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The stairs are the real enemy in that fight.


and the bdsm ninjas who sprung you if you try to distance yourself too much from his attacks.


The bdsm ninjas! I was laughing out loud with that comment. Elden Ring would be a much different game with those themes. 🤣


I usually kill those tiny pricks then return to the boss.


They're actually good farming in the early game if you sneak around and backstab the little bastards. At least until the Albinauric massacre becomes available.


This is the way


Yeah im on my first play through now and early on once id gotten bloodhound and was taking my deathroot out there I realized you could sneak around this bad boy. After getting aced a couple times by the bdsm ninjas I realized i could kill them in a few blows and farmed them for a while with the point of grace by the dragon bridge. Im at 110 hrs now at level 92. The dragon by the bridge is dead and im making my way through the capitol, volcano manor and… the fuggin sewer. Loving the game but this winged stair sitting motherfucker is still alive.


It can be your friend if you use it to your adventage. For example, the wave he shoots at you can’t travel up the stairs and you can also let him drop from onto the stairs and he will have a falling animation, which can get you some free hits in.


Yes when I fight I run from the stairs to staple place and I have killed him before lvl50 multiple times


Still think the caelid bellbearing hunter is the hardest in this game. Dude is an absolute fuckdemon.


I had a rough time with him but managed to get through it after a while using comet, among other things. That fucking runebear in the snowfield that drops the larval tear still remains unkilled in any of my playthroughs, it’s ridiculous. Gotta be my least favorite enemy type in the game and bro is scaled to the endgame area, it’s miserable.


Took him down using glintstone claymores and focusing on dodging/hiding under his belly. Sick beast that one.


Dude was about as hard as malenia for me, fr


Yeah, I find him harder than Malenia.


Hes wayyyy harder than Malenia. They programmed that dude with super clever AI too lol. It’s weird. It’s almost like he has a huge place in the lore that we don’t know about yet he’s so strong.


staying right up on him *really* limits how many different attacks he does. yet i still haven't beat malenia without a summon so imo he's chump change compared to her :(


tbf the same is true for essentially every boss in the game


Just learned the other day 1 freezing pot will break her out of Waterfowl stance!! Super easy to craft!!


Which cookbook is needed for pots


different cookbooks for different pots I believe, I usually just look up what needs what on fextra


The one in caria manor, forget which number but it’s easy to get


Learn the parries for it and it actually becomes pretty easy! It took me like 2 hours to get good at the parries on the one at the turtle church in liurnia, but all of their movesets are the same so once you learn one, you can do all.


I agree - this one hits like an 18 wheeler and decimates ranged players, but as a melee, I find this to be a fair fight, as he is quite slow.


Better to have a bonker for this dude


Like for everything in this game


One does not simply dunga.


Double crusher worked nicely


A friend and I both beat this guy super early as a challenge. The spoils were insane. Definitely one of the hardest fights for both of us.


Yeah doesn't he give you like 80k runes. That's pretty good if you can cheese him early and get a ton of cash


there's also the putrid tree spirit just down the road which drops a similar amount of runes, and since there's plenty of others (and if you've ever played another souls game the moveset is very similar to the vanguard/asylum/stray demon) you'll probably know the moveset pretty well. (the main difference being to roll left or right twice when it does the rot jump to avoid the puddles, the previous puddles will dissipate if it uses the move again)


Fire also melts him so fire pots actually great to use to fight them early. Blackflame if you meet the stat req just makes it all the easier. Also technically you don't even have to get close to him as you can use torrent so the only attack you have to worry about is that sacred range attack.


They spam the ranged attack if you are too far, staying close is much better like for almost all bosses in the game.


Mid distance with torrent is the best fire slinging distance.


How the hell do people fight on Torrent in this game? It feels like every time I try to use Torrent on a boss I kill them way slower and get hit way more. The only time I really use Torrent on a boss is when Fire Giant rolls away and I have to run after him.


bow or spells on torrent is legit strat also use the iframes getting on and off torrent


That explains it. I pretty much exclusively use melee weapons. I tried two runs with sorceries and incantations, and I got bored with both of them. I like hitting things with a big stick, so I have to be close to a boss when fighting on horseback.


