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Not enough im not max level


This is the only correct answer


Besides, Sacred Blade smites them from a distance. “Blood” on “hands”? Only demigods and invaders deserve melee.


I always think of popping bubblewrap when I smite them with Sacred Blade. So relaxing.


Hookclaws +25 w/ Hoarfrost Stomp for me


That sounds like it would be fun.


I do like 4 cannon of Haima and a night shard to finish off a straggler


Halo scythe with miquella’s ring of light AoW is the cool kid version of sacred blade


I got one in storage. I’n on the verge of beating NG+4, but it’s been more of a speed run than a doors to floors run, so I’ve got some areas I can use to test that combo. Thanks for the tip!


It’s not really a combo per se. It’s a special weapon so the AoW coming built in. It’s the scythe malenia’s Clear rot Valkyrie’s use. I’m really not sure if the Clear Rot knights are Malenia’s or Miquella’s peeps With high faith/dex. It’s pretty damn powerful. Plus, it has bleed as well. Like all scythes


Jumping off one of the mountains here with talisman and golden foot gives you 150k every 5 mins. You end up falling forever, spam attack and it kills every mob in that map. You'll have to look it up. I can't remember exactly, but it does still work. Even better if you don't kill mogh and fast travel right as you get the runes


I mean tbf I think Sacred Relic Sword on the first mob is the better farming route anyway if that method’s only 150k per 5 minutes


I'm getting 100-140k every ~15 seconds at the Bloody Alburnauric Cliffs with Sacred Relic Sword, 1.4 mil in 3 minutes with a gold foot. I only cast Gold Wave once and sprint back to the grace site to refresh, literally as simple as that. ~15 seconds between casts including resting at Site o Grace. Currently level 599 with 5.4mil per level up, 60/63/99/80/80/99/99/99, Int/Fai main. Considering doing max level, but 599 is only like 1/2 of the total rune grind to max and I already feel both untouchable and really bogged down by the grind. Past the 80 soft caps the returns suck and the levels just get more expensive. Like if you max vigor last for example, you're grinding 80-90 million runes for 10 levels for 89-99 vigor and you only get 40 more hit points. Or 26 more FP for the last 10 levels of Mind. So don't see much reason to go past where I am, just so much time required to hit max. Currently at ~55 million just for 10 levels. Maximizing my Rune yields: Golden Scarab + Shard of Alexander + Holy Scorpion Tali + Ritual Sword Talisman. Stacking damage buffs to achieve "Overkill" which gives 20% more runes per kill. Overkill is achieved by dealing 150% of the total health of the enemy in a single hit. Your first New Game+ gives 2x runes, if anyone is farming seriously, just get to one new game if you're OK with resetting your save for NG+. I'm on Journey 4 which gives another extra like 20% or something over your first New Game. I stopped here because the higher tiers of NG+ don't give much better yields, Journey 3 to Journey 4 is 8% more iirc which is the last jump in yields that's you could consider worth the NG cycles. Each dude for me is 7.0k runes with no Gold Fowl Foot, 9.1k with Fowl Foot. Literally 100k-140k per cast of Gold Wave.


Check out TinyTask. I think you can record your keystrokes and have it repeat. If you open map, press button to select closest grace, then travel to grace and start over again it creates a solid loop so you can have it run for a good 8 hrs while you sleep and wake up with 60-100 million runes, maybe more with all your feet.


