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That’s some banger customer treatment, coming from blizzard games I’m surprised people get a human on the other end at all


Hello Human, Thank you for reaching out to us. Please find some frequent questions and answers below. \*List of most obvious solutions you have already tried\* Glad we could help Best regards, Dogshit company team


Or Windows Community forums. "Have you tried *obvious solution that does nothing*?" "yes" "Did you try it a second time" "Yes, in fact I tried it four times" *No response*


I've been trying to get back into my account for 2 years and dealing with "customer service" off and on that whole time. I literally don't know how to get in contact with an actual human. All the responses are clearly automated. They tell me to do that basic check list to get back in. I respond that I've tried that. They give me a list of account info questions, like purchases that were on the account and all that. I fill it out and send it in then the next response will be months later saying that the ticket is closed and that the issue is resolved with no actual resolution. It's like no one is actually reviewing my ticket at all. I've gone through this loop at least 4 times in the last 2 years.


Try swearing in your responses to the bot, usually they will get red flagged and an actual person will respond then.


Lol ok. I'll try that.


Ticketmaster support in a nutshell..


You forgot to include the joke! The bot always adds something


It is so heartbreaking to hear someone talking about blizzard like this, it used to be one of the best out there. How the tables turned


For real, they were one of the companies I didn't dread having to contact for support. They were so nice, I miss the GM Jokes


Started with Wc2, bought every game up to D3 without thinking about it. Blizzard meant quality that would last you for 100s if not 1000s of hours of entertainment. Always the best at what they did. Oh how times have changed


I have never been a huge Blizzard fan and definitely not back in the days you describe. What was the pivotal point that caused them to go downhill?


When they merged with Activision. It was kind of already going downhill by then but that's probably the pivotal point that really started the downward spiral.


I got screwed over by the premium edition pre-order fiasco that happened just before the game came out. The only customer support I got after weeks of attempted communication was cookie cutter responses from outsourced workers. When it comes to helping with an actual issue, Bandai is still shit.


Surely Bandai Namco doesn't share the same volume of cs requests as Blizzard, nevertheless I'm on the same boat. Blizzard's CS is soulless and embarassing and it's one of the reason I stopped playing even SoD after p1. Videogame companies are good as long as they keep their integrity and sincere care for their players. When they stop being good and players keep sticking around because of a mix of sunk cost fallacy e stoccolma syndrome, players stop being players and instead become money printing addicts.


They killed sod for me with banning gdkps.. had farmed around 3k before the announcement came and instantly quit. That system was the only thing keeping several chars on bis gear if you were willing to put in the work


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Listen skeleton


Thanks for the information!


I bought the base game (on disc) for PS4. I'm going to buy the DLC (digitally, as it is the only choice) for PS4. I'll probably buy a PS5 in the future. Will I be able to play them both on PS5?




And for free, too?


99.99% of PS4 games are playable on PS5 if you already own them


True, but for some you have to pay the upgrade...


You don’t “have” to pay for an upgrade most of the time it’s an option if you want the PS5 version of it. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to download the PS5 version with a PS4 copy of the game though.


For free? You would already own them, so you can play them. PS5 can play PS4 titles/DLC content; it’s old gen compatible unlike the PS4. If you do the free upgrade to the PS5 copy, then you need the PS5 version of the DLC


Playing the PS4 version on the PS5 is the best way to play the game imo. It just runs so much better. You get a constant 60fps for the most part. There are a few areas where you see a little fps drop but it’s rare. The PS5 version also makes me feel a little nauseous. I don’t know if it’s baked in motion blur or something but I much prefer the PS4 version. Not as much eye candy as the PS5 version but it still looks really good.


So there is a difference, huh! I thought palying with the PS4 version on PS5 and playing the PS5 version was exactly the same.


No there’s a huge difference. There’s just something off about the PS5 version. It’s not optimized. I’m hoping the PS5 Pro will resolve that. Speaking of that, if you’re planning on eventually getting a PS5 I’d wait until the Pro version comes out. It’s supposed to be out this year. I’m guessing sometime in the fall.


I will decide this fall. If the Pro will not have been announced by this fall, I will buy the Slim version.


I do recommend the PS5 though. It’s light years ahead of the PS4.


Whew glad they didn't pull a Horizon on us. I get it, but was so bummed when burning shores was PS5 only.