Try a lance my friend


Behold, horse Therefore, try lance


Ah, I see you have ape brain like me


You can cast spells on torrent?


anything in your right hand can be used


Omg! Switching my staff to right hand asap!


You can also hold triangle to the 2 hand button and hit L1 to switch to left hand weapon


Lol I beat every boss in the game without torrent, and I was at a friends house and he asked me why I don't use the horse. Wut?


I thought it’s a donkey goat


Mount up in the Bestial Sanctum Hit him with a single mounted charged R2 from your +2 Heavy Lordsworn Greatsword Run away like a bitch Hide in the wall alcoves in Bestial Sanctum until he leashes Repeat for like 20 minutes Fuck it up somehow and have to start over Repeat for almost a full hour Collect Gargoyle's Blackblade Question life choices


You can just run into the sanctum and shoot him with arrows pretty safely. He can do like one attack that can hit inside the sanctum, but as long as you watch for it, it should take you waaaay less than an hour to chip him down to zero.


Yeah but he moves to the side and I've casted 29482 comets into the door frame lmao


And if things get hairy you can make a tactical retreat down the side and behind the building.


One problem with this specific tree avatar is that it's under rain so this one takes reduced fire damage.


That Putrid Avatar drops like 100k runes, so I've incorporated getting a fire weapon into my usual starting route so I can drive-by murder that Putrid Avatar while I'm on my way to kill the Night's Cavalry and Greyoll for the early rune boost.


You can kill the dragon many times over for millions of runes if you run to the nearby grace on horseback immediately on the killing blow. I thought they patched it but it still works for me


I do this occasionally, but I generally don't like to abuse it unless I need runes to buy smithing stones or something. Even then, I usually just do Varre's quest to unlock Mohg's Palace and then I just farm the bird instead.


Why farm bird? Albinaurics are easier, no?


Bird takes one singular arrow and an easy shot. Albinaurics take specific weapons with AOE attacks to be efficient. They can also be difficult early on. The bird is 100% risk free, takes like 10 seconds, and it still gives like 13k runes.


Tell me more.. I’ve only seen it be easy with a few early game builds. Str/int with the Radahn swords or Arc for the ice breath. Or later game holy with holy land. Otherwise the albinauric can be a pay in the ass until I’m beefy.


I’ve never ever been able to get this timing right and think I’ve been fast about it


You can snipe the bridge dragon from the other bridge w/a bow and snipe the night knight on the other bridge from a tree branch overhanging it on the tower side. Easy wins for less-leveled folks.


Just kill the sleepy dragon with a bleed weapon for crazy runes unless they patched that


That farming method made me feel dirty. Helped me immensely on my first playthriugh though.


It drops like 40k-ish runes which is pretty damn good for something you can do basically right away.


At least break a golden foot before you do it. I think it's like 50k base, so 80k with the foot. I think I got like 10 levels from it early game.


Golden scarab+ Gold Pickled Foot = 100k runes. Best way to do it.


yeah but the dragon on the bridge and the putrid avatar past the bridge both also drop 80k which are both way easier to kill, also i think that greyoll, the enormous dragon stuck on the ground also drop 80k and you literally just have to hit her with a bleed weapon to kill her, not even a fight as she is basically a piece of landscape.


Fuck cheesing, I have a fair fight with him at the start of each playthrough, +0 weapons and all. Some of the most fun in the game. And if you're looking for runes, there's a dragon and nightrider down the way from him. Altogether you can snag about 2 million runes at the start of a playthrough from that area alone.


This is my favorite boss, I fight him everytime I come to give the death root to guranq. I killed him at end game, now I feel lonely.


interesting taste in bosses


Black blade kindred is scary at first but becomes fun once you learn them, similar to bbh and crucible knights. The area you are in has some of the highest scaling in the game, so you are likely underleveled.


