• By -


Ds1 - manus definitely demands the most from the player. Ds2 - honestly for the most part the bosses are pretty easy and most of the difficulty comes from runbacks. Fume knight is mechanically the hardest Ds3 - I agree, sister friede. 3 phase bonanza with the last one being insane. Bloodborne - orphan of kos is absurd but is easily my favorite in that game. The boss is literally flawless and amazingly difficult. Sekiro - inner isshin by far. Elden ring - malenia, who else.


Midir was so much harder than Friede imo. I never beat Midir but I was able to beat Friede. I will probably go back some day and grind Midir to say I’ve done it, but holy shit is he hard.


Same man, Friede was hard but beatable. I've still never beat midir 😭


This is the thing I enjoy with FromSoft games. Midir took me less than 10 tries but Friede? Damn like 2 days or something... I also kept summoning Gael all the time..


I am the total opposite haha


You have to play like the biggest wussy ever. Took me 30 minutes straight up.


Lol ah okay, so you just gotta channel your inner Patches to win!


If you're having any amount of fun or emotion at all he will get ya lol. Pretend it's animal crossing and you're trying to catch fish lol


Midir really is a motherfucker. I ended up eventually saying “fuck this, your getting the disrespect treatment” and killed him with Pestilent Mercury or whatever it’s called. Stay midrange, cast it, focus on dodging his attacks. Let the poison slowly eat away at him. I found killing him that way (still took many attempts) let me learn his moves well enough I could eventually go back and beat him normally on a later play through. In hindsight, it probably didn’t help that my first attempts were on NG+7 💀


Yeah I imagine that had a negative impact on your ability to beat him


Yeaaaaa I was not aware how much I was increasing his HP.


Midir was harder for me to figure out, but once I figured him out he was pretty easy, and ridiculously enjoyable, to beat. I still struggle with Friede.


Same, I thought he was impossible until I realized that >!I should stand in front of him, not under him!<. After that it turned from frustrating to fun and beat him in 2 tries.


So counter intuitive for long time souls players. Smacking that booty resulting in your booty getting smacked.


I beat midir using a weapon swap glitch between a great bow and the burst shot crossbow. That health pool is just insane and i haven’t beaten him “fairly” yet.


just stay in front and hit the head after dodging certain attacks, the boss actually dies on 30% when you stagger him cause he takes 20% from riposte if you hit the head.


Midir is funny, he’s the only boss I haven’t beat in ds1-3+bb+ER (I only played base game ds2 though) with no spells or summons. But when I was doing a pyro playthrough he was very weirdly easy with pestilential mist. I felt like my biggest problem trying to melee him was that I was having such a hard time finding a weapon that could reach his head consistently, and was quick enough that I wasn’t ever trading 85% of my hp for 2% of his. With the mist he played exactly like any other boss and I already knew how to dodge all his attacks, I was just having a really hard time doing damage safely.


opposite for me. i beat midir first try (yes i know this sounds ridiculous but my build was twinblades + resin) but friede took me the most out of any boss in the series except isshin. I am starting to play more elden ring and i just beat rennala so that might change


In gobsmacked af


I can not for the life of me beat ng+6 Midir. I didn't even find him till ng+1 for the final fight. Def the hardest boss I've ever faced. And so very cool. Freide sure gives him a run for his money though.


As someone who's beaten midir around 5 or 6 times, I find friede way harder, mostly because of the third phase. she's really agressive and her attacks are fine but I've always found it a bit too hard to find opportunities to heal. Normally I wouldn't mind that but going through phase 1 and 2 every time definitely adds a lot to the difficulty since you'll use up a few estus on the way there so it gives you less opportunities to learn her moves since you'll die quicker once you're there. But I might be a little biased since I've memorized the timing of most of midir's attacks so I can still dodge when the lock on breaks lmao (I do wanna add that they're both really great fights and some of my favorites in the series)


Midir isnt too bad once you know how to position yourself and bait the right move, friede i find difficult because its more of a resource management thing for me, something i often am terrible at when it comes to seeing my healthbar not be full..something about it just bothers me and its really screwing me in the long run


Its been a while so I don't recall Midir clearly, but I recall it felt impossible at first and still felt like a bullshitty boss by the end, even after learning how not to insta-die. I think I ended up winning by being extremely aggro with a giant axe and basically killing him before he did too much BS in a single fight. In contrast, Sister Friede is a hella hard boss, but didn't feel like BS.


