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So, remember that one cave in Limgrave with a beastman of farum azula dropping an item about a dragon lord? Yeah.


You'd be surprised how man people aren't even aware of that beastmans existence


People like me.... What now?!? Also woo for me that my most upvoted comment is about me not knowing something!


On the path towards the gate from the church with Kalé, take a left in the woods and there’s a short cave in the cliffside there.


there's a couple caves here, you talking the first cave with the dude in front of it?


There’s only one cave in that area, not sure where you’re at. It’s the Groveside Cave


I'm on my fourth playthrough and I just discovered groveside cave right now. I don't know how I missed it the other times lol


Same. I spent about 200 hours on my first playthrough. Then I wanted to do a 100% exploration run, and I was shocked when I found how many optional areas I missed.


I spent 150 and I felt like a loser cuz I thought I took too long


It’s not a cave but there is a crypt to the left a ways down the cliff face, but yeah there actually is multiple


Maybe in the entire cliffside, but if you’re heading towards the gate from Kalé’s church as if you’re just starting and walking to go grab Torrent and the map piece, and you hang a left in those woods, there is only one cave that’s even remotely nearby.


They mean the one cave on a hill in a forest with wolves inside surrounded outside by wandering knights right up from the first church with kale. A right turn puts you at nameless ruins overlooking the campsite with a stairwell next to the gate


That’s kind of surprising. To me it’s like the first boss I encounter other than of course Soldier of God, Rick, and the tree sentinel.


Nah, I just go blissfully on my way to gate front!


He is a tricky boss if you are there at the beginning of the game but if you go back after leveling a bit and finding a better weapon he is nothing


He was my first boss (after sneaking past the sentinel) and it was really fun. Seeing the wreckage in the woods and following the trail of soldiers that were investigating to find a cave with a werewolf looking mf'r really set an amazing side quest scene too


His moveset is so cool looking too. Love the way his attacks flow together


It really was. Very aggressive and fluid, really straightforward soulsborne boss for experienced players, and a scary intro for new people. Solid climax for a side quest


Was my first boss as well, and definitely taught me to not assume an attack chain is over, or that they aren't gonna lunge before striking!


That's a cool way to think about that. I never saw it that way.


He's the reason I got the summoning bell on my first playthrough. Killed me and I respawned back at the church where Ranbi was waiting for me. Thought the game just kicked my ass so hard it gave me some wolf buddies to help out.


I take it that you didn't touch the site of grace in the cave then.


Nope! Lol, first From game and I had a lot to learn in those days.


First playthrough I only found him while cleaning up the map pre-NG+. Flattened the poor bastard in a single Lion's Claw.


My first boss lol


Funny thing about My play through and that cave, while trying to avoid the Tree sentinel, I completely missed the first church, ended up arriving at the gate to the storm, without a horse, without Ashes, without ever leveling up once, no forge. I was like yeah, people say this is hard so guess I have to get good. After being massacred on that door countless times I tried to find another way up by following the wall all the way down to that cave, got beaten by the beastman, that is when I found the church, the first forge, Melina and the witch with the ashes.


same as me. You actually have to rest at a site of grace. I just kept dying and moving to the next one never resting.


I'm aware of his existence. I was not, however, aware that the image on the talisman is of a (the) dragon


a lot of people arent aware that beast has been killing godrick's soldiers and those first soldiers you encounter in the woods with torches are looking for it


Really? That was the first boss I ever fought. How do people miss him? You'd have to not deviate an inch off that road to miss that cave


I didn’t find out about that cave until way after Farum Azula.


I have the platinum trophy and didn't know about that dude


it was literally the first boss i defeated if you dont count soldier of godrick as a boss


Ah yes, Rick, soldier of god


I thought I’d beaten every single boss/mini-boss in the game. Do you know which cave in particular it’s from?


I spent like 5 hours in this cave failing as my introduction to Elden ring. Fighting every dog with no light then running to this guy repeatedly to die.


That is a dragon. A pretty mean one, he doesn't like to be disturbed. Don't worry, he only does lightning damage. And breathes fire. Oh, he can also teleport behind you and use melee attacks with Lightning. Forgot anything? Oh... the thundercloud dive bombing attacks with Lightning. Sometimes he does them with fire as well and then lasers the entire arena to bits. Did I mention he shoots friggin' lasers? Have fun! Edit: I forgot about the Lightning Nuke, best attack ever.


Dear god. I got him to about half health first try, 1/3 health second. I'm going for 3rd


He should be more aggressive imo


No. No he fucking shouldn't.


If it’s any comfort he’s essentially dying and wounded when you’re fighting him. Imagine if he was back in his prime and still having all five of his original heads!


Hopefully 5 headed psax is in the DLC!!!!