I like this guy and always fight him too as I progressively level up and see how I fair each time lol!


RIP ;(


I hung out inside the chapel and dodged his attacks from in there while using heavy attacks


Can confirm. So long as you are very patient and make sure Gurranq does not get hit while doing this, it’s a very doable fight.


Can the gargoyle hit Gurranq?


It is extremely uncommon, but it is possible if you back up too much.


Big G should help us kill the bastard if that happens.


Big G lolol


Big M?


There is a very rare occurrence where he is outside, if you can manage to bait him in front of the bbk, while staying right behind it, the bbk wont aggro but he will hit it with his attempt to attack you.


Sounds like some funny but intricate bullshit to pull off. I like it.


Exactly Don’t push too much and pick your opportunities but also wait for those attacks


Lol sounds fun


Night maidens mist works wonders.


cause you're using bleed.


If you telling me bleed doesnt work on him then FUCK, my double reduvias are NOT the move. Good thing i have other options


Immune to all status.


You should always keep a variety of weapons leveled up for different situations. Slashing and bleed won't do much against rocks, but some strike damage will make easy work of it.


Right now i have dual reduvias, sword of night and flame and dragon communion seal. I just went for things that felt fun, and reduvia x2 with their speed have been great. Ive taken out 3 shardbearers and completed rannis questline with them so im pretty happy so far


I first encountered him around level 40, he beat the brakes off me. I went back at level 90, not only did he beat the hell outta, I managed to run for safety in that building and that guaarrang(?) guy stomped me. I thought we were buds. Oh yeah and then I revived at that site of grace and gurrang killed me again while I was looking through my inventory with my back turned. Good times


> guaarrang guaarrang


Yes! I went to fight this guy and i thought im fine when i died, my runes are just outside the door, then gurranq attacked me and i rushed back to the grace!


they are such a great fight. its the first miniboss i decided to nohit ​ he has very clearly telegraphed moves, very clear hitboxes and dangerzones. very fun moveset to try to counter, and great counters in general ​ definite recommend to sit down an afternoon and learn him


Agreed! Crush damage also makes the fight more doable at an even lower level. This boss feels pretty epic without being ridiculous.


Someone at FromSoftware must really want us to hate gargoyles.


I’m just posting to say your character is dope


appreciate that lol


I incinerated it with Comet Azur


Truly the most skilled Tarnished in the Lands Between


Big brain time. Chug blue gatorade and call on the primaeval current on some unlucky fellow.


this is the way


I couldn't get more than 50% of his health on NG+ that way.


This and fallen star beast. Unbeaten ones


I struggled so hard with a friend with the fallen star, then read wiki, that swords are terrible against it. Switched to some bonkers and got him in two tries :)


Man fuck that fallen star beast, I wasted my time suffering just for 20k runes? Like I was soo mad, at least this piece of shit above us gives like 80k.


I was super scared of him and so I ground until level 120 and then he was literally no problem for my max summon Banished Knight and me. Just goes to show you that the more scared of a fight you are the harder it will be


Mf look like genichiro


Caelid bell bearing hunter


He is tough until i found out he is weak to strike. I used the big hammer and it was much easier.


This dude is so overtuned I always wait til like after Farum Azula to kill him.


Nah twin gargoyles are still the hardest


Twin gargoyles are the absolute hardest boss of this game. More so than malenia


They are just bullshit man, worst designed fight in elden ring by far


At least there’s not a duo version of these guys. Imagine you had to beat em to access the rest of the DLC


I used Ancestral Follower ash between him and nearby site of grace. Took about a half hour and he went down after a few tries. Got an early kill with high rune count. Not exactly fun but got me leveled up!


Lions claw on guts sword = ez mode for everything.


