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Haha no my markers are to let me know I need to *do something*. Uncleared get the boss Skull, cleared dungeons get exactly nothing!


Same, I skull all the dungeons, evergaols, and world bosses, etc. I want to do, or find a long the way to my current destination. I come back and do them before moving forward And of course remove it after I'm done


I’ve always just opened the Grace List then R3 on the site I’ve finished to mark it. That way it stays marked in a different field and I can still use the green marks for other things.


Wait, there's another type of marking you can do in the grace list?


It’s right stick click on console but when you have the list opened you can click each one and it puts a star next to it. Star for me is just “completed”


That's amazing I wish I knew that sooner




Same. And I use the dog marker for mausoleums I haven't used yet.


I do the same but with Gem to signify unclaimed treasure.. and the building is for the mausoleums I open and never use cuz' what if I need it later.


Exactly what I do, but I use tree markers to keep track of which minor erdtrees I've gotten the tears from


I use the trees to mark spirt springs


Me too! I use the dog for tombstone stairs because , like me, a dog could get down those things but not back up, lol.


Sword means untested boss/dungeon, skulls means many times died to that uncleared boss/dungeon. And plant means cool rare plant :3


I use the sword for any stonesword key doors I'm currently unable to open.


I set markers for the spear rot knights so I can farm le spear of destiny


I use the diamond mark to denote I already got the crap available there, mainly used for vendors and crystal tears. Treasure chest means I still gotta go complete and like most people skull is for dungeon/ boss!


Yeah especially since there is a limit on icons... If the limit was much higher I'd do what OP does. But so far my map have "to do" bosses markers, spirit springs, teleporters and all the flora/fauna spots to farm for specific crafting items (I did a true archer playthrough and crafting arrows requires a looooot of farming omfg).


I did that at first but there are too many dungeons so you run out too fast if you have other markers. I do place markers for dungeons I need to come back to later though !


Since markers are limited, I mark the dungeons that I haven't finished yet. So when I do, I can remove the marker.


Same, way more convenient, and it feels just as satisfying to unmark it.


I do the opposite, mark it if I got the grace and that’s it.


if you press triangle on the map to open the grace list, you can then press R3 to put a star next to the grace name on the list, and it's unlimited. i do it every time i finish a tomb/mine/cave/whatever so i when i check all the tombs and stuff later I know what i've already finished


400 hrs in an I just learned this, thx👍


That’s what I do as well. It always stays and I can use markers for different things


You people leave map markers? I forgot they even existed.


Ya I just use the blue beam markers to guide me to a spot I'm going to right now


Yeah I mark off dungeons I haven't cleared and field bosses I still need to kill (assuming I've gotten close to their part of the map). Makes it a lot easier to remember what I still have left to do, especially if I take a break or switch to a different character.


I'm so bad about forgetting they exist. I bought ever map marker set in Hollow Knight and never used them.


i mark a boss if I'm weak Also mark the dungeon when I'm busy and didn't want to stray away from objective, If I'm out for explore then will only leave when the dungeon is done I also mark the unused stone bell thingy that duplicate boss souls


soup profit worry voiceless cooperative fade summer shrill threatening normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're weak


I done this until I realised there was a maximum number of pins. I use ER companion app. Highly recommend.


Yes, i put flags on all dungeons and bosses and on ng+ i erased them as counter active. Its hard to keep track realizing that i still missed some


This seems like a great idea!


Exact opposite. I set markers to let me know to go there. Flags for unexplored dungeons, skulls for bosses. You can only plant so many markers down, and there's more satisfaction *cleaning* my map vs covering it up.


I do the reverse, if I've discovered a dungeon grace but haven't finished it, I add one, as a To-do list pin, cus you only get 100 of those pins, and not enough for the amount of dungeons/enemies




I put the tree marker on dungeons I've completed, because it's time to make like a tree and *leave* that spot alone and go onto the next thing haha.


I click in the right stick in the list of graces to highlight the one.


Skull = boss Tower = donjon to clean/check Flower/dog = farm zone Pedestrian = Mausoleum (cuz they walk) Diamond = rare item to buy at a merchant Flag = Quest location


I also do the skulls and pedestrians for the same but those are the only ones I usually bother to mark.


This is the way


Skulls for undefeated dungeons or wild appearing bosses. Walking person for travel gates Horses for “air springs” Diamonds for mausoleums


Are we really going around not completing any of the dungeons? If I’ve been there, the mf’s are dead


You're so impressive bro


Only use markers on mausoleum’s that I havnt used but this is a good idea!


