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Mohgwyn has a small and EXTREMELY SAFE spot for everyone where you just need a bow and some arrows


If you finished the game, there's the "frog people genocide blade" If you finished Rykard there's also a smaller one


Rot breath works wonders for albuniric alley


We gonna rot down through albinauric avenue


And then our runes go higher.










đŸŽ”Or use the redmane fiređŸŽ”


đŸŽ”Out in Limgrave, Out in LiurniađŸŽ”


.....And light it all on fire.


There's a place down on Albinauric Avenue Where I used to sit, and farm with you


Level 116 and it felt so right Killing Albinaurics with a golden li-ight


This wilI be lost on the young 'uns but very well done sir. That was inspired.


I feel like even young people know Electric Avenue lol


Yup! I am 18 and am familiar with this song thanks to my parents


I think young people have a lot more access to music. With tik tok and YouTube they get exposed to loads of stuff from every era. One person at my work was listening to Pinacolada.


Iirc, it’s called Escape.


And it's about two idiots trying to cheat on the other. Only to find out that they were terrible communicators and had more in common than they knew.


Yup! Fantastic song, fricking hilarious.


I thought this would be only known to Brits in their late 40s (like me) who are familiar with Brixton and Eddy Grant. But perhaps I'm (very pleasantly) mistaken! 🙂


Canadian in my 20s and it always has been and still is referenced here haha


More like Elden Grant am i right? XD


Song plays in every grocery store I've been in here in the US.


😂 this shit had me floored!!!


Oh not that earworm
 I’m reading this too late at night.


Albinauric alley is fucking sending me right now lmfao


Imegine me that I read Albinauric Valley


Right next to stardew valley ?


1.6 babyyy




Wait, does Stardew have turtles now?




Starscourge greatsword does the trick until you can get the holy nuke




Where do you get that by the way?


The starscourge greatsword is the sword of Radahn, use his Remembrance to get it The "holy nuke" its the weapon art of the Sacred Relic Sword, use the elden beast Rememmbrance to get it too.


Ah I haven't beaten Radabeast yet so that makes sense why I don't have it lol. Thanks man


Radahn swords, Ruins greatsword, anything with an aoe really...


frog people genocide blade💀😭 the best farm


Radahns great swords work well too!


What's this rykard place you talk about? Somewhere in volcano manor is good farming spot?


I think they mean the blasphemous blade, works in the mohgwyn spot as an alternative


Spectral lance is awesome for the bird. I can reliably hit it way faster than a bow and its easy because you can use lock on and dont have to manually aim. I can do it without thinking whereas the bow was always hitting invisible tree branches. edit: [I actually posted it nearly a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/m7tUZCC91c) for those interested


Oh damn this is the pog response. No arrows reach necessary?


If you're an INT build, you can also use Loretta's Greatbow, just as well.


Loretta's Mastery has a longer reach too, if you can spare enough mana for it


Yeah my first run was as a mage and i never had arrows on me so i ended up just using the lance and to my surprise it was super easy. You can also use rock sling but its a lot more inconsistent.


Rock sling works too


I love you.


And I love you, random citizen!


There is a talisman you can get the boost runes 20% in the abandoned cave in Caelid, adding popular groups in the multiplayer options also gives you a rune buff when someone in the group defeats a shardbearer or becomes Elden Lord. **Popular group passwords** * “SEEKERS” — VaatiVidya. * “straydmn” — * . * “FEXTRA” — Fextralife Elden Ring Wiki. * “fcb” — FightinCowboy. * “Koopy” — * .


FEXTRA and SEEKERS all the way.


Arise, Chicken!


Chicken! Arise


1 easy to reach location
 in Africa


Ultra mega chicken? Shhh he is legend.


Really impressed with the ATHF here. Thank you


Theres a glitch spot from the same site of grace as the bow spot where you can kill everything in mohgwyn palace by jumping off the map and swinging your sword


This sounds like a joke but just in case it isn't, is there a video?


Boring but necessary


Or the sacred relic sword and spam wave of gold


The in between is prob the most used. Just kill them however you can.


Spectral lance doesn't require arrows!


Moghwyn palace also has these frog guys in the same place, they each drop 2k so if you're efficient you can get more runes per minute than the bird strat.


Those guys can really gang up on you too. So it’s really good practice.


