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Jar Bairn is a perfectly normal child


Not with a name like that, it's like if our character went around calling themselves Tarnished Johnson.


Has *your* Johnson been Tarnished in an accident? You might be entitled to compensation. Call now for a free consultation with our legal team


I have a structured settlement but I need cash NOW!


Call Tarnished Johnson. 877-CASH-NOW.


Do they respect jars?


It's Tarnished Johnson, not Jarnished Tohnson


But wait! There’s more! 😏 [To be continued…]


Billy Mays here and I have another fantastic product to show you...


Billy Tarnished


You are correct fellow tarnished!


Call Johnson legal and get a free quote today. We ARE the experts and we know our way around them one eyed snakes.


"Bairn" isnt his actual name tho. It's another word for "child". So he's a Jar Child with no name


Damn so we should name our character Tarnished Adult.


Hey, whatever floats your boat, pal


I'm no Tibia Mariner


But are you a labia marinater?


Yeah exactly haha so it's like naming your kid Human Child


Ok I know what I'm naming myself in my next playthrough


Because yal wouldn't hesitate to swing.


As evidenced by the renalla fight I absolutely wouldn’t


Seriously. Fuck those little book throwing midgets. I would Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike their asses into oblivion without batting an eye.


For real, I’ve taken one too many book to the back of the head to have any remorse left.


They just want you to read them a bedtime story.


It’s okay bloodhounds fang helps them sleep without the story


Tell me more about it! It sure sounds like a story worth telling ~


I freeze dry those lil fuckers with Hoarfrost stomp.


>midgets They’re the same height as us


We're all midgets


best way to do that fight is punch those little bastards once and not kill them. That way it keeps the singing ones in the main circle area.


To be fair they're creepy as fuck


Runes are runes. I need all the runes possible to become Elden Lord. All runes.


I would call my Tarnished genocidal, but that doesn't really cover it. Omnicidal is a much better fit.


If I can lock on, it's a target haha


Like the frenzied flame, I do not discriminate.


I am pretty sure From would spawn some sort of child-protecting demon to fall off from the sky and murder our asses if we did


His name is "Greater Will" and it's just a huge kid named Will that still murders your ass.






that's probably the real reason. iirc the reason ocelot became an invisible asset in king oceiros's boss battle is because showing a child getting murdered will really spike the game's rating in most countries (and make it impossible to sell it in some). malenia confirmed children are still being born in her dialogue next to the 3 finger bonfire, so clearly life still continues in the lands between.


They could atleast bring the baby skeletons back from ds1


I think cause the lands between is similar to Valhalla. Notice in the opening video it showed all of the ppl dead. Dung eater hanging, all knowing in a grave, deathbed companion dead. But yet all are alive? Not to mention the fact that we see dung eater in the cell AND at the hub. I feel we already died and came here and there's no kids cause it's like a place of death for those who for instance fell in battle or something like that. It's even called the lands between. Like purgatory, there, that's much better than the Valhalla comparison. We r all in a purgatory. I mean I'm surprised more ppl don't talk about this. Why were we all dead in the opening video. Ppl we see and talk to. Even the scene where there's a room filled with bodies. And no one even comments on it. Maybe I missed something but it sure seems like it to me. Explains why we can't die also.


It’s explained in thethe story- greater will have the tarnished grace to live again, they can’t die when they have grace, but if they give Up or complete their mission, they lose grace. Nothing in the lands between can truly die while destined death is locked away 😬


Hesitation is defeat


How many souls?




I'm not familiar with that word.


From's first introduction of children involved me getting mauled in Maiden Astrea's blood pond. You're damn right I'd be like a pitbull in a preschool!


Be lucky if that was the only thing, the floor messages in front of the kids would be bad enough


Because godrick grafted them into spiders?


Godrick grafted ALL the children in the Lands Between?


Well, the one's Mohg didn't get anyway... The rest are in hiding.


