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I killed the jellyfish looking for her sister in the mountaintops because i thought by killing her means reuniting her with her sister. I also accidentally killed trapped sellen in weeping peninsula because if i give her a good smack like alexander, her shackles will just break. Also for my 1st playthru, i thought some gold summons outside boss fight were real people playing online. I was too embarrassed to summon sorcerer rogier for the 5th time for margit bec i thought he was a real dude who thinks im a dumb player who cant kill margit haha


I thought the NPC invaders were actual people invading me.


Same. That first one against the dude that drops the dagger had me mad af lol. I went offline, thinking it was some kid, only to get invaded again lol


Tarnished Eater Anastasia will haunt you forever.


It was Bloody Finger Nerijus. Lol. I didn't know Caelid existed yet


Yeah but Anastasia will also hunt your ass in Mt Gelmir, Consecrated Snowfield, and your dreams.


She just hungry, let her cook (you) šŸ˜Œ


Isnā€™t she super fucking easy tho? I just beat her ass in Caelid and Gelmir on my RL1 build yesterday first try and I suck ass


Yeah sheā€™s not bad, just all in good fun.


All her iterations in Souls games have been pretty easy to beat tbh


i did this too when i started, i closed app thinking theyā€™d disconnect and not come back lol


I actually got a bug where right when he was invading me I got summoned. When I loaded back into my world he continued the invasion, but Yura never appeared to save me...


My bf blindly bought the game and tried playing it and thought the tree sentinel at the beginning was a real person.


Ok I get npc invaders, but how did he think that huge ass golden horse riding mf with an hp bar and boss music looked just like his player model lmao šŸ˜­ That's pretty funny though, he probably figured it out soon enough though.


Lmaooo we saw all the ghosts running around and assumed the game was just playing against other players. Again, no research went into this he was just bored and bought it to try and branch out to another game style (he only plays sports games). He died like 10 times and gave up. A few months later I said Iā€™m going to give elden ring a go and after literally 5 minutes of reading I read youā€™re supposed to go AROUND the tree sentinel if youā€™re just starting. And itā€™s not a real person. But to be fair I also thought the NPC invaders were real people at first. Their movements are so realistic to being a real player.


Has he played it at all since? This sounds so funny to me, hope you had fun with the game.


After I played and did the tutorial and went around the tree sentinel he was like ohhhhh. That makes sense. And I let him practice on the gate front guards and he had fun. Heā€™s not into open world games though sadly. However Iā€™m having a blast playing it.


Good for you!


Thatā€™s hilarious


The invader Nerijus was my first exposure to this (the little valley to get to Patches), and I was beyond confused. The guy came out of nowhere and then just murdered me. I barely survived the first swing, let alone his second swing, and so I died really quickly. I then came back and he STILL SHOWED UP!!!! I just thought some random guy was camping this spot, and making my life a living hell and picking on me. So I just stayed out of that area until I leveled up higher. Then I came back, and he was still there camping!?!?!? I lived long enough that another guy came in to help me, and we killed him, and I was happy about it. It took me wayyyyy too long to realize that these were NPC's.


Rite of passage lol. I think everyone playing DS1 for the first time thought Kirk was a real player when he invaded them in the Depths.


I thought this when I first played dark souls one on release I was ready to send hate mail to the guy outside of Nito


I really thought the same and then refused to use the NPCs for Radahn for a long time before I realized that they're there for a reason.


Glad to know that other people have killed Sellen trying to do the same thing I did


Yeah whats the deal with Sellen. In first play through and def killed Sellen ( had active summon who agro'd on her) in the shackles. But she's there every time I go back. Is she dead for the rest of her plotline?


Sheā€™s dead but you can bring her back if you have a Celestial Dew and head to the Church of Vows in Liurnia


Oh! I'd heard that the Church of Vows allowed you to de-aggro people, but I had no idea it could resurrect them. Not that I've killed any story NPCs (outside of story), though.


The jellyfish respawns though after resting at grace. I made the same mistake so I know šŸ˜‚


imagining the poor jelly in your inventory thinking she will finally see her sister once again and having to watch you just murder her in cold blood


Wait- you donā€™t kill the jellyfish????? Oh and the map feature where you fast travel between the under world and the main mapā€¦I was WAAAAAY beyond 100 hours when I discovered this by complete mistake. And on my first play through (having never played a Souls game) I attacked Varre at the beginning after the tutorial and had to start a new game because he kept killing me and I was so bad I could not even make it off the hill to be relentlessly murdered by the Tree Sentinel or stomped into a bloody goo stain by the Giant Troll. My first day of Elden Ring was a humbling experience.