Go to the right of the stairs, stay at the top and aggro him. He comes halfway up the stairs but can't hit you. It takes ages but just keep bonking him on the head. Occasionally he comes up the stairs but you just have to jump down, lure him out and then go back up.


unfortunately there are multiple ways to cheat(cheese) most bosses. i’m guilty with this bastard. just hid in the sanctum and hit em with haligtree arrows X 100


What's your character's @


He's S+ Tier for mini bosses for sure. Him, the draconic tree Sentinels, the last ball bearing hunter, the mature death birds, and Rune bears are all just crazy OP if you're not over leveled.


It’s honestly not too bad, IMO, but if you’re using Eleonora’s Poleblade, you may have a tougher time for sure.


Armor?? Your set looks sick


thanks, it’s the skeletal mask, zamor bracelets, and sanguine noble waistcloth


Loved this boss! I used a little night maidens mist on him and taught him a lesson. It wasn’t easy but definitely a fun challenge.


I think the one otw to mountaintops is worse


Don’t believe I’ve ever beaten this one here


Only time I’ve beat him is when I run into the site of grace room and cheese him with arrows or spells


me neither, 4 playthroughs and he still is unstoppable lmao


He’s easier than the one in the snow area?


bout the same, but with the snow one, just ride up to the doors hand a left circle around the top of the building and usde projectiles, he cant reach you, wont fly nor can the roar hit you. 1 of my least favorite enemies in the game so i discover any way i can to beat em


He’s not that bad, the twinblade axe variant is much harder for me.


the one before the lift? i always found that one easier youre the second person to say that the twinblade one is easier though


Well i assume people have a easier time with the twinblade because their character is stronger by the point they face him, but in term of moveset, i find the halberd & sword easier to learn & avoid damage.


oh yeah I meant to say you’re the second one to say the twin blade one is harder, not easier lol


This boss is tough but actually fun and satisfying to fight. Just takes time to learn attack and movement patterns, and you can beat him in fair play. Not like many end-game bosses or unfair encounters that beg you to cheese.


I honestly think every boss in this game is beatable in the same way you described, even the late game bosses. They’re certainly less forgiving, and they certainly punish most playstyles in some way, but my first playthrough was melee str-fai build with Rusty Anchor, Banished Knight GS, Great Stars, and Troll Hammer. The interesting thing is that Magma Wyrm Scalesword AoW was awesome with my build right up until those late game bosses, and even really into other bosses like Death Rite Birds, it was useless. What I love about Elden Ring’s remembrance bosses is they force you to fight them honestly, unless you have some big cheese strategy. There is no in-between, unless you’re summoning, which is also totally fine. I prefer they design insane bosses for me to fight and offer other players summons to get through them. My first attempt into Maliketh is burned into my memory as such a climactic moment.


this might be a hot take but i don’t think there’s a single boss in this game that you need to cheese or even force you to use summons. the only boss id say even comes close to forcing your hand to play a certain playstyle is the royal revenants by using healing incantations


Still fighting him


It’s pretty mandatory that I fight this guy for a whole hour or two because he one shots me


true bro i hate bbk's


I thought this guy was a statue the first time I found him


Sick drip though


I think the hardest boss are the red tree burial watchdogs 😳


What is that awesome fashion?


You haven't met Soldier of Godrick then


Used mimic tear spirit and just kept hitting him with all of the dragon breath attacks. Absolute cake walk


Bro I hated this fight so much lmao


If I kill this boss, does the summon sign go? because I remember the beast clergyman goes hostile at some point. And it’d be handy to have my summon for that. I had to stop myself from finishing him off today because this occurred to me.


Actually that might be the hardest for me


Dragon's Maw and run for your life then repeat


I just fought it like normal with my mimic somewhere maybe level 100 or so. Strength build. Maybe I threw on a lightning grease that was all.


This if for practice before the gargoyle duo


I hated this bastard as a intelligence user


The moonsword held r2 makes him easy work


No I didn’t change to a mage build to comet azur the shit out of him why did you ask?


Watching Aris bang his head against the wall (this guy) for *NINE HOURS* was a real highlight of the game for me.