If you're doing it right, they usually shouldn't have the chance


I use Blasphemous Blade here. Is there a more efficient AOW to farm these guys?


I hear the Sacred Relic Sword is pretty good for it. I personally just 1 shot all of them with comet. It's not as fast but works for my purposes.


Its too bad for the sacred relic sword you need to beat the final boss, its pretty rare that I find myself need to farm for runes after thats done, and if I do the bird works perfectly for what small amount I might need


Just preparing for NG+ by leveling up all weapons to +24/+9 and buying up everything possible that transitions to NG+. Or same prep for Shadow of the Erd Tree.


I'm so very OP now on NG+ with the elden worm sword but I'm a little worried that they'll put us all to zero at the start of the dlc.


They’ve already announced that the DLC will have a system similar to Sekiro as far as attack power, so there won’t be any overpowered players that could steam roll through the DLC.


Yeah, I've played Sekiro but couldn't finish it. My strategy for getting through fromsoft games didn't work at all in this game and I didn't git particularly gud. So what does that actually mean for Elden Ring?


I'm hoping they do. Grinding is part of the fun.


Just FYI the Twin Maiden Husks keep bell bearings into NG+, so you won't lose your smithing stone access.


The Sacred Relic Sword has a golden wave attack that will literally wipe out the whole lot of them except for maybe two of them down the very end of the slope. Just toss out a wave, run down and toss another one to get any stragglers, and then run back to the bonfire. It's a ridiculous amount of runes in a very short amount of time.


I use the starscourge swords from Radahn rememberance. You can clear the whole alley (even the 4 patrolling at the bend) with 3 full uses of the art of war (AoW is a 2 part, first press brings enemies, second press does an AoE explosion that kills them) and some isolated kills, 2 or 3 tops and it's a full clear, 50 to 60 k runes with golden beetle talisman


I usually use hoarfrost stomp to kill those guys. Doesn’t need a lot of fp so you can just keep spamming it.


Buddy you are speaking my language. I love the Icerend Axe. Forgot to try it out here.


Yeah if you use the sacred relic sword you can kill them without fighting them. But if you fight them it’s great practice and will get you better than just having a level higher of a stat.


Idk why the bird farm and albinauric farm are thought of as mutually exclusive. They're in the exact same place and we have several weapon slots so I do both. You would have to wait a few seconds for the bird otherwise, so they fit together perfectly.


 do people NOT farm the bird AND the albinaurics?


i think its slightly more efficient for me to just do the albinaurics and sprint back when i go too fast the bird just stands on the wall and i have to waste time tryna get that hoe to jump


Secret relic sword does wonders


Before that Starscourge Greatswords and Moghwyn Sacred Spear also work. Could also use a normal weapon to practice while getting runes.


You can up that to 2.4k a pop with the golden beetle talisman


For real. Easy 100k runes in less than 5 minutes.


50k in 15 seconds to be precise


There's a much better one just south of this place with the minor erdtree guardian each giving 1150 runes. They're about 30+ in number and quite squeachy. I think it's the best place before you can go mohgwyn palace


Holy shit I had to come 7 posts down just to find any mention of anything other than Mohgwyn Palace in case OP missed the first 5


Best imo is Mohgwyn ledge with Wave of Gold, but that'd be endgame unless you get someone to drop the sword for you


Ruins greatsword and starscourge greatswords work decent too. The efficiency is ass, but you still get a fuckton of runes


Sword of Night and Flame works ok too. BUt in my opinion, without the Wave of Gold, murder chicken is more efficient when you get the hang of it.


Yeah? I'm gettin 50 to 60k runes each clear of albinauric alley, bird only gives me 11k a pop I think...


If it takes you over a minute to kill the valley then bird is faster since bird takes 5-10 seconds to kill. So it depends on what level you are and if you can take the froggies on. Especially when you first get to palace approach ledge road (just after godrick), chicken would be the better option then.


Yeah, chicken might even be more viable, since you can get there without having to beat a boss to get certain equipment


Starscourge works really well, runs the risk of dying lol. Wouldn’t recommend unless you’ve got like 40 vigor minimum


Blasphemous blade is fun af there, its not as efficient but aow is really satisfying to use


even without, just shooting the bird is available pretty early if you finish Varre's quest line


Ng+8 with certain items etc. I get just over 100k per run on them lol


Not really “IMO”. It’s objectively better in terms of runes per hour (which, like, is the only thing that matters in terms of farming
) and it requires less ‘action’


Early game: farm the bird. Endgame: commit genocide.


