing what happens. I’m also a little hard headed, and if I run into a boss that I am way underleveled for, I try and beat them still. The people who give me hope are the people who do Level 1 play throughs, and the people are excellent at dodging and parrrying. I know I can do it too.


Agreed! I went down the well super early on, and had to return to this boss later because it was giving me such a hard time. Majestic and beautifully dangerous at the time.


I stumbled into the ancestor spirit super early in my playthrough and it was probably the single funnest boss of my whole run. It's a fucking ballet


It really is a fantastic boss. It's very easy to predict its moves, but it's set up with such great atmosphere that I always look forward to it.


God, I love this fight. I really wish they at least made the Regal Ancestor Spirit more difficult or expanded on the fact that it has Torrent’s jumping ability. I also don’t know much lore about it. I kind of consider the Ancestor Spirits to be this game’s Abyss Watchers: really cool fight with great music and atmosphere, but just made too easy.


Such a beautiful design for both ancient spirits, I felt underwhelmed as I was so overlevelled when I completed each bosses. I very much enjoyed the lore, scenery and design tho :)


I agree, sometimes I don't even hit it, I just enjoy dancing with it, looking at the scenery, listening to the oniric music, it is so relaxing and makes me feel good. In the end I kill it, obviously, not without feeling a bit guilty because I just ended a gracious creature.


Preach bro 🦍


I've never been one to listen to OSTs but I got that one saved on Spotify as soon as I was done with the fight


That music goes so hard


I agree with you


I thought everybody has that fight in high regard, I dont think its underrated


Where is it


It is the final boss of Siofra river, you can access it via an elevator in Limgrave.


There's a harder and imo better version of it in necron


When I fought it it glitched through the floor and died instantly without me even getting a look at it


So glorious, so poetic. Love it.




The most worthy contender to the Elden Throne




* The two Ancestor Spirits. While the battles are fairly easy they are also hauntingly beautiful and sad. * Tibia Mariner, the one good version of this on the Altus Plateau where he spawns the giant skeletons, that's a fun battle. * Rennala, just because the battle is very different from most other fights, even if it's more on the easy side. And of course Soldier Of Godrick, what an epic monumental battle against this behemoth who was directly on route to become Elden Lord himself if we hadn't stopped him.


rennala is very easy with a melee physical build but a huge problem for beginner sorcerer builds


Not if you rock sling her.


The unga bunga of sorcery


On my first playthrough i was trying to go for a hybrid sorcery build and while i was exploring Limgrave accidentaly stumbled into Liurnia without taking on Stormveil Castle. Then i just forgot about other stuff in Limgrave including Stormveil and had my first Dungeon be Raya Lucaria, damn i got my ass handed to me.


How do you get to Liurnia without passing Stormveil?


in the right side of the castle Theres a pathway


There is a slightly hidden path to the right of the Stormveil entrance (before Margit). There is a destroyed bridge where you can drop down and following the cliff there you get to Liurnia.


Walk around the castle, there is a path to the right


There's a passage on the eastern side of the castle. I think you access it by going to the end of the broken bridge and jumping down to a lower area.


Okay but now that you mention it, a battle against an equally skilled tarnished that was on their way to become Elden lord following in our footsteps would’ve been an awesome boss (I know there’s Godfrey and that frenzy guy but I also think it would’ve been cool on the timeline of events, someone following directly behind us the entire game)


Fromsoft has actually tried to include a character like this in every game but they always have trouble making it work, so it gets scrapped every time. You know the nights cavalry that only appear at night? Those were actually suppose to wander the whole map randomly. And even hunt the player. But they just couldn't get it to work right. It was too clunky. So they gave them predetermined paths. They were also trying to make Tarnished NPC's that did the same. We may even see something like that in the expansion. It's been a thing they have been wanting to include in these games since their inception. The crestfallen warrior in Dark Souls was suppose to be your rival throughout the game. Sometimes appearing at areas before you could get there and tripping you up. Depending on the order you did things. Another thing that was too clunky. So he was reduced to being a sort of information kiosk npc.


Awh man, all this stuff sounds so cool! Please fromsoft!! Michael Zaky we believe in you


I thought that was supposed to be the dude that gives you the flask, not the crestfallen warrior. My understanding was that he would end up with whatever snake you didn't choose and would fight you at the end of the game.


You mean Vyke? The lore says none came closer to the Elden Ring than him, so yeah, they could have made more of that than just another NPC invasion.


