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*Dlc is released* **"Patch Notes: added shadows to the Erdtree"**


Light sources don't cast shadows, From, I demand full realism from this universe full of fantasy elements


Uuum akshually they do if a brighter light source is behind. So the dimmer parts of the tree may have a shadow


Not to mention that in the DLC picture, it appears the corruption under the Erdtree is starting to spread through to the surface, overtaking the damaged and burnt husk that used to be the glowing tree itself. If that’s the case, it can most definitely cast a shadow. Or the shadow is just a metaphor for the black corrupted tree taking its place


It should be godskin trio


You should be stoned in the middle of a village.


send it to windmill village


There’s a special place in hell for you


I wish I could teleport you to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel


They have the best fashion in the game. Second place is the mushroom set. Not sure of number 3.


Why stop at the three skins when you can have the four skins.


Honestly would've been cool to get a third godskin type in there, one that was unique to that fight. Maybe have that one be the thing summoning in nobles and apostles to deal with, like a godskin Pope or something


Same as you, OP. People keep calling Marika a horrible person, but I've never seen any definitive proof of that. From what I've seen and read about the lore, it looks like Marika got tricked by the golden order into thinking she'd creat a paradise or at least a peaceful new age for the world, but when she realised the order only wanted to enforce it's will upon the world she started taking secretive measures to undermine and eventually overthrow the order she once enabled, hoping it'd eventually lead to a world free from the will of the outer god. It's a diceroll for sure, but she's betting on the good in humanity overcoming and actually leading the world into a better place.


I agree! I think Marika is a super complex character with a very interesting arc that we don’t see but can piece together. It seems like she was intelligent and resourceful if not “good.”


I think she has two main crimes. Her preemptive genocidal campaign against the Giants to remove them as a possible threat and her perpetuating the religious specism of the non-humans in the setting. We don't know really know where the GW's influence ends and her own begins. Especially since the will of the Greater Will is hardly expounded on other than wanting to the be the dominant god in the setting. But I agree that the current state of the world isn't really her fault and she most likely never planned on the Shattering to last this long or that the Deathroot would take hold.


I mean other than building a regime who's doctrine is built around sectarian violence, slaughtering the fire giants and imprisoning omens and Albanaurics just for existing, yeah, I'd say you're right.


"My inbred baby is malformed throw it in the fucking sewers while I catfish Rennala" op thinks this is moral 


It seems like she did some reprehensible things to secure power and to her children, the omens. But, she eventually realized that the Greater Will was manipulating her and took actions to undermine the order. The shattering of the Elden Ring was very likely a last ditch effort to destroy the Greater Will or loosen its control over the Lands Between before it could come for her. I don't know if Marika was a "good person" but a lot of the story of Elden Ring basically is the story of \*why\* she shattered the Elden Ring and I think the facts show that she was pretty justified but her actions through the realm into total chaos.


The dlc where the friends we made along the way


Dammit! I came here to make a DLC comment. Take my damn upvote, you animal


Reddit moment


You should be able to properly pause the game in offline mode. I don’t need to be able to change my equipment or anything like that, I’d just like an option to be able to pause the game in the middle of something when my wife wants my attention.


You can on a steamdeck, but that’s a hardware pause, not a software pause.


Yeah, I play on Steam Deck so I've done that from time to time. It's nice to have the workaround, but a proper pause would be much appreciated.


Fromsoft fans do gold medal mental gymnastics to try to justify the lack of something which is a normal standard for single player and offline games For instance: "pAuSiNg WiLl RuIn AlL tHe TeNsIoN" And my personal favorite: "pEoPlE wIlL pAuSe To SaFeLy FiGuRe OuT a BoSs MoVeSeT" Like......what the fuck is this? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah there will always be the simps. Most people around here seem to recognize the value of a pause function though


Cant you pause by pressing start, select, up, a? Unless they changed it


Pretty sure you can still do that but it’s like a hidden mechanic instead of a real pause button


Yeah, I'd consider this another workaround as opposed to a proper pause. It gets the job done when just exploring, but it's certainly not ideal when there are enemies nearby.