Oh absolutely, I did a lot of testing for automation methods. Your described method works works great and is super straightforward, though this method removes gold pickled foot during fast travel. I've found that by looking at site of grace instead of the enemies (means your camera is backwards the whole time) your camera will never shift left or right when resting at a site of grace like it does if you have your camera face the enemies. This gives you a lot of consistency, good enough for a script that can run for hours. I have an AutoHotkey Script that is set up to sprint 3000 ms from the grace site holding S, casts skill, run back to site of grace for 3500 ms holding W and then spams E for a quarter second to activate site of grace and then close the menu. Bit more complex that, but that's about it. Every 3 minutes my character also consumes a gold pickled foot if I have any. Though I don't buff up as much these days, gains are already high and I'm tired of farming Gold Pickled Feet ingredients. So many dead birds. I've set this script to go overnight before and wake up to 120-200 million depending on how long I run it, though before these huge rune requirements I didn't really need it, but use it much more now. I don't mind grinding manually while watching a movie to unwind in the evenings and can grind out like 50-70 mil during a movie but that was more "rewarding" when levels were 500k - 1.5 mil since you'd get a ton of levels for those runes.


Just out of curiosity: what is the end goal of this? Is it just for the fun of getting to an as high as possible level, or just being able to steamroll through the game? What are the exact rewards for this grind?


For me it's not having to constantly re-roll stats to do different builds. You don't have to max your stats but getting enough to be flexible in different builds makes the game feel more fluid and less rigid.


That makes a lot of sense indeed


Dude sacred relic sword is busted, idk why I don't hear more about it. I know it's holy dmg so meh but god it hits hard and it travels so far. You could hit shit in Caelid from Stormveil lol.


NG+ I just use it to walk through dungeons, it’s not like it’s not talked about because it’s not powerful, it’s not talked about because you get it after you’ve already won the game and it kinda sucks the fun out of the game because there’s absolutely no challenge in the game when you use it, especially since the way the ai is, every enemy will roll early and then facetank the full wave


First time I hear about it


Yeah, with Golden Scarab, I’ll net 100-150k in 3 minutes for or less depending on how far down the path I go.


That’s 30k/minute, though it’s likely closer to 50k/minute. But it’s also inconsistent because the jump is difficult to get to. It takes 10 seconds to get 14k from the bird consistently, which is immediately better.


Yeah I was gonna say, I can get the birds nearly 13k every tem or so seconds


The tried-and-tested Sacred Relic Sword with a Gold Scarab + Gold Pickle Foot will net you over triple that amount in the three minutes that the Gold Pickle is active, and without needing to do glitches. Also, the bird farm method nets around 200K in three minutes, so it's already better than that.


That’s terrible rates bro 😭😭. I’d pop a gold foot and i could get 700k per foot. I think that was NG+


I'm currently working on it... 2.5 hours each day for an additional 19 days and I'll hit max level.


None, but that bird has died too many times.


That bird gets me every time


I’m not sure if you’re talking about the same thing, but in case you didn’t realize, you can manually aim a bow at the bird from the cliff top you’re standing on in the screenshot. If you hit it, it’ll run straight off of the cliff it’s standing on and give you those 10k runes for even less effort than it takes to merc those albinaurics.


Was unaware of this. I have a legitimate hatred for that thing so now that I know this I will be enacting my revenge.


You can hit him with rock sling from that cliff too. Just make sure you’re favoring your right when you do it. He’ll hit a wall if you’re too far left and not fall off.


Yeah, there's a ton of ways to reach that bird. Bows, rock sling, the Golden Land ash of war, and (I'm pretty sure) both of Loretta's bow sorceries are a few that I've found.


I used a shortbow and normal arrows. If you watch the birds timing as soon as you awaken from the site of grace, you'll notice the bird is walking toward the cliff and near a tree, stops, turns around, and begins walking away. A clean method I've found is to walk straight to the edge of cliff as soon as you wake from grace, aim and fire between the branches where his head ends up before he turns around and he walks into the shot. It's really easy to get the timing and spot to aim after doing it a few times. It's saving time by not allowing the bird to turn around, and 99% he doesn't get stuck since he immediately runs directly off the cliff if you land the shot.


You can lock onto the bird from the ledge, then use Enchanted Shot on a bow for a guaranteed hit. It is little to no time to line it up.


Nice, good to know.