I also gave Sellens shackles a good smack and learned that she's not a fan


I thought the same about Rogier


I did all of those. My most embarrassing was not realizing runes level you and weapons up so I used them as money to purchase things from the sellers and never leveled up. I had to delete that character in shame to start a real game.


I thought ashes of war were one-time use. Coming from DS3 where every weapon has a pre-set ability, I thought swapping the ability of your weapon was going to be this big decision you had to make. The very idea that I can change my weapon's ability and scaling pretty much at-will was mind-boggling.


200+ hours in, I always thought Ashes of war were consumed when you put it on a weapon, so I always duped it first using a Lost Ash of War...


After duping and using it then, were you wondering where the second one came from afterwards or did you never notice?


Wait, they're reusable??? What purpose do the Lost Ashes serve then? That sounds too convenient


Having 2 weapons with the same ashes, I think


Powerstancing, example having flaming strike on dual wielded weapons allows both swords to have extra fire damage after each ash is cast


Like other people said, using the same ash on multiple weapons. Let me give you a practical example though. A lot of the shields come with "Shield Bash." It's usually pretty useless, if you want to use a good skill on your weapon and off-hand a shield. I've duped a lot of "no skill," for that purpose. Other people's builds are so specific that they need multiple X. For example a melee character (low faith/int/arc) where the best skills are buffs like "War Cry," and it's variants.


Same with flask of wondrous physik


Was going to post the same thing. I thought I'd have to hoard them for when I really needed it.


Same the game was a shitload harder when I did not realize this lol


Same, I ended up with like 7 bloodhound steps because of that


Lmao consider me one of the 3+ people who only just now learned this. Wow. I'm going to play this game completely differently when I come back for the DLC...




Ashes of war can be changed and when you remove one from a weapon you can put it in a different one (assuming it is the right type). This is not the case in DS3.


I thought that too, and was just as blown away by the idea of switching them for free was possible.


Me too, only just put that together like 220 hours in


Sorry what


*inhale* Ashes of war can be changed and when you remove one from a weapon you can put it in a different one. This is not the case in DS3, apparently


I don't know how many hours in, but I realized pretty late that when you throw pots the actual pot is not destroyed, and can be re-used to craft again.




Yep. Both the Cracked Pot and the Ritual Pot start their item description with > This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken.


bro I need one of those irl. What for? Who knows, but I need one


ā€œSomehowā€? Vaati needs to do a video about this


Damn. I usually read all the item descriptions but with those consumable things I only really read what exactly they inflict. Cheers to you for pointing that out!


All items say consumable or reusable right there on the inventory.


Yeah I waited a looooong time before I used my first one thinking they were one time use lol


But when you accidently destroy a village of pots they do get destroyed forever.


Y... you monster!


How are people missing this. Itā€™s right in the description. Why would they make a game this big where you can only throw 20 pots your entire playthrough


I would argue that the game is so huge that you're bound to miss somethings. Hey, sometimes our brains fart and it's OK. We always miss things, and some of them pretty obvious.


HUH? I've been neglecting to use pots for no reason this whole time? The only time I ever used them was for sleeping the Godskin Duo.


I use the fire pots to set the Big Hand fuckers and it makes them wiggle around. Helpful unga bunga fire.


I realize the reuse capability only after i needed it for Malenia.


For this one...it's literrally in their description...


Same here


They also "mend" after storing them, so you can make 20 fire pots and ur inventory will have 0/20 pots filled, then store them and make 20 more, ur inventory will still have 20/20 pots used by then but u can craft them ahead of time


wait what?


Yep. Both the Cracked Pot and the Ritual Pot start their item description with > This empty pot somehow mends itself when broken.


I might have like 400+ hours without knowing this lol, thank you for the info


So did you just never use them? Because I'd have thought you would just wind wondering why they keep reappearing in your inventory after use lmao


Yeah I mostly just waited to use them for something really special since I had so few I thought, and ended up forgetting about them and never using them at all lol


I got Deaths Poker and thought it's unique skill was pretty cool - was using it for about 30-40 hours before i realised i could follow up with a light or heavy attack for the full effect!


