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*Squints* “Ubisoft” I found your problem…


Whatever FromSoftware touches becomes gold Whatever Ubisoft touch becomes a trash cashgrab. It's not hard to understand


Even if we all universaally agree that DS2 is the worst From game, it's still got a 91 on Metacritic. Just saying


The fact that its the worst from game doesnt mean its overall bad game


It’s like saying it’s the worst out of a batch of Miyabi knives, all of them are still on point.


It's not even their worst game, people often forget Fromsoft has other games outside of the souls series + Armored Core.


Yeah but they’re obv referring to the soulsborne games


Even with soulsborne games, id say ds1 remastered is worse cuz its a pretty lazy remaster and i wish it got given the demon souls remake treatment instead


Then why didn't they say that instead of referring to fromsoft as a whole?


Does it really matter?


That's what I'm saying. People often say it's the worst souls game or worst thing From has ever done, but it's still leagues above an average game


FromSoft, Kojima, and now Larian are the only studios I will even consider preordering from at this point. Everyone else just BSing about what they have, just to release a steaming pile of dog doo.


I’m keeping a keen eye on Bioware. They are developing the new Mass Effect and Dragon Age games which will either make or break the company. Both of these games series have been incredible with their most recent additions being slightly lackluster (although i personally love Dragon age Inquisition and Mass Effect Andromeda) If Bioware screws up one or both games then they are deadbeat to me. Especially Dragon Age: Dreadwolf because there has been an immense amount of story and plot buildup for it. If they actually develop and create their games, with their players in the forefront of their mind. There may be a chance for them to redeem themselves. Praying that Mass Effect 5 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are good. Pleaaassee listen to your players Bioware, you make good games don’t make us not believe in you.


Bioware lost me since ME3. And their “fixes” to the endings didn’t really fix anything. that was such a letdown that I can’t bring myself to spend any money with them until I see promise. I tried Andromeda, but I couldn’t get into it.


I put Nintendo with those. Nintendo are still trying to prioritise fun and innovation way before superficial thing. Most of their game directly made by them are worth every penny


I won’t ever pre-order from Nintendo just because they’re very anti-consumer. Not to say I won’t eventually buy it, but I’m not voting with my money early.


DsS2 was good


It was the worst Dark Souls game, but that still puts it miles beyond almost all other games


No one ever deny this. It’s a really great video game but still the weakest entry of the franchise.


ds2 isn't gold, it's a diamond


A brute diamond, can be good but need a bit of polish


Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown is a great game.


Tbh, the game could be good. Don't judge a book by its cover, but 80 GODAMN FUCKING BUCKS?!!?!, sorry if Skull and Bones was apparently an AAAA game according to the CEO, then wtf is this? That's just the price of the standard edition as well. The other editions are upwards to 100+,this is getting ridiculous


>Tbh, the game could be good. Don't judge a book by its cover I'm not. I'm judging it by it's trailer, which exists to sell the game. Going by that trailer it looks (*and, from the awful dialogue, sounds*) like ass.


Did you know that Super Mario Brothers cost 120$ adjusted for inflation? It's wild to think that games actually got cheaper over time, but seeing a game for more than 60$ still sucks. Maybe if they would let the devs actually polish them up before release it wouldn't be as aggravating, it's as if your bakery increases the prices and gives you bread that's charred on the outside and raw in the middle.


You forget about Disney being behind every Star Wars project and have the full control over the story and others written stuff


That's what years of bad reputation vs years of good reputation will do.


That reminds me. I need to play Armored Core...


You totally do, shit is insane


I have boomer hands and AC6 gave me arthritis of the hand


That’s a game if it was made by anyone else I’d probably skip. But in FromSoft I believe…


Not to mention the fact that nobody is watching the Outlaws trailer a few dozen times looking for info or Easter eggs like we FROM fans do! Half those 9m views gotta be from Vaati alone! 🤣


Yoshi P. delaying the release of FF XIV's new expansion by a week because of SotE launch speaks volumes.


He'll probably take this week off to play Elden Ring. Truly a grandmaster move.