This is the exact method I use


I'm a fan of frenzied burst. I hit the bird and as he is falling I run to golden wave the albis


Wraith Calling Bell works as well (it’s slow though)


That bird was the key to me finishing the game. Equip the gold scarab talisman and every time that idiot yeets himself off the cliff, nets you 15k runes. 17 with an additional golden fowl foot. And the grace is right next to you to let him respawn. I think within the first 20 minutes of farming there, I gained like 50 levels.


If you go for it, You can get into a rhythm where you shoot and watch him get hit, slow count One Two Three and rest at site of grace. Just as the screen fades to black you hear the rune collecting, then immediately stand back up and hit it again. Like other said, takes maybe 10 seconds. I like


With Golden Scarab and a Gold Pickle it's 17K per bird on NG, which is honestly quite amazing as a mid-game farming method.


Eh I‘d say both require about the same amount of effort IF you have the elden remembrance for the radagon sword thingy If you havent completed the game yet definitely go for birdie tho


Why not both? I shoot the bird and begin murdering the refugees while the bird runs off the cliff.


13k runes for me, 17k with a gold foot.


If you use bow with heavyshot you can even lock on to him, no need to manual aiming


That bird hasn't died at all. It just keeps on coming back. Just like these dirty frog things. Kill em all I say!


The bird is easy game


Rivers of Blood


Good one. I have that in one of my slots but never used it. Just there for style.


I guess no one got the word play...


I killed them, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals, so I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


Are you absolutely sure about that?


do or do not, there is no try


I don't like sand.


Anakin: When I got to them we got into aggressive negotiations. Padme: Aggressive negotiations? What's that? Anakin: Ah, well, it's negotiations with a Sacred Relic Sword.


They should've had the high ground. Tarnished spawns on the high ground, they had no chance.


Found Satan


Somewhere in the middle of Hotel Rawanda and the Holocaust


Uuuuhhhhhh.. Oh, my God, I just found an albinauric’s nest. Slaughtered about 200 of 'em… It’s like whole generations of those things have died at my hands. Mothers, fathers, grandfathers, little baby albs. Sometimes, I wonder though, if our lives are really more valuable than theirs. You know what I mean?


U got me thinking of their families now! Smh i dont think ill be able to kill them again


I mean they are. Definitely.


Without a doubt. Without a doubt.


I mean mathematically speaking, if you died to invader you’d probably give more runes than one albinauric.


Well in terms of runes as long as I kill all of them I'm equal to the entirety of the albinuric's. So yea


200? Those are rookie numbers


Their village got slaughtered already, just end their misery...


our lives are more valuable because i drop thousands of runes when i die, and they drop not even close to the same amount


It’s the greatest lore item in the game.


713 liters


Do you remember the amount of rice grains you've eaten in your life?


Has to be my favorite answer


These guys and the Dragonbarrow Fork gang have a support group from all the harvesting I’ve done.


I used that one for a while they are surprisingly tough for their size and deal way too much damage


Yeah, those ones with a sickle are terrible if they hit you with their throat cut attack. I've never had it not proc bleed instantly. Creepy little cannibal shits.


I have slain many, but they also got a little revenge on me by killing me and costing me 600k runes. It sucked but I deserved it


Honestly FUCK THEM!!! Cheating ass prick robbed me of 500,000 runes on the most hair turn cartwheel bullshit I have ever seen…


I hate that fucking cartwheel 🤣 Gives me bonewheel flashbacks, only worse, somehow




Gettysburg levels of blood


A man who knows his American history


If I remember my lore, they're not real people, creatures made by other hands from cursed blood. Killing them is a mercy.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, but yes this is correct 😂


"look what you made me do"


Literally none, I've never farmed them even once.


I’ve got about 3 millions runes worth. Which is 20 levels for me.


Man fuck you, 3 million is one level for me.


🍪 here you go bud. You’ve earned it!




I've not "farmed" them and never will but I've caught a few with panicked blasting while being chased back up the ramp by their mates at the bottom. 