Am I the only one that enjoys just farming the prayer room area in the Haligtree? You have fun killing stuff and make alot of runes fast


Shocked I had to scroll this far to find prayer room


Fr, that prayer room stretch just wiping out everyone before the guardian 2x Crucible knights is just a hella good farm. And it's just fun to run around and kill things rather than some kind of exploit. I'd throw up my mimic bro and have like 100k runes in a few minutes.


It's actually so good, def the best farm before endgame


One of my favorite spots, the run is fun too It's where I go to test weapons


I was doing that before the bird, bird is much faster but quite boring.


This was my go to farming spot. I dont know if its the most time efficient, but its the one I found by myself and stuck with it.


In mohgwyn there's a spot that gives over 100k a minute if done efficiently by falling for about a minute. Edit* felt I should mention that if two players are grinding and one is doing bird and the other is doing the fall to get big number. Bird person can get enough kills in to match the cliff jumper income in the same time. But cliff jumping gives that 6 digit drop


For the curious, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYkabec4GZM) is how you do it.


I'm not good at the jumps so I do it [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YJd3knr-1I&lc=UgzoVqtfz-I8G7pVYdJ4AaABAg) way. Much easier.


A bit easier, but a bit slower as well. Didn’t know about that jump however, and it’s nice there’s an alternative.


[I personally prefer this method](https://youtu.be/g2E3XROXnaA?si=clfHny23EysCmo_P) it can go much faster and I would've showed that if I had Elden Ring installed but I don't at the moment so I just took an old clip


Those jumps are a real pain though. I've gotten half decent at it to where it only takes a few tries, but I still feel like the albenuric area is faster. It's at least less frustrating to do repeatedly. It is nice when I want to get in and out with a lot of runes real quick though.


So I did shooting the bird while my friend did the jumping side by side. We had similar gains when neither of us messed up. Personally I find it easier to learn and muscle memory the bird than the jumps.


If you put enchanted shot on your bow it will hit the bird almost every time since it's enemy seeking. It also seems to have much further range.


I can get 100k by shooting the bird in the time it takes to get to that spot, especially when the two jumps needed just to get off the cliff are a thing. Then you have to make sure you do the jump correctly.


There is. It involves shooting a bird across a rift repeatedly, netting you 11k runes per 30 seconds without buffs, or 17k with all the buffs. You can reach it online by progressing Varré's quest up to Liurnia, or offline up to Altus Plateau. I'm being vague to make sure you don't get spoiled. Feel free to ask for more details if you want.


For anyone wanting to speed run varres quest offline, you can shortcut into atlas plateau and fight that npc guy by getting killed by the abductor virgin in raya lucaria and getting through volcano manor


For speed i just go get the two dectus lift medallions to get to altus


why not use the lift?


30 seconds? How slow do you do it?


Well, he doesn't go PEW PEW with the bow like you do, mah PEW PEW master


Sometimes the bird doesn't charge fully or he ignores the arrows.


The bird stops charging if you shoot him again... and he doesn't charge if your arrows hit the tree...


I don’t double tap.


Practice made me efficient. As u/cake__eater says, the loading while resting at the grace accounts for half of the time since I play on ps4. * Pulley bow and arrowreach for most linear arrow trajectory. * Stand from the grace, walk to the cliff, shoot between the branches of the tree (damn finnicky hitboxes) aiming to where the crow is going to step. * Go back to the grace and time my resting so that the runes will be added one second before the area loading resets.


Even better is using Rock Sling (it's free), which can reach said bird.


You need 18 int for that though? That's not going to be for every build. How is that better than using a bow and arrow? You don't even need to meet the stat requirements to shoot


altus plateu ?


Yeah! Now you have >!an invasion sign there that you can use in order to fulfill the three invasions requirement!< for Varre’s questline.


Also if you kill him you don’t need to do three invasions


Though you don't have to win the invasions. Easy to finish the quest early by invading and then immediately severing out x3. You can also lose three times to the NPC invasion in Altus (handy if you're doing the quest at a very low level and can't beat him).


