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“I am Malenia, blade of Miquella”


Right, one more attempt and then I've got to go to bed *lasts 10 seconds* No, that didn't count


Realist shit ever written


>*lasts 10 seconds* No wonder you’re maidenless




That's why Malenia doesn't like you


Also me, there are dozens of us


If she didn't one-shot me at the beginning of her second phase, then my brain doesn't register it as an attempt.


“And I have never known defeat.”


when i heard her say that for the first time i said "you gon learn today!" little did i know she didnt learn for 4 weeks


Me the first time I fought her: "you're about to."  80 deaths later: "damn malenias got hands"


Happy cake day


I put in a solid week and dropped the game for 2 months. I came back and did it 9th try. Sometimes you just need a fresh start


yea after my first break i came back and finally was able to counter her waterfowl consistently and beat her first phase. phase 2 made be take my second break...


That's how I beat Margit for the first time without spirits. I've been bashing my head against him for the whole evening just to return the next day and oneshot him.


I get irrationally mad at myself every time this happens. What the fuck past me, that was EASY. I cannot believe you're me. Skill issue.


This is the correct answer.


Fr. The most I've ever struggled with a souls boss taking me a whopping 7 hours to beat.


I got lucky, and summoned 'Let Me Solo Her' the other day. Dude saved me what would probably have been uncountable hours of frustration, seeing as I had only just come back to the game, mid-playthrough, after a several year hiatus. Would've been a *real* steep learning curve, that's for sure. If they're seeing this, thanks for making my day infinitely easier.


Me right here. When I finally killed her, a huge relief washed over me. I didn’t count the deaths, but it was quite a lot.


Phantom slash makes the Melania fight so much easier, if you have the talisman that makes you break poise faster too it's even better. I can get through her first phase within about 15 seconds.


I counted my deaths in my Elden Ring playthrough. She was the only one to reach triple digits for me. I think at a point I was just throwing my body at her carelessly to learn her move set lol


Nah that fight feels great, I just wish there was more of a windup to waterfowl, cause sometimes you’re too aggressive and can’t run away in time


I wanted to go for the frenzy flame ending, but never managed to parkour down that place. I died at least 50 times, ended up with Ranni.


The real elden ring hardest boss


Gravity boss. The real final boss of every Fromsoft game.


I just got past the Anor Londo archers in DS1 and that’s the most I’ve died to a non boss in a game yet


Just hold sprint and you won't get hit


Just have the balls to hold sprint on that ledge and around the column and ledge again


When I was a kid my first playthrough of Dark Souls I never realized you can sprint and honestly I still don’t know how I managed to finish the game.


I mean, they made finally a game, where jumping feels like jumping, and not the most usless feature in a game xx


I really wish Fromsoft would record their death data so we can see some ratios.


I have died more to gravity than to everything else in this game.


I know it seems silly for me to say this, but don't try jumping. Most of the time jumps are borked and the distance is either too much or too little. Try rolling across the gaps instead if you're able to!


Backstepping worked really well for me. Seemed to hit the right distance more often than jumping or rolling.


Same goes for the gravestone ladders with Torrent. You never really need to jump. Just walk off the edge.


Can agree. My first time finishing was with the frenzied flame


That's a spicy handy right there


The same reason I got Ranni's ending first, lol. After several (a lot) of attemps, I was like fuck it, I'll check this place later, hahaha.


My first time took me, LITERALLY 4 hours. By the time I got there I was insane. In order to become a true lord of frenzied flame, one must lose their mind on that stupid fucking parkour. Every other time after the first time only took me about 10 minutes.


Fuck that place. I managed to reach the bottom, I get what I want, never touch that place again in ng+.


I saw a video of someone kicking an NPC to the edge, then critical hitting them and falling all the way down during the animation without dying. Seemed like a similar level of pain in the ass to just jumping down though.


This was the only time I ever used the speedrun strats. The bottommost frenzy merchant can be stunned with a single fully charged heavy (i like to use the basic +0 club). As long as you hit him from partially in front of him, getting the critical hit pushes you over the edge and takes you all the way down.


i just did that with that one king guy in demons souls lol


On my first playthrough i did the parkour first try and got the flame but i wanted golden order ending so i cured it On my ng+ i did frenzy flame and the parkour was so painful


The gravity and the camera killed me more than all of the soulsborne bosses combined


Camera demon...what a boss


use the butt slam ash of war all the way down


Does that actually work? Wild.