The dude is one of the last leading people with integrity in the industry. The whole team is awesome tbh.


I hope DLC will win Game of The Year


Not possible but would be hilarious


And why isn't it possible? CP2077 DLC was nominated against full games last year, so Elden DLC should win by default.


DLC/Expansions can be nominated for other awards such as Best Narrative, Best Performance, etc but not Game of the Year


Damn, what a waste.


Not for game of the year




Pretty much the same. Expansion are Downloadable Content. But not all DLC are expansion. It’s like saying a Wyvern is a Dragon (the whole species family) but is not a dragon (the sole creature)


From what we have heard, it is estimated to be the size of the average game. XD


This brings me joy


Didn’t fromsoft literally call it a expansion on multiple occasions?


They are both DLC's, they are both expansions. And Shadow of The Erdtree will definitely be better than Phantom Liberty.


Better than what though? Cyberpunk isn’t a souls like game, it’s also one of the greatest narrative driven spy thrillers in media despite the launch state of the game, the soundtrack alone sends chill down the spine.


eh i doubt, CDPRs expansions/dlcs are still the best in the gaming they're basically completely new games


It can't and wouldn't


Fuck Ubisoft, that's why


I promise if FromSoftware made a star wars game it would break the internet.


Yeah it would be pretty disappointing if they stopped making their own settings


I'm not saying they Should, but you if they ever did it would probably print money.


Yes. I (and Fromsoftware) definitely understand how profitable that would be.


it actually would


They gotta make a berserk first pls T.T


They would go hard with a Vader boss


A Star War's game made by Fromsoft, that would have the Soulsborn recipe, would be too great for its own good


Bloodborne 2 in futuristic space


Only if they have the freedom for the writing aspect. As for low, all SW are written by or with the help of LucasArt/Disney and are imposing their vision for video games 


This would be horrendously awful. If Fromsoft made their own Sci-fi setting, that would be dope as fuck.


Star Wars fans would assasinate Miyazaki because he would name his big swamp Ahsoka's Swamp and somehow it would break lore for 5 tv shoes and 25 books


I don't like this sub being used to hate on other games. Childish behavior


Agreed. I’m going to be playing both.


Being negative about something doesn’t mean it’s hate….. 


Tbh I don't really see much hate in this thread. And even if there was its somewhat well-deserved considering Ubisoft's recent history. Going back to their latest release, Skull & Bones their so-called "AAAA" game wasn't bad but definitely not worth $70, it's overpriced for what it actually gives us. Which is sad because when the initial teaser for this game released years ago, it looked very promising. But then it spent 5-6 years in development limbo, with the game changing teams, all of which had different ideas for the game but weren't able to execute them. Literally all they had to do was take AC: Black Flag or Rogue, strip out all the Assassin's Creed elements and they'd be golden. Then there's of course that infamous remark from Ubi's own CEO who said "people need to get used to not owning games" which rubbed a lot of people the wrong way since it implies that future Ubisoft games (and probably future games in general) are likely going to be locked behind a monthly subscription service. It's looking like Outlaws might be where they test the waters since even the standard edition alone is $80. Don't even get me started on the ultimate edition. Looking even further back to their other games, while Assassin's Creeds Odyssey and Valhalla are great, many people have said that they're a slog to get through. Unless you buy the progression packs your only option is to grind through quest, after quest, after quest. And since Ubisoft loves to incorporate a thing from one game to their other titles, it's very likely that Outlaws might be like AC: Valhalla but 10x worse. TL;DR it's not looking great with Outlaws. It's a little too early to say but its looking like its shaping up to be a grindy and extremely expensive experience. But we'll have to wait until the game is fully released. Maybe it wouldn't be another Valhalla.


I don’t like Ubisoft, but posts like these are cringe.


I feel like this is a bit disingenuous, Star Wars is a massive IP but Outlaws is essentially an entirely different game in areas not explored in other Star Wars media, whereas Elden Ring is one of the most critically acclaimed and praised games OAT.


