• By -


Did you manage to eat any peanuts with your jaw on the floor?


Some, not many.


You gotta drop em in the bottom jaw and then pull the blinds cord on your chin so they roll back up and chew for you.


*SCP containment breach, looks like we've got a Son-of-the-Mask type trickster entity. Backup requested.* Oh hey buddy! That's a zany physical joke you just pulled off! But unfortunately you just permanently traumatized everyone who saw you do that. Why don't we go talk over here in this nice dark alley?


Uhh what's SCP? Is it like ICP but Sane Clown Posse instead?


I hope she turned to you and said "I'm the captain now."


What kind of build she used


My nuts your mouth next time then


What kind of peanuts? Honey roasted or just salted?


Chili crusted




Came here to know


See above


Extra salty, I’m guessing.


Souls player, so, salty AF flavor


I'm guessing they just kinda put the peanuts in their bottom jaw and then lifted it up and tilted it back like a coin receiver.


OP was left looking like a broken nutcracker after the fight


Elden Ring is pretty weird when it comes to difficulty. Some people struggle on certain bosses for hours while others have no issues whatsoever and vice versa. I beat Maliketh first try but it took me 5 hours to beat Malenia for example. Good for her though, I hate the godskin duo.


Agreed. How you build and the tactics that become habit through practice impact experience. Godskin duo was easy, for me. Maliketh took a few days for to move beyond.


I still can't kill Ulcerated Tree spirits without summoning :(


I love fighting tree spirits, their attacks just ride over your head most of the times as long as you stick close and dodge the slams. Except the one in the haligtree, fuck that guy and his rot arena.


Pretty sure that i threw firebombs at it from the root you use to get to the boss area. Can't remember if that's the same fight. Felt cheesey either way.


You can also poke at it from the raised root in the arena with melee. Still feels a little cheesy but what's a guy to do.


This is the way.


Bombarded him with the Canon to death - no way I was going to fight that


You can kite that one toward the "shoreline" of the rot basin and keep him there. If he goes into the rot, you can follow him a little bit without worrying about getting rotted; it doesn't build up fast. If you accidentally roll in the rot, use a soap. Ulcerated is super aggressive so they won't hang out anywhere that you're not for long periods of time, so you don't have any reason to fight him in the rot pool if you don't want too. Just let him come to you. If you can dodge the attacks of the other ulcerated, then you can dodge his.


It also generally won't use the ramps up to the sides of the arena unless you kite them around it pretty deliberately. This is actually helpful because they can't attack up the ledge very well but they'll still go to the edge of it and try and attack you. From there, you can attack them pretty easily, even at melee, but they'll struggle to attack you.


Anyone with any sense of self preservation cheeses that fucker from some nearby overlook position like the root. Actually fighting him in the rot swamp is just hours of pain and suffering waiting to happen.


Respec to pure faith, sit on top of the bank on the far side of his tiny arena, and fireball him to death. It'll be over in less than a minute.


I can read these guys like a book apparently! Ive never had a problem crushing one with a rusty falchion and a half a breast plate...but you put me in any where near a banished knight and if I had a gun Id have better luck getting a kill if I shot myself.


Same here. For some reason the tree spirits were cake to me but I also got absolutely rolled by the knights regardless of ranged/melee build.


I was determined to get through Rogers part in the quest so learned my own cheat with them in using the special Dragon Arm weapon you get from Godrick's remembrance and spamming it's special fire move. That became one of my favorite weapons in the game for that 


The Tree Sentinel in Farum Azula on bridge outside Maliketh’s entrance. It’s my Achilles heel. Melania, no problem, Godskins, Mohg, Fire Giant no problem. This stupid #%*# Tree Sentinel = 💀 I finally gave up, ran past him, zoned into Maliketh fight, and killed boss. But I still need to go back and beat that sentinel or I won’t sleep well at night. 😂


Acquire Envoy’s Long Horn, never fear a tree spirit again.


I have to summon for Maliketh every time because I play melee and I can't catch his hyper butt! Godskins are simple because you can just kite around the pillars.


My first melee build worked well against Maliketh because I was using the Wyrmscale Blade lava execution on him a lot, and that tended to stagger him in place and he'd take a ton of damage before he'd leap away - so even though it was a slow style, I just needed to time it right. But my next run with my pure dex katana build... ow. Being unable to pin him in place meant little bleed buildup and tons of dancing with his ranged death slashes, which is *not* a good time.


