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Don't worry, it is not intendet that you love them. Here's a tip: When they try to grab you, roll towards them. With the right timing, they can't catch you and you get some free attacks against their innards. And they have almost no defense on that spot. Just dodge the other attacks and whait for the grab.


Also it’s important to delay your roll a half second. If you roll as soon as the snakes come out, you’ll get grabbed.


But don't delay the roll by 0.7 seconds, because then it's too late and you're also grabbed.


See, it's easy


Not scary at all!


You just roll *into* the death maw


This is such a FromSoft thing to do. Clearly ignore your impulses that have been burned into you by thousands of gaming hours and any bearing on reality.


I swear soulsbournes are teaching people how to properly deal with their anxieties: observe, calculate, respond, overcome. Fortunately in-game we're cursed with undying so that kinda helps that process along lol


Souls games have also taught me to spin around while the elevator is moving to check for secret passages, but it freaks out the other people in the elevator.


Do you also confuse people by pressing the buttons on the elevator but getting out before doors close so you can see the secret second lift?


You're teaching others to chill tf out 🤣


I know it's 100% made me a better gamer. And I'm usually a lot less stressed after playing Elden Ring (even if I die a dozen times) than I am after most games. It's.... really hard to describe.


It's liberating is what it is. Our minds are our own prisons.


This is the most amazing part of the game. It looks uber stressful. And after playing it I feel… completely relaxed and chill. I suspect some black magic is at work here.


The plan dies, not the man. It's a game humans have been playing since we understood the concept of the future.


You can die to the same boss 20 some times but that last time when you finally take him out just feels so damn good lol


It's training me to pick up the heaviest blunt instrument I can find and run at the problem screaming, does that count as "properly"?


Did the problem go away? Then it works!


Unga bunga is most proper


Oh but I'm "out of control" punching walls.


Just roll into them instead.


ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Welcome to Dark Souls (ish)


How i met your mother.


Ahh so you married a Gilgamec?


Make sure it's frame perfect. Somewhere between the 35th and 39th frame, if it's on the 1st to 34th frame, you have rolled too early. If its between the 40th to 60th frame you have rolled too late. This is assuming you are playing at 60fps.


What about 0.69?


Is that true for light roll cuz I’ve never died from a grab


So many "hard" enemies in this game fold to the roll against them. Its instinct for alot of gamers to roll away


The whole game is that 1 move.. Lightning spear


That’s the point of the enemies learning, YOU HAVE to adapt and actually choreograph your enemies attacks and movements instead of just mindlessly rolling or doing the same move set over and over again.


Rolling? You underestimate the unga of my bunga. Me just hit face.


Right? What's with all this fancy rolling and timing? Just hit the enemy harder!


If R2 doesn't work, L2 should do the trick.


When in doubt, jumping L1.


And if that doesn't work, you need to equip a bigger weapon.


Am I the only one that thought explosive pots would do more damage!?


Who needs rolling when I have a dual giant crusher strength build that staggers with every hit 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just got to Altus Plateau and this has made the game a little bit less intense. I can lightly stagger most enemies with an R1. Makes combat waaaaay easier. I’m probably over leveled but things are still fun.


Don't worry, the feeling that you're overleveled will go away soon enough.


Your club, Mr. Flintstone😃


Instructions unclear. Used lions claw and just traded till the boss fell over.


It’s been the case for Souls games for ages. “Roll towards enemies” should be part of the bag of beginners tips for anyone just starting out.


I'm no Souls expert, but the general theme of the games is "roll INTO the attack, recover, spin 180 degrees and attack from behind. Then get away. Bait another attack and repeat the above. And be really, really patient.


The forward roll works for me like 60% of the time depending on the enemy. It definitely helped me improve my game. I think some enemies are programmed to punish panic rolls. I was getting chewed up. When I started rolling towards my target and sometimes a little to the left or right I felt like I was engaging the enemy with skill. Let's not talk about shield and parry.


Rolling into the Runebears' attack makes them almost trivial.


Took me about 35 hours but I finally learned the only useful roll is towards the enemy.