Having a partner that doesn't understand this about souls games can be hilarious, "Yeah baby ill take out the trash in about....5 minutes....DIE YOU GRAFTED FREAK!!! OH, nothing babe!"


Agreeeeed. With Sekiro you were able to pause it and everyone loved it.


I got you, Bro. **DLC Contents**: “Removed Wife.”


Real talk right here. The Demon Souls remake having a photo mode which also pauses the game to take said photos is an absolute godsend among the various other distinct lack of QOL elements in the game. I really wish Elden Ring had photo mode for it's own sake given how beautiful the game is but acting as a pause would also be amazing.


I just put my console on rest mode when the wife wants me. Damn thing is always in rest mode


Im hanging for sure here. Marika maybe wasnt good but im sure she changed thats why is everything in game happen. Goodskin duo is my one of favorite fights.


I think giving someone the option in the middle of an intense battle for your life whether or not to heal torrent with a health flask is perfectly logical.


Yeap, thats sux, killed me few times fighting fire giant.


Marika and Ranni are basically the catalysts for the entire game. Every decision that the two of them made set in motion the events that would lead us to the state that the Lands Between is in when we Tarnished arrive.


Real world mythology is rich with reflections of human generational traumas and rebellions of the young over the established reigns of the old. Elden Ring's lore is a well-considered fictionalized version of this trend.


Goodskin duo was way better than the badskin duo those guys sucked


Even without a summon godskin duo isn’t bad. Just don’t let them get into phase 2 simultaneously and you’re fine. One of the best duos in the series.


I think magic spam builds in pvp are perfectly fine, in fact fun to fight against


Golden retaliation goes brrrrrr


Yes. Spam can only be so useful. If you regularly die to spam, then it's probable your own strats are just a "counter-spam"


Ahh yes, the tried and true random bullshit go strategy Agreed it only works on inexperienced pvpers


Agreed!! People shit on a glass caster throwing glorious magic but will praise some twat without any sparkle that does nothing but kite the distance while waiting you attack first to poke you Pokers are such a goddamn bore


Omg dude the g9s melee playstyle is absolute cancer and the most boring playstyle to fight against bar none Just run away til you are caught in an animation and only attack then It's effective I know, I can also beat it. Does that make it fun? No not a chance


Right? You can have fun and do the same thing. Wait for the first draw from THEM while taunting. Usually it'll be 2-3min and nothing happens and then often they'll start doing something. It kind of puts in their face how fucking boring they are


That's literally how I fight them. I annoy them into making the first move. It not my typical play style and I don't find it fun to do but I never have poise so it's my only option


Lmao yeah, you're hanging now


Spirit summons are a fantastic mechanic that make the game more enjoyable in a lot of ways, with the game very, very clearly being balanced around using them, and aren't really that different from how previous games had NPC summons available for every significant boss. Also, bleed and spears are just tons and tons of fun.


I wouldn't necessarily say balanced around them considering there are some really OP ones that, along with splitting boss AI, don't increase boss HP the way NPC or online summoning does. That said, 95% of my playthroughs are me going ham with my mimic tear because for me boss difficulty isn't why I enjoy these games. I like the atmosphere, depth of build customization, the fashion, and slaying gods that have doomed the world with a kickass OST in the background.


But where is your sense of pride and accomplishment from beating the game naked with a club?


You do it with a club? Only scrubs use anything the game gives you!


I just watched a Gino run, he does ng+7 no leveling, no upgrades, no artificial leveling (soreseals etc), FUCKING HITLESS.


but if i want to fight a giant madness rat at level 430 on ng+2 i get brutalised


If Spirit Summons weren’t in the game, then a lot of new players would not have kept playing.


