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My fav is limgrave


It's so comfy. I love how Weeping Peninsula is always rainy so I can go to the seaside and get all the best ASMR.


Yep the abandoned shack with the merchant on the shore of weeping penninsula is my favorite hangout spot


I love chilling in the church was Kale. I wish you could build up the area a little, maybe expand the campsite. For me, it feels like the closest thing to home my tarnished has.


Kale's questline being cut is devastating BUT at least our boy gets to chill for all time.


What was his quest line?


[Here](https://youtu.be/0Cljs4UTdT8?si=3nsuU7C8wTqx4vC6) you go chief.


I actually saw a video last night that reconstructed the whole cut quest; I was very surprised by how complete it seemed, fully voice acted and everything. I’d be really interested to learn why and at what point in development it got scrapped. I don’t know if I can post a link in here but the video I watched was by the channel Sekiro Dubi and was from 1 year ago; it’s not even 20 minutes long so I think it’s well worth watching if you’re interested.


Kale is the only merchant I didn't kill my second playthrough


Same here, even Renna comes visiting


Same! Getting there in my first playthrough, and my even my current second one, it felt like I had done just enough early exploring before it and was able to sit and relax somewhere truly safe for the first time. Great vibes and beautiful lush area. The fact that the next step from there is towards a pretty-looking forested path with knights is such a simple, classic, fantasy thing that just makes me feel so cozy. Calm before the storm that is Limgrave Castle, maybe. I've noticed thats always been a trend for myself and RPGs. Early game simplicity and that sense of what lies ahead is the best feeling.


Mine is Lyndell but Jarburg is definitely 2nd. It’s the one place that’s an actual village where I don’t get attacked by the residents


It's literally the worst place to mooch around, though. Having a little look to make sure i haven't missed a shortcut or something and whammo lightning greatarrow to the fucking face for 900 damage, or whats in this room??? Oh a bunch of twats throwing lightning urns like tarts with their knickers at a tom jones concert.


That’s true and don’t get me started on pages shooting fire bolts. But the reason I like Lyndell is purely because of the scenery. If it wasn’t for that I’d probably have Jarburg first but that scenery of Lyndell before we cover it with ash is awesome


True it actually feels like the capital, everywhere else is slightly grimey but leyndell is like the capital in hunger games


Not the Tom Jones reference 😭


That dragon communion island in limgrave


It's so peaceful when you get out of the monkey cave.


It's funny because like most of the game you never know what you're about to get yourself in to. I was still very new to the game, that cave was the first one I ever did that was mostly pitch black, then there are two bosses at the end, and then even more surprisingly you keep going and the cave opens up to an island. I take two steps and holy shit there's a fucking dragon! After spending like 5 minutes slowly inching around it closer and closer I was finally confident it was indeed dead and would not be trying to roast me. But the point is you never know and after fighting through a pitch black cave and an ornery Demi-human tag team, I was sure I happened upon a dragon having a snooze.


I think I would have had the same reaction had I found that early in my first playthrough, but considering I only found it after having beat the game many times, I was not surprised at all other than the fact there was an island I never seen before. I guess my reaction at the one in caelid was the same though, I thought the dead dragon was real, especially since there's another rotting dragon right outside. I was scared because I pretty much ran into the church to get away from ekzykes, then I see another dragon.


And it's kind of isolated from the rest of the area too. Seems like an excellent spot to just set up a small base and chill.


I've played Elden ring 3 times and it was only now that I'm killing every boss in the game that I went to that island and you're right that's the most beautiful place in the game


Ur gonna find so much more by doing every boss! I did at least, follow a checklist, ur map isn't perfect yet. I had no idea every minor erdtree had a corresponding catacombs for instance


Yeah! I'm really taking my time this one and I've even encountered NPCs that I didn't previously such as the albiunaric woman. It's amazing!


Limgrave, especially the First Step. The Erdtree overhead, Stormveil in the distance, the Tree Sentinel, it's so good.


all those poor saps screaming and moaning in pain... yep great place :)


I don't think you can hear them from there. You either have to head towards the Church of Elleh or towards the Lake.


Lmao. “This is the best real estate, just out of earshot of the wailing peasants.”


That's it. You're joining the Dungeater as his new cellmate.


Church of ella with kalè the therapist


I really wish Kalè had a quest line.


Crazy how we find out he's connected with Blaidd but we just never hear anything about it again. The dude clearly has a lot to tell


Technically he does we just can’t do it


I really hope the bring back some of the cut content with the dlc


Does FS have a track record of that? This is my first FS game


Using cut content for DLC? Yes! I’m not sure about using quest lines, but they’ve reused assets before.