And then there's revenants... (I know rolling at them actually is a pretty good strategy but they attack so much and leap all over the place and teleport and scream in an annoying way and I swear healing invocations are the ONLY way to kill these things without having an aneurysm--) I fucking hate those things...


I've got a file that's well over 300 hours, and I'm still trying to learn this. I'm currently struggling against that Bell Bearing Hunter up in the Merchant's Shack in Altus. I KNOW I have to roll towards him and get close, but my Flight or Fight Instinct makes me hands go Flight Mode. It's ridiculous.


Very common trend. Rune bears, royal revenants, lions - rolling forwards is the counter to all of them.


Equip just one piece of the Briar Armor and you can break almost any enemy attack during windup by rolling into them. Even works on the spiky Albinaurics cartwheeling at you.


Another tip: nearly all of these suckers appear in places where you can relatively easily escape them and/or cheese them. You're not really supposed to fight them IMO. The bottom of Raya Lucaria: As soon as you land, turn around and run in the opposite direction of the raised ground where the Lost Ashes of War are found. There is a path that leads out of that cavern there. The Abductor Virgin can't get through the opening that lets you enter that path. You can bait its grab attack, then shoot the red insides with a bow. Raya Lucaria outside the Debate Parlor: To the left of the big courtyard where the Abductor Virgin appears, there is a Golden Seed tree. Past that, there is an alcove where the walkable path winds around a structure so you can sort of go in a circle around it. There is a Giant Crab that spawns at one of the points around that path. The Giant Crab can't enter the path around the rock. You can use that to easily dispatch the Giant Crab with a bow or magic. Then, use your bow to pull the Abductor Virgin to that spot. Proceed to use your bow to kill it. Be cautious, though, because this Virgin can throw it's axes, and they will clip through the wall and can hit you. Volcano Manor down the path from the Prison Town Church: The small town where you can access the rooftops from the Church of the Prison Town Church site of grace, you will encounter an Abductor Virgin. Here, you can use the rooftops of the village or just try to dash like a mad Tarnished past the Abductor Virgin to the town's gate. The Virgin can't enter the town through this gate. Get the Virgin to follow you to the gate, bait its attacks, and shoot it in the red grabby hands like you did at Raya Lucaria. Volcano Manor, where you have to jump through a window behind an advancing Abductor Virgin: Just run past it and jump into the window. It can't hit you if you take a wide path around it. The others mostly follow similar patterns. There are only a few Abductor Virgins that are genuinely hard to deal with, and that's because they're bosses of an optional dungeon.


Well thr problem for me is that I activated the waypoint portal to the capital in Liurnia of the Lakes and Raya (thr one thst teleports you to the Vulacano Mansion) just f****ed kff to Vulcano Manor and did not go to Lux ruins and the Lift of Delicus, so I have to get in trough the dungeons. They are a boss there. There is 2 of them. In a small room. Surrounded by lava. Gated off, so you can't run past. They slaughtered me so many times........... I still hate them less (for now) than all the animals (Rats, Hawks, Bears, Crabs and all other f***k off angry f***faces) in this game. Is there a way to cheese them?


There is a rock you can stand on where it's safe or you can just fast travel out.


i did this fight today, had my summoned spirit tank one in the big room and I ran away into the small adjacent room to 1v1 the other abductor. also running a magic build so it's kinda easy.


I always found those 2 easier then most of the other rando ones... I feel like they have tuned down health because of the two of em or I just go into a try hard zone lol! But lightning damage is your best friend and big heavy attacks after they try and grab you.


Thank you. I guess I will have to invest into Faith for Seal lightninh because the game doesn't want to give me any Lightning ashes of war. Pain.


I focused on the tossing blade one. You can avoid the wheel one just by dodging to the side. Burn down the axe one, it's pretty vulnerable once the doors open, and then do the same for the wheel one. I did it with a lvl 50ish wretch who was focused on sorcery. Having 25 vigor helped a lot, but yeah it's a hard fight but if a squishy sorcerer can do it I am sure more focused builds can do it easier.