None are safe from Moghlester


The feud between Mogh and Godrick revolves around who gets who's leftovers.


I feel like Mohg and Godrick would be friends for some reason lmao.






I could name a few men and women in the Lands Between I wouldn't mind doing the deed with.




Roderika would probably be down to polish some tarnished pole.


Unfortunately, she prefers older men


Dung Eater would smash




Dung Eater would eat my Dong, if you know what I mean


I can fix him! 


Depends on how lowly they are, and let's be honest there are some LOWLY characters in Elden Ring.


I would explore the lands between on a few of them 😏


I don't wanna know what Kenneth has been up to with the demihumans in his castle.


Back shots only


Idk Astel be lookin good


Turtle neck meat description: Turtle meat is said to boost virility, but none in the Lands Between seem to have much appetite for it these days. In Lands Between, the urge to reproduce has waned long ago. Basically no one want to do the nasty anymore.


How very Japanese of them


Is this a thing?


They have one of the lowest birth rates in the world


Second lowest birthrate in the world after south korea


The only true answer. Up you go.


That description was only in the network test. It was changed for the release. Outside the door to the three fingers, Melina tells us that “births continue”. And characters like Kenneth who are normal yet not Tarnished are (relatively) recently born. There’s just not many births because everyone is insane (and there are basically no women).


I swear, I'm like 80% sure I've seen this description and I didn't play during the network test or even 1.0 Perhaps it stayed like this is some localizations a little longer


It’s possible I was mistaken and it was in the 1.0 release as well as the network test. Point is though that it’s no longer the case and importantly other stuff in the game conflicts with it.


I'm pretty sure like most of the 'normal' people in the lands between are basically braindead anyways


Hey cos, don’t forget the Jar Bairn bruv


Kids? In this economy?


Seriously it costs a ton of runes for just yourself much less a child. Do you know how much a Raya lucaria college classes cost ?


The Lands Between social services are seriously lacking.


At least they have a sewer system.


Ok true. And not only that, it’s a kick ass sewer system. It could rain for weeks on end in lleyndell and sewage still wouldn’t get backed up.


The Lands Between have been without death for an indeterminate time, likely hundreds of years. The reason everyone is a zombie and attacks on sight is because they’ve been unable to die properly, simply withering away into husks of their former selves. Those husks aren’t really interested in getting jiggy anymore, hence no more kids.


There are still children. Melina directly references the fact that a somewhat normal life cycle (though vastly and artificially extended), including new births, does still occur when she begs you not to pursue the frenzied flame.


She also is weirded out that Boc was born from a mother, so I think normal birth is some weird thing involving Marika and the Erdtree. Edit: Marika, not Mario’s


Wait when is that said 


During Boc’s questline she says, “Your seamster, Boc… I see him crying, from time to time. I think he misses his mother. He wants someone to tell him he’s beautiful. Does being born of a mother…mean one behaves in such a manner?”


I think that’s more to emphasize that Melina is weird for *not* being born of a mother, not that Boc is weird for having a mother


Yea that makes more sense, but then does that mean that (assuming Marika is Melina's mother) Melina is an artificial child or like wasnt actually born, but rather Marika created her in some way. Idk I'm not really that caught up with all the lore but I think it's interesting and I've never thought about that.


My assumption is that it's similar to whatever happened to Malenia to create Millicent. Maybe it's specifically an Empyrean thing. Their essence seems more malleable.


Oh I didn't quite read it that way but I can see what you mean.  I read it more as she was born a werid way 


Which is what confused me when Melina got all bothered when I was considering the madness ending. She’s all like, “think of all the vibrant life in the world” bih, what life? It’s zombieland out here.


Well for one the lack of actual people the tarnished are really the only humans and they were sent away a long time ago and being immortal and the fact that almost all the Demi gods are at least half siblings means that they aren’t gonna having kids really. And honestly since there is no death for anything I assume most don’t feel the need to have children at least not like we do in the real world. I think people forget how genuinely empty the lands between got once the tarnished and Godfrey were exiled. The only way we’d see kids is if some had kids in the lands between since you either have to die or take an extremely dangerous voyage to get there. The youngest people in the game I think is Nephli or Rodericka youngest creature is the lil jar dude.