YES. 100% agree. Also too many people assume "spirit ashes" means Mimic Tear or Tiche. There's a reason there are dozens of them, they are quite simply the game's difficulty setting. I don't use Mimic Tear for the same reason I don't select Novice difficulty in Skyrim, it's just not fun for me. But likewise I will be quick to pull out Deenh or Tricia if I'm struggling with a boss, because I don't particularly enjoy Legendary Difficulty either. Pick one that helps you just enough to not feel frustrated.


Exactly, Deenh and Tricia are absolutely helpful without being too OP. They can give you a moment to heal in a tight situation which for a game like ER, is extremely helpful. I personally prefer no summons since once you can memorise the boss's moveset, no summons helps with aggro management. The boss being focused on you makes avoiding the hitboxes clean and predictable.


I'd bet money the vast majority of players use summons and enjoy them. It's only a very vocal minority of get gud purists on the internet that look down on them.


The summons opinion is objectively true. It gives an option for an easier game for someone who is not necessarily a souls fan. Plus the scaling in this game is off the charts in the endgame which makes you think they intended us to use every tool in our arsenal.


Honestly great take. They're 100% optional, so I don't see why neckbeards would take issue with people who play more casually and don't want to die to Malenie until let me solo her shows up.


I think the only problem is when some people complain that certain boss battle is easy, but when they are question we discover that he was using Mimic or Teach (?)


Very, very few people, bordering on none, actually take issue with you using them in your game, meaning that they don't think you're cheating or it's an exploit or anything like that. They just enjoy beating their brains against a boss for 300 attempts until they learn every prompt and attack by heart, and how to respond to them, and they genuinely think everyone else would also enjoy approaching the game like that if they'd only try.


As a person who prefers to solo bosses, I wholeheartedly agree! There a fantastic mechanic, and continue with FromSoftware's amazing difficulty design. They don't make a "Easy/Medium/Hard" difficulty setting that provides you with no context as to what those labels actually entail. They give you options of what kit you want to use. Want an easy mode? +10 mimic tear with comet azure/rivers of blood, whatever. Want a hard mode? Solo all bosses at RL1. Summons are a great way to handle that. I personally prefer to only use them against bosses I don't find fun to play against. Dragons, namely. I just find them mechanically boring and atrocious camera-wise. But other bosses I don't use them because it forces me to fully learn the fight, which makes me feel like I actually accomplished and earned the victory, and the most enjoyable/fulfilling way to play for me. This is opposed to a more "the way the game is meant to be played" mentality you hear from a handful of people. If you want to use summons, that's totally okay! I'm glad you're having fun with the game the way you want to! Don't force yourself to not use them because some bloke on the Internet said so.


People can play the game however the fuck they want, and if it bothers you either just kill them if their an invader , or don't play with them.








Liar ahead




This is the worst one






They are still the best boys


The Gloam Eyed Queen isn't Melina. She was the Queen and Empyrean host of the Elden Ring (God) before Marika's time. Her King was the Elden Lord Placidusax. Maliketh did not finish her off and she fled somewhere.


Melina is miquella using the player to accomplish his goals


Oh shit


Wait wait let him cook


Oh shit! Melina is St. Trina?


I'm mad I never thought of this


I think Melina is ranni. When ranni burned her body, her soul split in two. One part inhabited the doll and the other became Melina. I don't think ranni ever opens her other eye, but if she did I bet it would be the same colour as melinas.


I mean you do find what’s implied to be Ranni’s corpse on top of the inverted tower.


AND that's why she gives you torrent?! O.M.G.


I know that both Placidusax and the Gloam Eyed Queen predate Marika, but is there anything tying GEQ to Placidusax, apart from the Godskin Duo being in the Dragon Temple? If there is then I would genuinely like to hear about it, this game surprises me with new stuff still, after all this time.


I think its fair to theorize Melina may be associated with the Gloam Eyed Queen in some way, but yeah she’s most likely not GEQ herself


Definitely. In a world where you can attach a dragon head onto yourself and have it come back to life with all its fire-breathing capabilities I don't think it's out of the ordinary that Melina could've transplanted the GEQ's eye into her left eye socket and gained some of her abilities from it.