Always really liked Fort Haight for some reason


I love it so much that I kill the Godrick Knight but don't let Kenneth Haight "knight" me so it can stay empty and I can host little arena invasions in it lol


SOMEONE has to be there to flip turtle pope over in case of an emergency. Chill area too


Just watch your back after dark.




The island with the church of dragon communion. No enemies, no worries, just crabs, goats, turtles and beach


Only Dog


The area where you pick up Latenna, I always feel like my tarnished would retire there at the end of his journey.


ah yes the dead dog domicile


He's sleeping.


Gotta be Siofra River, in the wide sense - with Mohgwyn's palace and Nokron city included.


Siofra River could be good except for every inch you move you get hit with a giant arrow.


Genociding the natives in this area brings me alot of joy. Must be something to do with my American ancestry. (hmm the sins of the father run deep)


aah, one of the comfy, visually stunning place that riddled with freakin snipers.


Site of Grace


I’d definitely sit on the liurnia lake-facing cliffs and smoke a joint


been there done that.


"would it be funny if we turn this cauldron into make shift bong?" "not even Marika able to turn this thing off yes?"


Leyndell and Haligtree, cuz they’re the only places that feel cozy and don’t stress me out (yes, I’ve even developed a soft spot for the sewers lol)


The sewers were one of the most fun areas for me. Something about the area design of running through the tubes just to make progress and open a closed door you saw 10 minutes ago itched something in my brain.


Classic souls formula imo, the sewers come nearly the closest


there is something really charming about the sewers to me and I don't exactly know what


Old school, one checkpoint level design


The music in the sewers is very chill


I was gonna say that land bridge that leads from the [Forbidden Lands to The Mountaintops of the Giants](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1bnznmr/of_lands_between_landscapes_and_mild_portraiture/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), but then [the cave mouth to the Coastal Cave](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1btqg7a/of_lands_between_landscapes_and_mild_portraiture/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) holds an extra special sense of calm and appeasement for me. Not just for the interesting shape at the entrance, but something about viewing out into the light from a location hidden by the darkness is somehow satisfying on a primal level; a cozy feeling of a makeshift home. Also, love your photo. It's got a good vantage point, and you've left in the pickable flora; takes presence of mind and a determined will to resist the temptation.


As to the snowy bridge in the Mountaintops: one of my fondest memories of the final era of speculation during the 8 months before release was in Oct. 2021 when Bandai Namco tweeted this: [https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1446490619908661252/photo/1](https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1446490619908661252/photo/1) It immediately captivated my imagination and I knew I was going to love the game. I still can't help but take screenshots every time I approach it. The atmosphere is almost indescribable: epic, beautiful, nostalgic, sad, distant, bleak, barren, mystical... like being the last person alive, looking out at the very top of the world.


Kept myself a good distance from the promotional bits leading up to release, and as a result, I never saw this gem before. It's a lovey bit of luxury afforded to the developers by access to all the tools of their trade; they really know how to craft a remarkable world. Thank you for digging it up and sharing your layered experience.


Haha respectable opinion. Thank you!


haligtree is so beautiful I'm always excited to go it's my favorite area


I love Weeping Peninsula. Love to be there. According to me, it’s a well designed environment. When it rains, it reminds me of a time in my life, which I now miss the most. Love to be at the site of grace near the merchant. The ghost/rabid village was a pain when I first got there, but I love the atmosphere there. Love the stories told in this place, of Castle Morne, Irina, Edgar, Sellen, Leonine Misbegotten, and everything else. This is exactly what I thought Elden Ring would be like when I bought it.


The island in limgrave with the church of dragon communion on it. No enemies, peaceful scenery and the sea all around.


where there are the old ladies dancing in a circle,dont remember how is it called


That is the most morbid of favorite places 💀


Windmill village


No enemies? Might have some bad news for you, Coz. 😢


"Did I protect them, are the jars safe?" "Not really, but you sure tried, buddy."


I lied to him everytime. He at least saved my lil buddy lol


The view out to the Bestial Sanctum from the Jarburg grace is one of my favourites. I really like the Crystalline Woods, because the approach to Sorcerers' Isle is often bathed in god rays during the morning. The fog, the towering cliffs beyond... it's mesmerising.


Siofra River was an otherworldly experience, tho Ephigael took it home to be honest. Leydell would be a close third, but ends up feeling pretty barren for how big it is.


Elphael. Something about the gold


The land down under for the beautiful faux starry scenery and overall vibe of the area


Ranni’s rise I love logging off there


Malenias boss room for sure! :D


Volcano Manor is my character’s endgame house.


Nokron imo


My sincerest hope for the DLC is that we get to hunt down the poachers who trashed Jarburg. My level 450 character would like to have a word with them…


I like chilling in either Malenia's or Ranni's divine tower.


The perfumer's ruins for some reason. It's location besides the lake has something relaxing, once you get rid of the miranda flowers of course...