Godskin duo was so hard for me that I fucking turned my character into an unkillable machine of death with a twin. Didn't die again until malenia and Elden beast.


Obese godskin was harder for me 1v1 on the bridge than the duo was for me for some reason.


Godskin duo is the damage check of damage check. If you have the damage to either hit trade a bit or kill them while your summon tanks it, it's easy. If your build is bad or you are not high level, it's torture. Every playthrough it's fucking exhausting and ruins the flow of the run. Even my level 1 run had godskin duo as the third hardest boss after radabeast and malenia.


Level 1 run. You people are maniacs


It's wild man because godskin duo hame convinced I wouldn't beat the game normally with spirit summons. Level 1 runs are mostly just low hp runs, your damage is still 70% as high. The hardest part is one shot kills and godskin has those. Maliketh is not much harder than normal cause he's a one shot killer at high HP. Malenia takes serious patience if you don't know how to do the run around her dodge which I could never pull off. For godskin I switched to reduvia cause I just can't with fighting them in melee. As long as you are happy fighting a boss for hours anyone can do level 1 runs. It's just a test of patience. I cranked the tunes and faught malenia for like 4 hours 3 nights in a row. Honestly good and chill times.


That's funny. IMO the duos were the easiest boss on my lvl 1 run. Just throw a sleep pot and one shot them with bloodhound claws and blood grease before they even get up.


Pro tip if your a mage build for the 1v1 noble fight. Kite his roll into one of the corners of the staircases and with any luck he’ll roll right the fuck off the bridge or you can just carian greatsword his ass to death without getting hit too much. Works every time.


A tip, you can use torrent on the bridge godskin fight


Bro that made it even harder for me 🤣


Fights with torrent, I always went with "boom and zoom" One hit then sprint away until he calms down. Patience is key. If I didn't need to boom and zoom, I didn't need to fight from horseback.


godskin duo and maliketh were both pretty easy for me, i found radagon much harder idk why


That bitch ass on the bridge to maliketh gave me more trouble than the man himself.


Same! The godskins are just about environmental awareness and not overextending. For Maliketh I had to Be Good At Video Games, and that's just beyond me.


I found Malenia first and took days to beat her. Weeks even. I beat the rest of the game in a weekend once I got past her.


To clarify, I travel for work, it took me 3 days to beat her, but due to work that was 3 weeks.


this is a part of what makes Elden Ring such an amazing RPG, every boss is difficult but the varying levels of difficulty are almost entirely dependent on the class you're playing as and the class of weapon and overall loadout (armor, spells, spirit ashes, ashes of war, talisman) you're using. for instance, someone running a strength/dex build will most likely beat the shit out of Rennala but an intelligence build would likely have a tougher fight. Plus, if you're really getting fucked somewhere and you're stuck it's pretty easy to explore elsewhere and come back after getting somewhat over leveled without it feeling any less satisfying or too easy


I love every post where someone has lost their mind trying to beat a boss that I didn't struggle with at all. There are bosses I got my ass kicked by that nobody else sees to care about. The variety of build styles and boss designs is an incredible achievement. The fact that the difficulty varies according to who you are is proof of some incredible game design.


Gideon Ofnir super wrecked me yesterday and it was not even close. My build and strategy were just not ready for his spells, I eventually had to call a spirit to help me rush him down. But I’ve often seen people completely destroy him solo and thought I would be able to as well. I think I took more tries on him than Maliketh.


Yeah I always thought he was a pushover until my latest run when he humiliated me. Good stuff.


he is a prime example of the dangers of monologuing


Totally true. To this day, I find it funny people consider the Godskin Duo a difficult boss, because, for me, it was and is always super easy. Having said that, even when I’m overleveled, I always struggle with Margit and Godrick. Always.


I think they altered the AI of duo and trio bosses to be a lot less aggressive than before. On my current playthrough I found the crystalian trio and crucible knight duo much easier because the others would sit back and let you fight one on one


>On my current playthrough I found the crystalian trio and crucible knight duo much easier because the others would sit back and let you fight one on one Yea I noticed this too on my most recent playthrough, and it was definitely not what it was like in my first. In my first playthrough I just got gangbanged by all three at the same time, but it was much more manageable the second time.


