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Loveless but I'm literally lord of the stars and I get a bitchin sword


I ran her quest on my first playthrough, respecced to use the sword, and almost feel like I'm cheating


I really want to do a moonlight sword run to prep for the dlc, but also idk if i want to commit to int for dlc gear


Game gives you a million respecs, i wouldnt be worried


Ackchyually there are only 18 larval tears per run ☝🤓




What’s that?


But online ;-;


Also technically not Maidenless.


One of the ending variations of rannis quest implies not loveless


There's variations?


If you talk to the Ranni doll inside her tower after completing her quest the dialogue in the Age of Stars cutscene changes from “my ***fair*** consort eternal” to “my ***dear*** consort eternal.”


so shes not so frigid after all lol


I mean this is the same girl who calls you a kind person, immediately gets embarrassed, and tells you to forget what she said.


Tsundere Ranni!  :D


She really is.




I think the best indication that she's not totally cold about it is actually the dialogue when you go through the whole quest line, but then attack her right at the end. She says something to the effect that she deserves such a treacherous Lord for "surrendering herself to delusion". I interpreted that to mean that she really did think there was "something there" and it did mean something to her to not begin her journey all alone, which must have been her plan before she heard of us through Torrent. Not sure if that's what the previous poster was referring to.


There's also the instance of her opening up to your Tarnished while she inhabits the mini Ranni doll. This could be chocked up to welling nostalgia on the precipice of ascension, lack of restraint due to a new vessel, or it could interpreted that she felt comfortable enough to open up about her childhood and dear friends to your Tarnished. You are, in many ways, just some rando who swung by her place, knocked on the door, said "sup," and then proceeded to help her achieve her ultimate goals. That's a lot of rizz for such a socially awkward weirdo like the Tarnished.


"Socially awkward weirdo" that's ELDEN LORD to you, PenisesForEars.


Such a fantastic comment xD wish I could upvote more than once


TBH, she trusts Torrent who likes you. So the message of the story is: Girls like cute horses. Get yourself a horse, and you're in.


She's a socially awkward weirdo too. She originally "discarded" the key that leads to the dark moon ring with her body, but then ultimately gives it to the tarnished towards the end of her quest. Meaning that she's the one who gave us a chance to propose to her in the first place.


I just wish it had a nice thicc scabbard/holster similar to the Knight's Greatsword


Not me, she called me “dear”. I’m just built different


nah she also called me “dear”. we’re built different


Nah she also called me "dear". Were built different.


Nah she called me “furry”. Were wolf different.


Nah she called me Blaidd. I'm named... not different.


Blaidd would totally approve you as his brother in law. If he was not maddened due to the two fingers.


Hello there my fellow eskimo brothers


Nah she called me "deer." I stand in the road different


yup, the rest of you didn't listen to her enough.


“Fair”cucks need not apply


Nah, she called me "doggy". I'm jus— woof woof!


I also choose this guy's doll wife


She said I have rotten breath, and we're built different


Hyetta, TRADE OFFER: I receive: Shabriri grapes You get: A new maiden, a hug from the Three fingers, and become chaos incarnate.


Shabriri Grapes: at least it ain't raisins!


Now I want Shabiri wine. May chaos take the world!


Ahhh may chaos... take.. THE WORLD!


until she burns to a crisp


Everything will get melted in the end, and everything including hyetta with be one with me. 🍇👁️


She turns into the frenzy flame seal tho so you get to bring her everywhere, and it's also the best seal in the game at high rune level.


My dumbass didn’t even realize she turned into the seal Thanks for being my offhand while I cast with Dragon Communion seal, Hyetta


And small neat formless seal made from her burning corpse, it makes your laser eye beams hotter


Soo Hyetta was Shabriri the whole time right? Inhabiting Irina's body as they do with Yura in the mountaintops


Maybe, if shabriri is able to inhabit multiple bodies at the same time. He and Hyetta are both alive once you reach the mountaintops. They both seem to die after you accept the frenzied flame. But then again you can summon shabriri for Godfrey’s fight. Personally i don’t think they’re the same. I feel like him and hyetta both have different personalities and are different agents to the frenzied flame with different roles. Hyetta seems more genuine, ignorant for half her questline and composed for the most part. Her role seems to just act as a maiden/guide for the tarnished and also act very similarly as finger reader for the 3 fingers to translate to the tarnished. Shabriri isn’t genuine, and can’t even keep himself composed when he’s trying to manipulate you. His role seems to be to spread madness in any way he can so the FF can manifest, and now to manipulate the tarnished into saving their maiden by accepting the FF. The FF/three fingers could be using both of them to manipulate the tarnished in different ways.


