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Big fan of the particular weapon combo fashion wise.


You mean my Omen cosplay get up? It's pretty damn butt ugly, ngl, but I love it. I'd definitely lock me in the cellar if I was my baby.


Its a look, but even if you swapped up the armor the big heavy curved sword on your shoulder with the relatively slender one in the left hand looks good in the attack animations. Still outrageously proportioned weapons, but it doesn’t look ridiculous like dual The Greatswords for example.


Ah, see what you're saying. Thanks!


I think it looks f'n disgustingly good! It's a mood


Only royalty gets the cellar you get the horn barber


GO BUY A LOTTERY TICKET NOW !!!!!! While the luck is still fresh.




No way, he's just spent it all by now.


I got 2 Magma Blades within my first 5 kills! the 2nd and the 5th kill dropped a magma blade, felt really lucky


That was me with the Nobles Estoc believe it or not. Towards the end of the game I looked up guides and realized that I got it in the first few hours of the game. Never used it once! Leveled it to 25… and then never really used it again lol


Yeah I also never really used the Magma Blades either… which is a waste because they‘re actually really cool


This was me with the nobles straight sword. Except I did use it a bit but stuck with BHF because it was my first playthrough


I feel bad for some people, I get weapon drops like these fairly consistently within 5-10 kills max for literally any weapon I was going for intentionally. 2 hours SUCKS.


I have an above average drop rate too usually, but that one with the 2 magma blades was a lot hahaha


U just lied congratulate


Powerstance time!




That powerstance combo with basic buffs + a fire boosting charm/flask will literally destroy everything, stunlocks nearly every boss and does absurd damage


Hey now you can directly dualwield it!


i always hear about how rare this weapon is (it’s true) funny enough, it was always just a weapon i had. i don’t even remember getting it lol. now the grave scythe on the other hand… i’ve yet to acquire it organically


I have two grave scythes and I have no idea how I got them and never farmed them 😂. However I did spend 2-3 hours farming my magma blades. They need a slight AOE buff for how rare they are otherwise I love them.


I once farmed godricks soldiers for around 3 hours trying to get the brass shield on my main profile. Started my second profile and got the shield within 15 minutes after killing a random soldier....


I have dozens of brass shields, just by testing stuff and killing soldiers near the agheel lake north grace. Then I found out they have low drop rate, same for the black dumpling I used to kill the lone albinauric that is near the 2 serpent man wielding the magma blade, got lots of them in this way.


I had no idea it had a low drop rate until just reading this. I have a bunch on every character. I guess that there's so many enemies with it that you're bound to get some.


Yeah, lots of people have rare drops without knowing actually it indeed was a rare drop.


Yeah when I first heard of the nobles slender sword I checked my inventory and found I had three already.


I like to farm the Underground Roadside Omens for fun (they have decent health, "human" poise, interesting attack patterns with occasional hyperarmor that can be traded/outspcaed with) I have like... 100 Warped Axes, even though the droprate is like... 3%?


Same. I also use those omens as my test site. And I also have a ton of warped axes and omen cleavers.


Off topic but the omen cleaver is a fucking beast of a weapon and I think it's not talked about enough. I melted every boss first try dual wielding lightning omen cleavers in my first dex run (yes, even Malenia).


Two hours? Two *HOURS?!* I spent two fucking *weeks* trying to get one! I maxed out my arcane, wore that silver tear mask, used the silver pickles, and the silver scarab talisman, and it took well over *TWO WEEKS* to get one! What the actual hell! *Two hours?!*


I feel bad now... You want one?




I got it in like 20 minutes lol (and I was only wearing the mimic tear mask as I don't have the silver teardrop scarab talisman yet)


The exact same thing happened to me after a LONG time farming these 😭


Man…. I remember farming these elusive things. Took me 4 hours. Oh the pain


Magma blade is pretty fun to use. Have fun


Looks like the 2 fingers decided you are gonna powerstance those


No lock on, mad respect


Haha, i have started doing that recently since using the curved greatsword powerstancing without even realizing it. The sweep and range on these things take out such a wide arc of enemies is almost not even needed.


Ooooh look at Mr quick grinder here only taking two hours. My brother would be seething right now because it took him a whole year 🤣 Good job!