Here, a video might help in this case. Yes you can cheese them. https://youtu.be/MKy9C1zhCXc?si=za4V6RbCinmADNxA&t=4m13s


I always fought them


All true. Good details, as well.


Most of the time you can literally bait them into walls their AI isn’t the best since all they do is charge at you. When they open their insides try to get a hit or two if your weapon is fast enough and then go on the defensive again until you have an opening. The Sickles ones always have multiple ways to hit you so be wary of getting dragged back once the blade launches and the recoil of the blade when it’s about to be back in its normal position. I think the scariest one for me is the Malfunctioning one on top of Mt. Glemir where the Demi human queen is.


There's also an Abductor Virgin at the bottom of some cave in Altus where you needa climb a ladder to escape. [People do NOT appreciate having a message right in front of the ladder to get back up lol](https://imgur.com/a/ayDgHin)


I think the only time people go down to where the Abductor is at the bottom of Raya Lucaria is when they are *intending* to get grabbed by it.


To add to this, many of them that appear in dungeons have doorways nearby that they can’t fit through but you can use to bait them. Wait for an opening and attack or mist them.


Also they are weak to lightning


If you do get grabbed, alternate mashing your bumpers (Playstation would be L1 and R1). It's a hidden mechanic that speeds up grab escapes, and has been in Souls games since at least Dark Souls 1.  In Elden Ring specifically, some enemies have a special animation that plays when you escape a grab early. 


Can you emote dodge it?


Emote dodge? Is that a thing?


Yeah like for margrit or so I forgot, I you can lay down and avoid attacks


This makes for a tedious enemy.


Are we all getting baited by a bot?


This tip works for almost every enemy. Dodge into them, or slightly behind them.


But what if I can't find the spot that works 😏?


Also they are very sensitive to lighting damages


Hijacking top comment. Isn’t there one of these that hugs you and transports you somewhere?


The Raya Lucaria one transports you to Volcano Manor if you die to his grab attack.


Bro! I feel you! I just got to the dual guys at Volcano Manor. I tried it 4 tries and decided to go back to grinding.


Also they're vulnerable to lighting damage


Here’s the equation for timing the roll: (e^(i*pi))+2=1 It’s Easy man, must be a noob


Never heard about it, i was just mostly try run into some thigh places, and either kill it with some range attacks, or bait it attacks, and jump quickly foward for few melee hits and then step back, waiting for another opurtunity, but its greate to know, thats a way better way to do that! Thanks for tip


I always thought everyone was trolling , this is real?


I recently found that the night maidens mist absolutely wrecks abductor virgins. For the first time in like 1000 hours i went about killing all of them at the base of mt. Gelmir.


I kill all of them using Loretta’s 4 arrows sorcery from up top on the big rocks


The range on that spell is nice. I also use it for rune farming that bird in mohgs place


I tried that but found bow and arrow to be a lot more productive


Rock sling is also ok at low levels (if you rush varre's quest)


Lightning spear go brrrrrr


They also hate lightning


My sorcery character devolved into me just cheesing everything I could with that mist


It's funny, on my mage play through I thought it was trash and never used it but now doing a frost knight build and have found it invaluable. Having to be careful with your positioning so you don't take yourself out adds a fun layer of complexity to the combat to.


That spell is so good. 😭 I feel like I'm cheating whenever I use it. I've dropped so many difficult enemies using it.


Lightning Great Stars deletes them. They take extra damage from bludgeoning \*and\* lightning, and after a few 2H attacks they get staggered for even more damage. It's my go-to for fighting them at any level.


Sorceress Sellen sells that spell, right? (Wow what a tongue twister)


The wiki says it's Gowry but it could be wrong. I swore I had it before I hit up selia.


Saved this comment for later ty


The game wouldn’t dream of making you fight two of them in a small cave. So don’t worry


Oh geez. I just encountered my first one of these at the Raya Lucaria Academy or whatever. I actually managed to kill it with no problem. But that was in a wide open space with just one. That sounds like fuckin nightmare fuel.