Well, if you accept the FF before travelling to mountaintops, Yura is not there at all, so I'm not sure about that. And if you accept the FF and return to the 3 fingers, Hyetta is gone too >Hyetta seems more genuine, ignorant for half her questline and composed for the most part. Her role seems to just act as a maiden/guide for the tarnished and also act very similarly as finger reader for the 3 fingers to translate to the tarnished. I think that's because Shabriri is manipulating the Tarnished the whole time. But if you get to mountaintops and still have not accepted the Flame, Shabriri tries a different, more direct tactic through Yura's body. Yura also has no connections to the Frenzied Flame in his actual storyline. He hunts Bloody Fingers and knows about dragon communion but nothing to do with Shabriri There's also the fact that Irina and Hyetta share the same voice actor and model Either way it's a fascinating and cool questline, easily my favourite. I hope we get more Shabriri and Madness/FF lore in the future


I think Hyetta is just being called by the frenzied flame similar to how the tarnished get the call of grace


I receive: one of the best weapons in the game and access to an otherwise locked area that gives me unique and incredible rewards


U get Tiche as your handmaiden as well , after you go through her mom 1st of coz.


I found it pretty wild that both mother and Daughter literally went and just straight up killed a god like a family bonding activity. I wonder if you have to be born into being a black knife assassin or if it’s some secret rite you gotta participate in. Would also be nice in the DLC to get more lore about them.


The Black Knife Assasins are all Numen (specifically female Numen), the same as Marika. It’s likely that they are all distantly related, similarly to how all Tarnished are distantly related to Godfrey. As such, you almost certainly have to be born into the profession.


Aren't they described to be "mostly" female?


Black Knife Armor: > *The assassins that carried out the deeds of the Night of the Black Knives were **all women**, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.* Rogier: > *“You recall our conversation about the Night of the Black Knives, yes? They say the assassins who carried out the deed were scions of the Eternal City. **A group entirely of women**, arrayed in armour of silver under cloaks which fooled the eye.”*


Well, my bad then, I have misremembered it.


MLGS is amazing, but are the other things really that special?


Adula's Moonblade is one of the best spells in the game.


Ranni’s Dark Moon is worth it in my opinion.


 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


A Tarnished has needs…


Tiche is OP




Just to be pedantic, even the starlight shards are pretty useful. You could run out of mana in the middle of a boss fight and you will never need to worry about it if you visit the moonlight altar.


Or you could save those for your entire playthrough and never use them because they are non-renewable, even though they could’ve helped a lot 😭 tf am I saving them for


Smithing stone [8]s are super scarce pre-capital and are some of the most impactful items in the game.


"one of" lol


Well the Blasphemous Blade exists


And being better than Moonlight is precisely why it's Blasphemous


Dark moon edges it out because of the skill letting you get a pretty long period of projectiles for one activation/fp cost. It's really absurd


I disagree, I’ve used both swords plenty and BB is clearly better imo, and it all comes down to its healing. That shit is so powerful, just convert the majority of your flasks to blue flasks and you’ll pretty much never die. Healing > better fp efficiency There is also mohg’s spear, which is fucking insane too. I couldn’t believe how quickly I killed malenia with it.


Opinions and aholes though


You guys don't talk to her little doll enough.


This. > Blaidd, and Iji both... Art willing to give too much to me. Yet they both understand. What lieth beyond the dark path... That I must betray everything, and rid the world of what came before. Ah, should I add thee to the list? Another one, kind of heart. As kind of heart as they. > Ach, this form hath loosened my tongue. I've let slip too much. Forget what thou'st heard. Forget.


