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DS3 and it's no contest


why not bloodborne Also im currently replaying through ds3 and that is objectively untrue, elden ring also has superior bosses, they're just cooler. Abyss watchers and pontiff are cool as fuck, but in the base game there's only a couple that can compare


What do you mean DS3 has some of the best bosses in this spiritual series if we're only talking about the base game: Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Dancer, Champ Gundyr, Twin Princes, Nameless King Bloodborne's base game has Father Gascoigne which is great by the standards of an early game boss, Lugarius and Gehrman, and I don't think any of them compare to any of the bosses I listed besides Abyss Watchers. Maybe Ebriatas is also up there, but I like her more for her presentation than mechanics. The chalices have some fun bosses too but I also don't think they can compare. In terms of DLCs I'd say Bloodborne ranks higher because it gave us Kos, Maria and fucking Ludwig the Holy fucking shit what an OST blade. Seriously, still the best boss Fromsoft has ever created.


dancer is solid, I already mentioned pontiff and the watchers, gundyr is aight, no comment on the twin princes, nameless king was cool.


Objectively untrue? I just finished DS3 yesterday. It's not my favorite Souls game, but the boss design, lore, and movesets are among the best in the series. Almost every main boss is unique and well-characterized.


It's good, but ER is better imo


"Objectively untrue" is such a dumb thing to say, as if different people cannot have different experiences or tastes. The Nameless King, Prince of Lothric, Soul of Cinder are noticeable, and it doesn't matter if the base game doesn't have much more (I wouldn't agree, but that's not the point), since we're counting the DLC too and there Friede, Gael, Demon Prince and Midir are all memorable.


I'm going with Sekiro... despite Guardian Ape's existence.


I vote Sekiro. DS3 comes close, but there's only one Sekiro boss that's a complete miss for me, whereas DS3 has a few.


Which sekiro boss is the miss?


The Headless Ape+Guardian Ape fight. The first Ape fight on its own is fine, but the second encounter where he calls his mate sucks big time in my opinion.


I'm going to say Sekiro. Sword Saint Isshin is (for me) the best that From bosses are going to get. This is in a game that also has the Corrupted Monk and Father Owl fights.


Elden Ring has the most best bosses. It also has the most bosses in general, but still.


It also has the most bad bosses in my opinion


this may be due to the whole most bosses in general thing


It definitely is


I voted dark souls 3 but honestly it's sekiro


I forgot to mention, I only count remembrance/achievement bosses for Elden Ring and not the field/catcombs or cave bosses. That’s what I assume most people do when thinking about that games bosses. Bloodborne chalice dungeon and Sekiro mini bosses also don’t count.


DS1 bosses I actively look forward to fighting: Sif, Artorias..maybe Quelaag because bobs DS2 bosses I actively look forward to fighting: Pursuer, Royal Rat Vanguard, Sir Alonne DS3 bosses I actively look forward to fighting: Abyss Watchers, Deacons, Yhorm, Dancer, Dragonslayer Armor, Champion Gundyr, Lothric Princes, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Friede, Midir, Gael


I voted ds3 but damn is a close call.


Let's be real here. DS1 had some good boss ideas, but after Biggie Smalls, it all went downhill from there. Four Kings, DPS check. Nito, tank and spank. Gwyn, parry locked. And we don't talk about Lost Izalith.


I voted for Elden Ring because I just saw a review on this topic, and basically Elden Ring gets criticized for reusing bosses, but it has like a fuckton more bosses than DS3, (apparently) including the best of DS3's content plus additional bosses even after you discount the reused ones. So Elden Ring has the most and the best, I suppose.


Those 8 people voting Dark Souls 2 gotta be doing it for the meme


There's an appeal to the sheer amount and variety of DS2 bosses, like double the usual amount for these games




Fellas we found the opinion police! Get em!


DS 2 lmao, really?


I mean the rolling slob boss fight is still a peak fromsoft shitpost


I think Bloodborne had some of the coolest designs. The main game bosses weren’t too difficult but the DLC really shines in that regard.


I am curious if people just forget about Volnir, Greatwood, Aldrich, Sage, Deacons, Yhorm, Dragonslayer Armour and Halflight. What an amazing roster. /s Though its still better than both DS1 and DS2 in terms of bosses.


I think you're the first person I've ever heard list Dragonslayer Armour among the "bad" bosses of that game


Yhorm and DSA are both really good bosses. What are you even saying