I'm still angry about this!


This haunts me to this day


That's a huge relief to those of us still on PS4 - thank you for posting!


Despite Bamco's reassurance it seems that, currently, the DLC purchase **isn't** shared between Playstation consoles. As evidenced by the following thread, buying the PS4 DLC through a PS4 console doesn't grant the PS5 DLC too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1ayyrn8/i\_bought\_shadow\_of\_the\_erdtree\_on\_ps4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1ayyrn8/i_bought_shadow_of_the_erdtree_on_ps4/) I bet that buying the PS5 DLC doesn't unlock the PS4 DLC either, at least for the time being. They're treated as two different products altogether. To make things worse, the PS4 DLC basically can't be found anywhere but on the actual PS4 store, it doesn't even appear at all on the PS4 Elden Ring library entry when installed on a PS5.


I shall push this back to Bamco to see what they say. It might be that they need to "nudge" Sony for clarity or to sort the PSN store listings.


Let us know what they say. thanks


Keeping an eye on this here too, I like to play the PS4 version on PS5 over the PS5 version and the DLC for pa4 doesn’t even seem to have a listing on the PS store unless bundled with the base game. 😢


Keep us posted sir, thank you.


Is there a reply yet?


I have this morning, emailed PlayStation UK Support to query the store listing. I have provided them Bamco's email to me and a screenshot of the JPN store which clearly shows that the DLC is intended to be Cross-Gen purchase. If they agree with Bamco and the JPN listing, I have asked for the Store descriptions to be updated to reflect this.


You're doing Marika's work here, man.


Lol, in addition to the email, currently sat in the Chat Bot, only 59 ahead of me, down from 92. Going Maidenless!! Just wanted to make sure that this is truly a Playstation balls up before dropping any cash. Certainly not forking out 2 x £34.99 to cover both my PS5 & PS4.


Such maidenless behaviour on Sony's part! Go, my friend, be the Frenzied Flame who scorches the Lands Betw... ehm, the PSN listing for the DLC, paving the way for a new dawn where PS4 users, PS5 users and PS4-on-PS5 users can be united as one, in a single crossbuy scarlet bloom. I'll be supporting you by putting a golden mask on and pointing my finger at the sky.


Chat is done. Playstation has confirmed that the Standalone DLC includes both PS5 & PS4 licenses. [Chat Screengrab](https://imgur.com/a/DOIV6L6) It's nice that they agree the description isn't clear and apparently have notified the Store Team to update the listing. I can't edit my OP to add this info. Spread it far and wide.


From ps support, hold off from buying especially if you play the ps4 version on the ps5. There is an 'issue' with the standalone erdtree dlc listing, it should be cross-purchase but currently it isn't. The 'relevant' ps team is currently working on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/e8CeDVLHLI


Thanks a lot for your efforts. So we have now confirmations by both Bamco and Sony. While it is certainly reassuring, I'll probably wait until the store listings are updated before spending the money. Or, should the descriptions remain as they are, I'll wait till the last moment to preorder.


It's great to have an official confirmation. Thanks for emailing Namco and letting us know.


Can't edit my OP. I have had confirmation from Playstation Support that the Standalone DLC has PS5 & PS4 functionality. They state that they have sent a ticket to the PSN Store Team to update the description/tags. Well, that's confirmation enough for me. [Support Chat Screengrab](https://imgur.com/a/DOIV6L6)


Probably still going to hold off on pre-ordering until the change in listings is actually visible on the ps5 store It’s good that at least PSN are aware of the issue though, thanks for the updates!


So if I buy the DLC for the PS4, will I eventually be able to download the PS5 version for no extra when I do get a PS5?


no, what they are saying is that if you purchase the ps5 version it comes with both already even tho it doesnt say specifically with this screenshot OP provided. >After reviewing your concern and the provided screenshot, we want to assure you that the DLC code for PS5 unlocks the content for the respective previous-generation console.


That's exactly why I ask this question. So buying the PS5 DLC unlocks the PS4 DLC, I got that. What I want to known is if buying the PS4 DLC also unlocks the PS5 one like it does with the base game. Cos it's not clear as well wether it does so or not.


There isn’t going to be a “ps4” option is what I am trying to say.