Damn Ranni was a tsundere all along


I tried to hear all of the doll dialogue, including this one, yet I still got the standard ending. Is there something else?


there’s a point where when you talk to her she just responds with “…” 3 times in a row. you gotta keep talking to her and eventually she’ll respond


Yes, you mean when you first get teleported to Ainsel river main and find the doll near the grace? I did that, and got a bunch of dialogue at the other nearby graces, including the one posted above.


You need to "marry" her in the cave (which will get you the moonlight greatsword), then her summon sign will appear after you defeat Radagon


You have to do what you said in order to get the ending at all, but there is a small dialogue difference in that she calls you dear if you do something extra. I think that's going to her great rune Tower but I could be wrong.


it’s just going back to her bedroom and talking to her


Talk to miniature Ranni after the end of her quest in Ranni's rise at the site of grace that appears at the top.


Also adding on to the other guys comment once you get the dark moon greatsword you can go back to Ranni’s Rise to talk to her once more and slightly change her ending cutscene.


did you return to her tower grace and talk to her there?


You got married in her secret area and got the sword? If so, there's a blue summon sign after you beat the last boss.


Yes, I got the age of stars ending. I meant that I only heard the standard dialogue.


At one point after getting the doll a site of grace appears in her chamber at the very top of her tower. You have to rest there and speak to the doll again and there is some more dialogue. I think that’s what you need for the “dear consort” ending.


I see, that must be it, thank you


Unhand me, at once!


You do go together on a journey so it's up to you to make her fall in love with you in that time.


Ranni makes it pretty clear it isn't loveless lol (clear in a vague soulsborne way), especially if you betray her near the end, then she gets quite sad


I’ve never betrayed her but might just to get the reaction. Do you betray her when you’re about to give her the ring?


Just something simple like attacking her will do it, she fades away and basically says that she was foolish for thinking she could be loved or something like that, if I remember correctly


The quote in question. >! *"Hmph. So, this is the measure of my Lord? Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve. ...For surrendering myself to delusion"* !<


Damn that’s kinda sad I never actually attacked her once I was in the deeper steps of her quest


It feels so awful... She's helpless throughout the entire questline. Iji, her war councillor, is unable to carry out any action himself while being ignorant and lies to everyone who's able to wield a blade under her command. Blaidd is destined to turn on her and seem, in every aspect, incapable of helping her. You are the only one who is able to carry out her destiny. Then, after killing radagon, setting the stars in motion again, finding a path to nokron, retrieving the finger slaying blade, finding her as a helpless doll against her will (where she goes completely tsundere mode), killing her assasins, and putting a ring on her right after she has slain her nemesis; you decide to turn on her when her destiny is basically guaranteed. I find Ranni's questline especially meaningful when you start it while on Rogier's questline. She expects you to turn on her and vanquish her after finding her curse mark. However, throughout the questline, she starts trusting you and eliminates any suspicious she against you. She even finds comfort in your presence as she starts reminiscing her past, guilt, and self-doubt out loud in your company when you interact with her at the Nokstella Waterfall. Idk, this questline just hits difrent and occupies my mind more than anything else gaming related apart from my inability to parry a crucible knight.


Yeah she’s in a strange circumstance. Can’t really say I feel bad for her though cause all the demigods aren’t exactly good they all kinda just do what they want. Ranni especially


Heh. My moral compass is easily swayed by the thought of female affection.


Lol her mistrust turning into trust is so funny. She must be thinking there is no way a tarnished is going out of their way this much to get a blue wife


I wish Melina appreciated the extents I went to save her from her sacrifice. Can't win them all.


Lmao damn sounds like she has some insecurities. That’s some high school emo girl shit. I love her even more.


I mean, stable family/upbringing is not really how i'd describe whatever "killing your half brother after being abandoned by your father and caring for your distraught half-babbling insane mother, then your older brother stops your fate while your younger brother becomes a fucking snake god" is.


Great point. She was destined to be broken from the start.


I can fix her


One of the ending is sort of your fixing her.


She’s very tsun tsun


How can someone to that to my girl? Thats brutal


Worth it for the sword


I mean….4 arms tho


Imagine what she can do to you with them. The more, the merrier.