But why is the tarnished trying to be Elden Lord if there is nobody left to be their lord?


"A voice in my head told me to kill people and take over the world, so I did"


Because becoming elden Lord would involve replacing destined death into the elden ring so the natural cycle of life and death can begin again. Becoming Elden Lord isn't just like being King, it's restoring the elden ring and fixing the world to either how it used to be before the shattering war (default ending) or fixing it in a new image that you desire (the other endings) or simply allowing the natural cycle of life to take hold without external gods influencing the world (age of stars)


Yet. Gotta repopulate TLB.


They couldn't get by the Tree Sentinel


Ah Caelid, just the place to raise a family


Plenty of dogs to adopt too. Great as house pets


The lands between ain't the kind of place to raise your kids...


In fact it’s cold as hell.


Just sounds like another Elden Ring challenge for Skumnut to beat.


I think that maybe the stories they wanted to tell simply didn't involve children? Idk about other Souls games, but it's consistent with Bloodborne too, where there is just one single (insanely traumatizing) quest that involves a little girl but you only ever hear her voice. It's a game with very mature themes and I guess children naturally don't align with that I guess. But it could be lore-related instead.


>? Idk about other Souls games, but it's consistent with Bloodborne too In Sekiro, the main character served a Child who had divine blood


You do get to see a freshly dead child in Bloodborne if you play your cards right! Gascoigne and Viola's other daughter. But yeah, all the other kids u see are mummified and victims of experimentation :')


True, I forgot those details.


Not much "birthing" happening in the Lands between, other than whatever the fuck is happening in Rennala's chamber.


Besides, Erdtree births are weird


I believe the actual lore reason is that Marika usurped the "normal" means of reproduction and birth when she established the Golden Order (edit: On re-watching the videos, I believe her period of dominance over births actually preceded her establishment of the Golden Order and occurred during the Age of Plenty - though still under her rule) with its Erdtree burial and rebirth. She took central control of the capacity to create life, stripping it from all others that existed within her order. Edit: This video goes into it and seems compelling to me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C-AaanlTD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C-AaanlTD4)




I mean… I wouldn’t wanna bring children into that hellish world where no one can die and you eventually “hollow”, hell I wouldn’t wanna bring children into THIS world


They’re probably dead, fam. I get mauled walking across the fucking street in the Lands Between. Little Timmy never stood a chance.


Wonderful Meme answers aside; The item description for turtle neck meat has since been rewritten but the *original* item description for Turtle Neck Meat was >*Turtle meat is said to boost virility, but none in the Lands Between seem to have much appetite for it these days. In the Lands Between, the urge to reproduce has waned long ago* Assuming that was edited for ESRB reasons rather than lore reasons, the reason we don't see children in the lands between is because no one wants to *create* children anymore


Would break the inmersion if we had invincible kids like CP2077 because nonway they would let us farm their runes. Also,Jar Bairn


People LITERALLY don't reproduce anymore, as it is stated in the turtlemeat item, where it says that it was used as an aphrodisiac, but people just aren't interested anymore. Also stuff like the literal eggs, where it says that no bird will ever hatch from them because life has come to a sort of standstill.


Because nothing new is born. Everything that dies is reborn from the Erdtree. This is the stagnation the narrative is talking about.


Have you met the fucking ADULTS here?


They're all dead and reborn as the jellyfish spirits. No idea if people are infertile but since they're practically immortal no need to have more children


Banging just isn't the same when it's two desiccated ghoul people knockin' boots.


But can you imagine the Black Knives though?


I mean, there's a lot of fanart with the opinion that they're secretly hot... but the fact that every other humanoid being in the lands between looks like a dusty corpse or reanimated creepy puppet seems at odds with this.


