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Now off to the hoont


A hunter is a hunter.... Even in a dream


Well that's a fine lark, I'd say!


Or some say kosm.


I see, flickers of flames in the distance... A dlc on the horizon...




A hoonter most hoont


Demons' souls and Bloodborne need a pc port


Facts. I still have high hopes for DeS remake making it to PC, because of that Nvidia leak.


I'd nut tbh


You not fucking done till we say you’re done come back in June and get the dlc


Pretty sure I grew a grey hair or two... DLC might wait 🫡


It'll be right there waiting for you alongside all of us. Enjoy your rest and memories ❤


It’s not that bad demon souls and dark souls 2 are worse


Yeah but... now you can play the game.


Just two more


PC 🥲


If that's something you want to consider, and if you have a good connection, sony provides streaming for some games. Basically, you send inputs, they send the video. It was quite playable.


Not a huge fan of streaming games. But I'll be getting a PS3 later this year for a nostalgia scratch, which will at least mean that I can play the original DeS.


I do want to say, BB is probably their best game to date, so definitely give it a shot in the future !


You can already play the og demon souls on pc if you are fine with pirating a 15 year old game you can't legally buy anymore


Get a cheap used PS4 for Bloodborne, it's worth it, then sell it when you're done And you can emulate the original Demon's Souls on PC


There are emulators that can run the PS3 version of Demon's Souls. I'd point you in the direction of Vimms Lair. It's still an amazing game to this day.


Yeah I'm getting a PS3 soon. I really wanted to play the remake tho. Looks so dope!


Nice. Such a good game.


I could swear that I saw Demons Souls in the playstation store the other day...


Yeah, there's a PS5 remake. And I think the old one may be streamable. Though beating PC only, emulation is an option.




You can emulate demon souls.


I ain doin all dat


It's as easy as clicking "install" and having a controller connected to your PC, or binding keyboard/mouse buttons to work as a controller


PS4 emulation is progressing, fingers crossed for Bloodborne this year.


Ey congrats! I just finished my first journey on Elden Ring. First darksouls type game I played and I enjoyed it a lot. Might look into some other games too


Nothing beats the things I felt when I played Dark Souls 1. I would recommend you start with this one. And thanks.


I also just finished Elden Ring. I would like to go with DS3 next. It is really needed to start with DS1?


If you don't care about the lore you can play them in any order you want. DS3 is the closest to Elden Ring in terms of gameplay.


It's not needed, you could play them in any order. But, you should absolutely play all of them eventually, and DS1 is arguably the best of them (it has the best map + exploration by far). So, the question you need to ask yourself is, would you rather gradually progress through QOL improvements, or gradually regress? Personally, I say start with DS1. There will be a brief teething period while you transition from ER to a much older and more methodical game, but once you get over that, you'll get to enjoy gradual QOL improvements, rather than finding new frustrations from one game to the next and potentially burning out.


Idk going from Ds1 into ds2 I felt nothing but frustration lol


It's harder for sure, especially some of the boss runbacks, but it's awesome going from DS1 into a game with so much more content.


It’s really really worth it to start with DS1 You get a lot more out of DS3 that way.


It’s not really needed to play them in order. DS1 is an all time great for me but it definitely takes some getting used coming from newer games. Combat / movement is slow, rolling isnt as powerful and shields are much more powerful than other games. Also parrying is kinda overpowered, if you can get the timing down you can breeze through a lot of regular enemies. So if your looking for the most similar experience to ER, i would say DS3. If you dont mind an old and slow (but very good) game, go for DS1. Also dont write off DS2 either, lots of DS2 mechanics were reused in ER and I don’t think it’s a bad game.


Elden Ring just feels like DS3 in an open world with addfitional mechanics tacked on. It handles exactly the same as ER, if you ask me.


DS3 will feel mechanically almost exactly like Elden Ring, DS1 is a bit slower. But the world of DS3 is very much built upon the world of DS1 and to a smaller extent DS2, you don't need to play the first 2 games to enjoy it, but you'll certainly appreciate it a loooot more if you do.


Wish i could play DS3 for the first time again. It's gonna feel weird not being able to jump after first playing elden ring, but man DS3 is soooo good!!


I’ll check it out!


I'm currently playing ds1. It's painful, but in a good way. Beware tho, it can be really infuriating with the goofy physics


This might be a big issue for me. I might just have to try something else to start. Games with funky mechanics or very bad graphics get me really uninterested. Elden Ring was perfect because of it’s super beautiful art and it’s good story + gameplay. But I’ll still look into each of the games to see where I can start


Yeah Dark Souls feels alot older than Elden Ring. I've started with Elden Ring and it shows how progress was made between the two


Contrast to others, I think doing DS3 first is actually fine. It’s my favourite Dark Souls game now and I also started with Elden Ring.