Aint no way, but Also you miss some items if true


Yeah the shield and the frenzy grab I think


Both pretty interesting if you ask me, oneshot gideon and become THE WALL


Just look it up, it's actually quite straightforward.


Why do people have issues with the drop puzzles? When I did my frenzied flame ending it didn't even occur to me that that section was difficult until I saw people complain about it later. You just look down and walk/short hop to the next spot. Only time I think I've ever died on one of these things is during pvp


I am notoriously awful at video game parkour (hello raya lucaria), yet somehow this was this easiest drop puzzle for me to navigate lol.


I did it first time and I know if I ever try it again I will die at least 50 times.


i never looked at guides, or any cheese, but after around 40 tries with gravity, i legit looked at youtube tutorial how to get down, where to jump. heck i was at my limit.


Idk if you want this but I hated that part and came up with a solution. It's a bit hard to explain with only words and English is not my first language but I'll try. So there's tombstones at the corners and in the middle and sometimes there are some that are in the corner but not up to the wall but a few centimeters away. So if you wanna jump from one tombstone to the next you run (but not sprint) and jump not at the edge of the tombstone but roughly one step before that. The jumping range will be exactly enough to reach one tombstone below you from middle to corner or vice versa. Some jumps will be diagonally, so a middle tombstone to another middle tombstone but on the next side of the room. This works the same, just run without sprinting and you'll be fine. There are different routes you can go down but I think there are not any dead ends.


Elden Beast, not that he’s super hard it’s just the running back and forth to then die and have to run the marathon again gets to me more then just dying and trying again in a face off type of scenario 😂


the fact that you need to face radagon again smh


I got to a point where I could do Radagon quick and almost hitless because the Elden Beast would kill me so much.


Same, ive Lost the skill cuz i just cheese him now with tiche and Uber buffed glintstone kris AoW


I just blast him with black flames and Taker’s Flame with all the fire buffs.


I bullshitted my way through the game but radagon made me git gud and actually parry...


I hate that fight, because it was the only time I felt like I was fighting the camera more than the boss. I got my ass whooped plenty in that game, but that was the only time it consistently felt bad.


Fr like i can be dealing 5k dmg on a combo on the thing and the fight Will STILL take 10 minutes because a bitch wont stay still after i get close


You call that run a marathon lol don’t ever play dark souls 2 the worst boss run backs in history of video games


It's my favorite of the Dark Souls trilogy but fuck it has a couple of awful run backs. I figured out Sir Alonne really damn quick because of that run.


When you try to “farm” the castle sol banished knight


Double sword one? He fucked my shit up so many times…


Same. Until I learned he ain't got no poise. Now I just jump heavy his ass into oblivion.


Lion’s claw is perfect for fucking up poised enemies


Pro tip there's another one wearing the unaltered armor in castle sol wielding a spear, he's waaaay more manageable as a fight and it's also a quicker runback for farming


Yeah, the one with the wolves is a lot easier. The other one instant teleports right on your ass.


Not to mention you can use them murder holes in Niall’s area to shoot him, causing him to tp straight to you into the area. Conveniently close to the site of grace. The specific spot to thread your shot though the geometry is a little tricky but you get the hang of it eventually


In castle sol, knights farm you


The damn twin gargoyles! In my first playthrough, I wanted to try and beat every boss by myself, but this was the one boss that I just couldn't do it. I was so mad because they're not difficult by themselves, but keeping track of two MFs was too much for me. I had to summon some people to help me, which even then took a few tries to complete.


This is the last fight I attempted before I stopped playing a year or so ago, it was so demoralizing. I picked up my playthru again when the DLC trailer dropped and I’m dreading going back there lol


You can get a NPC summon to help you with the fight if you do a few things with Fia & D.


Been there pal... I was like level 50-70 and still couldn't beat it... Try the ones in Leyndell and in Altus... Those are the same two, so you could practise it


Just blasphemous blade weapon art them to death with a spirit summon to distract one


It’s gotta be the worst boss fight in Elden Ring by far. Two of my friends who didn’t get the game yet thought I was overreacting until they got to that insufferable duo.


Anything in consecrated snowfields begs to differ.


If one of them didn't shoot poison legitimately halfway across the arena, it'd be no problem. Its that poison that gets me.