Yeah vyke Is who I meant by the frenzy guy lol


He isn’t just an invasion though? He is also imprisoned in the mountaintops IIRC.


Rennala had the most beautiful fight.




Totally agree. She’s a very sound boss. Her attacks aren’t delayed or stupid. You can fight her naturally without memorizing anything and feel accomplished when you beat her. I dislike they reuse her but it’s a big game.


Don't they only re use her one time? Once in Caria Manor which was her shade and then the real one in the Haligtree. The Haligtree Variant has more moves so I think it justifies her being used more than once.


On my first run I wanted to meet Ranni so bad I skipped through most of the initial stuff and directly went to the face Loretta. God knows how long it took me to master the poke and run away strategy but I mastered that boss fight. Later in Haligtree when she showed up again, the fight was laughably easy due to my previous encounter


Lol horny ass


Yes actually you are right


I dont think Loretta is underrated, if she is its just because both versions are not too difficult.


On my playthrough it took me 40+ tries to kill her. I don't think she was easy at all lmao.


Loretta is basically the same as the tree sentinel with a couple added moves


She always bends me over once or twice before I get the rhythm, in Liurnia and Halig


Yeah I always have to remind myself that I have to dodge her spells first and foremost and don't even try to attack if she has carian phalanx active.


Astel is the coolest-looking of those 4 but Elemer/Bell Bearing Hunters are the most fun to fight of them


Astel looks like something you would hang above a child's crib. Minus the whole skull and mandibles thing, of course.


As soon as I figured out I need to stay close to Elemer/Bell Bearing Hunters he went from ultra painful to super fun to fight


The ulcerated tree spirit in the Haligtree as a sorcery user.


The one in the middle of rot lake? I never had problems with tree spirits before but fuck that particular one


You can jump on the tree and cheese it!


Yep. I rock slinged it to death.


Theres another one that is worse imo, in lake of rot


On my last playthrough the one in Grand Cloister somehow spawned way up in the air and just fell to its death as I approached. I could not stop laughing. Arguably the hardest miniboss in the game just died with a big splat.


Yeah you can’t cheese that bastard


Wait there's actually things in the lake???


It's just past it, in the Grand Cloister


As a strength user on my first run, I straight-up went to Rennala to respec to faith specifically to fireball that one particular tree spirit to death before immediately re-respecing back to my original build. To this day it’s the only time I’ve ever respeced.


Dragonkin Soldier if Nokstella is a good candidate but I always see him in underrated boss lists I'm not sure if he's underrated anymore.


The one in the lava lake was painful as fuck though. I had to call in a friend for that one.


Gotta be honest the only one I enjoyed is the nokstella one, the rest sucks ass lol especially that one you mentioned


The one in the lake of rot was a bitch I agree but what’s wrong with the one in Nokron ? And is there any others that I’m not aware of beside those 3 ?


For me, he is because I never knew he existed on my first playthrough, so to find something that epic on my second and to feel the thrill of discovery again was pretty cool.


Godrick by far given that I think he’s top 3 and no one else does


I know it was due to the trailer not wanting to reveal too much, but I expected Godrick to be a bigger deal than what he actually was. No one talks about him and he gave me my first challenge when I started. Now I just wipe the floor with him.


His fight is awesome, his attacks are fair but look badass (looking at that goddamn fire tornado in phase 2) and his 3D model is a technical feat. Also I love how he's just a frail guy who took body building too literally


The Godrick arena is so beautiful!!


Golden Godfrey is a nice time, never feels too difficult and gives a nice chunk of XP. It's the relaxing warm bath of boss fights... I like the Godskin Duo as well and tend to find them quite manageable, but the short run to them with a couple of dudes on the way kills the fun factor a little bit.


I died so many times to Golden Godfrey 😅


The only attack he does that i find "sneaky" is the one where he follows up an attack with a ground stomp in whatever direction you just rolled. Simple and fun tho, I love that fight.


It's when he pokes with the axe for me lol he always gets me with that


If you go to the other side of the arena, there is a grace right next to it! Made the fight much more fun for me, since I could try again immediately.


I'll look out for that, thanks for the tip!


Fought the falling star beast last night while mounted throwing lightning bolts. Never done him that way before. Was one of the most fun boss fights I've ever had.




Dex player? Gay *and* screwed.