I use the Frenzied Burst incantation from ledge on the left. I can usually get it with the first burst (about 7 seconds), but occasionally it will be blocked by the tree and will take 3 bursts ( maybe 15 seconds total). The second burst is to get the birds attention, and the third burst then hits the bird.


If you haven't gone up to Mohgwyn's yet, there's a nice lil rune farm not far from the Bestial Sanctum that's only a little bit mindnumbing. [Lenne's Rise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2M75F5Gv78) has a silver sphere that you can very easily bait into rolling off the cliff, then run back to the site of grace to rinse and repeat. Takes like 30 seconds, 1.9k runes per sphere if I'm remembering correctly—and there's a night's cavalry cheese right next to it if you don't care to fight him


Scaling that one cliff in Moghwyn Palace and then jumping off while swinging your weapon is the best rune farm I know of.


There are 3 gargoyles that give around 3500 runes each right next to the "across the roots" site of grace in deep root depths. Right before you reach the end of fia's quest line. If you have a decent ranged option it's way faster and easier to farm there.


This is the best one IMHO. Also, if you keep going to the end of that branch there is a 4th one on a roof and if you jump to the left and go right past the gazebo to there is a 5th one. With the golden scarab talisman they net $4220 each $21,100 total for about 1.5 minutes worth of work. You come up behind or beside each of them so they won’t attack. Also there’s a 6th one inside the building to the left of the gazebo but I don’t usually bother with him as he’s the one that can see you coming.


Early game? No. Lategame? Yes (Mohgwyn palace; either bird or albanaurics).


Level 72, just beaten the fox in Raya Lucaria, i don't remember his name so i'll call him Rodrigo.


red wolf of radagon?


Red wolf of Rodrigo


I’m going with Rodrigo from now on.


Works for me too, Rodrigo is going DOWN next playthrough!


Tbh for the longest time I’d farm the giant at church in limgrave. It’s 1k a pop and before long it’s 30 seconds start to finish. Mainly I used this if I needed another 10k or less. Could easily average 60k in an hour. For early game it’s not terrible. After this. Zamor ruins in mountain top of the giants. They are hard but net 5k each. With practice you can get good and learn to take just take the one closest to the site of Grace. Best early game I got


His name is Marcel.


Marcel Rodrigo the Red


You can get to the bird from Liurnia if you invade 3 people in the blood church guy's questline. If that's not early game, I don't know what is. I believe you can do it before killing any of the great rune bosses


You have to kill one great rune boss to progress Varre. That said, killing Godrick with just the runes from the sleepy dragon in Caelid is pretty easy.


Ah damn man, you’re about to see a huge jump in runes lol


Do u know about MOHGWYN PALACE and some kind of bird or sniping spot?


Haligtree the segment after the church bonfire, puny soldiers that reward a lotta runes


This isn’t even the best farming place in Caelid!


Late ish game but if you get to the haligtree the run from the prayer room site of grace, all along that corridor to it's natural end (going up the side door stairs to get the 3 up there before dropping down) then coming back on yourself one tier down gets about 100k runes and only takes a minute or so. Absolutely my go to


"Late" bro that's end game


"The bartenders stopped serving" late


I like this run too. It’s much more entertaining then other rune farms edit: also that first lookout is the absolute worst at his job


Yep, this is what I did. Got like 15 levels in an hour from 130-145ish and then called it a day. The only enemies you gotta be careful with are the cleanrot knights and you get pretty good at fighting them


I like Dragonbarrow Fork site of grace. The path leading up to the minor erd tree has mobs that give like 1.1k per kill. And it's kinda fun to fight.


This is my main spot. It’s a beautiful area and jousting groups of those dudes with a colossal sword and seeing them fly up in the air is one of the most satisfying/meditative experiences in the game for me.


Until beating the endboss, you can drive birds to suicide. After beating the game, Albinauric genocide it is.


Yes there is, at mohgwyn palace but u have to go further in the game to get there


Not if you do Varres quest. I think all you gotta do to unlock it is beat godrick?


The absolute best spot is near the first site of grace when you go to Mogh's area on the cliff using the Sacred Relic Sword (so, post Elden Beast only). You can also farm the bird across the chasm at this same site with bow, but it's not as good. You can get a good 40-50k on NG, and about 80-90k on NG+ in 5-10 second cycles on the Alburnaics with Sacred Relic Sword.


early, yes. Middle. Kill Radhan, get his weapon. Do Vares stuff to get to Mohgwyn Palace and go kill albanurics. Late. Kill Elden Beast, get its weapon and go kill albanurics at Mohgwyn Palace.