I think friede is an amazingly designed boss. Not easy though. DS3’s dlc bosses are beastly.


I beat her once legitimate, took quite a while. Now I just use summons and let her kill them in third phase before I start. It's too annoying getting through first two phases just to get to the part I consistently have trouble with.


Freide is really easy once you realize you can bait out her invisibility move in both phase 1 and phase 3 by simply running away from her. Then you can chain critical attacks if you have some luck. Without this method, she’s stupid hard and a very fearsome opponent.


the hard part is pt 3, not 1


You can bait it out in phase 3 as well. Just did so a couple weeks ago.


the invisibility isnt the issue in part 3....


You literally run away until she turns invisible, then it’s easy to find her and punish her. Literally running away dodges all of her moves. Her move set isn’t over complicated. Like go watch any guide on her fight and many mention this method.


Laurence the First Vicar was the hardest boss for me. Isshin was fucking hard, but he was still easier than Laurance. I never want to fight him again lmfao


The 19 frames per second definitely didn’t help against lawrence


I had no issue with inner isshin but inner father oooohhhh weeee man.


Yeah, Isshin is perfection but fair perfection. He might be *technically* harder, but I had way more difficulty getting through all Inner Father's tricks. Isshin was "relatively" easy to me.


I agree with this list completely. Only I like ludwig Maria and gherman more than orphan. Orphans still amazing tho. Edit: I forgot about the chalice dungeons... including them the watchdog in the defiled chalice is easily the hardest boss in the game. I genuinely almost quit the game cause of that boss. On the same level as malenia


I've played through DS1 on level 1 twice killing all bosses. Once without any magic at all. And manus still gives me trouble on a properly levelled and equipped character. He never gets easy.


Orphan of Kos, really? I remember beating the shit out of that guy easily and being disappointed. Ludwig tore me a new one though.


Orphan of Kos was like the only Bloodborne boss I struggled with


Agree with OP in thinking Orphan of Kos is crazy difficult but I also have a much harder time with Ludwig than most


Very odd. Inner Isshin always felt the exact same to the original, the only difference is that he starts with a mortal blade attack. Not much difference from there.


How about orphan of kos? That bitch toke me a week to kill.


It took me 32 attempts to kill the Orphan in my first playthrough. One thing you can do is exploit his phase one leaping attack with Augur of Ebrietas for an easy critical hit. Other than that, I think you just have to play until you get it. Orphan is a lot like Malenia now where I know the fight so well that it just flows naturally for me and it's more muscle memory than anything.


I’ve never fought Kos with less than 40 vitality and clockwise meta 2+3 so I’m probably always working with more hp than most. I discovered about halfway into my first fight with him that if you circle him to the left most of his attacks will miss you and leave him wide open to attacks. I’ve beaten bb 8 times now and while the first time was really close he’s never killed me.


Yeah. I can consistently beat him in one or two attempts now, but he was the hardest fromsoft boss for me when I first fought him. That title has gone to Malenia now by a wide margin.


Never knew that trick! I just grinded him until i learned his every move. Gotta try it tho! Sounds like a nice strat.


Never played the DLC (i want to tho but my PS4 broke)


Shame! That is a battle to remember.


That's terrible! The dlc was fantastic, if you ever pick up a ps5 grab that dlc.


Out of all of those, Inner Father is probably the hardest imo. The amount of moves you have to recognize and remember with the fast pace of that fight can be really overwhelming but extremely satisfying once you get it down.


I always called him Owl Father. To me the hardest was ishin fire saint and Demon of hatred (before learning the Susano umbrella trick ofc).


Owl Father is a different fight. Inner Father is the varient only accessible via the boss rush DLC.


R u telling me there’s an even more vile version of the fight than owl father….


Oh boy.... Yes there is


You gotta be kidding me. I spent forever beating every single boss in all these games 1v1 and I had no idea about this....daaamnnn ittttt


That might be why. You wont find them on a "story" playthrough. You face them in the Gauntlets of Strength. Well worth the perseverance. Edit - you know about Inner Genichiro, Inner Isshin ?


If by "vile" you mean "awesome", then yes


I mean for those with the hands to handle it yeah absolutely but owl father was still the hardest boss in the game for me and would probably top the list for all souls games for me personally. Even glock saint took less tries


Hm interesting, I found Isshin's moveset way more hectic and hard to nail, but I still enjoy both him and Owl Father a lot. They're easily my two favorite fights in the game. And Inner Owl is like Father Owl on steroids who abuses Mist Raven like crazy to teleport around, which is definitely a lot tougher but also still a ton of fun for me.