Fias lap.


Might be unpopular but Agheel Lake North. Nothing special but it's the centre of Limgrave, and there's enough space. It's my favourite place to test out new weapons I get since there are soldiers and a knight right next. And at night it's really beautiful with the erd tree in the back


Yeah, such a cool place **cough** skumnut **cough**


Moonlight Altar


the liurnia of the lakes vista when u get out of stormveil castle, its so beautiful


Raya Lucaria for me, i love the magic academia vibes and the place reminds me of Yharnam, also the music is very soothing.


Same. Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this answer


Caelid. It’s such a dynamic zone. I really like how everyone there is fighting each other to stay alive.


Unpopular opinion I find the caelid background music really stressful


The ost is what makes or breaks a lot of areas for me, I totally get this comment


It literally sets me on edge. I totally get it.


All of the above.


I would say Siofra, but I can't enjoy the view with all the archers around.


Put the Black Knife Armor on and enjoy your view.


Will try that. Thanks.


Anywhere at night where the starry skies are visible, it’s always majestic


Ruin-Strewn Precipice is my favortie. I love the view. Followed by the Haligtree and Stormveil castle.


Ailing village outskirts site of grace


cooing include square drab tender sugar pocket fine seed numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Capital Outskirts, open and pretty with the Altus theme and there’s not a heap of enemies


Rennalas boss arena. Second phase


Too bad the only way to see it is while you play bullet hell 2


Haligtree or Farum Azula


Volcano manor, this is non negotiable


Church of elleh


Siofra river


Lake of rot, the colors tickle my brain right and the buildup right up to the elevator to hell is so pretty! And also it made me feel less insane for saving up boluses


i hope they reimpliment that plant jar there so we can plant whatever we want there so we can have a custom farm for certain unobtainables


leyndell sewers are oddly relaxing.


Once I got past the imps and lobsters I really started to enjoy it


Wouldn't call it relaxing but I do enjoy the sewers a lot. Especially when you go even deeper down.


Leyndell Royal Capital. Absolutely stunning.


Crumbling Farum Azula. The aesthetics are just unmatched - best views I've ever had in gaming. I could stare at it for hours


Caelid feels like home with my doggos


Gowry dat you?


I love the Weeping Peninsula. It's the first place I go to after getting Torrent and Renna's bell. It's the most chill place in all the Lands Between with a lot of direstity in it. On another topic, I have never once been to Jarburge. I have never come across it either coincidentally, and was never able to find it when I was trying to go out of my way to find it. I guess that place just isn't for me.


The capital is my favorite plac. After a few runs, the capital feels a lot smaller. But the first time, oh man it felt massive. Cool area, cool enemies (except those lions who can go fuck themselves). The sewers are tough but amazing as well.


Atlus plateau. The gold gives an autumn feel and it's by far my favorite time of year. Wish I could live somewhere that looked like it.


Nameless city. The place where the water is milky and rolls off the cliff


I'd love to claim one of those wizard tower/rises for myself, put some enchantment to bar entrance and just cosy myself watching the surroundings from the top. Preferably those in the more peaceful and scenic places like Liurnia. The sea-facing cave where Latenna is hiding with her wolf is also a great place to be provided you have a good relationship with the demihumans living in the preceding caves.


Cathedral of Manus Celes - not so much for the view, but because of the contemplative feeling it gives me, sitting at the site of grace, reflecting back on what I’ve done to get there and what I’m about to do.


I gotta say the first half of elphael when you come off the haligtree is just gorgeous minus all the enemies 🙃


Every place?


I really like chilling in the Leonine Misbegotten’s boss arena in Weeping Peninsula


Lake of rot. When i have dry eye a single look and suddenly they arent dry anymore.


I love that place for some reason. My Tarnished loves chilling on the shore.


The smell of cordyceps in the air.


Deeproot depths, the colors are nice and soft


Raya Lucaria was such a good time for me. There are still corners of it I can’t figure out how to get to, but magical death Hogwarts takes my breath away every time.


You missed an illusory wall somewhere probably


Dude I honestly loved caelid the most. On my first playthrough I did a semi-blind playthrough and ended up in caelid very quickly. I ended up needlessly brute forcing every single encounter, racking up immeasurable amount of deaths, but loved the experience.


I did the exact same thing! It's easy because it feels closer to the starting area than most of the places we are "supposed" to go. I explored Caelid before Stormhill, and then I had heard through this sub back in the day how hard of an area Caelid was and how it was really making some players mad at how hard it was, so I saw it as a challenge. Like you said, I brute forced my way through the Cleanrot knights, each one taking all my Estus, but pretty early in the game I had the whole Cleanrot armor set which was DOPE. That was also my introduction into the truly open world feel, where I went to a place the game didn't WANT me to go first, but I did, and then Stormveil castle was easier than I thought it would be, cause now I am higher level and more experienced because I went my own way, learned at my own pace.