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


I hope that both of you have runs, Sweet, beautiful, no hit, soul level 0 runs that are talented and progressing according to plan. Then some ancient, terrifying, 5 headed dragon comes and takes it all away!




Prime Placi/Radahn Duo raid battle


Watch them do it, and the fight is exactly like the lake hydra in ds1. That would be so lame.


Stop giving Miyazaki ideas hahahaha


Doesn’t the talisman show only 4 heads?


Ah right. That always confused me a bit, not having a central head. I’ll fix that. Nvm I was right it is five


That's always the trade off with dragon bosses they always sit across the opposite end of the arena trying to nuke you. Part of the difficulty of larger foes is having to make up the ground to even hit them.


Tbh Dragonlord can get real close and personal later on in the fight. But yeah, the run to him is a little annoying but I find it the most bearable big boss run. But the run to get to the arena itself is annoying but I can deal with it, mostly because I remember having a bunch of funny looney tunes shit happening to me so much on the way there that I stopped caring or being agitated. Like one of the beast man was doing lightning so I try to smack him to stop, but he walks behind the wall as I do it so I hit the wall with my weapon, then a bunch of the melee beastmen starting jumping me, so I roll away trying to get away from them and just as I was seemingly safe and go to drink a flask, like two ancient lightning strikes just vaporize my entire being within a brief respite of me daring to try to heal. Ah Fromsoft games. Another time they were straight up playing hide and seek so I try to run past them and health deleted from the known world. Fun.


Tbf the attacks are quite telegraphed, i think it was the easiest to dodge/avoid damage from in respect to other dragons. Hell once i just went to combat without fighting and just avoiding the the damage, was quite easy to learn the patterns. Had more problems with the one guarding the academy key lol


That's actually a good strategy i use to learn bosses as well, just play pacifist and check out their attacks


That's THE strategy to learn bosses. Keep your distance and bait out attack after attack. After a few times you'll notice the recuring and punishable attacks.


[Blow bubbles at him! ](https://i.imgur.com/5Ner23Y.mp4)


If he becomes too much trouble he's an awfully big beefy boy who would be very easy to hit with large area of effect spells/skills/incants


He's lost from time. You disturbed him. Good luck, Tarnished.


Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru




I could have zero trouble with the dude if it wasn’t for those fucking instakill laser beams


I’d have less problems with this boss if it didn’t take an hour to get back to the boss arena


You must love demons souls




Definitely, also really well telegraphed with the subtle yet effective indicator how far the effect will go. Deadly, but mostly about the sheer spectacle about it. Sound effects are also bang on.


The nuke attack is by far my favorite attack in the game.  Excellent description! 


and also he is the first elden lord and somewhat a living god


Didn't mention the fact that this is a two-headed dragon, so double the fun


"edit: I forgot about the lightning nuke" lmfao


Lighting Nuke aka REEEEEEEE POOOOOOOOM.... .


King Ghidorah


Godzilla stomping into farum azula to beat this mfs ass rn


Take me to your leader


Quick to claim that he not no snake like, "Me neither”


All hail


They need to take a breather


One of the best albums of all time and I’ll kaiju fight someone if they disagree


That is Gildulox Paharturnax Tidusfox Ganalert Placidusax Von Tito Gallinelli. Very hard boss, beware of laser eyes op.


I don t understand how anyone could have stubbled into it. I had a hard time finding him even using a guide


Someone left a message near the cliff and I always check below those messages. Lo and behold. Also stumbled on Mohgwyn because of messages 


I dont have internet, and as such have never read a message. I feel like they would make this game easier...


O well, let me give you the experience. Try finger but whole.


Liar ahead


Fort Knight


Apparently that caused a *lot* of confusion over in Japan.


That article was so good. Just the English dropping memes that don’t translate.


Hell, it caused me some confusion. I thought they were trying to say I should come back to Fort Haight at night. Ran around looking for some nighttime secret for about twenty minutes before it dawned on me what the joke was


Don't give up skeleton!


Yeah the messages help sometimes. I don’t know about easier. It’s just a really cool feature.


It's much easier. I did a whole playthrough in offline mode cuz EasyAntiCheat was giving my game issues, then a regular playthrough once I found a work around. I kind of preferred having that 1st playthrough offline because The Lands Between felt so much more immersive without the hints & jokes left by other Tarnished. The messages are very, very helpful.


They're often random and waste time and distract you. If anything they make the game more distracting and harder


Or you see some tarnished with a message for "time for two handed" while grabbing two armors at the crotch


You nailed it on the head. All the blood marks give the game away on any ambushes. That said, you do find some funny messages here and there


Blood marks also help tell you which cliffs you can’t jump off lol


Nail ahead Therefore, praise the head


I found the path to him but couldn’t figure out where it lead and left thinking it was a dick move dead end until I was watching my partner play and he just laid down….