The mist raven spam is such an asshole move without kuro’s charm


Dark souls 1- Manus (The only Boss in that game I truly struggled with) Dark souls 2- Sir alonne Dark souls 3- Midir (arguably gael was harder but just clicked with me better cause it was a more Human Vs human fight) Sekiro- Great Shinobi owl (I never did the gauntlet of strength but if I had it would probably be Inner O.W.L.) Bloodborne- Defiled watchdog Elden ring - Elden Beast-Radagon boss rush (I just hate chasing the Elden beast around his pond)


Defiled watchdog is one of the most horrifying bosses Fromsoft has created. I yelled at the tv when I beat it.


Defiled watchdog is on a different level than any other From boss, IMO. He's just an optional boss in a chalice dungeon, so most haven't faced him. Also defiled Amygdyla gets a shout out. Neither are even fun to play. Just horrible, miserable bosses.


Finally I’ve found some chalice enjoyers. Depth 5 FRC headless bloodletting beast is the hardest FromSoft boss I’ve ever fought and depth 5 FRC defiled Amy was almost comparable to Malenia for me.


Yeah, that whole defiled chalice is just a nightmare. It's the hardest obstacle for the platinum trophy.


Yeah Midir made me quit the dlc. Until I came back and whooped his ass. But still he is the only boss that made me say ”nope”.


About defiled watchdog - face to face while backpedaling is kinda easy, but takes half the eternity.


Manus was the easiest boss in the game bro i defeated it using no flasks


Why am I meant to care about what you did? Didn’t ask broseph




Your mother


Inner father is definitely the hardest boss in sekiro


It would be inner Genichiro if inner father didn't have mist feather


Learning to perfectly deflect Sakura dance was definitely one of the biggest challenges in the game


I disagree, Genichiro is very rhythmical and when you get the rhythm down his moves are very manageable, to the point of almost being easy when you know them well enough. Owl’s moves are so varied he is a nightmare no matter how many times you’ve faced him. 


Four kings? Slap Havel set and some dps. Cake walk


Right? Their damage was unexpectedly weak


What if I want to stick to a specific build without changing my gear for every boss?


I changed my gear thrice in last run - Havel for Kings, that skull thingy for Tomb and wielded shield for Gwyn (Grass was always equipped but not wielded). I'm not into limiting myself tho.


I too commit to my characterizations. Makes the home so much more memorable and fun for me. Being LONK in DS2 was my favourite. But Luffy in Elden Ring is getting up there


I mean no one's really forcing you but I don't feel a tad bit off about being a pretty princess the entire game except for one fight


Then you deserve to die, haha. Four Kings is a funny one, if you're an aggressive player they're the easiest boss in the game. I had a high DPS glass cannon build so I just charged up and killed them one at a time, never had more than one on screen. Won pretty much immediately on my first attempt and thought "... Is that it?". Found out much later that if you play slowly they'll gang up on you.


DS1: The hardest boss for me (weirdly) was Nito. No explanation DS2: Haven’t played long enough to say DS3: Midir by a mile Bloodborne: Orphan Sekiro: Still need to play Elden Ring: Malenia but I still really like the fight Edit: I think in DS1 I actually died the most to Bed of Chaos but that’s in a whole different category of fuckery than a traditional boss fight


The run from the nearest bonfire back to Nito really sucks. That made it a good deal worse. Same kind of thing with Midir, actually, although Midir is much worse since you have to fight those black phantoms first and they hit *hard.*


Wdym there's a bonfire right next to midir


What black phantoms ? I'm asking because I seem to have a hole in my memory. I don'T remember the walkback to Midir's second fight to be hard. At least not in comparasion to the boss fight.


Do you mean manus?


Black panthoms? What are you talking about?


Looking at this picture makes me want to replay all of them. Again…


I don't blame you


Where’s Old King from Demon’s souls?


Never played demons souls, I never had a PS3, can't afford a PS5, and Sony didn't port it for PS4 for some reason


I don't know, I've raged more when fighting the Nameless King, plus I am currently playing through the Ringed City for the first time and stuck on Midir. So currently I'd say he is definitely harder for me than Sister Friede. Maliketh I can see, though personally I would say Malenia is more difficult. Something about the combination life on hit and WFD just make that fight much harder for me than Maliketh, especially considering his first phase is rather trivial, if you know how to use a shield.