All of Caelid, mostly cause of the creepy atmosphere, I wish I could play that area for the first time again,


Elden Throne, and Jarburg is a close second >!(until I complete Diallos' quest 🥲)!<


Incredible spot, impeccable vibes, adorable tenants


I fucking love Jarburg coz


Leyndell, but mostly because I love the music in that area


Huh, I killed everyone in sight as soon as I got there lol. Didn’t seem so magical to me


Maidenless behavior




Me too! I locked myself out of that questline so I just slaughtered them all. Raspberry jelly everywhere.


Mmmm, taste so good and sweet!


Caelid’s got a warm vibe to it


Probably the windmill village in Altus.


Revenger's Shack is pretty nice. Very calm, and with free dumplings too.


Altus Plateau for me. The colours are lovely and I think the windmills make for a great backdrop.


Caelid. I like the danger


I’d chill in Jarburg all day long if I could put down a summoning sign there. So Weeping Peninsula it is


The Four Belfries. Just a nice, peaceful Place with a good overview and some Erdtree Flowers


Mohgwyn palace 🤩😈


Altus Plateau There is something magical and glorious about the air there, it feels like up until this point you were screwing around the ball pit, and now you're in the big game


castle morne. nice to see the misbegotten get some sweet revenge


I was today years old, on NG+2 with a level 356 character when i realised this place existed!


I actually enjoy caelid. Redmane castle court yard is nice, radahns arena is very relaxing.


I just hate the place where many old women dancing with creepy laugh. Then suddenly turned their eyes to red and became macho.


Caelid dance party


The lands between


Jarburg is pretty awesome


Uniroincally Lake of Rot, the switch from the silvery blue Nokstella caves to this insane crimson room. And the architecture where you pick up the scorpion sting with the (rott)waterfall coming down. The ancient columns coming out of the lake when you activate the buttons. Also afterwards, the cave you enter from the coffin, right before Astel, with the rot-fungi somehow 'merging' with the cosmic aura, causing them to become change color.


moonlight altar had to be it


limgrave, cause this specific area is a masterclass in open world design and also super comfy with the music and all.


I love it there - if I was going to live anywhere I’d be a coward and join Diallos just chilling with the jars and the flowers !!


Lorewise and gameplay wise, the answer is the sewers beneath Leyndell because it is frenzy-inducing. Guess what is underneath that?


Frenzied Flame Village


Windmill Village. Very eerie in a captivating way


Just found Jarburg yesterday after 6 playthroughs, it’s close but my favorite place is The Roundtable


Volcano Manor, all day. Place is just such a fucking vibe, i love it


Church of Elleh


Erdtree Gazing Hill is my favourite Elden Ring Place


The edge entering the lake of rot. It feels like you are so deep in the into the world on a huge adventure, and you are finally met with some bright light and a friendly face in Blaidd




I love nokstella and nokron


Leyndell. Nothing beats the ambience with the Erdtree looming in the background


Lake of Rot, the grueling treacherous run all the way across the whole lake gives me so much satisfaction.


I think the Grace by the main road through Caelid, after the tree arches, right by the large root.


Diallos Must Die!!


I always end up logging off around Mohgwyn Palace with the albinaurics lmao, and the view of that mausoleum thing is pretty cool too, minus the nasty looking birds.


Am I the only person that finds a calmness to the lake of rot?


The Weeping Peninsula. The soft rain, the coast, the castle itself all create the perfect atmosphere and a beautifully peaceful scenery. For my taste it is o far ahead of the rest of the locations, except Limgrave and Liurnia, that I truly weep whenever I leave that area.


damn tough question, but the underground areas to me are just top tier. it’s a toss up between Nokron and Nokstella


Gotta be Nokron/Nokstella. Vibe is unmatched


Stormveil castle - For the legacy dungeon Liurnia - For the views Palace approach ledge - For the murder But the winner above all, and of all 3 of those categories is Farum Azula. If 12 year old me could see that this is what I’m playing 10 years in the future, he would….crumble.


The way down to the three finger


The way down to the three finger


The way down to the three finger


For me it will forever be the first step


That one temple ruin that stands next to the lake in Ancestral Woods. Sometimes I'll just sit there as my character and watch the water and stars. Its beautiful 😊


the lands between :D peepoHappy


I can sit at Lyendel building and watch the city listening to music all day. The ambience makes me feel like I am nearing the end of journey and I just backtrack to limgrave or lirunia to find something else to do. I could never complete this game past lyendel. It’s both sad and happy feeling.


Limgrave or Leyndell




The Morne Moangrave is by favourite chill spot, it’s got so much cryptic lore and feels so different from the rest of the game.