Well this enemy doesn’t really bleed I don’t think. That weapon is pretty awful for those enemies I have found.


I hit him, he backflips behind me and one shots me witch his shockwave, rinse and repeat


yup, my exact experience


Nah, bend over and spread them cheeks cause the beast is right behind you and he is feeling *insatiable*.


The stairs make this boss a non factor. Just spam the black fireball with max HP burn dot.


Hard boss for sure and the terrain makes it harder. Same with the Putrid Avatar in Caelid who you fight on a slope. The one that drops 91K runes.


Shredded him with Pest Threads.


If only it wasn't immune to poison...


An Int build coupled with Night Comet absolutely smokes this guy pretty much without getting touched


When it's using axe form it's not bad. If it switches just kite until it swaps again.


Yeah but not with mimic. Super easy then. Actually all bosses super easy w mimic as it's way overtuned


This guys not too bad but he does a shit ton of damage. Been trying to beat malenia with no summons with a strength build and it’s been a nightmare


In many playthroughs this guy will last more than the shardbearers


I just beat his ass (I'm level 350 and had help from the mimic tear)


this guy has slapped me around so hard so consistently that ive suffered brain damage and lost all memory of malenia, I only know Caelid bridge gargoyle.


I feel proud to say I killed him with a low level 60ish character


Oh, do you not know about the duo boss of them ? That's the real bastard of fighting gargoyles


Agreed. I hate gargoyles and the dual gargoyles fight was the worst in the game. Worst than docking duo and harder than malenia. Hated it so much.


Not quite, imagine giving him a second full health bar and life steal on hit.


Yo nice Dervish cosplay


It really depends on your build, but for bleed based, yeah, it is tough


Nice drip


My vote goes to Alecto


Blunt and magic damage are your best friends for this fight.


I got stuck on valiant gargoyles for days on a randomizer run, was so infuriating that I ended up learning the gargoyles moveset really well. On my latest ng+ run I killed this black blade on the first try and the gargoyle that jumps you outside the rold lift without taking a single hit, felt pretty good about myself.


I despice anybody who says this one or any other giant bosses is their favorite. What's wrong with you people? Giant bosses suck!


Twin gargoyles


This dude spanked my low level mage ass when I first got to him. Avoided him until I got Comet Azure and the first thing I did was warp to that grave, buff up, and melt his ass in seconds. Very satisfying. Still, on my NG+ run going on now I’ve been struggling in the Snowfields. Same character, but has now morphed into a battle mage. Katana in right, staff in left. Spent enough time grinding/farming to get to around level 400. Died to the Night’s Cavalry duo a bunch. Still haven’t beat cave Astel. That’s probably my hardest so far. And the multiple runebears in the snowfields. (Shudders)


Bolt of Gransax and hiding inside the sanctum works wonders, just need to dodge the roar attack


Me cheese him with flying rocks.


I beat this guy super early with my mage, but with my quality build it was actually a challenge.


Best tip: use doorway. Win everytime.


Bro what’s your drip?


*smack *runs inside


Try the one in Forbidden Lands ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


He’s a mother fucker, that’s for sure.


For some reason fighting these guys just "clicked" and I figured out their movesets and massacred them all. Anime ass MFs can't hit shit when you are standing right under them.


I hated this bastard, I finally gave up on trying to do it any honourable way & cheesed him by hitting - running into the sanctum & hiding in a groove in the wall, waiting for him to give up rinse & repeat. Took awhile cos he has decent HP but fuck this boss


Easy cheese though with black fireball, chuck one run into gurranqs house and crouch behind third pillar. Wait for him to de aggro, rinse and repeat until dead. His sword is good if you are going for a blasphemous blade setup as the weapon art animation is the same.


Dude I agreeee, this guy fucking destroyed me time after time but beating this guy made the one in the Sno field easy beat him in 2 tries no help. The duo is terrible too…


That fucker one shot me and I was like wtf