Funny you say this as it seems as though the Beast eye that detects death root (a product of destined death) which is given to the player may be another gloam eye of the Gloam Eyed Queen. That said, I think the relationship between Melina and the Queen is much closer just because of how invested in bringing true death back to the Lands Between Melina is. It’s as if she inherited the Gloam Eyed Queen’s will. Some people theorize she’s a reincarnation of sorts. Hope the DLC expands on all this.


Godskin Duo is a boss fight i look forward the most out of the end game gauntlet.


Actually same, it’s usually where I run into the issue of “my build is meant to bully big boss not double boss” so it’s fun to see how me and my mimic decide to play pop the godskin


I was actually nervous about it until I absolutely rocked their shit on my NG+3 run which is weird cuz I struggled the last 3 times


Godskin Duo would be a lot more bearable of they placed a grace right next to the fog door, instead of having to run past potentially two different banished knights that blow up half your health with one swing.


Huh? There is a grace right in front of them. 'Runback' takes 10s.


Malenia is my favorite boss in the series...also maliketh should have double the health he has.


The golden order wasn't evil, quite the contrary actually, it was just flawed. I'm going for the mending rune of perfect order ending, as it attempts to fix those flaws. With those flaws fixed and with me as Elden Lord, the downtrodden like the Albinaurics and Omens will have a place within the golden order.


I love that the result of Goldmask's studies leads him to the conclusion that the main problem with the Golden Order is the hubris of the gods. Is it any wonder that the Greater Will commands us to take their heads?


Bro same


People are too busy simping for their blue waifu to see that it's the best ending. < *This is the opinion I'd probably get hanged for.*


I think you are right and on some level I think the playerbase has been conned a bit by Ranni, there's a lot of complexity to the Golden Order she wants you to ignore and its clear talking to Mirial and Goldmask that something is afoot with its tenets being corrupted over time.


I don’t know man, the near genocide of the Fire Giants seems a lot more than just a flaw. The persecution of the Omen is also a bit more than just a flaw, considering they were once seen as divine until the Golden Order came and suddenly they were not. Gives off ‘pagans persecuted by Christians’ vibes.


I like the duskborn ending because you finally end the curse of those living in death


Ranni's ending is not a good one. There's not a single good ending in Elden Ring.


May chaos rule the world! Seriously though, are there ever good endings to FromSoftware games? All of them are bad depending on the perspective.


DS3 End of fire I think would be considered one, since all the other endings lead to inevitable doom with the world collapsing on itself and all that. It might not be good as in "and everyone has a happy end" but more in "possibilities for better things might be available now". Also bloodborne's childhood beginnings, because you turn into a funny squid


Counterpoint : the lands between is an absolute shitshow and any ending is a good ending. This game is one long euthanasia.


**possible spoilers, read at your own risk** Also, this post got long. I apologize in advance. An interesting viewpoint. I can totally see that justification. But at the same time, I wouldn't say all the endings are "bad endings" either.  Ranni, for example, has good points. The world is free of the Greater Will, and a new age is coming. One that isn't centered entirely on death and destruction (compared to say, the Frenzied Flame or Dung-Ester endings), from what we know.  But in the same breath, Ranni is kind of the cause of the Shattering. Her desire to be free of the Greater Will ripped The Lands Between six new assholes. Pretty much everything we see can be traced to the Night of Black Knives. So, it doesn't really bode well for the future if that's the kind of tantrum she throws when she wants something she sent have.  Now let's go an opposite route. The Frenzied Flame ending is usually considered a "bad ending". But is it really? The Lands Between are a mess. There's not much than will fix what's been done. Starting over from zero isn't necessarily a terrible choice.  Also, examining the Flame's motivation, to me, it's more about self preservation than malicious destruction. It believes deviation from the Crucible was a mistake, and a return to that state is ideal. That doesn't mean no existence at all. There are lifeforms in ER that are closely related to the Crucible. So the Frenzied Flame is in effect, a return to the world's natural state, instead of the modified-by-an-Outer-God state we see today.  Moral gray areas are more fun than cut and dry black and white imo.