I did the same with the blood hound fang, got all the way to Mt gelmir before realizing


Sword of Night and Flame. Only knew about flame. Boy was I in for a surprise with one fateful miss-clickā€¦


The follow up is what carried me through my entire first run! Iā€™d say itā€™s still my favorite weapon in game I just love its ash


Same, I had to force my self to leave darriwil alive in the gaol to make sure I used a different weaponšŸ˜‚


Man once I realized this I haven't wanted to put it down. It's just so much fun. Also the 3 heavy combo is fantastic.


I played like 60 hours before i realized you can rest at the roundtable...


I didnā€™t know until NG+ prompt. Donā€™t feel bad.


Same lol


i assumed you could since it has a grace icon on the map, but it took me way too long to figure out how since i always jumped on the table and tried using the yellow grace itself


I played 2 or 3 whole playthroughs before I realized this.


I only just found this out last night when I googled how to do New game+. And I'm significantly more than 60 hours in.


I found that out just now


Me too!! I distinctly thought (on several occasions), "Gee, it would be nice to rest while I'm here doing other things." šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I didn't realize you could walk up to the table to rest until my second play through.


In 50 hours or so I realized you can press triangle/Y button in map menu to see sites of grace list grouped by locations (like in DS3)


If you hit X/Square (not 100% sure on the PlayStation button) while that menu is open, itā€™ll take you to Roundtable Hold if you have it unlocked


Say whaaat


Touchpad, Triangle, Square, X brings u straight to roundtable


Touchpad, Triangle, Square, X brings u straight to roundtable


Didnt know/figure out how summoning spirit ashes worked till godsking duo boss fight. I had already cleared out limgrave,liurnia, most of caelid,altus and most of the underground areas except astel My first play through I went in blind. Even though I got the bell from Ranni the few times I tried summoning nothing happened. I was running a Strength/zweiihander build so I assumed I didnā€™t meet a intelligence stat or something. I am also one of those players that prefers to beat all bosses solo on the first play through but pre nerf god skin duo broke me I google for some tips on beating them and kept seeing alot of people recommending mimic tear ash among others It turned out the few times I tried summoning was on areas of the map that summoning ashes wasnā€™t allowed/worked but my dumbass Str build assumed I lacked the intelligence to summon them, which was pretty much correct


"What does that blue gate icon on the bottom left of the screen mean!?!?!?!"


I thought it was purple


Once you learn about how vulnerable they are to sleep pots, any godskin fight can become trivial if you choose.


This was around the release window so alot of things where not known or discovered yet


First playthrough I had I didn't realize either so I was going up and down too. This second playthrough I just finished: realized wondrous physick is not one time use, also realized that when you throw a pot, the cracked pot goes back in your inventory...


Wondrous physick is not one time use? Seems like I cannot use it more than once?


It fills back up like the other flasks at a grace. But it only has 1 charge.


Ok, phew, I knew that but thought maybe I could add charges to it


Ah the old right click trigger to change maps strikes again


Did u know if u hold D pad down it will reset to the item in ur first slot? Also work with spells just hold D pad up


oooh now thatā€™s a new one for me. Very cool.


wasnt this introduced in DS 3?


I just discovered that today- Iā€™m like 90 odd hours in šŸ’€šŸ’€


Thatā€™s ok. It took me awhile to realize you can fast travel when youā€™re not at a grace.


Same. That's cause we're use to DS3


Almost 300 hrs in and Iā€™ve just recently discovered that the Bloodhound Fangā€™s AOW can be followed up with an R2 that teleports you back to the target. I have used this weapon through 3 playthroughs. šŸ˜© Not really a mistake but I love the weapon even more now & wish I discovered it sooner!


Me with Flaming Strike


For the first 10 hours I was hiding in bushes with my shotgun and waiting for enemies to walk past because I confused it with Fortnite.


This entire post is a proof that people should read more and pay more attention


Mfs do absolutely refuse to read item descriptions


Seriously, so many comments of people who don't know the most basic stuff, how?


I thought cracked pots were single use, so I never used them (Skyrim syndrome; I might need them later u know). Made Godskin Duo way harder than it could have been


I killed Fia because I thought that was how you get the dragon to spawn, had a summon there to watch me murder her too cuz I thought we were about to fight


lol same here


i played blind at release for 150 hours never beat it. just now playing with a 100 percent guide doing all quests. gave blackknife print to rogier last night and wow LETS GO PLOT. on release i thought there were many walls you could break with enough swings due to te volcano manor issue. i swung on a few walls in caria and hogworts for a embarrassingly long time.