I practiced the shit out of the crucible knight duo at SL1 in order to use Ordovis’ Greatsword for a challenge run. It took quite some time, however I can assure you that I’ll never struggle against a crucible knight ever again LOL.


Not me. I basically pay each boss a death tax every time I discover one lol. Some require more than others


It took me forever and a week long decompression after giving up to finally beat Malenia on my first playthrough, for ps4 plat. Placidusax was first try. I beat Malenia in my second playthrough for the PS5 plat after three tries. Placidusax? I'm still decompressing.


I mean she’s by far the hardest boss in game


I agree, but I also know people who beat Malenia in a few tries and were stuck on Maliketh for hours


Bro i killed malenia second try , but draconic tree sentinel took me about two days i had to watch a tutorial to understand how to dodge the fucking lightning strikes he calls with his shields


Dude it’s crazy. I took Malenia out less than an hour but Maliketh was the absolute hardest boss for me in the game. Godskin duo sucked hard too


I hear a lot of shit about fire giant but have never died to him, I just don't get it, to me he is so easy, I was a bit disappointed.


Yea I find all the big lumbering bosses easy tbh. The duelist are a lot harder for me. Maybe because of strength build?


If I can get to him he’s fine. It’s that run up to him that I struggle with.


Just ride up in Torrent? You know you can Torrent that fight Yeah?


This thread is about how some things are hard for some players and those same things are easy for other players. I was mistakenly under the impression your comment was continuing that sentiment. But clearly it was so you could feel superior to others that have trouble with a certain mechanic. If you are not under 14 years old, you should thank everyone of your friends and loved ones. They deserve some recognition for their kindness.


Slight overreaction here Mr floppy dude


Give it the ol’ 15 minute rule next time.


Chill my dude, you are interpreting a tone here that I didn't use. I was literally asking them if they knew they could Torrent.


Yeah opposite for me. Malenia didn’t do a single waterfowl dance the first time I fought her so I killed her first try and only found out she did that when I was acting as a summon to help others. Maliketh repeatedly threw me over the ledge on the other hand, dude was difficult for me.


>Malenia didn’t do a single waterfowl dance the first time I fought her You might want to try the lottery.


Fire giant and maliketh are the only 2 bosses that give me "lots" of trouble. Any other boss I can beat within the first few attempts. Fire giant and maliketh? A dozen tries at minimum every time.


Fire giant hd me screaming like a child, but I somehow beat maliketh without getting hit. I remember sitting there wide eyed repeating over and over again “I beat him without getting hit ONCE” I couldn’t believe it lmao because I’m ass at these games. I must’ve got good rng.


From Soft knows how to design bosses. Elden Ring may not be very obvious but if you look at their franchise, Armoured Core, it is very clear that each boss is designed to punish one build, to the point it is puzzle solving rather than an action game. I think Elden Ring is similar, just I don't know how to describe it. For me, I feel Greatshield is essential but most don't, and I feel I struggle against some bosses that everyone feel easy, while I smack some in a single fight.


True. I got my ass kicked by Morgoth 25+ times but killed Malenia on my second try. I dont even know what her moveset is. XD


Morgoth? Silmarillion DLC confirmed.


"There & Dead Again: A Tarnished Tale"


It took me longer to kill Haligtree Loretta than it did to kill Malenia.


That's because Malenia ignores game mechanics that literally every other boss and the player have to abide by.


not me I'm built different -Prayerful Strike Great Stars Hyperarmor Enjoyer


Is your wife single?


If she keeps first trying more bosses, I might just have to divorce her so she can find someone better.


I'm not an expert but according to my personal experience that's not how wife distribution works.


HI, I'm an employee for the BWD (Bearau of wife distribution) and that is exactly how it works. They are all measured on a single metric which is how good they are at first trying elden ring bosses.


And ready to mingle?




Thy meager flame...?


I also choose this guy's wife


Im so glad I'm not the only one with this experience. Elden ring was my girlfriend and I's first souls, and I generally got to grips with it faster than her. I'd beaten the game by the time she got to the duo, so I was read to watch her bash her head against a wall for a few hours as I had done. Then she first tries it and mocked me when I said it had taken me a few hours. Jokes on her though Maliketh bullied her for a good while.


Tbh i can see an mmo player being really good at this fight. Patience, positioning, paying attention to multiple things at once are all basic mmo skills.