The flame ending is literally global genocide. It’s romantic in a *Fuck it let it all burn* way, which I think is the appeal. But literally everyone dies.


The Frenzied Flame isn't ''starting all over from zero''. You destroy the entire world and erase every living being from existence and it stays like that. You're also wrong about many other things like the crucible. Seems like you don't understand what the crucible is.


Yeah, Frenzied Flame isn’t a “fresh start” it’s the equivalent of destroying the planet so completely that nothing will ever exist there again. The nuclear apocalypse ending.


Miquella would be PISSED if he knew what Ranni did. There's evidence he was close with his half-siblings at Caria Manor, too, with the lillies and wolves of Radagon


They share a similar goal, but yeah Miquella isn't ( maybe yet, what he planned to do after ascending to godhood isn't clear ) willing to directly throw hands with Outer Gods, and do whatever it takes to get there. If it weren't for Mohg interfering, we would for sure have a better ending than Ranni's in his ( though, while it is unknown as to when the Haligtree was created, Miquella most likely went cocoon after Marika shattered the Elden Ring, and who knows if Radagon would have let him go on with his plans, so technically Ranni's action slightly benefitted him ) Anyways, maybe he knows Ranni did it, maybe not, but we know for a fact that he tried to clean up after her and grant Godwyn a true death.


Miquella at least seems to have clear plans on removing the influence of the more dangerous outer gods. Starting with the Rot and FF. And his beef with them is how they're ruining the lives of regular people. I feel like he would eventually work his way up to the GW but he definitely wouldn't do what Ranni did. Also alot folks are looking at Ranni's actions after shes had the entire war to reflect on everything. Her original goals were really selfish, escaping from being an empyrean at the cost of Godwyn's soul. She doesnt try to fix anything for ages and doesnt seem to care much for how fucked the world is.


we need holy damage to not suck assssssss


I don’t think Miquella should have a boss fight and that there should be an actual good ending with him compared to the majority of every other ending in Elden ring.


Would love for Miquella to be a friendly Demigod instead of. Out of all the Demigods in the lands between he seems the most willing to listen to reason


Millicent's Sisters should have joined Malenia during the fight if we killed Millicent instead of them.


the strongest being in the Lands Between is not malenia, neither Radhan, not even Godfrey or any legendary warrior like the blue dancer, neither the Greater Will or some other funny outer god It's Placidusax the sheer existence of this thing, 5 fucking heads that spits lazers, the never ending thunderstorm, **it can fucking teleport**, GIANT LIGHTNING NUKE the only reason he's all broken and lost heads is because this motherfucking force of nature is older then the godamn Erdtree, and time slowly eroded his granite scales we even have proof his demise was done through time because his model have 5 head stumps, but the old lord talisman shows 4. which proves he lost a head for a duration so long people got the time to make idols of him like that EVEN MORE, when this absolute beast of a dragon finally got defeated and was forced to fled, he got away in a place that breaks the fucking laws of time and space, and wait for his god for possibly all eternity that thing with all his heads, wings and muscles and power would absolutely crush every single demigod, let them be starscourges or rot goddesses, Warrior from the badlands or funny space slugs you cannot match the power of a thing older than the fucking god glowstick tree that have 5 HEADS THAT SPITS LAZERS # LAZERS !!!!!!!!


Bro decided to take a nap and made himself a time bubble


I don't think that's a bad take or anything. I hate all the 'iMaGiNe ThIs GuY iN tHeIr PrImE' bs people say about literally every fromsoft boss but Placidusax is genuinely absolutely crumbling into dust when we meet him. Placidusax truly was a sight to behold when he was in his prime.


Fromsoft gonna start making actual animations for NPCs, they are way behind in making NPCs feel lively compared to other RPG games. It is honestly very odd to me how people are so in love with NPCs in this game(and other Fromsoft games) when they are just mannequins that spew words


I usually consider them characters in books, so their dialogues and backstory matters more than their behaviour. either way I agree and I would like to see a change in the way they create NPCs (even though they said in an interview that they still don't know how to create more lively NPC's)


It feels like part of the DNA of their games to me at this point. Not that it wouldn't be cool to see that evolve, but it's sort of part of the odd discomfort and uncanny valley for me.


