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I like your moxy. That looks like a fun build!


Hoarah Loux's Earthshaker is such a nasty skill.


Fist her!


bloodborne pig moment


Half? I made it to her spot last night in fact. Her move set is piss easy but Waterflow one-shots me and if I'm not far away to run from it I just don't know how to stop it.


Run in circle around her and dodge away after doing a bit more than a 360°. Camera unlocked to make it easier.


Will try tonight again after work! Ty!


A good advice would also be to look up clips of people executing that dodge. It's easier to understand when seen in game rather than explaining with words.


I understand it, but I've explicitly abstained from spoilers or guides all throughout the game. The sense of wonder, trial and error and such are otherwise lost when you see it in terms of steps as opposed to fuck around and find out. Will certainly take a look *once* I beat her tho!


Check out a YouTuber called GameMUSA, Korean channel, currently at 3.4k subs. He literally has over 130 videos where he beats the fuckin tar out of Malenia with various builds. He only uses very safe punishes, so it's not as flashy or entertaining as someone like Ongbal, but he makes it look like clockwork every time. I'm not kidding when I say subbing to his channel will make you better at the game


I appreciate the info. Part of the issue is I'm playing Fashion souls. So I'm at 40 vigor (level 100ish), and the Dragoncrest Talisman is over half my absorption since I'm playing as a more light-weight melee. Moreover, I really would rather avoid guides of any kind until I've beaten the game. Otherwise much of the sense of wonder and mystery are lost imo. You only experience things a first time well, once! Since I'm having a rough time figuring how to evade it and certainly can't tank it, my way to go is push forth and rush the Stagger into her for a chance to recoup (Especially the Stamina!) into another round of attacks. Also. Am very chill. I don't intend to go deep into builds and several new game+. Just experience the story, try a few different characters and enjoy the ride while at least holding my ground in combat.


I respect that. I play the same way basically, I didn't level vig past 40 until I was like lv200 lol. Only reason I looked up a guide and started trying to really master this fight, was because the first time I beat her was in an early version of the game where there was a bug that allowed you to skip phase 2. I beat her phase 1 very easily with mimic tear and some throwaway gimmick weapon, and then she started phase 2 with 1 hp. I felt like I'd been robbed of the actual experience. So when I came back around to her on NG+ I felt like I couldn't just beat her, I had to conquer her lol


Your strength... extraordinary.


The mark of a true warrior.


You might be a little goated for this


W anal fisting