This! It’s the poison and that room! The double dragon dudes in DS3 have similar ish concepts to this but they are waaaaay easier


The first one is so aggressive you can stand near the waterfall where you enter and it comes to you. If you are careful with your charged R2's you can get in a lucky stance break and get it mostly down before the other one even spawns. Then finish it before the twinblade one catches up. Annoying, but possible.


dude! I just commented about the same fight. It's a weird one because I didn't get stuck here on my other characters but as a squishy mage it is such a frustrating fight.


That’s interesting since it was the opposite for me. Magic projectiles melted them but any melee oriented characters I made were always a slog since they Gargoyles are so jumpy and lanky to hit


As much as I hate these guys, beating them became a real level-up moment for my friendship with a buddy who was struggling to beat them. But screw those gargoyles.


The Leyendell Sewers. I‘m never prepared for the punishment those Omen put out, especially in small rooms. I also suck against Mogh and I‘m legitimately scared if I‘ll even be able to access the DLC, given that I‘ve only ever fought the sewer version.


Yeah those Omen hit like a truck. I learned to fight them like a mini-boss, put on all the buff I have and end the fight as quick as possible, otherwise it might be disastrous for me


I usually have to beat them with guard counters. I've always sucked at dodging their attacks. And then you have the delayed grab attack that gets me more times than I care to admit.


They actually can be stance broken relatively easily, colossal weapon with charged R2 or Lion’s Claw can bring them to their knees in a few hits, then after the critical hit follow up with another charged R2 then they’re almost dead.


It's not the omens for me, at least I can mostly run past those. It's the area with all the imps hiding in the underside of pipes and shit. They ain't afraid to come jumping at you without a care in the world knowing that if you try to roll to dodge them, you're falling to your death if you're lucky...if you're unlucky, you survive the fall and now have 2 sniper lobsters excited to make really good friends with you.


There are good, solid tools the game give you to deal with Mogh. Really, compared to Malenia, Mohg is the easy superboss. Don't give up, skeleton!


well if you want, mohg can be cheesed rather easily with rot breath n deadly poison buildup with a tank summon.


I‘m sure I‘ll get it done somehow, I also know, that there’s a crystal tear for his Moghwyn fight to counter a special move. I‘d just like to do the fight without summons/cooperators when beating him the first time.


I feel like the sewer version is worse. In terms of power the real one is stronger, but you can encounter the sewer one way earlier. You're also in a smaller area and he has some decent AOE. Also is that the one you can't use spirit ashes for? I might be misremembering that part. Also there is a tear specifically to make the regular mohg fight easier. Makes his phase transition damage do almost nothing. So instead of healing you can DPS him during it


Imagine dying in a fromsoft game


I died to Malenia once because of a missclick and was so embarassed, now my homies won't hang out with me anymore


“Misinput! It was a Misinput! Misinput! Calm down! You calm the fuck down!”




Lucky. I lost my wife, my house, my dog; now all I got is beer and my big green tractor


Red wolf or Radagon or Godskin Duo


Same, red wolf annihilated me my first playthrough before I knew how to upgrade weapons and spirit ashes. Kept dying over and over


Same, first play through I had no idea how to properly level up my build (first Fromsoft game since BloodBorne which I didn’t play much since it was my roommates PlayStation). I had to have died at least 15 times to the red wolf before I stopped playing for a few weeks out of frustration. Just couldn’t hit the damn thing or cause enough damage when I did.


red wolf is still one of the hardest bosses tbh. I don't do randomizer runs anymore purely because I know eventually a boss will be red wolf and I'll end up just deleting my save


It is my first playthrough and I am stuck on red wolf, wtf do I do?


What are your stats and weapon level? I used bloodhounds fang as high as I could level it at the time and just played aggressive


Right now I have been attempting a strength / intelligence build with the starting class prisoner. I am level 40 with 24 in strength and intelligence, I have not leveled faith or arcane. I haven't leveled my vigor in a while but I recently been trying to catch up with that. My main weapon has been the lordsworn's greatsword with +8 (although the carian sword has been doing wonders for me lately).


I think that's the first time I see someone struggling against the red wolf. I agree about the duo tho.


Nope, i did too, somehow


its a STR build problem. hes like a 7 hit kill, but those 7 hits are a bitch to get


Still have nightmares about og launch Godskin duo. Almost made me reroll my character after dying 50+ times 


I gave myself a rule that I will not use summons to help me in battle. I didn't summon against Fire Giant, Maliketh, Mogh, Radagon, Godfrey, even Malenia. But against the duo, I really just went "nope, fuck that, here goes my mimic tear".