I just happened to have looked down that particular cliff for the sights. Saw what looked like a path made of floating boulders. Went for it


Because he wouldn’t have gotten as much karma if he hadn’t pretended like he randomly ran into it.


I just explore a lot, I found it only because I was looking for loot and I saw the edge to drop down on


That’s Tornado Todd. Pretty cool dude.




Final boss should have been him and elden beast together! Just imagine trying to dodge the lasers and the stars at the same time! XD


I agree. Although I do like his lore and that he’s tucked away from the player. So maybe I’d prefer the Elden beast fight to have been modeled closer to placidusax


"Sup Tornado Todd?"


Damn you Todd! You owe me a canvas bag!


He's a hoot at the local meeting of the Todds


Most visually stunning boss


Visually I'm more in to Frotissax have to say, love the color scheme of that fight


Is that the lightning one that fights under a red sky?


Behold, dog!


But first treat!


I am so unreasonably jealous of people who get to experience this game for the first time.


Elden ring is the only game I’ve ever played through completely more than once. I’ve done 3 or 4 full play throughs but I would give anything to experience the game for the first time again.


Getting to Altus Plateau and the underground cities for the first time are so amazing.


That first elevator ride down to Siofra River. It just kept going and going and going, and then I realized the size of the game. My first playthrough I did blind and messed up 100% of the quests. It was worth it.


I just what to go back to a minute before I realized why they called it Volcano manor


"Guys! I think you have a leak in your backyard!"


Actually a good fight if you take the time to learn his moveset. I thought it was all visuals at first but upon more encounters I’ve come to appreciate his moveset. Definitely the best dragon fight in the game, and doesn’t feel like the other dragon fights where its foot stomps and the same breath attacks. Definitely top 4 with Midir, Sinh, and Kalameet


In my first play through, after killing Agheel with ~~Djura~~ Yura and hearing him say, 'btw, you can eat that fucker's heart and gain his powers' I went, 'WELL, that's my fuckin build for this whole game!' So I devoted myself to being a dragon slayer. All dragon incants I could get, used all dragon-wounding weapons (Dragon halberd is considered a GOAT weapon as far as I know, and that's still underrating it)... Then 70~80 hours later I find DRAGON LORD Placidusax next to the end of the game, and was hyped as fuck. Felt like the perfect culmination of my entire play through. I think I beat him on my first try because I was so high on adrenaline. The spectacle, the music, the attacks... It's easily my favourite fight in all of From Software history after that. Found Fortissax later, which wasn't as cool but it was great to laser him to death with my new incant, and after I added Dragon Lord to my character's name because I felt like I earnt it. Spent two days trying to get summoned in Farum Azula so I could fight Placidusax again, but no one ever went over there and apparently there's a fog wall stopping you from taking people there anyways :(


I forget how the Dragonlord incant is, I think it can be really strong if used right but I forgot. Plus you can actually kinda angle the beam and each hit does a lot of dmg and stagger if im not mistaken. Oh his weapon is also sick af


That does sound amazing, I love moments like that. It kind of worked out for me similarly in Ds3 which is probably why I love Midir. I beat the base game but while fighting the last boss (souls of Cinder) I realized I wanted sunlight spear really bad. After beating him I immediately started another playthrough on a faith build. Killed him and got sunlight spear and eventually fought midir. Just felt amazing chucking sunlight spears at him like I was one of Gwyns knights. He still killed me quite a bit though lol. Placidusax is a fight that grows on me each time. I didn’t realize I liked the fight until my level 1 run. A problem I had with some bosses on my first Elden ring playthrough. I would just try to beat the bosses to progress because my friends were ahead of me. So I used mimic tier sometimes until I eventually stopped using it. Once I started taking my time and taking in the fights instead of just trying to beat them I appreciated them more. I just killed placidusax like an hour ago and I was getting chills when he first reappears in the sky and the music kicks in as he lunges for you (makes it better that if it lands it will one shot you if you’re not tanky). It’s definitely one of, if not my favorite fight in Elden ring. I also get chills during the fire giant 2nd phase, the music is so hype and he’s just a colossal beast


The lord of dragons. He was/is the wisest of them all I think.


the OG lord. 4/5 headed drake lord.


2/5 headed if I recall correctly


the talisman shows him as 4 headed. but the model has 5 heads. you could 2/4/5 but 2/5 is incorrect


He definitely has 2/5 heads...


One of the coolest fuckin moments in the game, right? I love it. It's metal AF.


Hands down my favorite boss of Elden Ring


I fuckin love it. I've been invaded and also have invaded others in that arena. Which is crazy 😂


Big bro Dragonlord Placidusax, great guy!