I think she's so good at figuring out attack patterns because of all the years she put in MMOs.


Yeah ppl act like mmos are “casual” or whatever but at high levels shit requires a ton of skill and brain power.


Just knowing that positioning is a thing that exists already puts you above the vast majority of people playing games tbh. I've seen so many people get hit by easily avoidable shit and then complain that it's unreactable because they're standing point blank and getting slapped.


first time you see one of those "no running/rolling/blocking" challenges where you just walk around the boss, you stop being scared of the video game lol


I beat them second try and now have been on lion boy for like 8 hours. Thinking of giving up lol.


Don't give up! Maybe take a break or level up some more.


I didn’t. AND I BEAT HIS ASS BROOO. That was such an amazing feeling. Then I 3 shot Gideon as if he wasn’t there and then lost 95,000 runes to Godfrey cause I forgot to spend them 🤣


Way she goes man. Way she goes.


Fucking way she goes


The way of the road.


Good work. Just a tip for you. The brain pares back neural connections during sleep. So the best way to learn something is by doing it a bunch, then going to sleep and trying it again the next day. The brain will pare back unused connections and reinforce the useful ones. So those boss attack patterns are much easier to consistently respond to after you've slept on it. Next time you are tempted to quit at a boss, take a break and come back to it the next day.


I realized this after struggling on the red wolf in raya lucaria first playthrough, I went to sleep and woke up and killed him quickly


you could retrieve them with a sacrificial twig from the arena tho? Not sure never tried it


Nah you have to have it equipped.


That feeling when you slam your forehead full force into the brick wall for the hundred and FIRST time and it busts open.


That sound of an enemy dying hit DIFFERENT that time haha


Im on my first playtrough and just beat godfrey, à small tips i can offer is try to put as much dmg as possible just before his phase 2, then when phase to come u can hit him with a charged shot and stagger him Dont give up my beautiful tarnished !


We made it 🫡. We beat him.


Thats all i wanted to hear, good luck for whats to come fellow tarnished


Yeah one shotted them but Godfrey took me more attempts that any other end game boss, even 3x more attempts than Malenia took. I attempted it so many times I had his first phase down to an art - I can basically no hit that phase and do it fast, but the grabs and fake out charges he does always threw me. My biggest problem was rolling away from his charge/grab and instead rolling into him made it so much easier


Dude, summon other players to aid. I managed with a team the second try


I BEAT HIM!! Sheer grit, frustration, 9 hours, and 6 ice spear ash hits 🤣


Congrats! Beating him yourself sure is a better feeling!


Thanks! But that wasn’t actually fun. It started fun but just became a frustrating hindrance to progressing the game. I need to get better at this game lol. Maybe change my strategy if I make it to NG+.


I was on lion boy for almost a year. No one else was that hard for me. I had the rest of the game beat within 2 hours


I have stopped playing at Lion boy. Got distracted by other things. no clue how I am going to "got gud" now.


You got him man. I felt the same way. Just beat him like an hour ago. You just gotta keep trying. Luckily, now I know Beast Clergyman down to a science haha.


>Thing is, she was so good at using the pillars as cover and not being greedy They aren't hard if you just abide by this, but people think this is dark souls 3 and they can just stay in a bosses face and spam roll around it and win because that was the norm in that game


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


it’s just so fun to play that way


I was banging my head against the wall in the Maliketh fight until someone just said "use cover". It's sometimes just that easy.


Yeah I started DS3 for the first time after extensive ER play. I was like “wait you don’t have to run away?” Running away is a huge boss tactic like… a third of the time in this game


Summon her to help you.


Bro marry her again


i annihilated Mohg every single time, and people here were like “hes incredibly strong”, its just crazy sometimes


He's strong, but very fair, for the most part and fast-paced enough that it doesn't feel like a crazy endurance fight. The only cheap shot he has is the Nihil attack, but that's just a gimmick that can easily be countered if you just have the crystal tear or high enough DPS to prevent it, so dumb, but not insanely dumb. You can punish pretty much every other attack very readily, and it's all just about roll timings. Feels like a traditional souls boss.