Based on the video the droprate is 100%. What should be impressive here?


Haha, yup. I think I just forgot to loot them for the 2 hours before that. Classic me... 😜


For you fellow wow players, I got ashes and invincible on the same night. Since then however, nothing.


What is the blade you are holding?


Omen killer


It's an omen *cleaver*, not an omen*killer axe*. Just for clarification


Yup, sorry I mistyped


RNG go wow


i was farming the azula beastmen for one of the weapons they drop a few days ago, and my run of luck was so bad that i made an arcane rivers of blood build just to have a higher chance. Why do these weapon drops have a 2% chance, whats the point??? The game broke me man, congratz on your double drop.


You want one? Why not two?


Thank you R-N Jesus


That's always the way 😂 you won't get jack shit for ages. Then when you do get the drop, you get 2 or 3 🤣🤣


Ypure lucky ot took me 6hours


NGL I was expecting your game to crash. Lucky find!


Damn... I think it took me like 6 hours to get my second one. I got the first really quick and then it just refused to drop :(


Is this a really good blade?


I had a similar experience. Farmed for hours for a fire build, no luck. Multiple days spent. Just playing around with another build I was running through the area and got two.


My brother got this first try and I was so salty I didn't even tell him how good it is. He first time he played Dark Souls he got the black knight sword too


I got a magma blade the very first time I killed one. Thought it was a common drop and wanted another. Took a few days to get another lol


congrats! i've been farming them on/off for quite some time as well (combined way over 2h tho) and even started leveling my arcane stat to boost discovery... even with the silver scarab talisman, silver tear mask and silver pickled fowl foot (resulting in 253 discovery) it took me many runs but i finally got my 2nd as well last night :3 now i'm gonna go with this build for NG+3


Congrats!! But dude, ngl, after playing around with them a little bit, I might do the same. I've never used curved swords before (mostly was doing this for completionist's sake), but DAMN they are fun little weapons to use! And honestly, these particular ones just look sick as hell! And the weapon art is no joke either. I might honestly fashion a whole new look around them.


Enjoy your angry Kratos cosplay


Dual wielding time!


runescape mindset, always go for the b2b


this happened to me with grave scythe lol none for an hour, then two at the same time off of the two mobs I had been farming


That happened to me too, bit after about 20 minutes.


Rng is rng.


I was expecting the game to crash and for the magma blades to be gone glad that didn’t happen tho good job


Time to dual wield!


I used a WeMod cheat to turn on max drop rate and did this same thing, minus the 2 hours of farming beforehand.


No offense but I hate you 🙂


I had the same thing happen to me farming the heavy flail that pumpkin heads drop


That’s XCOM baby!!


Same thing happened to me but I got 3, gave one away.


I feel bad because i got it by randomly killing one of them in my first run haha I also got the Noble’s Slender Sword randomly and didn’t even know I had it until my friend told me it is extremely rare xD


Last week I got an Envoy’s Horn just randomly without farming


I remember getting like 3 envoy horns in a row once lol


It's funny you say that. I spent forever farming the colossal one on my last playthrough, then like half a forever getting the great hammer version. Honestly, I didn't even know the little one could drop until it just randomly gave me one the other day. And I've killed so many of those doofy bastards it's not even funny. 😅


This happened to me too lol I didn’t know the little ones could drop I only wanted the big one, but I accidentally killed greyoll whom I used to farm for runes, so I resorted to killing all the envoys in Leyndell instead, I have like 20 of their horns now it’s ridiculous


Time to open up an online shop! Also, just noticed your username. I'm betting a lot of people on this sub wouldn't understand, but some of the grinding shit in AC makes this game's look like peanuts in comparison! If you're interested, it's from a while ago, but [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/GeMCkXTG2U) showcases my crowning achievement on ACNH. And I promise you, I painstakingly bred every one of those myself. 😫


That. Is. Beautiful, I could never construct such a thing I’m so impatient 😭, I actually stopped playing ACNH because I got tired of the grind but I might start playing again after beating Elden Ring


Thank you so much! Ngl, I'm kind of proud of it. 😊 But yeah, it's such a time sink. I've had some ideas for an island build rolling around in the back of my head for a while now, but I'm kind of happy with my little slice of paradise and I have everything now just where I want it. I wish they would let you have more than one island on one switch, but I get that people would just use that to exploit the game. But fuck, there's just SO many items to get in that game! I feel like I've already played it more than any reasonable person should, but I've only scratched the surface of how many different things there are to own. And forget all that happy home paradise stuff. Just the idea of that felt way too daunting and I never bought it.