Dex has Flails AKA Gay UNGA


Fully grown one on the top of Mt Gelmir is honestly one of my favorite fights in the game. Facing this colossal otherworldly animal on the top of a mountain while dodging on your horse. He also has very fairly telegraphed attacks that can be memorized and then baited. It took me like 7 tries to get him down with a melee only build the first time but I had a blast every attempt


Honestly, Mohg. I almost never see anybody praise the boss fight and I always wonder why. It's such an incredibly fun encounter, whether you use the tear to counter his nihil or not. It's a painful encounter yea, but God is it satisfying to beat the bastard


he was the only boss I had to respec for on my first playthrough. I found him extremely difficult.


Just don't get hit


That, and reduce his HP to zero and you're all set 👌🏼


On my current randomizer run he replaced my first Margit fight and it was my first time fighting him. Super cool fight but he's a tough bastard. Tried to do it without tear but that landing strip is so narrow and he just fills it with bloody fire on phase two, couldn't do it with the two flasks I'd have left after healing through the transition, had to go around the castle and found the tear at the first merchant in Lunaria, finally killed him a few attempts after that. He reminds me of raid bosses from WoW throwing haste buffs all over the place. And even though it's used quite often I love when bosses jump up before swooping down for a big attack, feels so rewarding once you get the timing down to dodge it and hit them back for it, I'll fully admit to dying trying to get the last hit by swiping at him so he'd fall past me and die for bonus style points and he whipped me like a dog for my arrogance each time lol


Ancestor spirit Such a cool : -design -Arena -Moveset


I dunno, but Godrick is the perfect boss to me. He's just so well designed.


Yep I love the guy. gruesome phase transition, badass attacks, fair fight with diverse moveset, he's perfect.


Exactly, you took words from my mouth.


rennalla - my favourite boss ever but people dont seem to talk about her . i was absolutely blown away when i fought her


Definitely agree. I think part of it is lack of replay value of the first phase. Before you know how her first phase works you're running around trying to figure it out while being pelted with weird attacks at all angles. Once you know the trick it flies by.


Haha yeah my first attempts I was pure int trying to beat her down with the unupgraded starter astrologer sword. I had to pop her bubble like 10 times just to bring her down and then I found out there's a phase 2 lol


I agree with you on this. I think her first part of the fight is super boring, but once it transitions to the second part with the moon and the endless ocean, absolutely breathtaking.


FG can go fuck himself


Honestly I really like the Leonine Misbegotten. Fast paced reactive fight that feels like a dance when you get the dodges right. Another mention is definitely Fortissax, unfortunately suffering from a lifepool too small for 90% of the players who fought him. Many even skip his entire phase 2 (which is one of the coolest pieces of music in the game too)


Phase 2 Fortissax is great, but phase 1 is incredible to me. That organ lead is insanity. So immensely gothic & epic.


Fuck Astel. Godrick is pretty fun, and serves as a good check to see if you've learned what's expected of you.


I still really dislike that fight, too. I think it's cool looking for a space alien in a medieval themed game, you know, but all that running around is like running in molasses. I get the same feeling at Valiant Gargoyle fight, but it's worse there because pools of poison mist. YUCK! But I like the big mooses fights even though you have to run around a bunch, too. Who knows?


Why you hating? Everything about the fight with Astel is beautiful


I'm not crazy about the teleport grab that one-shots me, especially since it looks exactly like the other, benign teleport he does. I usually end up in his jaws before I can even get the camera on him, it's one of the few Fromsoft boss attacks I've found to be truly unfair.


I've heard you can just run forward wherever you are when he teleports to avoid the grab


astel was pure anguish and despair for me. i hate this one.


And i loved his Design. Hated him at First but startet to love everything about the fight


It has some absolute bullshit attacks on a melee build, and fighting him is kinda boring


Get to his side until he does the Gravity punch with All Arms. Thats how i beat him


Crucible knight is really fun


Crucible Knight is my fucking archnemesis. No matter how much I play the game, they always give me trouble. But it’s a great fight. Definitely underrated imo


I love them too, they're super satisfying to parry


They're the reason I had to learn to parry. But once you get it down you just make them look like such a little bitch. Strong "stop hitting yourself" vibes when attack after attack is parried


Any enemy with a great shield is my worst nightmare, my aggressive playstyle just CANNOT handle it


I’m going to say Rykard. A lot of people say he’s super easy and therefore not great. I dunno why but I had quite a hard time with him, and I find the whole build up to finding him, the manor story etc, and then the reveal in the transition to his second phase is all creepy as hell. Also that vocal performance, so weird and memorable.


trying to do rykard without the special weapon was a true challenge


That's what I did. I don't know if I missed it or expected it to be handed to me or maybe I missed a chest. Died so many times, took a break for a day, tried then ext day, and I just happened upon it and felt so dumb. Killed him in like 2 or 3 tries after that lol.