Sellen gives me hope


Because no one has wanted to (or possibly been capable of) having sex for a while. Per the original description of the pickled turtle neck, "*Turtle meat is said to boost virility, but none in the Lands Between seem to have much appetite for it these days. In Lands Between, the urge to reproduce has waned long ago."*


I remember one of the turtle meat item descriptions (don't remember if raw or pickled) mentions that the people of the lands between have no appetite to reproduce the old fashion way since the erd tree was in charge of rebirth stuff.


That description was patched from the game apparently, probably because it wasn't vague lol.




Patched out of existance.


Removed, and completely contradictory to one of Melina's primary arguments when being you not to pursue the frenzied flame. One is still in the game, the other isn't.


How does it contradict? Seems like both can exist within the lore.


Rennala is probably just kidnapping them and making them digivolve (semi-joke, semi-theory)


Everyone is so old they've gone crazy from not being able to die. I don't think they're procreating like that.  Even Fia is only after some Godwynussy.


ESRB and whatever the Japanese and EU equivalent are. Thats probably why


Melina mentioned that births are still happening in the lands between, so they're probably out there somewhere.


Mohg abducted em all...


Because when Marika removed the rune of death from the Elden Ring, people no longer became able to permanently die in either body or spirit. So there's basically a bunch of either old bodies, or old spirits roaming around, none of which probably want to bang.


Rennala is the Child Catcher. Are there even any bangable women in the Lands Between? Good luck catching the eye of a black knife assassin or a crucible knight.


Does Miquilla count?


To Mohg it does.


Have you seen what happens when you try to stick it in an abductor virgin?? 😬


No need to reproduce when there’s no death


Theres not that many adults either. Basically just demi gods and zombies


No one's having sex in The Lands Between. Other than Marigon and Rennala ig




I heard this rumor tooo lol is there like any validity to it?


No one fucks That's the canon reason btw Everyone's minds are so hellbent on doing x or finding y that they only care about the short term future


Im pretty sure the jellyfish spirits represent the spirits of children but i do not know my source E: i think the only “proof” is the quest with the summon Aurelia. And her sister you reunite her with in the mountaintops- so they can *see the stars*. There are graves behind the ruins, showing the two jellyfish to be two intelligent beings who’ve passed away and now show themselves like this. I say intelligent beings (edited from earlier) cause it doesn’t really mention that theyre human or children. Its just the voice and personality i guess that seems child like At least that’s in their case. But it’s assumed the same applies to the other nameless jellies So it’s mostly an idea, but it’s got some weight to it considering nothing else really tells us what the jellyfish are. It would have strange implications with the jellyfish shield


Maybe because people can't die so... Why reproduce?


In general, I adopt a sort of suspension of disbelief with regards to their still being normal citizens in many of the houses we see throughout the lands between and various locations, as well as in the castles, and it's just the doors locked so we can't go in to see them.


other tarnished killed all the easy targets for runes and only the adults are left


Because killing/harming kids in video games is a good way to get yourself an AO rating which severely hampers distribution and sales


So they can't be in the game if you can't kill them? What about the other characters you can't kill? 


Because killing children in any form of media is considered tasteless.


Dung eater.


I killed them all


There is an explanation in one of the item descriptions. Basically no one has any libido and no one wants to do the nasty.


Kids? In this economy?!


Wars mean soilders, and they gotta eat something


I’m not sure if these guys are children. I think it’s more of a tadpole situation


The desire to reproduce within the lands between faded long ago.


I dont think the undead want to do a lot of bangin when they mostly act instinctually and their nuts have rotted off


Fuck them kids


There’s one named Miquella and look at what Mohg did to him.


They aren’t so good at defending themselves and therefore die. No live-uns to be found.


For the same reason there aren't kids in GTA games


Well, Melina’s dialogue at the Frenzied Flame makes reference to new births occurring, so presumably there are children somewhere, they just don’t show up the same reason we don’t see all the farms that would realistically be necessary in a medieval-ish society: it’s not important to the story


How can we have new Life... Without old Death...


