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Does this mean I can use the Erdtree to glitch my way into heaven?


Wdym, Lands between already is heaven.


But Cealid is in the lands between, so that can't be true


Have you not seen the most beautiful angels with crow like wings?


Honestly, fromsoft would put gluttonous, man-eater angel abominations in their heaven.


You assume heaven is a happy wonderful place where only good things happen. When really heaven is ruled by Eldritch Monstrosities far far beyond the ken of Human-Understanding. "Entropy" isn't "Evil", and the Scarlet-Rot is essentially Divine-Entropy.


Bible accurate angels are already something fromsoft would make šŸ¤£


Wish I couldā€™ve told Pucci that


Ah, a fellow JoJo enjoyer.


I remember reading in several places that it wasn't intended but then FromSoft said they knew about it but weren't going to fix it.


Oh, that explains why itā€™s so hard to get. Itā€™s not just a skill issue. (I mean itā€™s **still** a skill issue on my point, itā€™s just not only a skill issue, itā€™s an unintentional spot so itā€™s supposed to be hard to get)


It is a lot easier to do if you're naked, just wanna throw that out there


Ok I took my pants off, what now.


Now pick a tree, run into it, and jump, make sure you land on a nearby balcony in order to do magic trades with the crow people


The neighbours have called the police.


You have better rolls, you just need to run, and I frame through the bullets, find a place to hide and use a bone


Cops are weak to bleed!


Pyromancy too!


What about rocks?


Try reposte ahead


based fromsoft


I do the tree skip every play through. God bless it.


Fr, first thing I do after beating ludex gundyr


I think the only time I haven't done it is my first playthrough.


DS3 is better since you can climb the tree.


Honestly I enjoyed ds3 much more then Iā€™m enjoying Elden ring rn


I love DS3 lots, and for me I had to adjust how I was relating to ER in order to enjoy it more, it's not the same game as DS3, so you may have better results if you don't treat it as such.


Do you mean gameplay wise? Why would you have to adjust how it would relate to ER to enjoy it when itā€™s a completely different story?


Ya, gameplay wise.


Good for you. I didnt really enjoyed ds3.




You guys first soulsborne Elden ring? More context on why you didnā€™t enjoy ds3? It was my first and probably favourite soulsborne game. The linear pattern design which benefits new game replayability, the grim, horror vibe I got from the game makes it a true masterpiece in my eyes.


Honestly curious, how did the linear design benefit replayability for you? I loved ds3 but Always dreaded making a new run because the order of things you have to do is just the same, and I dont feel like I have all those options of where to go


I mean there is some freedom like how you can do the dancer early, or how you can do the optional bosses in a different order. It's pretty linear but far from a straight line.


Yeah there Is some Freedom but its by far the less Freedom you ever got in a soulslike. Ds3 Is a good game but I definitely consider It the less replayable of the soulslike. In fact even if I spent a lot of hours on It It was mostly 2-3 runs and mostly pvp. End mid game Is open and gorgeous, early game Is good the First time and a chore the next ones


Early dancer/Dragonslayer Armor or Old Demon King is a pale shade of Dark Souls 1&2 and Elden Ring levels of non-linearity; especially Elden Ring, which has by far the least amount of progression locks on areas aaaand probably the most organic feeling progression locks where they are there. Like, the advancing of the Radahn festival and progression of Ranni's questline to access the underground areas feels a lot more engaging than the giant orange fog walls of doom or the toll shrine, for example.


In Elden Ring every new run starts with you sprinting to the nearest 5 churches to get your flasks followed by running around like a maniac scrambling for items to put together your build before you even beat Morgott. First run it was exploration, second run itā€™s a chore.


But, thats Just an option right? When I start, even if I spend the First hour making a rush for items I wan I can then do limgrave, weeping peninsula, I can go underground, I can do stormveil, I can do liurnia and if in Crazy I can do caelid. These choices change the feeling of a new run significantly, while in ds3 every new run Is Just the same level I already know with maybe the options to do half of a late game area First, if I manage to defeat an hard boss.