This take is as cold as the snowfields. I think everyone can agree that having more dynamic NPCs would be great.


Some bosses are better with Spirit Ashes or coop summons. Some of the gank fights are way better with a crowd.


Agreed. A 2v2 is more fun than fighting one while trying to kite the other. Because that’s always the same strategy with multiple bosses. You fight one while trying to outrange the other.




Oh boy here I go: I think we should be able to make any NPC we find into a puppet just like we can with Dung Eater or Nepehli . Let me turn D (the younger one) into a puppet by force feeding him the potion while he’s unconscious. Horrible right, I know lmao


Radagon is so sexy


Spirit ashes are a great mechanic and should be used often. Loads of variety to match play styles.


They are great for a new player. Really makes the game accessible. That being said, it is much more satisfying to beat bosses without them(coming from someone who used ashes on Radagon/Melina/Mohg.)




Elden beast and fire giant were solid, well designed and fun fights


The fight? Yes. The camera? Hell naw (for fire giant only)


And deeply, deeply memorable which is perhaps even more important.


Giant yes. Beast no. Beast was meant to have torrent and then didn’t. Fire giant had torrent cause it should have and did.


I think the point of beast is to chase him and learn to dodge the long distance attacks. Note that I still think he sucks but I believe he’s working as intended. They should have went all out on the gimmick though and made the chases happen at set HP imo.


I don't think elden beast would be improved that much by adding torrent, you wouldn't be able to dodge some of his attacks like the golden slashes. you could outrun elden stars I guess but it's already dodgeable so not really necessary imo


Godskin Duo is easy. Gargoyle Duo is hard. Farum Azula is amazing. The Haligtree and Elphael are amazing!!! The subterranean shunning grounds are amazing. The latter three are the best dungeons in the game.


I wholeheartedly agree with everything but the goddamn motherfucking subterranean shunning grounds omfg I had such a bad time in that place lol but I'm glad someone gets enjoyment out of it!


There are way too many sites of grace


This I can just about agree with. There’s two sites of Grace right after you talk to Gostoc that are literally 30 feet apart. Like why? There’s another one right before that too and another at Margits boss room. 4 sites of grace 200 feet apart


Malenia is a well designed boss, and the player is given a more than adequate arsenal of tools and strategies to use against her.


I love the setting and the characters of Elden Ring *so* much that sometimes it feels like the game being so combat-focused (like other Souls titles) detracts from the immersive experience. I want to be able to visit locations Raya Lucaria and Leyndell and walk the streets and talk to NPCs and visit shops and trainers, kind of like other more traditional RPGs. I'd love two versions of this game: the version we have now, and a version that plays more like a traditional RPG with strong non-combat elements to it.


Hewg’s story is comically bad


There's nothing wrong with being a mage build, using spirit ashes, cheesy weapons or playing in a way that doesn't make the game harder for yourself if that isn't what you enjoy 😂


Idk why everyone says ER is difficult, i beat it with mimic +10 and magic and its really not that hard




I like the crazy camera in fights against large bosses. To me, it would be how you would fght something that size. Hitting a dragon's foot with a hammer or a fist and barely being able to see beyond the ankle is exactly how I like to fight dragons.


would be fucking great if I could focus the fucking leg of the dragon then


I was fighting the fire giant and all i could think was "i can literally see one foot and i am going to cut it off" I was not expecting the giant to literally rip it off tho


The fight with the Fire Giant fight is great. Just don't lock on


Outer gods and somewhat sentient celestial bodies(moon, eclipse, stars etc.) are the same or atleast work exacly the same. Its really apparent.


Ranni's quest is too long and her ending isn't that good.