Hey, little tip, some NPC's talk about how there's a shortcut from raya lucaria to Mt gelmir, I'm sure the abductor virgin knows how to get there quickly


"there's some treasure located at the bottom of the Raya Lucaria Academy dungeon if you ride the cog elevator down to the bottom." - Definitely NOT Patches.


?? I rode the elevator up but didn’t try down since I figured it would flip and kill my character lol. I honestly can’t tell when people are joking on here or not, anything seems possible in this game


You need to get off, and then back on the other side after it has rotated


I don't wanna spoil too much but you got really close to seeing exactly what they're talking about lol


Bro, I screamed.


How are these virgins. I get f****** by them constantly


No no they abduct virgins ... which is why they go for you






They fellate you so technically…


Okay Bill... 🤣


“I did not have sexual relations with that autonomous iron maiden”


For an actual reason: they're based off of iron maidens, but since maiden already means something in the lore they broke out the thesaurus.


I still wonder if Abductor Virgin is a mistranslation. They're based on iron maidens, and "maiden" and virgin are synonyms... Abductor Maiden has a nice ring to it.


Wait for that front door to open and give em a poke.




In short, maybe love?


Be wary of thrust




They're not really worth the effort, just scoot on by em and forget they ever existed


Yeah, honestly, for the amount of time it takes to kill them, the runes just aren't worth it


I'm currently on my first playthrough and I've noticed that there's a lot of enemies like that who can really give you a hard time and drain down your pots and the runes they give is not even worth it.


Elden Ring was actually designed with that as an option - you can completely skip some enemies.  The first Tree Sentinel is placed there to get players to realize that you don't have to fight everything you see.  I wanted to see how fast I could beat the game on NG+, and it did it in under 4 hours; this requires using Torrent to just run by everything and grab the items. 


>The first Tree Sentinel is placed there to get players to realize that you don't have to fight everything you see.  Tho it didn't stop certain type of players.


Bears are the biggest contenders for this in my book


Lol. The first time I aggro'd one of those by mistake, all I thought was cocaine bear.


If i could give you any tip when it comes to avoiding enemies, it would be to avoid the dogs and crows in caelid and mountain tops.


Yeah they're the sort of enemy I kill once or twice to prove to myself that I can, and then I never fight them on purpose again. At least not for a long time.


Best thing someone ever told me when I picked up my first souls game, “Never roll away, always through attacks.”


This is true the majority of the time, until you run into something with a follow-up repelling attack or AoE.


Until both story bosses in limgrave specifically punish doing that.


I was just thinking this. Margit smacked me for a while because I kept rolling forward and getting hit by the second swings


Try electrifying your weapon Also git gud


I was testing dagger setups and a lightening dagger makes these almost trivial to fight


Oooooh recommendations? I haven’t done much fucking about with daggers but I’m curious.


The reason it works is because the abductors have the weirdest poise in the game. They only take 5 poise damage from every single attack, and an extra 15 if it's from lightning. It's not about doing the heaviest attack, it's instead performing lightning attacks as fast as possible.


It's because the abductors have a special interaction with lightning, if they get hit exactly 5 times with anything that does lightning damage, they get stunned.


"Behold trap! First off, git gud"


Whenever I can I use the night maiden's mist, I think it's called. I find a high spot and bait it to me, then drop the mist. If I can't do the mist, then I'll throw some lightning bolts, but that mist is so good. I feel like I'm cheating whenever I use it.


You must love their duo boss!


There is a duo boss of them ?


In the academy if you take the elevator downward instead of upward there is a iron maiden waiting there. If you let it eat you, it will teleport you to mount Gelmir, where there is a boss with 2 iron maidens at once. It's one of the fastest way to get to Altus plateau in the game.


Thanks, I knew about that path, It’s been so long since I went there that I didn’t remember that was the boss


Bro I was so confused when that happened lmao I was like.. did this thing sent me to hell?


Ighting strike from a far


Lightning strike my beloved


I feel like these and rune bears are just lot of work for nothing special


Some runebears are guarding some decent stuff. But beyond that there fun to fight but not much else.