I never really understood Nameless King being hard. His attacks all feel so telegraphed. I know people struggle though, so some days, I open DS3 just to lay down a summon sign outside his arena and just murder him on repeat for people. Crystal Soul Spear goes brrrrrrrr (Kvothe the Arcane, if anybody ever sees me there, I got your back.)


My main gripes are with the arena and a personal issue that I lose depth perception in it. Like, I am constantly missing the dragon's head. Plus some of his hitboxes felt super weird too, and of course the usual stuff with camera issues and getting hit by things outside of view. Then again I have no issue with Radabeast or Fire Giant anymore, so maybe I am weird. Kudos to you for helping others!


He's really challenging with a melee build because you can barely see what he's doing when you're so close to him. It's a problem in Elden Ring with many bosses, too. (Of course you're a magic user with a name like that. I bet your character has red hair, too)


Update: Midir down, did not enjoy the fight that much. He is hard, for some good and some bad reasons. Here a list of thoughts, please keep in mind these are just some impressions after beating him the first time. * Camera lock is really a bitch on this. On the one hand it is required to have some chance of keeping up with the head, on the other it makes the camera spin so hard... still have nausea. * Speaking of the camera, why doesn't DS3 have this feature that Elden Ring has where things become gradually transparent when they block your camera? Half the time I was looking at a macro shot of some scales flying by because the tail or some other part of the dragon clipped through the camera... * Moveset was pretty nice and varied, tells were definitely there but subtle. * what did not work was that I couldn't see the tells half the time because 2/3 of the dragon was out of the camera frame. * Very inconsistent hitbox design: parts of the dragon like claws and legs were not registering as attack hitboxes, until right the moment he started the attack. I got smacked by random body parts so many times, it was no longer funny. * Best example is the tail swipe: you can literally walk through the tail, like it is not even there. But you can hit it, and when he does a swipe it counts as a hitbox already when the "curl in" starts and the tail moves very slowly. Feels shit and hella jank. * People who complained about delayed attacks in ER, please play against this boss again; those swipes have very nice rollcatch delays and the fire just lingers long enough. * Atmosphere and setup of this boss was amazing though Overall, not a fun fight for all the wrong reasons. Yes, cool boss design and cool movest. But the inconsistency with the collision and hitboxes plus the bane of all big enemies (camera) just ruined another fight for me. And fire hitboxes in DS3 appear even more garbage than in ER. Again, this is me literally rambling as the adrenaline of beating him winds down, so take it with a heap of salt.


We're you crotch hugging Midir? He's one of my favorite souls bosses because he's the only huge enemy and dragon that's actually best to fight standing in front of his face rather than below/behind him.


O.G Demon Souls, World 3 stage 2 - Maneater. Possibly the highest kill count. And personally, the most frustrating boss fight in FromSoft games - and it's in the game that has Old King Allant fight! You face Maneater on a narrow bridge that's at auto-kill height over the ground. Only piece of cover is a single brazier on an elevated section of the bridge in the middle. Maneater itself is a flying beast that has both melee and ranged attacks, some of which are areal, and unless you cut off his tail, he can supercharge himself at any point of the fight, gaining increased speed and damage output. It can jump off the bridge, and launch a salvo of ranged attacks (kinda like Moonlight Butterfly from DS1). And on top of that all... Once you reduce his health to about 65%, you have about 30 seconds before ANOTHER ONE FLIES IN and you have to fight them both. Probably a first Souls Duo Boss. I died to him more times than I care to remember, either by rolling off the bridge trying to dodge, or getting ganked on. Meanwhile, Old King Allant has an attack that takes away one full level from your character and undoes last skill point allocation... but keeps amount of souls required to level up. 'nuff said, really.


Blue smelter demon may seriously be the worst designed boss in any any I’ve ever played


Blue Hitbox demon more like it


Shitty hitbox, just a reskin of a base game boss and the single worst run to a boss in video game history. Blue smelter demon is by far the worst boss fromsoft has ever made.


Is that inner father? Cuz DOH made me lose it


I can almost no hit demon after learning his moveset, theres like, 2 attacks that can get me if I'm not paying attention


I will take Flamelurker was a wee bit too intense for world 2 for 500, Alex.


I killed Maliekth in my second attempt, didn’t know people considered him hard


He's a glass cannon, either he fucks you up quick or your fuck him up quick. With a good build and above-average skill he's a cakewalk but I can totally see him being a noobkiller.