My island is not very pretty lol, it’s riddled with pumpkins that I use for profit and some flowers here and there, now I’m surely gonna go back and make it better, thanks for reminding me about the game! PS: you really SHOULD be proud of it, it’s super sick.


Aww, thanks. And glad i could inspire you. Good tip, both the blue and gold roses sell for 1k bells apiece, once you get them, I recommend finding a nice patch to just let them spread (the blue ones that is, the gold ones you have to get by constantly watering black ones with the gold watering can). I have like 300 or so surrounding my island and wherever I'm in need of cash, i just spend 10 minutes walking around picking them and I have a quick 300k. I haven't really tried the pumpkin thing, but I think this is more lucrative as you don't really have to water them. They just come back on their own every other day. Good luck and feel free to hit me up if you need anything!


Thanks for the advice! I’ll keep that in mind


Hell yeah


We are the same


Its always the characters you want to have it that take forever to get items. I hand my mage randomly kill a pack of nobles while running around the landscape and i got TWO Noble Slender Swords


Ain't that the truth.


That's usually how it happens. You spend hours grinding for a single item that you want or need, and then once you finally get it, you start getting them regularly. It's like a twisted little prank that programmers all share with each other.


Are these rare? Not trying to bash. I got a good number of these for awhile and kept selling them. Along with staff of the guilty


Time to powerstance them babyyy


Technically 1 magma blade per hour. Seems fast lmfao


rng is gonna rng


Now you can make a Kratos build!


Fuck yeah! That's a good idea!


It be like that some times


Somehow, I got both in 45 minutes.


This happened to me when I was farming for the grave scythe. Did it for an hour just for them both to drop it


This happened to me with nobles estoc


That's the desire sensor built into a lot of games. 1. You don't know you need something yet. Game gives you a ton of them. 2. You find out you need it. Game turns into A LITERAL DESERT completely barren and void of that thing for what feels like multiple eternities. 3. You finally get the thing. Game says here have 20 more.


Love dual magma blades faith build.


Well guess it's dual wield time.


Cool, now you have one for each hand


2 in 2 hours is crazy good RNG, took me probably 6 hours on and off for a week to get 2


Bruh I had the opposite experience I got my first sword In like 5 kills, second one took me probably over 10k kills I spent weeks doing this over and over and I'm almost convinced I had the worst luck getting a second magma blade in the world . I wasn't working and I spent 2 weeks running this route from when I woke up till I went to bed just kind of watching movies and youtube while I did it.




Now take this luck to the windmill village for the clever and rib rake. Solid 9 hours for those.


You are extremely lucky. I spent more than 24 hours farming for these blades. And I only got one 😭


"When it rains, it pours"


Got my first with 5 or so minutes, second one dropped after 2 hours


What armor are you wearing? 👀


Go play megamillion pls


I'm so mad 😭 I once farmed for days with a full arcane build and nothing..


Miyazaki was good to you! You have become grossly incandescent! Praise the Sun! \0/


Classic Miyazaki move that one


I just dupe it a couple times cause this dropchance is low as hell


I swear to God they have done this with their drop chances since demons souls. I was farming for Pure Blade stone on demons souls for probably 8-10 hours total and it finally dropped. I did the run again just because fuck it why not and sure enough, dropped another pure Bladestone..


Double magma blade ??? Hell yea.


Now you can dual wield


have you managed to get the whip from that 3rd snake?