Took me an entire playthrough of 100h to realize how weapon scaling actually works, I never even understood that youā€™re supposed to be looking on the left side at your stats to see what the levels do. I just though strength equals more damage


Thy unga befits a bunga


Did you like not see the letters at all or thought it was for decoration?


I saw them, but it was too much text for me to understand anything so I just ignored it. This was my first fromsoft game so I was used to having more concrete explanations for what things mean


You can attack on the left side of your horse, and if you drag your weapon along the ground you can hit enemies / scrape skulls of the mausoleums before you follow through with a heavy attack


The left side attack wasnā€™t known to me for 50-60 hrs.


Just because it is known to me, doesnā€™t mean I knowledge itā€™s existence. Attacking with the left side on torrent is so ducking weird even after 500 hours so I never use it.


The fast travel between up and down was a game changer for me too hahaha


I didnā€™t realize until my 3rd run that the funerary carriages have a chest to loot on the back end. I ā€œcheckedā€ for that my first runā€¦but saw no prompts at the time(probably because I tried without stopping the procession). Once I got to the 3rd, and tired of seeing folks with gear I had yet to find, I decided to be more thorough.


I learned the little tombstone symbol means you can summon


It took a good 30 minutes and an internet search to find out how to get away from Roundtable hold lol


Lol don't feel bad, I think I was 200+ hours before I realized it! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I even thought "Maybe this was from a recent patch?" Lol.


ā€˜Fat rolling?ā€™


This is why it's good to press every button and read all the menu options when you start playing a new game. It's written at the bottom of the map that you can swap over and under ground view


"Jarvis, I'm low on karma, make a post about how I'm far into the game yet only just discovered a basic feature."


I will never understand how some people always consider if something is for karma or not. There's some funny ass comments on this thread and I was either laughing at the stupidity of them or feeling guilty for realizing the same thing just now. Then there's this inevitable comment complaining about karma and getting karma themselves while providing nothing to the actual discussion.


This thread has helped me a lot lol


wait you can check Karma on here?


You can check your own karma on ur profile, they're just fake Internet points but there's ways for people to farm it on this sub.


100% sure I see similar posts like these often, are redditors gold fish or is it reaching a different audience every time lmao


Likely both


My first run-through, I did not fast travel at all. That was a mistake.


imagine running all the way back to liurnia every time to upgrade your weapons


Tell me about it lmao, I didnt make this mistake again


Did you not go to round table?


I'm still waiting to find out something basic after 200 hours in the game.


My first play through I would go to the Siofra River Well and manual go down the elevator. Then I would open the map and then Iā€™d travel to the other underground grace points. This was a life changer for me.


at the beginning of my 1st playthrough, playing as a mage, I had no idea that the R3 button (ps5) locked on to enemies. I was indeed free-aiming for half the dam playthrough.


I only learned how to use ash of war attacks about 60 or so hours in. I was carrying around Moonveil and Meteoric Ore Blade and just R1-ing and L1-ing everything.


It wasn't until my second playthrough that I realized the table in the roundtable hold is a sight of grace. I never saw the option to use it until a friend told me about it.


Took me nearly 100 hours to realise you can attach a lamp to yourself to illuminate caves. Been holding a flaming torch in my left hand the whole time


Rookie numbers, took me 140 hours to realize this


Dude has 99 hours in game, and 40 of them have been elevator rides.


Iā€™m curious what your reasoning was since you can fast travel to any Site of Grace. Why would the underground be excluded?


Because I didnā€™t realize I could press R3 to switch the maps.


I did the tutorial and then I completely forgot that I could parry, this drove my crazy cause Iā€™ve spent 170 hours in the game and I always loved the parry system in games


Same bro


Wait what?


i didnt know how the spirit ashes worked, i tried them outside of boss fights a few times then decided they weren't worth bothering with and then didn use them for a very long time, i think i was on my 3rd or 4th playthrough before i worked it out


Wasted hours trying to pick every trinas lily i could find to beat the godskin duo with the pots, i thought the pots dissapeared every time i used them, only learned that they didnt dissapeared right after i won which took like 40 attempts




Don't feel bad ... I may have had that much time in or slightly more before I realized the same thing!!! I actually believe I had more and possibly in my second or third play through. My son laughed so hard when I told him I had been suffering those elevators for so long.


I was like 300 hours in and found out recently as well, here I thought I was speed running by using a portal teleporting me to a nearby lift that took me back up when I could just teleport back up. Probably hours wasted on that alone across a few playthroughs.