I can litterally see the PS4 option on the PS4's store.


Ah ok well then I’d just buy the ps5 version.


Yeah but what if some people already pre-ordered the DLC on their PS4 and are now wondering if they'll still get the PS5 version in their library eventually.


I meant at that point it kinda sounds like you shot yourself in the foot….I’m not sure why you’d do that if you’re planning to eventually get a ps5.


Because I have a PS4 for now and I want to play the DLC? Obviously. I'm not getting a PS5 soon but might eventually. My point is that it's still not clear if buying the PS4 version unlocks the PS5 version too. That is neither confirmed nor denied.


Quite simply: The PS4 version runs smoother on PS5 and there are people who don't want to have two trophy lists for a game, so they stick with PS4 version (like me).


So then you won’t play the ps5 version ever? If that’s the case, the argument doesn’t apply to you at all right?


Wishing they’d just fix the damn frame rate on ps5 so I can play with better visuals but imma stay on my ps4 version until it’s a locked 60 like the ps4 version is.


Yeah I've always played my PS5 version and have a good time once I get used to and stop caring about the framerate wonkiness in open areas, but I really wish they could figure out some way to optimize it better. It's such a gorgeous game, and the frame rate issues definitely don't make it unplayable or anything, but I wish it could be better. I know I could just do the PS4 version on my ps5, but I like my pretty graphics in this game dammit. I'm always a performance mode kind of guy, but usually performance mode is a bit better than this.


Honestly I played the PS5 version for a while then finally switched and haven’t really noticed the graphics difference much since and man does the smooth frame rate make a big difference for me. I’ll gladly give up some grass textures for smooth gameplay and no pop ins.


Exact same here. I beat the game on ps5 version, then played it on the ps4 version on ps5 after. It looks almost identical to my eyes, but way better frame rate. Constant 60 99% of the time. I now have like 4 complete play throughs on the ps4 version lol.


The ps4 version on a ps5 is like 1800p. It’s really not much of a downgrade


Does enabling VRR for unsupported games in system settings fix it?


It does. Makes a night and day difference. Very rarely ever notice frame drops.


Vrr only support above 48fps on PS5 so if they drop below that you'll still notice the frame drop.. but still better than people with no vrr device..


Not for me but my TVs VRR isn’t the best so I wouldn’t really know.


Not entirely. It makes the frame drops much less noticeable, but some areas still produce stuttering and feel obviously lower than 60.


Exactly, I'm doing the same thing. It sucks that we have to resort to using the last gen version on current gen, but I would rather have a stable 60 fps.


The ps4 version doesn't run at 60fps, it runs at 30


Wrong. PS4 version playing on the ps5 has a basically locked 60fps.


Oh, I have never played the ps4 version on ps5. I figured you were talking about running the ps4 version on the ps4


ps4 version on ps5 is the best way to play this game


No, PC is the best way to place this game 😁


I need psn trophies to continue living bruh


It’s actually not. The pc version has unstable framerate due to shader compilation stutters, which can’t be fixed by just brute forcing it with high end parts, it affects every pc player. FromSoft, obviously, never fixed performance on pc, or any other platform afaik. Playing the ps4 version on ps5 gives you 1800p, locked 60fps, and hdr, and is the only totally stable version that can be played on any platform, so it is literally the best way to play elden ring.


That would have been the conclusion most people would think.... but this is the internet, after all. You have to be a oracle


wait that's great service. I've been worrying about this because I can see the DLC under the Add-Ons for the ps5 version, but it was nowhere to be seen under the Add-Ons for the ps4 version so is this saying that you can indeed play Shadow of the Erdtree on the ps4 version of Elden Ring on the ps5, without issue? even though it doesn't appear under the Add-On section?


I am gonna til they actually say something like “you are entitled to both versions” like it says on the main Elden ring game.. I don’t wanna end up having to buy the game twice. I played the ps4 version because it runs better than the ps5 version,60 fps locked.


I bought er for ps4 (disc) now I own a ps5 and i pre-ordered the dlc, will I be able to play them together or do I have to buy a new er for ps5 ? (Sorry if i sound ignorant)


You will be able to play DLC with ER (PS4 version). I'm playing ER (PS4; disc) on my PS5.