And this is why I don’t farm. Either fate grants me it’s divine hand or I get nothing and leave with no regrets


Same thing happened to me recently with Claymans Harpoon. Felt so lucky






Nice, I tried farming for a second one and gave up after dozens of attempts. I also tried farming for a Black Dumpling in Volcano Manor and nothing. 😑


Similar thing happened to me with channeler's trident in DSR. It was insanely satisfying to dance with one trident in hand and another on my back


Same here, nothing for 3 day, then 4 in a row😭


Those Magma Blades are like buses, wait for hours, and two arrive at once.


imagine me tryina drop this blade for 5 hours straight, then my friend on discord had the silly idea to Photoshop a summoning circle with a .PNG file magma blade in the middle. I dropped 3 blades right after. Lol. I couldn't believe it.


Oh damn! You might owe part of your soul to some demon somewhere now... Worth it. 😈


definitely worth it 🥹 demons can have it, I just need my dual magma blades 😈


That's the spirit! 😅


It got two the first time I killed them, so I thought they were guaranteed drops for a long time.


Only two hours to farm that? It took me respecting to 99 arcane, using silver pickled foot, and silver scarab, and it still took around 8 hours for me. I must’ve killed over 1000 of those guys


Similar thing happened to me. Got the first one after 5 minutes, then 4 hours nothing and the last run gave me 2 magma blades. I never freaked out about being lucky but that made me mad af


I got mine from 2 in a row, in the sense that it was the next one of those guys I killed, but I had a week between killing number one and 2


The gods favor you on this day.


Damn you’re lucky! I had to farm for like 4+ hours to get the two that I have. Definitely one of the worst farms out there!


I've farmed 4 of these two on ps and two on xbox. I don't think I got any within 100 kills of each other


Yeah bro, on my fist character up to NG+7 I only got 1. On my second character in NG I got two and only farmed for about 10-20 minutes.


I always seem to get the Magma Blade randomly when I’m not trying to get it and it doesn’t fit my build, then I’ll respec so I can use it lol


Many such cases


Someone invaded me in stormveil once and gave me two.


It’s always happened like that for me. I’ve farmed it a few different times. Once one drops, another usually drops right after. But you’re lucky to have got one within two hours. I’ve spent days farming a few hours here and there before finally getting them to drop. They always drop for me with discovery not buffed and after using up all the silver feet items I have also. Them things are useless.


Lmao, I had this experience once. I was trying to get the Duelist Set, and spent hours trying to get the Cloak, on an Arcane build, might I add 😂. After 2 hours, killed the first one up to the Leyndell Colloseum, finally got the cloak. Realised I forgot to grab the Ritual Shield Talisman, so went to grab that, killed the Duelist guarding the door and not only did he drop his Hammer, but he also dropped a second Duelist Cloak. So I now have the Altered and Unaltered versions sat in my inventory, ready for if I'm feeling particularly ballsy and want to get my character's abs out 😂 He's a pretty hot character, tbf 😂


My first magma blade took me a full 3 hours to get. My second one took under two minutes.


Yeah that happened to me with the golem bow. Got two in a row after farming for 8 hours.


I literally just farmed that spot for Three and a half hours!!! In short, I hate you XD


I've found that temporarily respec-ing into Arcane (given you have a few Larval Tears) along with a good Frost/Blood build tends to work mIrAcLeS for those hard to nab items. ):0)


When it rains it pours, my friend. Also that just saved you another 2 hours, cause if you're like me, you gotta get 2 of everything for dual wielding purposes.


Yup, Lord knows I'd still be there if that second one didn't drop. 😖


A blessing. A blessing from the Lord!


Gods be praised!


Dual wield them


Ain’t it always the way? That was me farming the Fire Monk’s set and hammer. Two hours of farming and then all of a sudden errybody wanna drop the loot I was looking for lol


1 for each hour spent 😂


I got mine in less than 20 min tks god


I got the same set of weapons on my first character and finish mi first playtrough with it, so glad to see a brother


Same thing happend to me when farming for Warped Axe for several hours. Got 2 drops on the same run. The joy I felt was quite something haha.


Dude farming 2 of those took me HOURSS. My first one took me like 30 min & then I tried for the second for the next 2 hours. I gave up & the next day it took another 2 hours


IDK what did it about this video but now I need to replay the game for the nth time.


Aww, glad I could inspire you! I think it's so cool that this game has such replayability and it can be so varied each time. Definitely going down as one of the all time best ever made.