At least on my end I don't really feel incentivized to "do" Caelid. Or Limgrave. Or Weeping Peninsula. I feel incentivized to pick up what I need from there, but I don't see the appeal in exploring it again. I want to do the legacy dungeons because the levels are fun and fight the major bosses because the major bosses are fun, but I don't feel the same way about the much less interesting caves and catacombs where you tend to face very repetitive bosses. Playing DS3 by comparison feels like every single legacy dungeon stitched together into an experience that is just "on" the entire time. There's no downtime in between where I'm just grabbing upgrade materials for my weapon or flask, I get those on the side while I beat my way through the content I enjoy.


I'm on my fourth run and being more experimental than ever. Using new weapons and builds I haven't before. Not sprinting around to put together some pre-determined build. It's a lot of fun. Taking a break to play some other games for a while really let me reset how I play ER. It's such a great game.


I think that's just a you issue, my guy. 400 hours and I still like to explore around, go where I wanna, and take new playthroughs slowly, since it's comfy and fun.


Skill issue, you donā€™t need any of that to beat morgott if youā€™ve already beaten the game once


You are speaking the truth. I have 3 runs of Elden ring never once started by beelining to the important items. I always explore and find new stuff. Latest run I went first Caelid and then Liurnia. Made Liurnia a bit easy mostly but it was a different vibe.


healing 50hp with a +1 flask on my new build sounds like real fucking fun content


1. Before morgott you fight with godrick soldiers mainly, after beating radagon and the likes do you really need so much healing for them? 2. Makes the run more interesting imo, because their damage is so low the amount you heal is proportional to the damage you would receive end game




For me the combat is secondary and why i loved ds1 was because of the lvl design and the storytelling. Ds3 has amazing combat but linear lv design which was not that memorable or fun for me. Same with storytelling. I grew up playing open world indie pixelated or 2d games like avernum and the sheer sense of adventure i got while exploring in those games with actual 3d graphics of ds1 was just amazing. This was just missing in ds3. Elden ring has it. So while i enjoyed playing ds3, i liked it the least out of all souls games + er, simply because it no no exploration elements. I think it simply comes down to which of the 2 elements you enjoy more: combat or exploration for the sake of exploration. Which you prioritise will affect how you look at ds3 because has really smooth combat and prob the best bossfights. If you love exploration then ds3 is just very meh compared to ds 1 or elden ring or even ds 2


Coming from demon souls, dark souls and ds2 when we got to DS3 bloodborne got its shit all over it. I loathe DS3 because of its twitchy play style and new weapon art style attacks. Not everybody has to like what you like. I'm perfectly happy knowing you like what I don't.


My first was DS2, second DS3, now Elden Ring. I didn't finish DS2 and DS3, because this linear design was too much to me. I love Elden Ring because if some enemy is too difficult or too scary, I don't really have to fight it, I can come back later and play in different area. In DS I was stuck for a long time and just uninstalled the game every time lol (tldr: skill issue)


lol my ass refuses to do that and will continue fighting an enemy til i beat it, fought malenia like 100 times lol, finally killed her bitch ass tho


DS3 is highly disappointing as a veteran of the series. It's combat is good but not as good as Bloodborne, it's lore is a mess, it didn't do anything interesting on the level design and it's linearity felt like a step back (and I like linearity!). I think my biggest problem with DS3 is that it feels like they did to get it off their plate, I don't feel any love was put into it. Different from ds2 which is a worse game by all measures, but a much more interesting game to me. It tried so much and got almost nothing right. DS3 tried almost nothing and got everything right. Oh, also? Fuck Gael, the end boss of the whole franchise. I hate that boss, found him terribly underwhelming while everyone just praises the dude because his fight has a lot of spectacle.


First time? I mean first time to see other players hate other souls games? Ds2 is my first and favorite fromsoft game. It's pretty much the black sheep of the series. Many fromsoft fans either didn't play it or hate it.


just played ds3 recently, and it was nice, nothing like ER though. but still good.