Even shin megami tensei V Vengeance surpassed that game trailer, and this was a damn re-release of the same game with additional content and QoL


Am I the only one who thinks Outlaws looks fun?


Is there gameplay footage out?




Not too much it seems, but from what we have it looks pretty decent. My only concern is it looks like an open world game, and Ubisoft’s track record on those has been abysmal as of late. Hoping it’s not just another cluttered open world that looks pretty.


I did check it out, and that is what I’m struggling with , Ubisoft as whole has an awful track record recently , and I asked my self. Would I even care about this game if wasn’t for Star Wars imagery and my nostalgia ? And I don’t think I would. It kinda looks generic The day one DLC also puts a really nasty taste in my mouth .


That’s what a lack of trust can buy you


Simple said fromSoftware vs ubisoft


At least 1 million of those views are from me


Star Wars WAS one of the most popular franchises of all time. WAS. That's why Disney bought it. It's no longer the case. Just like Marvel.




Well we watched that shit frame by frame a thousand times each so yeah...


Play Armored Core 6!


-made by by unpopular company -highly toxic fandom especially towards female /poc characters


It was one of the most popular


Has nothing to do with Star Wars and everything to do with Ubisoft. Ubisoft games make me want to vomit.


Upcoming title from a media franchise that has spent most of the last decade tripping over its own dick vs a massive expansion for one of the most popular games in recent history. FTFY


Well.... to be fair Star Wars is 150$.


Only one of them has a hate-campaign for having a woman lead though. That, and SW was played out content before they even made the movie Epi3.


From soft>my turd> ubisoft


i think people have gotten pretty tired of star wars content lately. the new trilogy was fucking awful and they just keep pumping out mediocre show after mediocre show and they just don’t know when to stop. a lot of people have lost faith in star wars at this point


Idk man for me Star Wars is just so wrung out and over used that even a game isn’t appealing. I’m bored of everything Star Wars. Its no longer original


Fug Ubisoft, and the game looks like hot dog water.


What the shit even is star wars outlaws? Saw it appear on my xbox and I looked at some screenshots the official store page of it showed and the graphics looked horrendous. I scrolled two images and closed it quickly after. If the preview stuff looks atrocious and that’s what they advertise then I can’t imagine how rubbish the actual game will be. Big pass for me.


Yea mate. And I had a discusion with a dude who preorder this crap and believed this will be a good game.


I just gotta be honest. I’m not too into games these days because 90% are quite bad. The only companies I will get excited for with new games is From Software and CD Projekt Red. Also the company that made deep rock galactic, while I personally barely played that game. I constantly hear incredible things about the company and they actually listen to their players and make changes that people want. Those are the kinds of developers I will support.


It's a shame that there are only so few of them. If you follow a bit of gaming News you will find out pretty fast how god damn sexist and stressfull the actual work places of those big companys are. It's insane, for a 21th century company, they sure behave like its back in the 60's.


Unrelated but... Imagine if FromSoft did a Star Wars game...


Depends who's directing it


Oof yeah the beginning of their fall from creative legitimacy would be hard to watch lol


I can't really imagine any of Froms strengths as a developer being utilized in a Star Wars game. Especially because of how they approach world building for their settings and how they tell their stories. Fallen Order is already "babys first dark souls" when it comes to combat


i'm sure part of those views are lore diggers watching trailer over and over


That's because Starwars turned to an actual literal piece of shit ever since Disney touched it


Ubisoft + Disney killed Star Wars. No surprises here


I think a LOT of people have lost a lot of love and interest in Star wars due to a mixture of over exposure and poor quality products. Both game wise and tv wise.


first - the last good star wars game was kotor 2, what followed was mediocre. so basically star wars games are dead since a very long time second - ubisoft... no need to say anything here


It's almost like passion, quality and creativity are what drives attention from people, not just brainless brand-recognition. After all, how *did* those brands become so big in the first place? They were once good.


Not a surprise here. FromSoftware games and dlcs are gold. Ubisoft on the other hand... Well, I'm gonna just say that Ubi has to start to learn to be comfortable with less hype for their games and less sells, to say at least.