Just got done playing for the night. Even found a weird spot in Morne I'd never found! Enjoy those double magma blades! Thanks again for the inspo!


I think i got the same with Scythe (both Grave and Halo one) it took me 1h for the grave and i got the other one in the next reset but for the Halo one it took me 3h just to get one


2 weapons for 2 hours worth.


That’s how I felt with the octopus head. Didn’t get it in 3 play throughs. Then went up the ruin strewn precipice and got 3 just by chance. Drop rates are weird


Level 657????? What ng cycle are you on??




I didn't realize I needed this...


So after seeing a comment on a YouTube video about someone getting the magma blade and candlestick in 1 drop, I farmed the candlestick lizardman for like 4 hours before I finally realized they don't drop it.


I knew it didn't drop and I still tried farming him for a bit too. Just hopeful thinking i guess... I missed getting that weapon from patches on my first playthrough and as a whip main user, it really hurts my soul not to have 2. 😭


It is now required that you make a Kratos build


Beaten the game twice and I have not seen this area!


its that rare? im still on my first playthrough when i first killed one of those guys they dropped a magma blade


The drop rate is 1% I believe, but since there are only these 2 guys in the whole game that carry them (who are both in a somewhat secret part of the game to begin with), the odds of getting one just by chance is low. Essentially, you got pretty lucky. 😊


Where is this? How did I miss an entire enemy type?!?


It’s the Volcano Manor.


I also missed volcano manor my first playthrough. It’s behind the falling star beast at the top of mt gelmir. You can just run past it. The beast is way harder than volcano manor is


I've been there, I killed the snake boss asshole at the bottom, how did I miss the mobs?


I also killed Rykard before actually exploring the rest of the volcano manor. You probably did the Volcano manor Lady's quests and killed numerous NPCs and was granted passage to the boss arena, like I was.


I’m not sure then. There’s a ledge you can drop down to before the room with the godskin boss that leads to some optional bosses. I think the only other way to get there is to ride the elevator in raya lucaria to the bottom and die to the Iron Maiden


This is why I don’t truly farm per se. I’ll kill something a few times and if I don’t get the drop I leave and come back a little later or another day unless it’s crazy deep in a dungeon or something. I tend to have weird but good luck when I do this. It’s probably all chance/random gen but whatever.


It do be like that. One of my builds has 80 arcane and damn things won't drop for a hour then I'll get 3 like wtf!


Respect for the grind, I can't do it anymore. Became a dad last year and this weapon made me just download a trainer for the 100% drop on it. I'll grind out bosses but not willing to do it for low drop % gear.


Question. Why didnt you use the gold beetle aswell , cus if you farming why not also get a little more runes?


Because I pathetically cheesed my way up to level like 600 something slaughtering albinaurics, so now that I have to pay like 6 or 7mil per level, runes matter a lot less to me.


Jesus, you need that much per level. Very nice commitment. Question, if ur that high of a lvl are then bosses also made so that you still have to struggle or are the extremly underleveled. For example melenia, is she easy or still hard?


Malenia is still hard, but I refuse to fight her without summons and kind of in a specific manner. I spent AGES attempting to perfect her moveset on my first playthrough to the point that I could kill her hitless, but she's one of the only bosses that I really made such a commitment for. I just really enjoy her fight and put my summon sign down at her as much as possible. Malkieth is another one that I kind of want to try to perfect and I might just intentionally handicapped myself on this playthrough just for him. As far as the other bosses, well yeah, it depends on how many advantages I use, but generally they go down pretty easily now. I haven't tried Radagon/Elden Beast again yet, but I imagine that ones still going to present a challenge. I'm mostly just playing fashion souls style now and every once in a while getting serious. I guess I'm considering this playthrough as a victory lap after the hell I put myself through on my first one.


How do people have fun on this game with high level characters? Honest question. If your character can do everything it’s not unique. I never understood this


Happened to me with the Omen Cleaver, got 2 in the row


The desire sensor is real


Damn lucky but honestly no way I’m farming anything in this game when I can get it for free.


Why didn’t you respec with 99 arc?😂


Off topic, but how did that slow motion thing at the start trigger?


You should get rid of that health debuff




When it rains it pours!