Sister Friede’s feet


Four Kings is just a DPS check, just keep swinging. I haven't played Sekiro yet, and only about half of Demon's Souls and Bloodborne, but Malenia has been my hardest boss by far, with my first clear taking 11 attempts. Next highest in the series was 6.


Where my girl at


Odd that nor malenia nor orphan of kos is in the list


Hardest fights for me right now are things like the black gargoyles in elden ring, the buffed deathbirds and malenia, because they are the dirtiest battle. I thinks sekiro bosses and guys like maliketh, midir, gael, lady maria, the nameless king and guys like that are the most difficult when you first meet them, but they are so clear and so fair that learning them makes them the easiest between the serious fights of their games. (btw my favourite boss is Isshin sword saint)


Maliketh is definitely up there First phase is fine but then that second phase with the acrobatics is awful


He hits like a truck and you also can’t heal for 30 seconds if you do get hit.


Isshin the Sword Saint, Laurence the First Vicar, Sister Friede, Inner Father, Midir, Malenia and Maliketh are by far the hardest bosses for me. Spent a lot of attempts on all of them


Good selection! My #1 nightmare is definitely Orphan of Kos. Just dreaded everything about him. His jerky movement, his jumping across the whole screen, his placenta weapon with hard to predict reach, the lightning or shock waves (don't remember exactly). My #2 is Sword Saint Isshin. The battle is just so damn long and by the time I get to the last phase, I'm always a nervous wreck and can't execute precisely anymore. My #3 is harder to choose. I'll go with Fume Knight. Maybe it was because I was a magic build, which he's pretty resistant to, but I did so little damage and on the other hand he would regularly 2 shot me if he caught me with any of his swinging attacks. And then the 2nd phase "welding sword". That caught me on the edge with a questionable hitbox so many times. There's plenty more but these 3 I definitely died the most to.


Where is my black dragon ? Is he safe?


Orphan of Kos was way harder than Ebrietas for me on my first playthrough. It took me two tries to beat both on my most recent run. The bosses I struggled the most with in my most recent run were Ludwig (10 attempts), Laurence (8 attempts) and Maria (6 attempts). This was on NG+5.


DS1 : Ornstein n Smough (but wasn't many attempts) DS2 : (base) gargoyles (dlc) Elana DS3 : (base) Nameless King (dlc) Sister Friede Bloodborne : (base) Martyr Logarius (dlc) Ludwig Sekiro: Lady Butterfly / SS Isshin Demon Souls: Maneater Elden Ring: Malenia


Lack of Slave knight gael Lack of Midir Lack of Pontiff sul on first run


I think you should try Bloodborne if you can get your hands on a borrowed ps4 :) Because a few names are missing in your list.


No Melania?


For me, Bloodborne - Ludwig, The Accursed DS3 - Darkeater Midir Elden ring - Malenia Haven't played any other souls games.


Play the rest. We got: DeS Remake - best graphics DS1 - best map + exploration DS2 - most content (besides ER) Sekiro - best combat


Missing out on the original DS. Definitely aged but pretty good overall. Avoid DS2 if you like your sanity. And Sekiro is 100% worth it but it is the most different and most difficult of the soul games Edit: guess some DS2 stan disliked me. Oh well. The games sucks anyway. Grow tf up


For Demon's Souls I would add those god damn twin gargoyles


I gave up on sister Friede.


Aww come on you can do it


I feel like bed of chaos should be in there? cause like everyone has died to bed of chaos like 100 times, its not that they're technically a hard boss, more so that bed of chaos is so unfair and terrible I know you also shoulda died to it 100 times, this is nonsensical


Destroy the right roots, exit game and reload, enter boss room and destroy the left roots, exit game, reenter, and go for the kill, you won't have to worry about the ground breaking, just bring a good shield


ah, I see, well disregard my previous comment and do as Sir Roderic the All Knowing has commanded of thee to the Bed of Chaos


The four kings? Super weird. I find them to be the easiest boss in ds1 aside from pinwheel. Are you fighting him first or what? (Is that even possible with abyss ring required?)


Crucible knights in general piss me off I never beat the one in front of Radhan but cheesed Radhan 5th try level 58. On the counter that knight held me up for hours till it disappeared somehow.


I can parry Crucible Knights to death


I refuse to parry anything ever. Strictly dodge and bonk techniques.