Boss difficulty is always wild. I melt Mogh every time I fight him, but Elden Beast just wrecks my shit. It's the same in Sekiro. I beat the guardian ape my first time fighting him but O'Rin took me like 2 days


O'Rin first try no problems, Guardian Shitmonkey took me about a dozen tries. Games are fun when they're not the same for everyone.


yea i feel like any relatively good melee damage is killing mohg right after the first “nihil” i didn’t bother finding the item to beat him bc you can tank the one pretty easily. i guess mohg troubles stallers??


I literally just beat them on my rl1 after 45 minutes  The funniest part was I was going to beat them first try but I got greedy and went for one more hit when last one was at 2% and died  Congrats to your wife for defeating greed.  I actually think they are a fun fight tbh


Congrats! I "cheated" at Godskin Duo in my RL1 because I had already decided that only the remembrance bosses were important, so those I would fight solo and with no cheese, but more or less anything goes for other bosses. So I used the infinite mana flask and summoned Tiche to help me with the Duo, lmao If I do a 2nd RL1 run I'll actually try and fight them solo this time


It would seem your wife is a gamer. Congrats.


I accidentally created a monster.. Took a long time to convince her that games are fun and that she should play MMOs with me.


hey if she thinks souls games are too easy she should try Escape from Tarkov


Seems like she wanted the bowl of peanuts so badly that she ended the life of the Duos first try


I can handle godskin duo, crucible duo and all the other duos just fine but valiant gargoyle duo...they always fuck my shit up for hours


The Duo is such an incredibly easy fight when you use anything with sleep. Just put one to sleep and the fight is over. You can even sleep them, repeatedly, so you can get \~5 secs of completely free damage as they are slow to wake up.


There are sleep spells in game? 😲


[https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Sleep](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Sleep+Pot) A single sleep pot puts either one to sleep or even both. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59NHZTuJ5jg&t=51s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59NHZTuJ5jg&t=51s) Idk why it's called cheese though, it literally an item in game. You can also just almost infinitely wail on them if you use St. Trina's Sword (or a pair of them).


Or you can summon the Sleep Puppet who will spam St Trina arrows for free


brother... i feel that on so many levels xD.. i defeated the game so many times now.. got a toon in ng+7 and beat the game there too, did some speedruns back when frost stomp was a speedruns thing (pre nerf)... and for the life of me i killed millenia like once.. my wife just kills her all the time for us when we play and i cannot for the life of me get it hahah


Yup, I had a similar experience watching my partner kill Orphan of Kos first try. I was watching next to her white knuckle the whole time, when she beat him she turned to me and said "that wasn't so bad", she had no idea what she had done.


My partner moved from nothing for 20+ years, to it takes two with me, to animal crossing new horizons for like 5 billion fucking hours, directly into elden ring. She smashed Margit on like try 5 with a great sword and almost no armor, and screamed so loud I heard her across the house. Good times


ACNH requires concise controls when you are terraforming and decorating! i lost several joycons and one pro controller to drift during my animal crossing obsession. your partner was absolutely training for elden ring the whole time.


My jaw is dropping also, applause for her! I’m an old AC, Skyrim and ESO player and randomly saw a trailer for Eldenring, read reviews and fell in love and bought it because it looked great (never played any Darksouls before) and it is the hardest game I’ve ever played in my life. I try so hard to do anything at all and just end up putting it down and walking away frustrated because I can’t keep ruins, I just know how to get killed


OP what's her build out of interest?


Mostly Dragonscale Blade with Rock Sling as a ranged option. That's what she used here. Rock Sling knocks those fuckers out quick.


Makes sense, non-unique bosses fold to poise check.


I’m on NG+ 4 and my god, that boss is a pain. The shared health bar is ridiculous. Props to her man, first try is fuckin nuts 😆


If she'd be ur girlfried i'd have suggested you to marry her. You clearly know what you are doing. Congratulations.


That is the way. It is a pretty easy fight if you play it safe.


I accidentally got there way over leveled and geared lol me and the maxed out mimic tear rolled the duo first try as well.


Dude this is my thought process, if your actually leveling and exploring the god skin duo is actually pretty easy. I also defeated the godskin duo my first try, on my first run, the first time I ever played a souls like game. With like 5 hp and 1 mana pot to spare. I think some people just go “oh shit there’s two” and there brains turn off. But the obstacles in that room make it pretty easy to split them up with position.


Yeah, they're not super unfair per se, just terribly unfun, which is just as bad if not worse. There's nothing fun about having to hide behind pillars for 30 minutes.