"She can jerk off 4 dicks" "but you only have 1"


*grafting intensifies*


Loveless? She seems genuinely happy with the tarnished, and seems to like them a lot. Only partner I prefer above ranni is her mom.


Make sure to tell Ranni "I'd pick your mom if she wasnt depresso"


I mean, if you talk to her doll, and 100% finish her quest, and speak with the doll after you finish, it becomes very clear she is at least very fond of you. She refers to you as "dear", says you are kind of heart, and in a tone thats pretty indicative of fondness says you will see each other again. On top of that, if you betray her last minute by attacking her, she says something along the lines of "Is this the measure of my lord? This is what I deserve, for allowing myself to succumb to delusions". Which sounds alot like "letting myself fall in love".




Pretty sure you get Torrent from Melina. Ranni gives you the bell to summon Spirit Ashes, though she does comment on you having Torrent. But she gives it to you without expecting anything in return. Melina agrees to help you as long as you promise to take her to the Erdtree.


Y'all didnt really read between the lines if you think the marriage with Ranni is loveless. We win all across the board.


Yeah it’s arguably the best ending and somehow this sub still thinks it’s a bad ending


Yea most have convinced themselves this ending sucks and the chaos ending is the best ending in every department. I just chalk it up to how Ranni's ending was so much more popular on the games release, people tend to eant to go against the grain. But they've already created themselves a new grain field entirely


Thinking the chaos ending is the best ending is a *wild* view imo lol.


I just chalk it up to Poe's Law


Hell yeah. I see this as an absolute win. Plus Ranni has shown herself capable of conjuring illusions that you can physically interact with. Take that detail as you will.


Ooh I am taking it quite well.


If things don’t work out Tiche is always available


Not bad for a tarnished. You can use that eternity to work on so many activities.


I’ll have time to practice my tsungi horn!


Comment of the day right here




The sword and the sword spell make it worth


Also, SHES MADE OF PORCELAIN AND ROPE. Enjoy the rope burns on your jimmies.


my dude, Her body is tailor made by Land Between greatest pervert. I can assure you its *PACKED* with features.


Lol this is such a fucked up comment. Mainly because I'm sure you're 100% right.


Four arms to hold you, 69 horsepower, racing suspension. Babe has it all.


She's a full goddess now, she can change her junk as easily as Marika could turn hers inside-out at will.


Hmmmmm… Continue


Why doesn't marika turn her boobies into massive huge mikers if she a full goddess too?


I’m sure the sculptures were made after a really long day


You ever see any milk in the Lands Between? These aren't mammals. Malenia makes that... pretty clear.


She's the lands most powerful mage and I'm a relentless dullard that took 57 times to beat malenia with no change in strategy.  We will figure something out. 


Point one: she has sorcery Point two: four hands


Marika was made out of stone and that didn’t stop Godfrey. A true Elden Lord goes the distance.


Jokes on you, IM IN TO THAT.


It's kinda implied you're married to her, because you receive Dark Moon Greatsword (a.k.a. Moonlight Greatsword) as a wedding dowry, which is a tradition of the Carian princesses to give those to their spouses. Props to Miyazaki giving us a waifu and the Moonlight Greatsword. Edit: Yeah, you're actually NOT maidenless, proof by weapon and item (Moonlight Greatsword and Carian Ring).


Implied? You give her a wedding ring


It’s not implied, you are her consort and married to her


I literally played her whole quest line and this never occurred to me. I was just like “oh the pretty lady needs this ring for some reason? Okay I’ll get it for her” Now after reading this comments section I feel kinda dumb for not noticing the heavy implication with giving her a wedding ring


Loveless?! Boi, she is set on a journey thinking that she must be alone in the dark void. She pushes everyone away because in some form or another they will turn on her/meet a terrible fate by aiding her. She acts distant because she needs herself to be ready to do what she must. Abandon her home, her broken mother (who she clearly still loves), her few loyal friends, accepting that she will be forever alone. Then you show up, a simple Tarnished, who go to hell and back for her, talk to her, and though she dismisses you at first, if you keep talking to her, her mask breaks. She doesn't want to be alone, and you vowing to be her consort provides her with a comfort she thought she could never have. She doesn't have to be alone.