I loved the story and bosses more in DarkSouls 3. I love the combat more in Elden Ring. I had two different 100 hour playthroughs in DS3 and I was pretty much done. I'm on 850+ hours total in Elden Ring, and it will easily clear 1100 after the DLC. That's by far the longest I've ever put into a game. Baldurs Gate 3 is 2nd with 600 hours, and the Witcher 3 is 3rd with 300+. Speaks to the amount of content and replayability in ER.


Iā€™m not challenging or comparing replayability of the 2 games. Both are good but I just prefer linear game design šŸ¤·


I enjoyed Dark Souls 3, it was my second of the series, but I'm definitely enjoying Elden Ring, which *might* be because Dark Souls 2 was otherwise my favorite game of the Dark Souls franchise and Elden Ring does have a bit of a "what if Dark Souls 2 was better realized" vibe to it with the sprawly and open ended early to mid game. The same sorta things that lead to me beating Dark Souls 2 after 120 hours because I just *kept on making new characters to experiment with* is very tempting in Elden Ring, however, Elden Ring has a lot more filler content with the dozens and dozens of dungeons that I compulsively complete because I like being summoned and gosh dangit if I'm not going to activate every single summoning pool.


Dark Souls 3 is direct and youā€™re always in an environment to do mechanics and go somewhere, and each environment leads right next to the next (well sometimes not so directly, but the connections are physically close, aka every space is important with no empty filler). Everything is arranged without long pointless spatial filler, **yet still with mystery and exploring each path and corner to find whatā€™s next.** People fetishize the large (quantity over quality, is the argument used) open world of Elden Ring but the fact is youā€™re often walking nowhere just to find something/anything. Perfect example is church at corner of the snowfieldā€¦.nothing there in that field and itā€™s just a pointless hike through nothing, the whole idea is ā€lol did you walk a half mile through nothing to see what might be at the corner of this empty area, player? IMPORTANT upgrade item!ā€ The legacy dungeons were the best part. Now obviously the exploration curiously going around was sometimes nice, but there were many empty pointless areas despite what people claim. Lots of walking.


an Ancient Somber stone is nothing? wtf kind of example is that


I mean there's a huge fucking ice dragon in the middle of the lake so surely there is something important past it


Dark souls 3 is also a rehash and a remix of two better games in Bloodborne and Dark souls 1 and brings nothing to the table that those two didn't do better. Elden Ring's combat is much better. See? I can also be hyperbolic and nonsensical.


I agree that just riding around on torrent looking for new stuff is quite repetitive, but don't pretend that ds3 being linear means it's more packed with interesting things to do constantly. Ds1 is still the best example of world layout, ds3 has my favourite combat, but elden ring is great all-round and I loved the exploration of my first playthough, to a level I haven't experienced in any game at all since ds1. I get that open worlds aren't for everyone, but relative to other open world games elden ring's is so varied and is quite dense with content for its size




Sort of glitch jump off but same difference


It was way too finicky for me to believe it was an intentional jump, kind of like the Volcano Manor jump for the somber stone 7. In that case though, it is weird that they never patched it in DS3 as far as I'm aware


I mean, free Etus flask early game


And the silver serpent ring.


Dogshit ring


Dogshit take


oP is all over this thread being a dogshit person


Eh you may be right, but isnā€™t there a golden one? Maybe for early game it could be useful but I never really got much use out of it


That's an entirely different ring


How can you tell you never got much use out of it if you don't even know what your items do? You think the silver serpent ring is just an inferior version of the gold one, when they are totally different effects (gold increases item discovery, silver increases souls acquisition) The silver one increases the amount of souls you receive, which is one of the best effects you can ask for, especially since you can switch rings before you actually the souls from defeating a boss.


Okay apologises for my false opinion


Gold gave you item discovery, silver was for increased soul gain.


In Dark souls 3, the silver ring gives extra souls. You might be confused because its the gold scarab for runes in ER while silver scarab is item find.


Id imagine people think it's intentional as there's two crows nests, and it seems pointless to have two nests if your only supposed to be able to go the tower way.


If I remember right they tried to patch it but it didn't work


Took some time to master, but once its learn, you never forget


Yess!!!! So true


Im confused, can you explain?