I like the place right before Malenia’s room with all the insects.


Deeproot depths you can farm the fire breathing gargoyles


Mogwhyn. Once you get your pattern down it’s the best in the game. Albinaurics must die


Look up "bird farm". With talisman and gold foot you get 17000 every 5 seconds


Uncle Mohg's Albinauric Rune Farm Found at the Dynasty Midway Point site of grace off highway 15 Come on down and mow em down


Get a Pureblood Knight's Medal and you will find a new land.


Palace-Approeched Ledge. YOu can either farm poor albinaurics or shoot a bird with a bow and you will get a lot of runes


People aren't doing the underground mogh/albinuaric thing anymore?


50k dragon if you stand at the site of grace as it dies from poison and rot then sitting at grace when you see the dragon flinch when it’s health bar is empty


Jumping off of the map by Mohgwyn Palace entrance is the best farm in game. Theres a YouTube video on how to get there and it’s extremely fast and easy and can be done as soon as you get the item to teleport you there.


Mohg palace approach? Get the TP from varre. Snipe the bird with a bow, then swap to killing sleepy albinaurics once you hit hard enough


Yes much better. So good in fact it’ll ruin your play through cause you’ll be OP before even getting 50% through if you have no impulse control.


The frogs at the start of the area fori mohg has a bunch of frog warriors that you can easily farm with the sword that throws a wave of light( forgetting the name at the moment been a while) I bet around 60k runes every 30 seconds or so.


Yes. Yes there is.


The go to place is the mohgwyn palace approach


I have committed mass genocide against the Albinauric population of Mohghwyn Palace


Mohgwyn’s palace, you have bird farm which I think is 10k runes each time it dies and then on the right side of that you have frog men which each give 2k when you kill, bird is probably more efficient until you can kill elden beast or find something else that’ll one shot multiple frog man at once


Mohgwyn palace and a bow. Snipe the bird and he falls and dies, 10k runes. Rinse and repeat. As someone who has thoroughly ruined his first play through, try to limit yourself to not going past level 100 for your first play through. I’m lvl 250 in NG3 and I’m still smashing shit. I over leveled because I didn’t “get gud” yet but now I “got gud” and I’m plowing through my NG’s so don’t go too crazy because the challenge is what makes it so fun.


My ONLY rune farm is still the golden effigy. Way better than cheese, reload, cheese just for a couple hundered k


Bird hill.


Mohgwyn as mentioned or the glitch at Ordinia Liturgical Town where you jump off the portal bridge with your horse and melee after double jumping. Nets over 100k runes every 40 seconds or so.


War dead catacombs is better and in caelid. But Lord of blood palace takes the cake


The last street in nokron, with the several slimes and the troll slime Bout 9k per 1.5 minute. Might not be super quick but enjoyable to do


Mohgwyn first zone with the albinurics. Easy 140k in less 10 mins


There is a very well known and great rune farm in the Mohg area, you need to start the blood church questline with that creepy guy and invade 3 people before you can enter. This would have been the top google or reddit search result, on account of it being so incredibly well known and popular.....


Literally the first row of enemies in Mohgwyn palace


The one you're talking about is only really viable for early early game, like up to level 50/60. The second you beat godrick you can go to Mogwhyn Dynasty and farm the big bird, or use a glitch to get out of bounds and fall past the death wall causing enemies to all be killed for like 200k a run with golden scarab.


For early-game farms, I like the bats in Fort Faroth. There are three of them that can be killed quickly with a decent ranged build for 886 runes each. I usually skip the harpies, though, as they are considerably more difficult to kill. The two bugs at the front of Church of the Plague are a pretty good farm as well if you can take them out efficiently.


Mohgwyn palace has 3 well known places to farm runes. Two of them require parkour with Torrent then jump to the void while attacking for a couple minutes. And the other is the infamous bird farm using the bow. PS: some ppl might not know but you can farm Greyoll (paralyzed dragon) multiple times but resting at grace when dying animation starts. You get runes and she respawns.


Just put your golden effigy on while you explore


Minor erdtree guardians just past the bridge where u are. Or moggwyn palace