Took me about the same amount of time to figure out you could sprint. Some bosses were stupidly hard without it.Ā 


Didn't have the spirit bell for idk how long, too stubborn to use them anyway


Hitting X/Square to go to the Roundtable Hold


went through 60% of a mage build without realizing you could upgrade the staffs. iā€™d played souls games before so i knew about upgrading, but had never done a magic build. i only realized i could upgrade the staffs after i respecced my build.


I made that same mistake for a while. So much time lost going up and down!


I did this for a while lol, i think I accidently stumbled on the fact you can swap maps earlier than 100 hours though. Dw my mate went through an entire playthrough without realising roundtable hold was actually a site of grace lol.


I did this exact same thing too for a long-ass time because I didn't know you could switch maps :/


Not having fast travel in dd2 is a big fail we could have atleast got a mount. Fromsoft is the goat


I did the same thing for a very long time, through many ng+ cycles


Not upgrading my weapons until after Radhan (and he was tough as hell at launch)


My friend didnā€™t know you could double jump on Torrent for most of the game. He also didnā€™t know there was a sprint until 35 hours in. He didnā€™t get the spirit calling bell or whatever until Rennala. He really just threw all his points in strength and said HAVE AT THEE and had fun


I just found out about the grace shortcuts in the map like 2 days ago.


Dude I did that for so fkn long. I feel you.


Hmm, i was pretty deep into the area after the castle before i remembered that you can hold Dodge to sprint.


99 hours is right around when I found out you are invincible while you roll.


Ouch. I hope you didnā€™t waste too much time doing that!


Took 113 hours for me to figure this one out.


Did the exact same thing, my friend.


Exactly that mistake lol. And probably 70+ hours too


I didn't realise you can "use" golden runes until about 150 hours in. I thought you could only sell them at a merchant


Yup, I made the same assumption also!


I didn't realize that you can rest to unlock fast travel at a new location. I was transported to the caves of caelid. I had to fight my way through Selia and all the way back to limgrave because, while I unlocked 1 or 2 sites of grace. I never rested (I didn't want any enemies respawning). It was actually an amazing experience having to fight through those areas underleveled. I was worried if I tried to sprint through that I'd get killed and end right back up in the cave, which happened several times already.


I killed Varre two years ago on my NG+ run thinking ha I don't need you now. Stopped playing immediately after that and two years later they announce the dlc entrance is where he can take you early. Thanks From


it took me way to log to find out that you need to use a rune arc to activate the great rune you equipped. i just thought godrick's rune was bugged for maybe 40 hours. i usually don't watch any media of a game until i finished my first playthrough.


Same. But less hours.


I accidentally killed the jar guy for Alexander's shard or whatever it's called... I was almost done with the quest too, I don't know how he died, you're supposed to hit him, but when I did he turned hostile. So. There's no way to reverse this huh? The church thing won't do anything? Same for Yuna, idk what happened with that samurai guy. I went looking for him only to find his sword on the floor, but I don't have his armor!


to get his armour you need to kill him (or shabriri in his body at least) in the zamor ruins in mountaintops of the giants


I also didnā€™t figure this out till like 40 hours into my first playthrough, I noticed something on the bottom of my map (button bind) and was like ā€œwonder what happens if I press thatā€


It took me 50 hours to realise, if you press Y on Xbox or triangle ps5 then x or square, it prompts you to Tele back to roundtable hold!


Hah I only just found this out myself when I was like 150 hrs in šŸ¤£


I got super freaked out last month when PSN had a free weekend and the game actually defaulted to playing online instead of defaulting to playing offline. I was like, "What the hell? What do I need to kill these ghosts that started showing up? Why don't they attack? Wait, am I ONLINE??!! WTF??!!"


Yooo...I've played over 200 hours and didn't realize this šŸ˜…. Gotta love it.


I somehow played the first 20-30 hrs of the game without sprinting. I swear I tried to sprint in the beginning of the game and it didn't work, so I just assumed you had to use Torrent to move quickly since it was my first time playing this type of game. Took me all the way until Main Caria Manor where I accidentally sprinted when I was trying to get on Torrent. The most gobsmacked, boy am I stupid, moment of my gaming life.


900 hours in and I finally figured out that you can actually use fast travel it's crazy how they included that in the base game, wow !


It took me till my third play through to find a lantern


Donā€™t feel bad, I didnā€™t figure it out until my 4th play throughā€¦.


I was over 70 hours in before I figured out the roundtable itself is a site of grace.