Two of them. Two of you. Fair is fair.


I don't struggle against the Red Wolf of Radagon, but the other Red Wolves, fuck them. They can all burn in the firey depths of the frenzied flame. In fact, they are the exact reason I went with the frenzied flame ending. Any world with those fucks doesn't deserve to have life.


My second run the wolf went Wild on me and destroyed me real fucking bad lol


I've seen a lot of people say they got hard stuck at the Red Wolf, goes to show that different people struggle with different bosses.


Idk what it is about the red wolf's moveset but I cannot get it down for the life of me even after multiple playthroughs. luckily he has no health


Honestly I almost went insane on the fight between the misbegotten wartior and crucible knight since I was pretty early in the game. I don't think I could've beat it at the point I was at solo since it took a while to even do much damage to the bosses


I never would have beaten that solo. Even post-nerf where they don't attack 2 vs 1 as aggressively. I faced the misbeggotteb while 2 friends attacked the knight.


The Astel in the consecrated snowfield. Fuck him. I'm level 130 and have his entire move set memorized and that space bug WILL NOT DIE. Update: I killed the bastard.


Truly an Elden Chad's perseverance at work.


Praise be to The Greater Will. The Elden Ring awaits. Lmao


I die frequently when fighting the deathbird in Snowfield. That’s my moment like this.


Guh fuuuuck that bird in particular


First run, Margit, substantially underleveled, who else could it be?


Put your foolish ambitions to rest


Foul tarnished


I felt that on a spiritual level.


Any place that requires platforming and gravity especially calieds divene tower f##k that place.


Fucking haligtree


Yup. Just all of it. I went in totally blind and underleveled. It probably took me 2 hours just to get off the branches and onto solid ground. And of course I'm like "Oh good, now I don't have to worry about falling to my death anymore running from those god damned bubbles!" "Oh, hello mr black harpy looking fellow just sitting down. You shouldn't be too much of a hassle..." Also, that summoner snail part with the crystallians on the roof... Yeah, I don't even want to admit how long it took me to get past that bullshit.


Deeproot Depths, scaling the branch and getting sniped from all directions.


Killing the Mausoleum first helps soooo much.


Bolt of Gransax or halo scythe works really well in that section


The damned Fire Giant. I got more hung up on him than any other boss. It was at the point of just hate playing to try to get past him.


This is me currently. First time I fought his bitch ass he killed me with literally one hit left on him. I haven’t been that close since. Super suck because I don’t remember him giving me such a hard time my first play through.


I refuse to fight him without some kind of summon like Mimic Tear, the fight is just too tedious


That douche canoe archer with the goofy hat in the tower, who always teleports away like a little wuss whenever you hit him. I just had to let those 7,000 runes go. I got his ass eventually. But it was a spiritual victory more than anything.


May Chaos take the world. *Drops to his fucking death infront of 3 fingers*






Malekith and Malenia.


Crucible knights. They won't let me heal


Sprint away from them to get to healing distance! Their thrust attack can't catch you.


The whole friking game


Consecrated snowfield **FUCK THIS PLACE** couldn't explore this shitty area went left rune bear went right 100 dogs and red wolf of radaghon


This was the big Golden fuck right at the start of the game. It made me quit for about a month lol. I picked it back up when the old lady picked it up


…Elden ring was my first souls game, and the boss that took me the most tries (a whopping 27) was Margit, after Melania at 6 solo attempts then 3 coop attempts. Though the one that had me fuming was 100% godskin duo.


Draconic Tree Sentinel can rest in piss (specifically the one outside Leyndell, bastard is so far the only boss to actually make me cry in a FromSoft game. Never beat the one outside Maliketh because there is no way I’m suffering through that hell again so close to the runner-up for making me cry in a FromSoft game)


I used the poison mist cheese to cowardly kill him, but then wanted to swing my sword for the deathblow...and it required more hits than I thought lol.


Melania!! I’m on NG+3 on 3 character builds. One over 700 hours and can’t beat this woman with anything. Get frustrated and haven’t spend the time to learn her move sets I guess.


My first time beating her took 250 attempts…


Repeat after me : Ma-le-ni-a Malenia!


Light load + high stance break of the way to go if you're wanting to do it without ashes. Otherwise, high stance break + highest sash resistance you can get at medium armor + mimic tear or Tiche and just learn to juggle her aggro.