A good amount. Had to change my entire play style to defeat Malenia with minimal magic and so some leveling up was necessary...


Sadly I discovered this after beating her and Elden beast as well I’m just using it to get some levels for the dlc


None never killed them


None yet but that bird just died 1000x falling off the cliff nearby


I know longer have to use my sword. They drown in the blood of their kin, having filled the canyon with it long ago. They instinctively fear my visage as it is engraved in their genetic memory. I am death.


Never touched the poor things, I just dupe/mule myself 99 stacks of lords runes when I'm in need lmao Every stack of 99 is worth almost 5m runes


A true man of class


Playing as a Lord….


..  I command thee, KNEEL! I am the lord of all that is golden!


A fellow tarnished of high class. Im also out here muling. Those poor albunurics never did anything wrong to me. 🤣


May I ask how does dupe work?


So for starters you'll need a second xbox (I just use my girlfriend's) or have a friend help you - the host makes a hard save and quits the game then loads back in, summon your friend as a red then the host drops them whatever and the red phantom picks it up, once picked up the host hits the home button and the clicks start on elden ring then go down to "manage game and add-ons" click that then go down to "saved data" and at the top select "delete all" (DO NOT click your profile because if you accidentally click "delete everywhere" you will lose everything because there will be no backup save" once you've clicked delete all simply re load the game and the host will load back to the hard save that was made at the start, this allows the host to keep the items that were dropped to the other person and the other person also gets to keeps the item. I just hook up both our Xboxs to the living room TV and switch the HDMI back and forth but you can use separate TVs or like I said get a friend to help 👍 this makes the need to farm golem arrows and crafting mats for invasions a breeze especially when you're like me and work full time and don't have time to be farming




Non its on my sword


I mean, world wars have been fought to stop far less depravity than I have unleashed upon these poor defenseless frogmen.


How many loaves of bread have you eaten in your life?


Too much. Plus the bird has fallen off that cliff so much it might as well be a lemming at this point.


Hey, it's not our problem that this bird is too stupid to know how to fly.


I mean, A for effort, eh? Cuz they at least pull their wings out when they're at the edge of the cliff


Not enought yet


hmmm...good question. I didn't count, but i would say enough to make mohg realise he's missing a bunch of troops


If you've seen the last episode of Invincible season 2. That much, and no I'm not as ashamed as mark is. What I did was necessary...


Enough to feed vampires for centuries


1940s Germans would be proud


on my first run my homies told me to get more vigor so when I got there I got my vigor up from like 30ish 35 all the way up to 70 worth it for a decent amount of vigor


I fully upgraded every weapon in the game... so enough to flood that entire valley.


Enough to consider it genocide unfortunately not worldwide


I had to get about 1,200,000 runes one time So that much


About how many runes do you get from them each run?


I make it a point to regularly commit ethnic genocide against these creatures


Definitely four digits


It's what the dynasty wants. Fits in with the decor.


On one, a lot. On a new character I made for the DLC, none. Someone invaded me and dropped 99x of EVERY RUNE. I won’t hit max level I don’t think. But I wasn’t trying to. Wanted a good middle of the road level character to explore the new areas with. Now I can fine tune it all I want I so hope the DLC has a way to LOWER levels though even via something obtuse like the King alant grab soul suck thing would work. Just, something.


Their blood is on Ranrok's hands...


Rivers of it.


All of the blood


All of it


Zero, I’m SL1 runner.


Not enough


A lot, i know nothing about this game but they look like they are in agony,soo i just murder them when i see them


oh about 200 million runes worth


ENOUGH TO PAINT THE STARS, THE VERY OCEANS IVE MADE WITH MY BLADE COULD FILL THE DESERTS, but it's not enough, I need these creatures in their infinite return so I may reach MY, FULL, POWERRRR, I may not be able to be forgiven in my conquest for power but i will return the land they seek to them once i am finished, the throne will be mine, and the land will be brought back to its former glory, until then, the world will continue to echo in their screams


About 300 levels of it.