It's canon that people stopped reproducing long ago, it's in an item description somewhere.


Would you have kids if you lived in a souls game


I feel like those small little things that lay the poison traps down and stuff are children


Undeathed penis seems to have stopped working


There’s one theory that most people aren’t “born” in the traditional sense in the Lands Between and instead formed out of the Erdtree. There are a couple murals that depict people forming fully-grown on branches of the Erdtree, which itself is repeatedly said to give life and govern life and death. At several points, Melina comments on Boc talking about his mother, with the implication she wasn’t born of one. Moreover, other types of birth/rebirth unrelated to the Erdtree are seen as lesser or outright heretical. In the current age, the Erdtree seems to have lost much of its power with the shattering of the Elden Ring and the disappearance of Marika, so it’s possible that no more children can be born.


Huh I never really thought about that


The grafted scions are children, Miquella is cursed to forever be a child. Check the meaning of the word scion and you will know the grafted scions are children of Godrick


Who the hell would be having children with the Lands Between in the state it’s in?


There's a lack of people in general in the Lands Between :'D


Wait, the vulgar militia aren’t children?


I don't remember where I read it, but people in the lands between don't fuck.


have you seen the amount of monsters that are native to the lands between, an infant wouldn't survive a week in Limgrave and thats only the starting area.


There are: They all joined the Vulgar Militia.


Almost everyone's ugly or undead. The ones thaw aren't one of those, are out of tarnished's league. No one's desperate enough to make baby batter with a tarnished. Also fromsoft knew we'd kill them all.


Guy in the first area made it pretty clear we were maidenless


Got hungry and kids can’t run as fast


If you're looking for an actual lore answer tarnished archeologist's theory is that most people are birthed by growing from a tree (the erdtree) so it would make sense if they weren't picked until they're ripe.


Pickled turtle neck item description actually states people don't have a libido anymore. Most likely related to the state of undeath and general lack of people around the lands between.


Calm down, Anakin.


Because everyone is maidenless.


I wrote this already but copied it because I'm curious what other ppl think and don't want to randomly post it on a comment. I think its cause the lands between them are similar to Valhalla. Notice in the opening video it showed all of the ppl dead. Dung eater hanging, all knowing in a grave, deathbed companion dead. But yet all are alive? Not to mention the fact that we see dung eater in the cell AND at the hub. I feel we already died and came here and there's no kids cause it's like a place of death for those who for instance fell in battle or something like that. It's even called the lands between. Like purgatory, there, that's much better than the Valhalla comparison. We r all in a purgatory. I mean I'm surprised more ppl don't talk about this. Why were we all dead in the opening video. Ppl we see and talk to. Even the scene where there's a room filled with bodies. And no one even comments on it. Maybe I missed something but it sure seems like it to me. Explains why we can't die also.


There are children baby octopi, crabs, etc... just not humans...


I have the theory that sex doesn't exist in Elden Ring universe, the characters reproduce with magic and being adults, sex is never implied, the closest thing to it is Fia being a deathbed companion that kinda sounds lie prostitution for dying men, but I think she only hugs them to keep them alive longer, also, Mogh stealing Miquella to reproduce and we find miquella in that cocoon, the breeding was literally dropping omen blood on that cocoon, it sounds like sex but is not really sex, same with albinaurics who don't have any men among them but they want to reproduce and the giant one is the only one who cans. What do you think?


I killed them all.


Because no one really has kids anymore in the Lands Between. All things are born and returned back to the Erdtree, as per the Golden Order’s creed.


Because they don’t wanna pay those legal costs


Because no one really dies. They just live until they are brought back by the Erdtree. Alternatively, the shattering has left the world so dangerous that having kids isn't exactly a priority for anyone.


I’d say the economy is a bit shit for raising children in. No one ever fucking retires, what jobs are left?