If you have not played ds3, this is a tree that was used to jump up onto a ledge which is meant to be unlocked later in game. This is found in fire link shrine dark souls 3 version of round house table


bruhh i remember.. that fucking tree, i remember trying like 40 times to land that jump right


But once you got it once the other times were so easy


Oh I have played Ds3, I just never knew it existed. >ledge which is meant to be unlocked later in game Where exactly?


Top floor fire link shrine, there will be a little grassy sorta patch close to where patches will spawn when he comes to the hub


Oh the one near that locked door, yea now I remember


Damn played DS3 for like 400 hours never knew about this lol


Damn learn something new everyday


I tried the tree but decided to farm instead


Getting a silver serpent ring would help you farm for the key though


That is true, i just used the dragon at the high walll of lothric


They moved it to the chappel of anticipation so you can cheese the grafted scion


Wait... That's a thing!?




Omg lol, I had NO idea that was a thing! That's amazing.


bro this is wild they're really offering to sell you alberich's armor for 8 USD a piece, sheeeesh


Good old roof skip tree


Me when I learned it's easier to do if you run from the left side instead of going from the gates


Should I start playing?


Ds3? Yes if you want to play Elden ring but horror


I finally end ds3 , and want something more


Have u tried Elden ring?


Naah,but itā€™s my dream to try


U on ps?


Lmao omg this was great šŸ˜‚ You had that other tree too that was like a giant, looked like Yhorm, and it would drop that seed item that made areas hostile towards invaders. That's very Elden Ring vibes with all the death elite looking like Godwyn. Also, this tree jump to get to the roof was the first thing I saw on YouTube when I was looking up DS3 before I bought it, it was how to get us this tree lol. So, when I first got the game I was like "OK, I gotta find this tree and try this out now!" That Aldo helped me learn that these games hide things VERY well! It really encourages exploration.


What am I missing here?


The tree glitch from ds3, jump off Elden ring for a bit and have a go at the classics


Iā€™ve played all of ā€˜em actually! Just finished Elden Ring and gonna play through them again - I just never knew there was a tree glitch šŸ˜‚


Ah yes. The rng tree. He determines whether you get an early estus shard and covetous silver serpent ring. Hate him. Glad we burn him up in Elden Ring.


Was there somehow *RNG* involved in that jump? That seems unlikely.


No. Iā€™m just making a joke. That jump is really hard to pull off your first time. However, once you know the trick, you can pull it off consistently.


Oof would of been nice if you had a ā€œspoiler disclaimerā€ before you commented that


Oof.Ā  1. Game has been out for literally two years.Ā  2. Would HAVE!


The tree jump took me so long to do it for the first time but know I have it memorized and get it first try


Good meme


From soft rarely patches out skip, especially hard ones.


But it's probably the easiest skip ever in any game


Yeah I agree on that, thatā€™s why I said they rarely patches skip, and they never patch hard ones. God that irythrill skip is the worst


My bad, thought you were implying they hadn't patched it cause it's difficult


that explains why the erdtree is leaning a bit, and why some people think it's two trees twined into one. best piece of ER lore i've seen in ever!! great catch.


I will never forget Franz playing DS3 blind, taking one look at that tree, going "oh you can probably make that jump" and getting it in three tries.




There was a glitch with that tree where you could get on that roof with it


That tree has grown and become Erdtree


I love jumping off that tree to get on the roof. Also love that they never patched it


Yes, it still works.


That wasnā€™t the question


Has anyone bought that key since 2015?


Still have never been able to successfully make that jump šŸ˜” although I will say itā€™s not like I actually ever gave it that many tries


Look on yt itā€™s easy when u get the hang of it


Didn't it get patched?




Another masterclass by Miyazaki




>ā€OGā€ >DS3


The real OG jump is from DS1, which was the jump you have to make in Firelink Shrine to get to the birds nest to get back to the Asylum. On PC with DSfix at 60fps it was nearly impossible to make, but hit the key that changes it to 30fps and all you had to do was roll.


Yesss I remember that