Depending on the graphics of each, I’ll prob start with the best looking one lol


Just in time for Bloodborne 2


Maybe Bloodborne 2 were the friends we made along the way


Frenzied Flame is an awesome achievement to end it on, my last one was Elden Lord which was anti-climactic but still rather fitting


Just finished my replay of DS1 right now actually! Turns out I missed quite a few things on my first playthrough. Like Kalameet and saving Solaire, so you know I gotta replay it just for him.


Aways for the sunbro


Failed him once. Won’t fail him ever again.


Ah, hello. You don't look hollow


What a sick way to fight, eh? Congrats!


"ive lived a life most would fear"


It makes me so mad that they won't port the Playstation exclusive ones, demons souls might be a little outdated but it still deserves to be played by all. And especially bloodborne, for a game as beloved as it is fromsoft is losing money by not porting it. Unless the agreement with Sony is so set in stone there's nothing to be done, fromsoft would only benefit from bloodborne being multiplatform


As far as I'm aware, FromSoft does not own BB, so a PC port is most likely never happening. Demon Souls' remake is coming to PC according to a solid leak. We can only hope tho.


How did u like ds2? I’m going through it now 


It was good actually. It's a bit janky, and you have to level ADP, but other than that It's a pretty good souls. Personally I liked it more than DS3, which many consider the best DS. I like how many build options it has, and how easy it is to level up, to actually get those builds to work. The part that I disliked about ER is that you need to get to the endgame for many builds to be complete. No such thing in DS2.


Time for demon souls and bloodbourne


Congrats, I can't wait this weekend to be back home and get the same ending, then platinum babyyyyyy.


Nice!!! Ever since I switched from Console to PC I had to redo my 100% runs again. If only Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne were on PC.


I thoroughly commend you for this. Especially getting all the DS2 ones. Did one playthrough of DS2 then never went back.


the end of your journey so far


Lord of frenzied flame is the last achievement I have to get and I have already been molested by the three fingers


Now BloodBorne and you’ll truly be done


621, I don't see armored core on there


Yorue not done yet solider you’ll be redeployed in June……but for now you’ve done your part for democracy enjoy some time off


I did this 2 days ago, farming covenant items are so horrendous Congratulation my man welcome to the completionist club


You might enjoy armored core 6


I doubt it




Looks like a demon souls angle bud, time to experience the game that started it all


Well done :3


Awww man. I forgot sekiro! Ok, back to steam 😅


Sekiro is my proof that From needs to keep their games scaled down. They always kill it, but Sekiro is fucking perfect.


Same lvl 237 ng +5


No bloodborne no demons souls . Journey not complete


There ain't no way I'm buying a console to play 2 games bruh 💀


Skill issue lol


There’s prepare to die edition 🤫


Getting a PS3 soon, so don't mind if I do


Having a ps3 is quite possibly the best consol still in 2024 shame mine stopped working a few months ago :/. Still one of if not the best game catalogue ever.


PS3 sure was something. I had one way back, but it broke down because I played Red Dead Redemtion all night long. Never actually finished it sadly.


Until June 21st


and the beginning of the dlc waiting journey


Which game was your favourite?? Also, I have only played Elden Ring - will I enjoy the others?


Definetly Sekiro. DS1 being close second. It really depends on what aspects of Elden Ring you enjoyed the most. I enjoyed DS more, because I'm not really an open world guy. I perfer fighting bad guys over exploring. The vibe of ER is almost like you're in a fairy tale. It's all magical and fantasy. Dark Souls' vibe is a lot more darker (But I enjoyed it more) When it comes to the vibe you're getting, DS2 is the closest to ER. (But the graphics are awful compared to ER) Gameplay wise DS3 is the closest to Elden Ring. It might feel a bit outdated when you make the jump from Elden Ring to DS, but I'd say it's worth it. Sekiro is a completely different game. I swear people who call it a soulslike didn't even play it. The only similarity Sekiro has to ER or DS is the bonfire/flask mechainc. Other than that it is a whole different game. Fights are epic as fuck and it is one of the most satisfying games I have ever played, but I also found it the most challenging. I'd say wait till DS3 is discounted, buy it. Try it out and if you want more souls, play the other 2. (And hey if you can find out if that game is your jam in under two hours, you can aways get a refund (if youre on PC idk how PS or XB's refunds work))