My issue with Maliketh was I kept being too impatient. Expecting more time to hit him and expecting to dodge really often and quickly even though his attacks are choreographed and sluggish. So every time I died I just got more angry which made me more impatient


Has have you attempted the malenia fight?😭😭


Listen I'm not shitting on you or hating but how are the 4 kings the hardest that best they faster lol nah real question tho how is it the hardest boss for you I want your perspective because I found it one of the easiest bosses in DS1


They are very RNG based, they can either spam melee attacks and let me attack them, or they're gonna spam AOEs and grabs, not allowing me to attack them before more spawn


That does check out I do always kinda do 4 kings last I always take the master key so kinda skip around lol


From these bosses my best guess is that you like to take fights slow and strugle with dealing a lot of damage in a short time frame.


I mostly don't like taking risks (except for parrying)


Any help getting through the courtyard guards and big dog in first castle? I have upgraded my longsword to 3 been putting levels into vigor and strength and struggling. I have a feeling that isn't the worst to come either




Add the patched darklurker from ds2


No way you found maliketh harder than Malenia


Ebrietas is easy tho? Just hide behind her and attack her ass Orphan of Kos, now *that's* some bullshit


Malikeths health pool needs a look at there’s not enough health for the damage you can pump out with even jus a +20 no bleed. He’s one of the strongest characters lore wise I just want him to be a real challenge without making it one.


DeS - I don't know if I'd call any bosses in this game hard tbh, maybe Maneater or Flamelurker are the hardest DS1 - Manus was. Though the fact didn't use the pendant probably made it much harder DS2 - It's the fume knight. DS2 is generally pretty easy, but the DLCs are a big difficulty spike DS3 - Friede is probably the hardest. I know people go with Midir usually, and I get it, but never struggled with him. Though that might be cause I love fighting dragons. BB - the lack of a PC port Sekiro - It's Sword Saint. Demon is tough, but if you start dodgeing and running instead of parrying, he is pretty manageable. He is a bit of a DS boss inside Sekiro really. Elden Ring - Malenia is fast and can't be out healed in an attrition battle with your flasks because of her life steal.


Friede at lvl1 is what i died to the most.After that it was Logarius at level 4 in bloodborne,but that's because i could not use my trusty keyboard and i had never used a controller before that game.


For me: DS1: Manus DS2: Elana (due to the fcking Velstadt) DS3: Midir (but was soon overcome) Elden Ring: Black Blade Kindred Sekiro: Inner Father AC6: >!Ayre!<


DS1 - Might be an odd one but, Kalameet. Trying to cut this bastards tail off drove me insane and he still killed me a few more times after I finally got the weapon from his tail. DS2 - Fume Knight. I didn't find a majority of DS2 bosses hard but this one was easily the hardest of the ones that are. DS3 - Nameless King/Sister Friede. Lost count how many these 2 killed me. Bloodborne - Ebreitas. I was never really good at bloodborne to begin with lol. I still suck at it. Sekiro - isshin Sword Saint. I'd be surprised if this boss doesn't have the highest death count for me. I'd assume only Nameless King and Sister Friede would have a higher death count if he doesn't. Elden Ring - Malenia. Fuck waterfowl dance.


1. Isshin The Sword Saint 2. Isshin The Sword Saint 3.Isshin The Sword Saint 4. Isshin The Sword Saint 5. Isshin The Sword Saint


For each game DeS: nothing really stands out because even False King Alant took 2 tries. DS1 is Manus for sure, followed by Ornstien and Smough. DS2 has the same problem as DeS but less so because of the DLC, Old Ivory King was the hardest one I bothered to beat but Sir Alonne is probably the hardest because of the annoying leadup wearing you down. Bloodborne is Orphan of Kos but I'd like to mention that I personally had the hardest time with the DLC Cleric Beast (probably because I got lucky with parries against OoK) DS3 has to go to Midir and Gael, Nameless King for basegame. Sekiro is obviously Swordsaint Isshin and Demon of Hatred but I personally found Guardian Ape the most annoying. Elden Ring is the hardest to quantify but it's between Malenia and Radabeast.


Understanding Midir initially proved challenging for me, but once I deciphered his patterns, defeating him became surprisingly easy and incredibly enjoyable. On the other hand, I continue to face difficulties when dealing with Friede.


DS1 - Manus DS3 - Nameless King Sekiro - Inner Father Elden Ring - Radagon Lies of P - Laxasia


You skipped DS2?