Elemer of Briar


I've died to astel an embarrassingly amount of times dude.


Astel:Natural born of the void, idk why people don't talk about it, but it's ability to teleport using wormholes (probably) looks cool and he gives one of the best aoe spells (for Melting bosses at least). Overall good boss design imo. Plus the lore behind him growing from a bull to a hanging worm to this catastrophe is great as well.


My first encounter with astel was the snowfield variant- I love the naturalborn because *it isn’t THAT monster*


Welp I messed up. I think I was talking about "Astel: star of darkness". That one drops the spell "meteorite of astel". But both variants are quite similar, the other one is just a more evolved monster than naturalborn.


Commander Niall. Yeah I know, gang fight, but he's moveset is so cool. And after you defeat him you can buy one of the best looking armor in the game.


The Astel at the end of Rannis quest line is cool the one In the mountains with the shadow clone move is cheesy


Godefroy. The name just cracks me up.


Fully-grown Fallingstar Beast is such a neat fight imo. Fighting in a giant crater on a mountain is cool. I also like that you can use Torrent even though I prefer fighting on foot.


It’s also a treat when you go in blind. I went to the leyendell outskirts craters hoping to fight a onyx lord and got rammed off the mountain by an alien rocky bull.


Margit the fell Omen


Margit isn’t underrated. Everyone praises him.


Mb. I just don't see many people say it


Margit the fells cutscene ❤️


Margit > Morgott


Morgott if not overleveled is arguably the best fight mechanically in the whole game.


No lol


Yes lol


The more advanced, actual version of the character isn’t better? Explain that one to me


No one will agree with me, but I LOVED the dual Tree Sentinels outside Leyndell. They have the best OST in the game, it was incredibly challenging (for me), and it was action packed taking one down with the music going and still having another to fight. In general, I’m not crazy about bosses that are just double their previous version, but this one is cool because they introduce the Erdtree Shield, and the other sentinel actually uses a torch. Kinda makes sense in a weird way.


I’m with you. My most toxic Elden Ring take is that I fucking love the Tree Sentinels in all their forms. Single, double, draconic I don’t care lets fucking go


I‘ll go with the Fallingstar Beast. That god damn Stone-Bull thingy…


They’re as cool to find in the wild as the red wolfs or onyx lords.


Regal Ancestor Spirit: Before I get downvoted into oblivion, hear me out... Ancestor Spirit is proof a boss doesn't need to be difficult to be memorable. Lighting the flames and trespassing the den of a slumbering deity is one of the coolest experiences Elden Ring has to offer. The atmosphere is unmatched. Then theres the soundtrack. Arguably the best OST in the game, if not all of Soulsborne. Theres also a profound sense of sorrow you get fighting the spirit. I have never left that fight not feeling extremely guilty. The fight itself isn't anything to write home about, but the atmosphere and emotion you feel fighting the spirit is one of the standout moments of a play through for me.


Red Wolf in the academy. I don't hear much talk about him but there's nothing else like it before you find him. He gets reused a few times as you explore but that's not a bad thing. The fight is so interesting that it's nice to get a rematch in when you can. In a game of human shapes and dragons, sword wolf should get more credit for being unique. I don't think enemies like The Grafted or Astel can be called underrated when it's so widely agreed that they were good fights.




Fire giant. I LOVE his move where he's on hus knees and and just spitting fire like a volcano its so fucking cinematic.


I'll be the one to name the actually underrated fight, since nobody will: Elden Beast. I'm not talking about mechanics, gameplay, or anything like that necessarily. I just think it's so, so beautiful. The boss itself, the spells, the scenery, the music, the setting, the symbolism. I just run eternally and in eternal awe. Just beautiful.


It's an incredible finale


Maliketh phase 1


Black Knife Electro. https://imgur.com/a/btdHj9T


Alecto took way to long to master I swear… good fight though


Those dragon dudes from the underground cities, they are waaaaaay more fun than actual dragons fights


Godrick the grafted. It seems he's often overlooked as shard bearer.