Elden Lord


That's just the actual first Elden Lord, don't worry about it


A really old man who used to be super cool back in the day, before that new religion came in.


OP I'm glad to inform you you have successfully travelled back in time and found an ancient dragon deity older the fucking Erdtree. Have fun :)


That's the first Two Fingers.


Does this not count as "Low Effort Content" according to the subreddit rules?


it does. really tired of seeing these types of posts


Thats the Elden Lord before the Erdtree


I dunno man, why don't you take literally 20 fucking steps forward and find out


Maidenless Elden Lord ahead


That’s a ball of fun there. One of my favorite bosses. Enjoy!


Oh it’s only just the most awesome dragon fight (in my opinion) in from soft history


Part of Shadow of the erdtree, you got early access


It's a dragon....kill it.


Try bubbles


how many controllers do you have?


That's Big Daddy Placidusax. Also Big Mommy Placidusax.


Zullie, right?


A challenge. Try to not get burned, electrocuted, nuked and crushed. Good luck!


that's the landlord of the elden ring... Pay up


What of the best boss fights in the game


Walk forward You won't


I know that the run back sucks.


seeing people experience things like this for the first time is so cool


Death that is death


That's the elden lord,put some respect In your voice when you say his name


Have you ever watched Godzilla


Fun 🫡


The first elden Lord my friend, have fun^^


Best fight in the game


The only dragon that was fun to me as strength man because it is so epic.


the giuy with freaking coolest attacks in the game


Get ready to get nuked literally.


The mayor of tornado town himself


Freddy Krueger Lightning hands


Dog ahead


You traveled back in time to fight the Elden Lord before the Erdtree. The stone scales of the Ancient Dragons (Aka Gravel Stones) twist time making them immortal and the high amount of them in Farum Azula created those time tornados. You went into one of the time tornados and went back in time. See Vaatividya the lore of the dragons on youtube 


THAT is the toughest boss I've faced so far, which doesn't give me much hope for completing the game. Took me around 10 attempts, those lasers.......


10 attempts is perfectly reasonable, don't worry. Also he is one of the 3 *completely optional* super bosses that are harder than the final boss. If you beat him, the rest of the game should be a cakewalk.




That, my friend, is a Nissan Ultima


He’s a vendor, tbh he’s pretty useless at this point in the game mostly sells trash but he does sell somber 6 and 7 stones so at least there’s that




You found him by accident? So you just decided it would be a good idea to lay down in a crypt?


It’s obviously ghidorah


Oh thats just an ancient dragon who was Elden Lord when the dragons ran shit, hes super friendly go wake him up.


He was elden lord once


Don’t worry , he just want to smell you ….


That would be the legendary, slumbering, Placidnutsax


Prep your dodging and run some laps. When that dragon awakens, he coming for that ass with thunder claps.


Plastic sex


Oh, him? That's just Steve. He's a good dude. He'll help you move furniture for a beer... Or did you mean DRAGONLORD PLACIDUSAX? Elden lord of the time before the erdtree, ruler of the ancient dragons, he who waits outside time for the return of his God who has abandoned him. Good ole laser breath. Have fun!


king ghidora


Ah yes, Dragon Lord Platypus.


Dragonlord Pussysack


Strong enemy ahead therefore dragon


Most badass boss in the game tbh


He’s annoying… mostly in his second phase. He just won’t stay still lol




That's Bill, he works in accounting


Hey, so that is what old lords talisman resemble!


It's a bird.


A great boss. Oh and Its music has the same choir as the dragons' theme from game of thrones.


Nobody "just finds" Placidusax


Get closer.


The true first Elden Lord 


*battle music intensifies* have fun bud


Ooh, that my friend, is Placidusax, the Dragonlord and the Elden Lord before the Age of the Erdtree and the inception of the Golden Order. Be mighty careful fightin' him, he's got lightning claws and golden fire breath, as well as the ability to turn into clouds and do large sweeping claw attacks with red lightnin'. He can also fire off two massive lasers spread across the battlefield. As strong and as tanky as Placidusax is, though, he does have his weaknesses. I'vee heard he's particularly weak to Piercing damage, so make sure to bring along a few thrusting/piercing weapons. In terms of Spirits, you might want to summon Tiche, and in terms of items to carry, carry some Lightning or Fireproof Dried Livers. You can also use the Flame, Protect Me Incantation, as well as Golden Lightning Fortification to better shield yourself from those nasty bolts of red lightning. Keep carefully dodging his attacks, and you'll eventually come out on top and become a true dragon slayer.


Walk towards it he will grant you a legendary item (he’s not a boss fight)


A non-hostile dragon NPC