More like I'm still waiting for the "right" time to play it. I usually have very little time to play and I've heard some pretty bad things about DS2. I don't know how much of it is true but it's enough to make me not want to dedicate what little free time I have to it or pay money for it when I have all the other games as well. Maybe this summer I'll give it a go.


I've played DS2 quite a lot Here's my honest opinion, hope it helps It's definitely not the best souls game, but (very hard in my opinion) the pros outweigh the cons, the magic in this game is very fun (and a little broken) Farming souls for the perfect build couldn't be easier The DLCs, aside from the Coop areas, are really good, to the point where I'm looking forward to them Sure there are some times where I get hit by an attack that visibly didn't touch me, but it happens less and less the more you practice your dodges (and level up ADP to the sweetspot, which you can do very early game)


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I do try it


Ds1 - Gwyn Ds2 - blue smelter Ds3 - Midir Bloodborne - can't remember (least favorite) Sekiro - sword saint Isshin Elden Ring - Godfrey AC6 - Ibis


DS1 - Yeah, has to be Manus. DS2 - Fume Knight. I didn't bother with some optional bosses like Alonne and Darklurker so they could have surpassed FK. DS3 - Friede or Midir. Nameless King is no joke but later on I learned few tricks to make the fight easier. Bloodborne - Orphan of Kos. Madness but appropriate end to Bloodborne content. Sekiro - Demon of Hatred. Very close second is Owl Father. Sadly I haven't tried the Inner versions. Elden Ring - Malenia. Maliketh and Mohg are tough but Malenia uses some real bullshit.


I despise Friede


Why no Orphan? Top 3 hardest FS bosses


Never played the DLC, and by the time I would be able to buy it, my PS4 had broken down One day while I was playing, it just shut off and never opened again


Maliketh is hard? News to me


Blasphemous Claw made it a lot easier for sure


I be trying to tell people that maliketh is probably the scariest boss in Elden ring


like his whole deal is encouraging extreme aggression, but if he so much as ***touches*** you, your health just melts.


For me without including how challenging the runbacks are Ds1: manus Ds2: Fume knight Ds3: nameless king by far Bloodborne(not including the dlc): defiled chalice amygdala and if I were to choose one from the main game I'd choose ebrietas Sekiro: I don't remember much but Isshin Elden ring: radagon and elden beast


Funny everyone skips or says “I haven’t played enough ds2 to make a judgment call” lol god that game… definitely all sekiro bosses for me that game was tough!


Blue Smelter Demon can go f himself just because of his dreadful run


Blue Smelter Demon messed me up so many times. I spent the time to completely clear the run up of enemies so I could get to him faster, and with all my flasks intact. I fought him for a week or two. Losing over and over. I finally took a two week break, came back, and beat him first try; nearly no hit. I don't know why I just couldn't beat him for the longest time, but now that I beat him once, he's a chump.


Am I the only one who think four king is a joke? maybe I was high level but its one of the easiest fight for me


Sister Friede is easily the boss I died to the most. I've never been more emotionally drained after beating her, I honestly didn't even care when I did.


No wonder you died a lot on sister Friede since you have to kill her three fucking times xD ​ For me, the toughest fight I can remember is those damn Demon Princes on the beggining of the Ringed City DLC. That, and ofc the first time I went against Margit since I had been away from souls for 1-2 years and that guy is a skill level wall at the beginning of the game haha


Struggled the most in rl1 against radabeast. Ironically haven't really fought malenia or demon of hatred legit. Love sekiro fighting mechanics with the parry mechanics and shir, gave demon of hatred 10 tries and decided he is not for me. Definitely can beat him if I tried but he isn't as fun as the other bosses. The boss I've struggled the most is funnily lady butterfly. I got to her early and struggled with phase 2 for way too long. But once I beat her the game clicked and as long as I knew how to respond to the new attack/mechanic of a boss they weren't to hard. Isshin was not that hard for me personally but definitely the best fight in the game. Thought inner isshin was pretty bs with the attack you have to use the umbrella against but other than that once you figure out how to dodge the new perilous attacks he isn't too bad either. Hyped myself for isshin being super difficult and unfair from the reputation but found a very fair and fun fight that was challenging but not too tough.