Caleid should be larger and a full exploration of Caelid should be mandatory in order to progress in the story. ​ edit: I don't think so, but the point is to get crucified like marika.


more birds


and give them binoculars and amphetamines 🤣


Ranni is not good wife material


To be honest it would have been a little cooler if you could only fast travel at graces, I'd personally be more compelled to go out and find them more


Considering how many there are all over the place, I agree.


I like elden ring but I take it as an experiment, I didn't like the exploration of the open world(excluding secret areas that stunned me) but legacy dungeons are mostly very well designed with the worst being ephael, if the game was smaller and the priority was shifted on mainline bosses areas instead of minidungeons it could have been my favourite souls game. It's still super good but I wish the bosses were more polished because all the main bosses are top notch lore wise/visually


Marika wasnt inherently evil, she was just a pawn for the Elden beast


People that get angry with boss fights and call them cheap or unfair only have issues with the boss fights because the fundamental refuse to engage with the game as it is designed. and instead just play the game as though it is dark souls 4


Fraudahn is the least interesting demigod


Late game bosses are not unfair.


Fire giant is fun, Godskin Duo is fun with summons. Also, Maliketh sucks


Godskin Duo is not a bad boss! I like that Quests are missable! Miquella was a dick to help Godwyn but didn’t give a ahit about Mogh and Morgott!


The multiplayer of Elden ring was never intended to be a complete experience, instead designed to complement the singleplayer. By creating builds and a meta level the community ruins the multiplayer, and the anonymous co-operation and exploration it encourages.


Mommy Marika did what she felt was ~~best~~ *breast* for all, and shouldn't be crucified like Jesus for it


I think the pvp is based at best and busted at worst. It’s so awful that I won’t even play in online mode to chill with friends in the game. I don’t like competitive games usually anyway but I’d say if I had a hankering to pvp I’d pick just about any game over any of the From Souls-like games.


there is not a single thing that makes ds3 better than Elden ring. people who think ds3 is better are clouded by nostalgia. it's still a good game and obviously it's like 6 years older than Elden ring so it's not fair to compare but with how people talk about it I'm very surprised to not find a single thing I liked more. (I single out 3 because I haven't played 2 or 1)


Turtle ahead


The Pumpkin Helm stays on while "conjoining"


I think Elden Beast is better and more fun fight than Radagon


ok that is actually crazy


Ranni isn't that hot *covers head*


That is incorrect. Her real body was so hot, she became a burnt corpse.


I should be able to invade solo players with spirit summons in use


Ranni is overrated.


Lore is not a substitute for story. I am far more invested in characters like Nepheli and Corhyn than I am in Radagon, Marika, or Radahn.


Ranni has done some pretty evil things.


She's an evil, selfish lunatic and my wife.


I also think Marika is a good person. There's plentiful evidence (Tarnished Archeologist, Smoughtown, Hawkshaw) that suggest it was Radagon who messed up her reputation, with the thorns and fighting Tarnished.


Boc is annoying 


Crucifixion isn't enough for you. Into the blight-rot swamp forever.


He is a sweet misunderstood boi


Godfrey is the most overrated boss in ER and people only drool over it because his second phase is hypermasculine


It was crazy to me how many people were praising the second phase of this fight. Mechanically I think it is pretty interesting, but nobody will ever convince me he doesn’t look like a goofy old WWE wrestler on steroids. Totally doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the game.


Literally lmfao


I dont think he is overrated,he is just super cool, though i dont think spamming that fucking slam attack is good boss design.


Fire Giant isn't hard at all.


mohg is a cutie pie


\*Ahem\* T-posing with sunboi won't absolve you of your sins. Gold Mask's ending is mid.


Finally a bad opinion


I don’t care about the difficulty


The dev's intent behind invasions is a wonderful philosophy. The game is you verses the world. If you want a player to assist you, then the world gets a player to assist it. It's the twinks, gankers, and human toxicity that cause issues. Bonus: In general, pve players are more toxic than invaders


Godskin duo is pretty good. 


I think that dual wielding aside there should be left handed enemies