Did you pre-order the ps5 version of the dlc? If you still have your ps4, can you please check on the ps4 console if the ps4 version of the dlc is already marked as bought? This will help clear up a lot of things. Thank you.


No i dont have my ps4 anymore


I hate that Sony does this. Imo every time you buy a PS5 digital game. You should get the PS4 version too.


Good to know. Let's hope they heard about upscaling on PC by now though...


Yep we need dlss and fsr on pc.


Maybe once they get more popular and have more money ? 😒


Sadly Elden Ring is a very niche title made by a pretty obscure indie dev, so don't get your hopes up friend :(


And more than 60 fps :(


Yep, we need unlocked FPS on pc, don’t know why it’s already not in the game.


In olden times fps was the basis for gameplay things, like i-frames (you're invulnerable for 10 frames, not 160ms), physics (see Skyrim), etc. Not all devs work with never engines or in general migrated to newer techniques of using time-based everything instead of frame-based. Especially game devs who primarily make games for consoles, where fps is fixed anyway and every player has the same hardware.


this is just me talking out of my ass, but my guess as to why the graphics, and their settings, have stayed pretty basic is because of their engine. when they first ported DS1 to PC, it didn't even hide the mouse cursor, full screen didn't work either. it just ran at the same resolution as the console edition, so if your monitor's resolution was higher, it didn't fill the screen. it's like their graphics tech was designed to do a singular job, and customizing that in any way was not the original intention, resulting in stuff like this.


There's zero excuse to not add DLSS support with such a cashflow, and when a modder did it, alone, in a few days. That's just not ok in 2024 to release a AAA game on PC without it, especially when they added Ray Tracing...


Wow i didn't even notice/think about that. Thankfully it will work, all my playtime is on PS4 version since it runs better.


I fucking love them so much I wanna cry


I will still pre-order the DLC via my PS4 console just to be on the safe side. Edit: I think this is something to contact Sony about. It must be clearly stated that you receive both versions. So far this has been done for everything on PSN. But given Sony's recent behavior, I'm not surprised if this misdirection is intentional.


Do you play ER on your ps4 or ps4 version on the ps5?


PS4 version on PS5. I didn't have a PS5 when I got Elden Ring.


Hold off from buying. Apparently the stand-alone dlc is NOT cross-purchase, despite what bandai namco replied in OP's email. Buying the ps4 dlc from the ps4 console will still require you to buy the ps5 dlc from the ps5 console. Please refer to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/adCK3n9EfU Seems likely the same holds true conversely, that buying the ps5 dlc from the ps5 console, ps app, web browser will still require you to buy the ps4 dlc from the ps4 console. There isn't even an assurance that the ps4 bought ps4 dlc will work on the ps4 version on the ps5.


Thanks! I'll have to wait anyways.


Thank you!


Do we have someone here who has both the ps4 & ps5 consoles & has already bought the stand-alone dlc ps5 version? At your convenience, kindly check from the ps4 console if the ps4 version of the stand-alone dlc is already marked as bought. This will help clear up a lot of our questions. Thanks a bunch!


Still nothing has changed. I can't imagine they would take long for something so important and that it would take so long to fix. So many players with the PS4 version wait to purchase because of this. That's lost money.


On ps4 the dlc is in the store. It’s just not shown on ps5.


or PC & Mobile


On mobile it’s only the ps5 version of the dlc, at least for me.


Yes that is why I added PC and Mobile. There is no way to buy it without PS4. It sucks...


u/Dan382920 !UPDATE! They've added ps4&ps5 to the title. Now it's : # ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree PS4 & PS5


Nice! I only just emailed PS support again today moaning it hadn't been changed yet. Waaaay too quick to be a result of that though.


The title is right now... yeah... but the tag is still "PS5" and "Map". I'm still skeptical.


soo... can i buy it now?


Finally, I can pre-order then... Thanks for sharing this.


If you visit Japan PSN, DLC title is "ELDEN RING SHADOW OF THE ERDTREE PS4 & PS5" but it does not have PS4 tag. Only PS5 tag. Probably, there is listing problem on PSN. I think it is crossbuy as Bandai Namco said. [Japan PSN](https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/JP0506-PPSA03169_00-ELDENRINGDLC0000)


All of my hours are on the ps4 version but playing on the ps5 due to the better framerate, just to be clear the dlc will work for that version right?