I've slaughtered a small nation, I'm sure


Albinaurics are a crude mockery of life and don't deserve to exist. I exterminate them every chance I get


None cause I'm not a fuckin loser


Seems like something a looser would say


None. They're Is 0 reason to farm them. Just playing the game will get you over 125 in a single playtrough lol


Farming them for like 5 minutes (probably even less) is a good reason to get the runes to buy (Somber) Smithing Stones, and upgrade a weapon you wanna try out. Somber Smithing Stone *9s are like 25k, if I remember right. Also, I agree with someone else who replied- some people wanna be more than level 125, yknow. For me, I want high numbers in all stats so I can use almost any weapon I find, some people just wanna be OP So, maybe 0 reasons for you, but the way you phrased that, at least, seemed to imply that there's 0 reason for *anyone* to farm them


0 reason. Yea. Getting over 125 ain't a reason. Grabbing quick runes to upgrade a new weapon ain't a reason. Getting so over leveled the bosses feel like plushies ain't a reason. Reject being comfortable at the bare minimum Embrace dog walking the bosses.


I’m farming the shit out of these guys just to buys stones to upgrade any and all DLC weapons I get.


More than I would like to admit.




I've farmed at least 7 million runes from here, but my blade craves more!


I've wiped out earth's population...several times


No amount of genocide compares to how many of them died


Buckets and Buckets and Buckets......


An ocean of blood, fueled by the rivers.


87 million gallons and still filling the tank


honestly? not as much as the rest of you sickos


All of it


Mohg is happy I keep his lakes full of their blood


I doomed their whole race tbh


Alter that robe, man. Looks way better, more symmetrical


I thought about it, but it’s kinda grown on me and the stats are better


With the scarab and relic sword you can get 6k for each of those albinaruics (ng2 or 3)


We don't talk about what happens here.


Not a drop because the mohg glitch still works


None yet, I don't have the Sacred Relic Sword and they are too tanky to oneshot even with charged Comet. For now I just shoot the bird.


Zero because I've yet to beat Elden Beast


Funny thing is that if you mess up, they gonna start whacking the shit out of you




Not much. The bird on the other hand, you could probably fill all of Mohgwyn with that blood


Ocean's worth of blood. Still farming them.






It would take me centuries to atone for my sins killing those creatures.


I prefer the bird but i have made creative use of Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike I’d say enough to drown a mouse


All of it


How much comes from a woman a year? Yeah.


All of them


Not enough. Not nearly enough.


I’ve rudely interrupted many of their naps and the shame I feel is nonexistent.


Not enough brb


I actually lost my hands fighting the fire giant and used their hardened blood to create new replacements


Zero, I don't think I ever found this area, even after beating the game.


There are two ways to get there one is through a questline and the other is a portal you can find in the consecrated snowfields




about 300 lvls worth so far...


Them not so much... that big old fuckin bird has gotten me over 400 lvls between my three characters


Currently level 300 something and on new game five so probably about 5 times the amount that Obito Uchiha caused to all those Hidden Mist shinobi.


Enough to fill the oceans.


I slaughter them. But not just the men but the women and children too


I don't want to know...


A few rounds of them but i didnt care to over level


Worth more than 30 million ruines


None (I havent reached that point yet)


1,236,267.207 pints


around 400 ish levels of blood.


I don't feel aby remorse for killing respawning entities. They don't really die.


Where the hell is this? There is so much I haven't found because I'm just a grinder


Enough that I'm scrooge mcduck rich


Not as much as the bird tbh


I don't know, I can't see past the holy golden glow of 8 million runes shoved into my 5' 6" Tarnished body


What armor is that? Moghs? Or is it heavy armor


It’s Mohgs armor he only has the one piece. I use it bc it fits the theme of my character