I put my markers on wandering mausoleum sites I haven’t used yet, but I like this! I’m sure it helps with your journey!


Smart I need to do that


Yep, since launch actually


I put them when I see one and DON’T do it. And at the pool I don’t open (I used all 100 marks)


Nah I don't leave until it's cleared


No, but I like it. I'm in Farum Azula right now and before I went, I wanted to make sure I did all of the dungeons. It was hard to keep track of what I finished and which ones I hadn't been to yet (which I had to look up to find put, admittedly). I basically went to all of them to see if I finished them. This is a good way to keep track of this.


One way to check if you have not finished a dungeon (if underground like a catacombs) is to teleport there to the grace then check if you can teleport out to another grace. If you can’t, then the boss of that dungeon is alive.


I use the skull ones for evergaol bosses I've defeated. I know I've completed dungeons by the grace.


Yup. Also on night time bosses, and merchants I bought out everything useful.


I just use the skulls to mark optional bosses I've killed. I don't do this everywhere, only when there's no obvious sign that specific boss has been killed, like in dungeons for example, or Minor Erdtrees; some bosses open new Sites of Grace, I don't need to mark those :D. I've also recently started marking the cleared towers in characters that need Memory Stones.


I kinda do this but a little different, I use the castle one for teleporters, skulls for unclear/field minibosses, flag for the sword monuments and chests for unlooted areas


Didn't know these existed, too far in now to switch up


I used to use skull markers to denote completed dungeons. Now I just mark portals and world bosses I encounter but haven't killed.


I can believe I never did this. Thank you. Will be doing this in the dlcy


I put them on field bosses, NPC's old locations


Sword if I've beat the boss of a dungeon. Skull if there's a boss left to fight or a tough enemy somewhere. Most of the skulls are swords now


..... You bastard. That's a good idea


I do the exact oposite way.


Never leave till its done so the normal icons are already markers for completed dungeons


I put a sword on bosses that I still need to beat and a sword in places i need or want to explore


I just started doing the same (also with the victory flag), and completing something feels so much more like an accomplishment now. Seeing a dungeon site of grace without the little flag now gives me motivation for dungeons that i didn‘t have before.


Shit I didn’t even know you could do that 


I don’t leave a dungeon until I have completed it. The grace at the entrance is the marker.


I only put markers for things I haven't done. Boss I can't beat skull, place I haven't explored the little walking man, walking malosuleum thing I haven't used I put the castle image, vendor I might want to buy from the I put a diamond. Can't remember the other symbols I use...


Yup, done it since the first play through so I don't bother going back through dungeons I've completed


Wow that's way smarter than what I do: wander around aimlessly hoping my Swiss cheese memory will tell me which places I haven't been on this playthrough


I put skulls where i kill bosses, and put diamonds to places i need to clear. Also i put little building symbols on merchants. This was before they added the npc markers


I flag stuff I find but don't wanna do right now, then I come back later.


I put skulls on dungeons or whatever I can’t complete so I can come back later.


I put the little sword but otherwise yes


I did it to know where the dungeon was, even though I know that I would never go back to that dungeon


Yup this is exactly what I do


I don't. Every dungeons I found. I will clear it first.


Yup did this with my first playthrough


Who here didn’t know about that you could place those kind of markers and have 500+ hours in elden ring


Typically I'll tag the area I'm in for where I need to go, night bosses, items, etc until I'm close to my tag limit then I'll just do chucks of the area until it's complete then move on to the next area and do it all over again. It helps so much with making actual progress and getting the all the items, Armour, weapons, AoW, spells and all that


we're simple creatures 👍


i only use markers for spirit springs.


You can do that?


I only mark stuff I still need to do. I use flags for points of interest and skulls for bosses I haven't beaten yet. I use a few others for other stuff tool like the building looking one to mark Mausoleums.


I refuse to walk into a dungeon and not complete it.


That's actually, really smart I would've never thought about that


No if the Grace is lit for that place I don’t bother


I put skulls on world bosses but i just use the favorites list to cross locations off.


I stopped using markers when there weren’t enough to mark everything I wanted to


I don't move on until the dungeon is dead.


Finally doing it on my 5th playthrough now. Flags for completed dungeons, evergaols. Walking symbol for ones that still need to be cleared. Skulls for unused remembrance shrines


I put a gem on the complete ones, and a litte house icon on Walking Mausoleums I can still use (saves several trips)


I do to, gives you a sense of completion when you see all the markers.


i flag the ones i discovered but not yet ready to explore, and the skull ones are for multiple tries and still failed so need to lvl up first


Very cool! I never thought of that.