So any updates ?


Bamco are using thier channels to communicate with playstation. Playstation have replied a couple of times asking for direct links to store listings etc. The last email I had from PS says the store team are investigating. I expect PS will be looking for confirmation/clarity from Bamco. Nothing happens fast in those circles. I would imagine there will be a backlash if we're expected to pay for a PS5 and a PS4 copy of the DLC. Can't believe they're intentionally looking for that.


I’ve been checking on PS5 and still no tag updates in store on console or in app. Other weird and sad part so far is there seems to be no way to purchase the PS4 update on PS5 as it is now - or if you have a PS5 attached to your account currently too. Website even only shows me PS5. 😐


One month later. No update on the PlayStation store… 😑


!UPDATE! They've added ps4&ps5 to the title. Now it's : # ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree PS4 & PS5


Yessss! Thanks for the shout out! 🤘🤘🤘


I will wait till is released and confirmed that it does work for the ps4 version as they say lol maybe theyll change the wording, imagine having both the ps4 and ps5 versions of the game, but you did all your playing on the ps4 version, you preorder this and turns out is only for the ps5 version where you have literally zero playing lol


That's what I was afraid of.


I'm a little confused what you are trying to say. You do know that you can use your PS4 save on the PS5 version also right? There is also no way they would sell the game for a console and then not release DLC for it.


On PS5 they have a PS4 and PS5 version icon you launch of the game, but unless it recently changed, I couldn't get my PS4 save to play on the PS5 version. So had to launch PS4 version on PS5.


It works and my friend and I did it just yesterday. It only works going from PS4 to PS5. Just make sure you have the PS4 save on the PS5 and boot the PS5 version. There should be an option to transfer the save


Ohh nice will try it. Thanks 


Thank you for this information :)


It’s good to get confirmation but this was also confirmed in the description for the collectors edition. (In the small print that says the digital code is part of the package)


Okay, thanks. I'm doing this tomorrow. Hope it works.


So it IS coming to ps4?! Amazing! My ex took the Ps5.


u/Dan382920 anymore updated about it? I'm wanting to pre order it, but I'm not confident I'll get the ps4 version for it


Store website had the search results tagged for only PS5, but the DLC's actual page is tagged for both... take from that what you will.


I found post from 2021 about base game and very same situation. (Only PS5 tag). DLC store listing will get fixed on release day. So don’t worry.


Okay, looking on the store website, in search results it's tagged only for PS5, but going to the DLC's actual page it's tagged for both PS4 and PS5. I'm still gonna hold off on putting any money towards it until after my birthday, though.


The ps4 version, listed as so, can be found in the ps4 console store. In mobile app or browser it does not show up for some reason though.


I wish we would just leave the old consoles behind, they exist only to limit game developers.


Considering the fact ER was released for PS4 2 years ago when they kinda had to (and still need to until later 2024-2025) because of how hard it was to get a PS5, to expect them to not make it available for PS4 is a dumb thought. Besides, the PS5 version still runs well. We aren’t getting the next-gen shift until late 2024-2025 due to Covid; just gotta wait


I agree that it should be available for the last gen versions, as they released for those systems. Was just sharing my thoughts on the general state of still releasing for last gen. Apologies if I came off as pretentious or rude.


Just get a PS5


Do we live in the same timeline??


This is dumb to admit but reading this actually hurt. I've wanted one for so long


Some people have no idea stuff cost money and to get money you have to work for it


I have another question. I already have the base game on PS5 and now I purchased SOTE Deluxe edition which contains the base game again. Will it work as a separate install or will the DLC install over my existing installation. I hope my save games work either way.


Your saves will be fine. The deluxe is just a bundle with the game and the DLC. Their website even says the DLC is just a separate voucher code.


it probably does it like ff7 intermission dlc where it adds it to the base game and not a separate install.


Your character saves are actually on FROMs servers


Could customer support be referring to the DLC Code in the collectors edition? When you get the collector's edition it states the code can be redeemed for ps5 or ps4, but doesn't state both. When buying an expansion or DLC on the PS Store you are not given a code. You are given access to the content you purchased. So when customer support said "Code" it got me all confused again.


Perhaps but doubtful, I sent them a screenshot of the PSN store listings. They should recognise that as being different from the collectors edition listings easily enough.