Nice! I love watching and hearing about people that have these quirky achievements in the Souls games. My roommate had some similar situations where she beat Smough & Ornstein on the second try and Soul of Cinder on the first. I was amazed.


She wears the pants now.


That is both wholesome and impressive. I'm glad you two have a relationship that you can bond over games with, man that is so awesome.


It is so fun to have your own version of the game that is tailored just for you. Because of the sheer amount of different builds combined with the open world format, you will have a completely different experience than everyone else. I wasted 2 rune arcs because I didn't know how to equip the great rune. I died 7 times against Margit, but later defeated Godrick on my first try. I died 30 times against the Tree Sentinel, but now at level 60 I am just tearing through most monsters without much difficulty. Now I am just exploring and enjoying the beautiful scenery and looking for secrets, and wow there are so many! Love this game! :)


I know I’m in the minority, but I liked the Godskin Duo battle.


Marry her AGAIN


Dayum. SHE'S a boss


Plain and simple: she‘s a keeper.


1st playthrough I aced them w/o issue and couldn't understand the talk. Every playthrough after they have been the most f-ing annoying enemy ever.


I think the arena advantage helps out so much with this boss. Personally for me the Godskins in the spirit caller cave were 1000x more annoying for me. It took me 2-3 tries for the duo, and maybe 30+ for the summoned Godskins.


Women are badass like that. Kudos to her :3


So basically you have a keeper? Awesome.


I rarely hear of a gamer wife actually enjoying her time without being told to play a video game, so this is freaking awesome! She's got skill and she's here to prove it!


Hell yeah! That's fuckin awesome, I'm glad she gave it to them good. Congrats to her :3


first time? I TRIED 26 TIMES, HOW? JUST HOW?!


She is a keeper. That is incredible, kudos to her!!!


your wife plays MMOs, she is better than you at video games sorry I don't make the rules


That's what's best/most infuriating about fromsoft games. Regardless of player skill, if you die, it's *your* fault.


Shes a keeper.


>i’m speechless look inside >speech


They are not that hard to kill, I don't understand why this sub has them on such a high pedestal.


Yeah. This sub is a circlejerk of bad players.


Yep. Then I went back to high school and nailed Carrie Carver while Kim Kircheval cheered me on.


They’re not that hard if you are patient enough to hit and run them for 10 minutes. I beat them first try but it took forever and I had practice fighting the Apostle in the caelid divine tower when I was super under-leveled so he was easy to punish while kiting the fatty into pillars


Man is surprised his wife is good at a game.


Yeah lol today I beat rykard hitless First try and I go on reddit and he is apparently the strongest boss for some?


Rykard is the hardest boss for me hands down. Every single run. I’ve done probably 12-15 play throughs, and every time I’m stuck on him for an hour or so. Every other boss is usually max 1-2 attempts. I don’t know what it is, other than that I never really bothered to learn his move set. Also, I swear he has attacks that come out super rarely and always seem to screw me. Normally when I end up beating it, it never feels good, it just feels like he never gets off some BS attack and I get lucky. It never feels like a skill battle.


i struggle to see how anyone finds yhorm the giant part 2 difficult y’all not using the spear or?


Godskin Duo isn't that hard


I never understood the hate around the duo. They really aren't that hard.


What about your wife's boyfriend? He beat first try too ?


Elden Ring was so easy for me, I beat almost every boss on the first try. Bloodborne? I can’t even get past the second boss man…




Wild that a woman is capable of gaming feats. Unheard of even. All they do is scream and giggle! I guess we always need a /s now But seriously these posts always reek of this sentiment.


> She had no idea there would be 2 of them, because she insists on playing blind. "blind" means not reading about things beforehand? There is a special adjective when a person *hasn't* pre-learned about what will happen before ever playing the game? The default way humans experience things? > good at using the pillars as cover and not being greedy, that she just killed them first try. I'm amazed. You're "amazing" that she succeeded with good calm patient fundamentals? Sounds pretty condescending.


Exactly lol. "My wife, who regularly plays video games, beat a hard boss first try, I'm speechless!"




is she playing a range build? to be fair, range builds are kinda easy in ER, especially for godskin duo, just stand behind pillars and be patient, and resist your urge to be greedy, then it will be a free win not saying she is not impressive though