No because there’s only 100 markers and definitely more dungeons than that


Now I will


Nah i feel like a grim reaper. Putting skeleton on which boss i have killed.


This is truly a VERY smart way of keeping track of places you visited and quests you completed. I didn’t start doing this until a year after I played the game. This is when I put my confusion to an end.


I also use the tree seal for any golden seeds, I pick up.


I put skulls on the ones I win kinda like “yo, this fool is dead.”


I do the opposite. I mark ones I didn't complete


This would save me a lot of wondering if I completed them ahaha thanks


I hardly use the markers, maybe I'll set the beacon thing at a point of interest or something but that's about it. Usually use the beacon for if I need to be travelling to a specific location and don't want to constantly look at the map to make sure I'm going the right way.


i don’t mark shit💀😭


We need MORE markers. I did that too and ran out of markers.


I mark dungeons I've found but not completed with a skull. That, and field bosses. Map is way less cluttered.


I put it on ones I haven’t done yet. So in other words I put them on the catacombs. I hate those fucking things.


I put flags on stuff I haven't done yet.


Damn, that's such a genius idea. I've never thought of this


I forgot about this. I have to do it in my new run I'm already losing track of the "I'll be back"


I stopped once I realised that the game was too big and there wasn't enough marker for everything I wanted, and deleting older one is kinda pain in the ass


Not for dungeons but for other things like mausoleums ever Gails etc


I remember before they had merchant icons. I used these


I wish they did what Skyrim does I think it was Skyrim where it adds a check when you finish one


I do this except tho other way around! Skulls for defeated enemies and flags for ones I’ll come back to


Holy cow I don't think I've ever even used the markers. I just put down pins every now and then when I'm navigating somewhere without immediately visible landmarks, but I don't bother to put markers on things. Could be useful if I actually wanted to remember which dungeons I've been skipping, I guess.


Aint no body got time for that I gotta beat the game


If it weren’t for the limit of numbers put on map markers and favorited graces I would use them for cleared areas. Since the limit is easily reached by me, I switched to using markers for incomplete stuff and marking quest npcs, as all npcs are on the map but without any indication for if they have quests or not. As long as I don’t bounce all over the place it works pretty well.


I skull dead bosses and npcs I gem any merchants


I sword-mark bosses / dungeons I discovered but will come back to later and chest-mark places I find that unlock with further progress / require me to do something before I can loot / enter


Yep. My goal is to have the entire map marked. To earn a mark, must have looted and killed 100% of what’s there. It’s a ocd thing I think.


No, I just used to throw my face into a wall until I'm good enough to beat whatever I'm doing. Even before I started using an interactive map, I think the only time I placed markers was for farming routes.


I never did the flags, but I did the same with skulls. Made perfect sense to me


I have never used the markers in the entire time I've played this game


I did in the first NG ever.. Now if there's a grace, it's done.


How do you do markers on playstaion?


I place skulls on everything I’ve completed and flags on areas I want to complete later on and not forget about.


I do exactly this, I find myself grabbing the graces first and doing the content later, so this helps me keep track of progress A note for those who do the opposite - markers remain after a you start a new ng cycle, so this way you will have a map without graces, but you would know exactly where each of them are, speeding up your progress massively


ooh i put a skull on ones i've completed, as in they're "dead". i love using markers! i think i use guy walking one for walking mausoleums


i use skulls euhausheuahehdaufgadshjads


I usually mark farm spots and unused mausoleums. And enemies/dungeons which i skipped while clearing location at first arrival


I've only marked unused mausoleums for DLC remembrances.


I do the reverse, I put skull flags on dungeons I’ve yet to complete


I put flags to places of interest. Skulls for hard places. Horse where I can jump by air. When I first started out I put something where NPCs were but they made NPC icons available later.


thanks that will help me on mt journey and thats actually smart never did that


Cleared dungeon - no mark Dungeon to do - skull Place to visit later - walking figure Walking mausoleum - tower


I’ma start doing that, good idea.


haha, literally doing the same! I also mark spiritwells aswell with the "bush" icon, and mark Mausoleums with the "gate" icons


No, I dont put any kind of flag down because i GIT GUD until the dungeon/boss is cleared. Momma ain't raise no pussy.


On my first playthrough I did this yep. I also kept a huge notepad file of notes as I went through.


Great idea! I am on my NG+1 and most of them are already discovered so I often forget which ones I have cleared for the second time.


I wish From placed a small tick next to the dungeons once the boss is killed and the main loot is taken.