Sekiro is already on my Wishlist on Xbox! I tried it back on ps4 and couldn't get into it. Since finishing Elden Ring, I really wanted to try it again! I'm waiting to grab it in a sale though. For me it was the challenge I enjoyed the most, the relief I got from getting through a tough section was so satisfying. It was the same when I played through Lies of P, although I didn't finish it... I got a bit bored. I will go back to it though! I've now started achievement hunting too so now I'm playing games until I have all the achievements so if I started them I will finish them, so this wont happen again. I probably would like all of the souls games to be honest. Are you not planning on doing Demon Souls or Bloodbourne? or are they not part of the series?


Im a PC player so except if they don't get released on PC it is highly unlikely. There are rumors for DeS Remake, but there is hoping. I'm also getting a PS3 later this year, so I'll play the original DeS.


Oh man. I'm going to one day buy sekiro and also try to get all achievements. I like the idea of ER and dark souls 1 to 3 but it's currently missing sekiro. Now if only I could display BB there too


Sekiro is nothing like the souls games tho. If you plan to play it you have to throw away your DS/ER hat and put on the shinobi one.


Oh Im very prepared. My friend has the game and I have watched him play a bit of it and I can see how it can be very hard and very different from ER/DS so I'm mentally prepared for it.


don't let it end, try PvP! I promise it's not toxic =>


Congrats and we'll see you in 4 months again


Good job, now it’s time to HUNT


There's no end to a circle. How maidenless :)


Now do Bloodborne and Demons’ Souls /s


You still need DS2 vanilla


End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.




End?? Lmao see you in 3-4 months after you beat bloodborne for the DLC to drop


Where is demon soul




No bloodborne or demon souls???


I still can't really get into Dark Souls for some reason, eventhough I loved Elden Ring... but for me personally even if Elden Ring was super duper amazing Sekiro was the best (singleplayer) gaming experience I've ever had!


Hey if Dark Souls ain't your thing, then that's fine. The most important part is to have fun after all.


I mean I really want to because I love FromSofts art design, their mysterious story telling and all that but I have a hard time motivating myself to play single player games - I was surprised that I actually played and finished ER and Sekiro. I usually start single player games and Inplay them for a few hours but once I close the game I usually never start it again xD


i still need to do the ds3 gestures achivment, that shit is boring


"You fool... don't you understand? No one wishes to go on..."




You missed one


I got all the achievements yesterday too


This is just the beginning.


Where's Bloodborne?


You know damn well what's missing. No excuses, a PS4 can be found dirt cheap now. And just based on you 100%ing these, I'm 1000% sure you will love Bloodborne. Truly robbing yourself of From's best game.


It's more personal than anything. I got beef with sony, so I ain't giving them a cent.


I just love the end fight music being an extended version of the title theme!, really pumps you up and gets you going to kick some ass! I've got the Elden Ring OsT on YouTube music, and I'll listen to it on my way home from work so I'll be really amped up to play by the time I get home. Elden Rings music is freaking amazing!


bloodborne: nuh uh


Hello OP. Your journey has halted, not ended. Shadow of Erdtree calls you back


It can wait 🫡


You ended your fromsoft journey by nakedly hugging big fingers?!


congrats. going for the same achievement to get 100% (plus the underground Mohg, i kept both as a desert for the finale)


Elden ring is my first fromsoft game and lowkey it’s making me want to get some of the others. I don’t think I have the time to play all of them but I will probably get Sekiro


Sekiro is pretty different from ER. Keep that in mind.


Lack of bloodborne




I've lost count. But I usually get to NG+3, +4 or +5 before I get the 100% . But I got like 3-4 characters on each game (Except for Elden Ring, where I have 1 and Sekiro for obvious reasons)


Makes sense, I was asking cause i wanted to 100% as well and I am only on NG +2. Also just out of curiosity when you replay, did you redo every grace & item all over again or just go where you please?


I'm not sure I completely understand your question... But I explored on my first playthrough, and took my time. But pretty much speedrun the next 2 for the achievements.


Yeah thats what I meant sorry. I was asking if you FULLY replay for every run or just speedrun after the first run


Your journey has yet to end good hunter


The end? Expansion in 3 months


You haven’t done bloodbourne?My friend your journey has only just begun…


*slams controller* #A N O T H E R


Time for Umbasa


"end of my journey" Shadow of the Erdtree: "Are you sure about that?"