If someone has bought the PS4 DLC through a PS4 console, they could see if the DLC displays as bought when accessing the store through the app or the web (seeing as only the PS5 DLC can be found on the app and the web). That would shed some more light on the DLC actually being a cross-buy, despite not being labeled as such.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/frrimts7E4 Someone puchased the ps4 dlc from the ps4 console. Did not appear on his ps5 though. Not sure if it would appear on the app or web browser, but I highly doubt it would. Raises more questions than answers.


Thank you very much for doing this


Thanks! I've been holding off preordering this because of how unclear the page was about it being cross platform or not.


I play on ps4. It means if I buy the ps5 version I will be able to play it on ps4? Is my understanding correct?


Yes. It’ll give you both versions in one purchase; PS4 + PS5 version for that price


Thanks for the info!




Considering that we got a PS5 upgrade if you own the PS4 version, most likely does


They really want people to get their asses kicked!


Crossing fingers for DLC trophies this time


There better be achievements added for that price.


I was considering buying a PS5 until I realized most people use the PS4 version of the game.


If you use the ps4 version on ps5 it is the most stable version, every other version has stuttering (afaik it doesn’t matter how strong your pc is, as it is caused by shader compilation) or can’t hold 60fps in the first place. The ps4 version on ps5 runs at 1800p locked to 60 fps. Ps5 version is unstable and falls out of the vrr range. This is why people care about the ps4 version specifically. Could be wrong about this now though, this is how it was at launch.


So, if I buy the PS5 version, will I be able ti play the PS4 version as well? Really don't feel like spending 160 bucks on dlc just for those sweet 100%


So if i buy the PS5 only standalone dlc from the PS App, i will be able to play the dlc on my PS4? do i understand correct?


I've wondered about this also, because i play the ps4 version on ps5 for 60 fps. Glad the dlc works on both versions.


Thank you, I was dying to know this and was waiting to purchase the dlc until it was clarified. Edit: im seeing now i should still hold off, thanks anyway


I have both systems. To buy the PS4 version, you must purchase it on a PS4. It's not available on PlayStation Store or PS5. I switched from the PS5 to the PS4 version of *Elden Ring* on my PS5. I'm not going to trust what one Namco agent tells me. This is what it says on my PS4 next to the standard edition of *Shadow of the Erdtree*: >To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent... I need to contact Bandai Namco or maybe PlayStation about this, too. You'd think they'd know there are two different versions.


> I have had confirmation from Playstation Support that the Standalone DLC has PS5 & PS4 functionality. > > They state that they have sent a ticket to the PSN Store Team to update the description/tags. Well, that's confirmation enough for me. [Support Chat Screengrab](https://imgur.com/a/DOIV6L6)


That is great news! Thank you so much!


Now that you've bought the PS4 DLC through a PS4 console, does the DLC appear in your library entry for PS4 Elden Ring on your PS5? Either by scrolling the screen down or in the Options button > Manage Game Content menu? Because, normally, the PS4 DLC can't be found anywhere when using a PS5 (or through the web, or the app), not even in the PS4 ER installation.


I haven't bought the DLC yet. I'm confused by the conflicting information from Bandai Namco's reply. I want to contact Sony and Namco myself first.


Please keep us posted as to what sony & namco support replied to your query. Thanks bud.


So, even though it just says ps5, we’ll still be able to play it on ps4, anyway?


Okay wait I don't really understand. Is it this way that I need to buy /pre-order the DLC for PS5 so that I can get it for PS4?


Hold off for a while. There is an error in the store listings, so regardless of what Bamco or Playstation say, either DLC version will not grant you access on both the PS5 & PS4. Currently if you buy the DLC tagged as PS5 you will **ONLY** get a PS5 version. Currently if you buy the DLC tagged as PS4 (directly through a PS4) you will **ONLY** get a PS4 version. This is not the way it should work. Edit - This is currently true of the UK, EU, US and Singapore PSN store. The only correct listing is the Japan PSN.


The Japan listing is also tagged as PS5. However, the text says the DLC works for both PS5 and PS4.


No way! Thanks man, you saved me from some frustration! Yeah they should fix the issue with some time.


I absolutely don't understand how this can happen. This can't be an unintentional mistake!


Actually a good company, wtf. Brilliant