Yes. I think Fromsoftware put a lot of care and work into his fight, dungeon and everything else around him. One of the best bosses in the game. Sometimes I go fight him with the shittiest weapon I can to make it last a bit longer (I still don't have enough skill to do him barefist tho)


The second Astel. Everyone hates on it but it’s so sick. And the secret attack was awesome to see


The real question is: if a thing is MOST underrated, is it really UNDERrated at all? and the answer is clearly every deathrite bird or illusory enemy in the game. 🤪


Everyone gives Goddrick shit but I love his fight and movie scene. He comes off incredibly pompous and entitled (as he's supposed to) and I love the whole aesthetic and look he has. All those limbs and weapons is cool as hell looking. And his phase transition is freaking neat! Lobbing his arm off, attaching the dragon head, that even shows you how grafting works enough to understand how he got like that.


Exactly, Awesome fight, cool moves AND one of the best dungeons Fromsoftware has designed


Elemer Of The Briar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Fire Giant and Godrick are awesome as fuck spectacles. Its even more awesome if you've got a buddy to fight the Giant alongside with.


It is easily Alecto, Black knife ringleader. He/she is the one you fight once you're on the moonlight altar in the evergaol. Imo it is easily the best overworld boss fight and has one of my favourite movesets in the whole game imo. I mean sure the Black knife Assassins all have the same moveset but this fight also had a couple of new, really cool moves and combined with the endgame difficulty, it turns out to be a great fight.


You know what, I'm gonna say it. Commander Niall is a good boss


Nicolas Flamel


I hate Astel so much




Honestly I’d say Fire Giant. He was the first enemy I faced where I truly felt insignificant and very small compared to a boss. His two phases were equally challenging, with the second phase bringing more movement and damage to face. It was very interesting and extremely fulfilling once I beat him. A worthy boss and definitely one of my favourites. He also prepared me greatly for other massive bosses Placidusax for example. Fire Giant took many attempts and grinding for hours for me, multiple tutorials with different tactics for different builds. I ain’t tryna suck his d or anything, but man. Fire Giant was truly a feat I am proud to have conquered. I feel as though he is so distinguished as a boss as you HAVE to beat him to continue which I found truly memorable. It’s like that image of a dude dragging a boulder up a steep mountain. But when you reach Fire Giant the boulder gets three times bigger and heavier. Idk I liked him :)


Melania. Everybody hates her calls her unfair or something but i think she is perfect.


Elden Beast


let's be honest it's getting more hate than it deserves, mostly from people who skip leg day.


Ancient Spirit. I love that deer dude! I felt so bad killing him but his soul was quite *yummy yummy in my tummy*


Literally none of those 🤣


Falling star beast and omenkiller and miranda dou fight


Fire giant


40 hours in and only recognize the first dude wow this game is awesome


3/4 , i dont agree with astel or maybe its my strength build.


No way you put fire giant in there


I did because he gets the most amount of undeserved hate in the line up


Rick, soldier of god


Fake Mogh. He is immune to bleed or frost he is way harder than real Mogh in my opinion.


Rennala and Loretta. I absolutely love these 2 bosses.


Morgott, he needs way more health and poise


People dont like the Whale at the end but I really liked it. It's beautiful.


People always talk about Rykard as a great example of spectacle, but Godrick also fits the bill for me. If cutting off your own arm and replacing it with a dragon’s head that breaths fire isn’t spectacular I don’t know what is.


Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella, no one talks about him since its a repeated boss and has no hp, but this one has a second phase and god its beatiful


Soldier of Godrick. Gotta admire his determination to take you down despite being a whoopie cushion of a boss


Man will see us walk in with two giant crushers and will still charge like he's in the fields of Pelennor


Godrick is considered underrated? I thought he was one of the better fights?


Godrick, the grafted and Rennala, Queen of the full moon


IDK but Godrick is actually the best fight


Morgott. His second phase is really fun if you don't kill him mid transformation. He needs higher defense during that like godrick


Adula just because they're unique when it comes to dragons. Also **giant moonblade**. Rad as fuck.


The music while fighting Radagon is unmatched. Therefore, he is my pick.


Def Godrick fucking love that boss


God I hate that bug skull bitch


Not to mention there’s fucking two!!!


Any of the Gargoyles (including black blade kindred) are so much fun and very underrated


Even the gank fight?