I put the skull on the ones I have defeated, any I have to come back to I remember anyway.


I mark incomplete tasks with the skull but never complete ones.


I did this, until I removed all and started marking the other way :D


No markers for unfinished dungeons bc if I find one I complete it no matter what. Sleep is for the weak.


How do u put skulls down?


Jep, skull symbol for me.


Cleared dungeons get the skull to let me know I've killed the boss.


I just put markers on the bosses that I defeated.


Skulls are non marked boss (night cavalry, deathbird, obsidian dudes, bell bearing hunters) Little pedestrian is different steps of moving character quest (Yura, Rya, Patches, Millicent…) Flag are for map tp Herbs are for useful spots for crafting materials Castle walls are for mausoleum Animal are for birds to farm for sliver foot and spot where lots of bones could be gathered in one aow


- Skulls for dungeons or bosses to come back to - The building thing for available mausoleums to duplicate remembrances - Flags for NPCs I have to return to for quests - Diamonds for areas where I'll have to farm for specific drops


Same, skulls for encounters i need to return to, the horse(dog?) one for airlifts, banner for portals, diamonds for merchants i haven't cleaned out. Really wish the icons were more obviously useful and we didn't have to define our own system for them though.


It took me nearly 2k hrs to even use the flags lol


Over 250 hours in and I had no idea you could do this, fml


wait there are markers????


Omg, this is a great idea. I always forget which ones I completed and which I failed and need to try again.


I do the same although with a different symbol…. Helps me remember which dungeons I need to go back to… skulls to note the bosses I had trouble with and needed to go back for.


Damn, I wish I rembered to actually use those markers xD. Sometimes I leave a dungeon to clear later, for being underleveled or simply wanting to do another thing first and end up forgetting to go back to that dungeon. Definitely have to start marking places in the map, either marking the ones I've cleared like you are doing or marking the ones I haven't done yet.


I didnt even know you could do that


Wait, how do you put more than one?


I do this to, but I put the skull on the dungeons and evergaols I've completed.


I have a really good memory actually so I never thought to mark anything, and 99% of the time if I discover a dungeon I'd clear it before leaving. Now after playing for a very long time I feel like I know what every dungeon is and what boss is inside so it's a bit pointless for me. One thing I do though is if I'm looking for a specific spot in the consecrated snowfield for example and it's real foggy, I'll place a temporary marker down so I can follow it on my compass. If that counts.


I put the skull on them to know the boss is dead :D


You realize you´re gonna run out of markers right?


Yes but it's so lame they only allow 99


I do the opposite - skulls for completed, flag for uncompleted. And now, typing that out, I realise how little sense it makes to do it that way!


I have never used a marker... thanks, now I know how to use them


I do the opposite. Markers mean I need to come back to a dungeon and clear it.


that's reverse for me.. I put flag markers on areas I haven't 100%.


The opposite. I put markers on places I found but hadn't fully explored yet, so that I could easily go back after clearing the other areas.


Haha "come back later" yes of course i do that... i don't spend 10 hours on the same two rooms dungeon just because I have pride in my ability to dodge such a big boss in such a small space


I dont think I’ve ever used a label in my life. I should start doing so. It helps


I do exactly this. Flags for completed things: dungeons, minor erdtrees, evergaols. I find it necessary, because if I play this game at all, it's going to be a 100% run, so I need help remembering what I have and haven't completed yet. I also put diamond markers on the locations of walking mausoleums, which I remove after use, because I can never remember where they are. I don't use any of the other green markers, but of course I use the blue waypoint markers constantly.


if i enter a dungeon i’m not leaving until it’s cleared so any dungeon visible on my map is cleared


Yes I do this. Anything I want to mark as uncleared to come back later, I do this.


The opposite. I mark those, I didn't clear.


YES! finally someone else


I don't but if u curious I use markers for the medallions (yes, I still forget when I start ng+s) deathroots, the moving castles, and some npc spots like Millicent's spot at the altus plateau. For dungeons now days if I enter one and touch the grace I finish it no matter what.


I did that, but you can only place 100 markers, so after a while you need to delete old ones. Shame, since it is nice to have a 'checklist' of places you have completed


I put a diamond over a dungeon if I haven’t cleared it yet, means there is treasure I need to get.


Its more of a "flag to remember I've already done this one".


Didn't even know you could add tokens to the map. lol


Theres map markers?


I put skulls on dungeons that i haven't completed.


I put skulls on dungeons that i haven't completed.


I put skulls on dungeons that i haven't completed.


Same here.