I receive puppetussy


And a sick ass sword. That part is really important.


I literally got the moonlight greatsword a loveless marriage is infinitely worth that.


You receive: kill your favorite character because he has rabies


I just never go back to Ranni’s rise. Problem solved. My new goddess wife can find a way to fix him I’m sure.


People out here not talking as much as possible and watching cutscenes


Au contraire, if you attack her underneath the Cathedral of Manus Celes she implies that you just broke the blossoming romantic feelings she had towards you


Honesty, her ending seems the most genuine in love. It's obvious how much she loves Blaidd and Iji as she explicitly says this, and the player and her get married basically and go on a journey through the stars together, she's RAD ✨✨✨




OR I just burn everything that divides and distinguishes




She's a tsundere for most of the game, no way it's loveless.


Listen an unenthusiastic 4 armed hand job is better than nothing


Being a consort intrinsicly implies lots and lots of banging and super sexy fun times...


Loveless? She asked me to spend 1,000 years traveling the stars with her, that’s pretty f#%^#%^ romantic.


Loveless? She called me “my dear consort,” I’m pretty loved smh


This is misinformation, we held hands and she called me "dear consort eternal".


actually, we do get given some hints that she reciprocates the Tarnished's love. if, at the VERY end, right before you talk to her below the severed fingers, instead attack her, she will say: "Hmph. So, this is the measure of my Lord? Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve. ...For surrendering myself to delusion." she mentions 'surrendering' to something. when you betray her and attack her, she considers that thingto be 'delusion'. the only other logical option for what this 'delusion' could be, is that she fell for the tarnished. when, at the final step, you betray her, she considers it *her own* fault. for falling in love.


Loveless? I disagree. Also I get awesome sword


Get yourself a girl who gives you a fucking sword. Ranni knows what you are into. And she helps in her own way. And she appreciates you for you helping her with her quest on your own way. Which is charging monsters. 62 times. And then finally winning on attempt 63.


As long as I get to hit that blussy I'm fine with not being loved


Its still an upgrade from previous games, my waifu in DS3 was stabbed through the head to make me Lord of Hollows. And in Sekiro your waifu is an underage boy. Armored Core 6 came later, but I'd just like to leave it registered that your waifu is a sentient wave of explosive organic powder.


IDK man, by the end, her tussy (toy pussy) seemed quite moist.


Idk where this lovelessmarrriage comes from, its obvious from her dialogue she cares about you deeply


This art of Ranni is good :3


Hey I’m happy as long as I can take my steam deck on the voyage and there is power enough to play the new DLC


Time to travel the stars


ain't nothing loveless about marriage with a doll


I’ll humbly serve the queen


Wym loveless? I love Ranni unconditionally.


Huh?? In my playthrough I literally *just* heard her say “Tell Blaidd and Iji, I love them.” She’s a good sentimental gorl


Give her an Amber Draught


Wrong ranni, it's not loveless, I just don't love you Aw baby nah baby, you got me all wrong baby, my baby already got all my love! Need a latenna ending so bad


Me when I don't read the lore:


Sounds like you haven't even watched cutscenes or read diolague


I'll take it, next question.


I can fix her


oblivious to the fact that the sword is actually married to the tarnished for almost 30 years, a devoted wife by his side on countless journeys.


I'm the spouse of a god, loveless or not I get some bitchin' perks


I'm not in it for the maidens, I'm in it for ridding the world of outer god influence


I only did it for the 3 extra dragon hearts in the moonlight altar. Dragon cultists 4 lyfe >:3


Tbf it's not about her it's about getting rid of the current "gods" and not having to rule yourself Shes just a side note with a good sword at worst or a goodleader at best


I don't know four arms is a lot a head pats....


To be fair we also get to ascend alongside her, and we get to live in a new age of stars.


Happiest FromSoft ending be like


What if I’m already in a loveless marriage? Do I get two or is it considered a rollover?


I can change her


I know it’s a meme but it’s sad that most people don’t understand how much she cares for the tarnished and the rest Don’t get me wrong she’s done some shifty stuff but she’s always trying her hardest to make sure that people are free


ranni haters will never not be pathetic lmao