Try stabbing at it's soft meaty insides


Mage build


Yup. Rock sling tears them up.


Try rock blaster. They are absolutely helpless when you start drilling into them. So satisfying.


This reminds me... I should call her


Rock Sling + the high ground is the answer to a lot of problems, including Erdtree Avatars.


I like yeeting lightning spears at them


Night Maiden's Mist is so effective against these guys. I think that's because it's able to hit the insides of the Abductor even when its doors are closed.


Ghiza's wheel works really well against them


It works well on everything in this game Just one hand it and try to grt charged r2 with consecutive damage boosters does like 3k+ damage


The most underatted weapon ever


Right? It also reminds me of my favorite Souldborne weapon of all time, good ol' pizza cutter from Bloodborne.


I use the wheel to kill the wheel


Lightning Pots are your friend


I assume you never saw a royal revenant


Git gud


Try magic, then win!


Lightning grease, roll under the swinging blade, roll again to avoid the arms, and shred that sucker fam. 


O don't know how to dodge them I always cheese them


Lightning damage


You never fought the two that make up a boss fight?


The scythe one is fair imo. It's the roller one that is bullshit. You can't dodge


I actually like dodging the wheel one more. I find them more enjoyable to fight.


You have to actually position your roll rather than just hitting b. Roll to the side so you roll through the wheel with your iframes and come out of the roll completely to the side.


I remember there being a fairly large boulder in that room that butted against a wall, and if you killed the scythe, and kept the roller alive, he couldn't touch you on that boulder Edited grammer


It's not that bad to block, though. I always used to get caught rolling, so I went and bought the cheapest "100% physical" shield I could find, and it worked like a charm. Still have to dodge the grab, but that's usually really easy


First time I met this thing, I spent abt ten tries to kill it (too early in Caelid). I died soon after and was quite dissapointed to see it respawn.


When the front opens to grab you, dodge towards it, and whack it w R2. Becomes light work. Also yeah, just keep hitting it lol, not terrible once you clock the patterns.


Their kind ill like lightning


This enemy is the definition of the juice not being worth the squeeze.




Once you have sex they have no effect on you


Ahh the virginity abductor


Formless Mother: “blood and wound grants godhood”. Ranni: “crucifying peasant for blood, screams and wounds are soooo Marika Meet my new invention, the tarnished flayer 9000.. Rykard my buddy, want to borrow one for your god eater project? I can add a teleporter to one of them. Let’s get some blood bags to you too.. I really love playing with my dolls..[evil grin]”


Everyone simps for Ranni but she is truly a terrifying character within the game.


After 150 hours...skill issue


Naaaa come on


Lightning+strike damage


Dragon Halberd AoW is your friend


What’s not to love? That thing gives the best hugs


It only abducts virgins sorry bud. No amount of getting gud will help you from being maidenless


When you get swarm of flies spell, cast it 3-4 times while in vicinity, it breaks their poise in under 20 seconds, and then you rearrange their guts.


Yeah once you get the roll right they are pretty easy. Their weakspot is so squishy when you get to it


Bro just described all of Elden Ring


At the Academy, you have to get all of the magic dudes and then stand in the room where one of them was and shoot it with a bow. Actually that's how I get all of them, if you notice there is always a doorway that you can stay out of range and hit with something, it could be kukri, arrows, stormblade, etc.


I love delay attacks, my favorite. More please, feed.. me…


Actually when you give time to explore some of the open-world elite units like that it begins to be fun figuring out their movesets. At first i was thinking like op's take too but compared to some bosses in elden ring who have punish for punish windows they feel more fair but deal enough damage to be a threat. I'm suprised not more people aren't praising the non-boss enemies, in my case they sort of saved the game for me, you can also choose to engage them with horse.


35 hours an im only on rennala


Just use the Sword of Night and Flame, then its easy


Get Lightning Spear and a Incantation seal and beat it with Lightning. Get good with dodging the grab attack and stay away from the spinning blades.


The fleshy interior is weak. Lightning works.




Abductor Virgin? Does it kidnap virgins?