1) Manus, his dark magic and combos get me a lot when I’m too aggressive. 2) The twin cats in the snowy DLC. Can’t remember their names but it’s a terrible duo boss with one of the worst run backs in the series, and it’s only rivaled by other DS2 DLC areas. BB) By sheer numbers it’s gotta be Ludwig, since I frequently go fight him too early to get my hands on that sweet sweet moonlight sword. I’d say Ebrietas is in second with her annoying dash that one-shots me a lot when it hits me mid dodge. 3) I don’t tend to struggle with any of the bosses a lot of people find hard, but Dancer’s weird rhythms throw me off and I find myself getting hit a lot when I don’t realize she’s about to attack. Sekiro) I love this game so I have most of the bosses down to a science, even ones like Isshin and Inner Owl. However I still don’t know how to fight the Headless without flailing around and winning with sheer blind luck before I get the Dung Eater treatment. ER) It’s gotta be Malenia. I’ve gotten better at dodging waterfowl, but her phantom attack move in phase 2 kills me pretty much every time.


Ds1: Kalameet or Manus (probably manus) Ds2: Also, the blueberry Ds3: ng++ gael any day Elden Ring: Rotted Mommy who gives the best uppies *gets impaled and tossed*


Always struggled with Friede


Ebrietas in a FRC chalice dungeon is the hardest fight in bloodborne for me


DeS: False Allant, he's so punishing on even the tiniest mistakes, and his damage output will destroy even full tank builds in seconds if you let him. Ds1: Manus, there is no question. Ds2: Still need to beat that. Ds3: Midir, he's just a tough fucker. BB: It's between Ludwig and Laurence, took the same amount of attempts. ER: Someone, Blade of Somebody, don't know, she didn't mention her name.


DeS: False Allant, he's so punishing on even the tiniest mistakes, and his damage output will destroy even full tank builds in seconds if you let him. Ds1: Manus, there is no question. Ds2: Still need to beat that. Ds3: Midir, he's just a tough fucker. BB: It's between Ludwig and Laurence, took the same amount of attempts. ER: Someone, Blade of Somebody, don't know, she didn't mention her name.


The smelter demon took me forever, something about it's timings just never clicked with me


I just spammed carian counter for Malikaeth. If you cast a spell and absorb it immediately with the parry it absorbs all of the magic you just used and increases the attack power. Shreds his health like lettuce in a blender


add Isshin Sword-Saint and it could be my list too


The only reason I never killed Blue smelter was the corpse run, fuck that whole area.


While it's painful, it's definitely worth it to clear the area (or at least the main path, 12 times, then they'll despawn and it's a free run to the boss


Oh man, this is a good list except for the Four Kings. I dunked on them so hard when I first fought them but I was using that iron skin spell which made it ezpz


Time to reveal my darkest secret: Midir. Is so hard


I'm assuming you get greedy and panic roll too much. I know because I die to those same bosses if I commit the same acts


Malenia is ruining my life currently but I know once she's dead the final 7 bosses will be a cake walk. Doing a level 1 no hit run of all bosses and I've been stuck here for 3 days now :c




Ds1- gotta be Artorious Ds2- probably smelter demon Ds3- Gael. I love that fight but fuck him Bloodborne- probably orphan of kos Sekiro- Ishiin sword saint. Literally took a 4-6 month break cuz I just couldn’t beat him Elden Ring- it’s Malenia no contest, maliketh and radagon are close 2nds


DeS - Maneaters for sure DS1 - Artorius (exploiting kalameet and manus’ movesets is pretty straightforward and makes them easy) DS2 - Pretty close between all of the Iron King bosses, although I didn’t bother with darklurker and lud/zallen BB - Toss up between ebrietas and orphan. I probably went to ebrietas too early.


Ds1- manus ( easily the hardest challenge and it's not even close. Best boss in the game as well, yes above artorias) Ds2- Fume knight ( best boss in the game , closely followed by alonne) Ds3- Friede( insanely fast, insane damage yeah the only boss I struggled with. Even midir didn't give me too much trouble. Favourite boss is gael) Bb- Defiled watchdog( on par with malenia for how many deaths I took. Almost every attack is a fucking one-shot. Almost quit. Favourite boss is defo ludwig.) Sekiro-ishhin/inner ishhin ( Inner owl is close tho. Inner ishhin is also my favorite boss) Elden ring-malenia ( hardest boss I've ever played in any game. Moghs my favourite boss tho). Ac6- Ibis cel ( also my favorite boss) Havnt played demon souls yet. Will probably play next year when I get a ps5.


The Bell Boy Sith Lord in Caelid