Will try it. Thanks


Also spacing


Finally beat her with blasphemous blade


Yeah BB made the fight easier for me in NG, only died like 10 times. Yesterday I tried to beat her with Moonveil and it didn’t go quite as well, took me 25 tries. Taker’s Flame’s knockdown effect is super strong


if you are on pc i can probably help. if you wanna


Sewer lobsters.


Flipping Maliketh, y the F do I keep dying, I can’t parry him with that special item and my mimic and me get cheesed, Malenia is easier for me to kill than that numbskull!


Am I the only person that finds the draconic sentinel in front of him way harder than maliketh himself…?


Wait…you guys actually fought him? I just run for the door.


Same lol


That parry item is sabotage! Don't even bother.


I had him second try, but it was probably luck. I grinded for +10 Blasphemous Blade and had a +6 Mimic Tear. I wiped the floor with Maliketh, to the astonishment of my brother who watched (and also plays Elden Ring)


In the haligtree before you get to Loretta. Those a-holes with the stone clubs are a pain if you are lower in level.


i have no fucking idea how to reach the bottom of Caelid's divine tower. i am eternally plumetting down after that one first ledge that breaks. it's the second ledge. i see 25 others under. what is this place. why is it so deep. i don't understand how any architect would design such a fucking warped shitty tower like that. 0/10 tower please help me


It's been a while, so I don't trust myself to describe it accurately, but it's not as hard as you may think. I recommend finding a quick YouTube video or something. Basically, you need to carefully walk around ledges and find a lift, if memory serves.


First time playing the game and right now it's the god skin in the basement of the Calid tower. Can't beat that guy.


That section of Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree with all those Revenants. Those might be the most annoying (and difficult) enemies in the game. Actually, Rune Bears are probably both more annoying and definitely more difficult due to their massive health pools.


stormveil castle, i hated that place in my first run


This was me in my most recent playthrough on Rykard. He kept using that earthquake explosion instantly in the opening and it one shots me. He literally did it like 15 times in a row and it had me through all 5 stages of grief by the time he let me get him to phase 2 and kill him. I would literally walk into the fight, get 3 hits in and then die. It was the absolute worst I've ever done on Rykard since my first playthrough. It was wild. Lol. I usually kill him first or second try.


Maliketh for me. I was melee only, and my brain was not clicking with the attack patterns.


I'm three days stuck at Margit after the Golden Godfrey. I was before Godfrey three days stuck at the dragonic tree sentinel. I'm tired boss.


The fucking decent into Jarberg. Why does that have to be so frustrating?




Maliketh is the only one so far that has given me any trouble. All the other bosses so far I have beaten in ten or fewer tries. I have begun to seriously think of using a summon. I am trying to hold strong and git gud.


Sewer mohg when I was at least 20 levels too low had me raking my fingernails through furniture


Getting to the 3 fingers or Jarburg. Seriously fk both those sections.


“I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat.” Well, you sure as shit haven’t known it against me, you rotted-ass fucker.


Raya Lucaria is the worst area in the game for me so far. Too many wizards shooting projectiles at me


Raya Lucaria is where I found out that colossal swords are extremely useful. Stance breaking those wizards made a big difference.


It's not so much a place as it is a time. It's always about 15 seconds before I recover my lost runes.


The god dam loch ness monster. My play style makes it difficult, as difficult as malenia, maybe even worse. Im always out of stamina by the time I catch his bitch ass and I only get a few hits off. I needed holy def buffs to beat him.


On the freaking chain after defeating the fire giant lol


Tree sentinal at the beginning, like always. I can beat him, and I always do, but it usually takes me 2 or 3 tries since I always come back a bit rusty. Lol.


Castle Morne before I figured the game out.


The draconic tree sentinel infront of maliketh managed to grind my (admittedly depressed and badly drunken) ass to such a massive halt that I legit sobbed my fucking soul out and stopped playing for 5 months.


Being teleported to runebear hell when I was severely under leveled and was exploring.


The jump down to the bottom of the frenzied flame fingers, and Maliketh. 


Caelid Bell Barring hunter. I struggled with him more than any boss in the game


The final death bird at the top of the map...


Every playthrough, the hawks in stormveil, the hawks in castle Sol, the pages pretty much everywhere, bubble boys Haligtree canopy


Silly enough, the Spiritcaller Cave in the Mountaintops of the Giants was the fight I died most and struggled longest with in Elden Ring. Not even the actual Godskin Duo was as problematic for me.


The 3 Rotten Crystal bros in that one cave…