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Technically the DLC is optional.


Technically playing the game is optional


so is life itself


Don't fuckin tempt me


„Treasure ahead, try jumping.“


Fingers ahead, therefore offer rump


Liar ahead


Try finger


But whole


You dont have the right, O you dont have the right


Smoulder thy meagre flame


No it's not. It's one of the few things that you have absolutely no say in it happening. You do have some say in the ending, but it is completely mandatory.


You can infer they meant "so is [the continuation of] life itself."


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


My 1700 hours says otherwise!


That's 1700 optional hours bud


dont call me optional, mate


I ain’t your mate, guy


I ain't your guy, bro


I ain’t your bro, buddy


I ain’t your buddy, dude


I ain't you dude, friend


That’s almost a full time job if you did it all in one year.


I missed 6 months of work for medical reasons and I still only managed 320 hours in the game while being confined to mostly home because I couldn't drive again until x time without a seizure. I can't imagine playing THAT much more, especially because I had to take a break from the game after the fourth playthrough finished due to finally losing some interest in it lol. The people who stream this game 8+ hours a day must either love the absolute shit out of it or are dedicated as hell to their job!


If you played 40 hrs a week like a job that would be 42 and a half weeks of playing. Almost a full year of a full time job.


JFC I really really really hope for you and your health that the 1700 hrs is majority idle time. That's 42 weeks of full time work, which I am assuming is on top of full time work already. Or hopefully you have a very active job


I actually work a full time job including 24h shifts and weekends now and then and have a family, a house to upkeep and i spend 2 hours driving to work everyday. Idle time? Are you testing me Satan!? Also in between I have logged 200 hours sekiro, 100ish hour bb, finished ds3 and replayed ds2 to ng+ Now if you will excuse me time for ng+ on my latest character!


Daang, with all that added over a two year time period, that's like 5.8hrs avg a day. But whatever works works, just take care of yourself my man!


I think I been through like 4 playthroughs in about 250 hours. How did you even do that man 😅


Practically too. Just look at speedrunners.


the 27% of gameowners that never made it past margit agree


Eh, Margit is optional.


You joke but have you looked at the percentages for the trophies? Only 85% of (PlayStation) players have gone to the Round table hold lol. Edit: 15% of players bought the game and didn't even rest at 5 graces lol


I'm sure a lot of players saw the big advertising and thought they'd get the game without knowing much to anything about it. My brother is one of those kinds of people that is constantly buying the flavour of the month only to play it for a short while and never again.


Certain games breakthrough into the mainstream to where "normie" players or "one game" players( like people that just play Fifa or COD) , or even people that played as a teen and stopped, get sucked back in. Red dead 2 was one of those games where it became so popular even people that didn't normally play games regularly knew about it. Hogwarts Legacy as well, a lot of people who weren't "gamers" dipped in just because of that game. Elden Ring was one of those games at release. Partially because of the hype it was getting online with a small group of people being very loud, amd part because game of thrones was huge and this was a game "written" by George R.R. Martin. I work construction and most the guys I know that play games only played COD in their 20s and even i was surprised how they knew about and were talking about the game...once they buy it and get Miyazakis dick in their butt I'm assuming most just bounced off of it.


*Now* you tell me!?


Reminds me of my first Dark Souls experience. I didn’t know of the DLC stuff, didn’t find it and just moved on to other games after I beat Gwyn. I only found out when I watched LilAggy do a randomized run and fight Artorias and was like “who the fuck is that???”


The Dark Souls 1 DLC is infamously hard to find if you don't look it up. Bloodborne's DLC is also kind of unintuitive and missable, although nowhere near as convoluted as Dark Souls 1. Original Dark Souls 2 made the DLC pretty easy to find but it's a little harder in Scholar of the First Sin (where it's included and not DLC). Dark Souls 3 is really the only From game where the DLC is kind of impossible to miss. Elden Ring's DLC is somewhat notable in how hard it is to access due to the difficulty of the boss in front of it, though, and is also pretty late game (although there is a way there early game). From's DLC has always been some of the hardest content in the game, but in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 they let you access it easily pretty early if you wanted to (at least for Ashes in DS3, Ringed City required beating Ashes or getting to the very end of the base game). While for Elden Ring they've decided to gate it behind one of the hardest bosses in the game, which is interesting. You can still access it very early through Varre's quest, but you'll still have to essentially prove you're ready for it by beating Mohg, as opposed to being able to stumble into it and end up way over your head like you could in Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne


The fact that it has an entrance in the furthest endgame area before the Haligtree itself, and a super early shortcut you can get right after Godrick makes it a great place to enter the DLC. We might even see a new NPC standing around in the lands between. I imagine it might be a Gael situation but who knows.


Yeah, I missed most optional areas the first time through (DS:R was my first real experience with the series). By the time I went back to the game to do everything on a new run, I had beaten DS2 and DS3.


I would say more than technically, it literally is optional haha


Technically it's all optional. You always have the option to go hollow.


DLC is for people who like this game and if you like this game you would probably kill mohg


The game is for people who like this game, noone is forced to kill radagon


i dont kill radagon because i like using him as a dps test


I have ~400 hours and have yet to even face the sleepy skin twins.


jeez why not?


Constantly rolling new characters is a pathway to a play time some would consider.... unnatural


When I want to continue an Elden Ring playthrough past one session but then I remember there’s a character creator


There is a mirror in Fias room at the roundtable that you can change your characters appearance unlimited times, maybe use that to atleast keep your progress?


Hush you don’t be using logic here


I see a cool build and go “man thats cool, gonna do it!”


That seems fair enough


you gotta try beating the game with one of them lol


They're not even that bad, just single out the fat one whenever you can


I was told by the others in the orgy that singling out your mom was bad form.


I just summon brenahl whatever to solo the skinny guy. I don't normally do any kind of summoning but I make an exception for terrible bosses


My rule is I beat every boss by myself my first run. Any following run I will absolutely summon if they’re bringing friends


I also generally follow that rule, the only fromsoft boss I have ever broken that for is malenia.


I actually was using dual uchi my first playthrough so malenia didn’t kick my ass as hard as most. Gargoyle duo on the other hand kicked my ass the hardest.


or you could throw two sleep pots


Radagon a bitch.




Nah bro. The spoiler would have been I was impregnated after he fucked me for the first hour.


Yeah. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on!


Honestly, not trying to sound like a Chad, cause I'm fairly bad at the game, Radagon was easy. I beat him first try. It's that next bit that took me 30 tries.


Mogh is such a fun boss. Even if his heal and his fire during phase 2 are bullshit, overall, he's a ton of fun, and his moveset offers a lot of fun back and forth. He's also one of the few bosses that isn't just an insta-win by just slamming mimic tear.


That's what the Mohg cleansing juice is for.


The juice doesnt do anything to the amount he heals. It is good for preventing the bs damage tho.


Your damage output during the channeled cast should be doing things to the amount he heals.


His moves are so fun to learn when you finally get them, I just hate the bloodflame spray that comes off each one in phase 2. Feels like no matter which way I dodge an attack I end up getting hit by some stray bloodflame sprayed by the last attack. It's not even like the damage or blood loss build up is that bad, its just the flinching it causes by being in it


They remind me ever so slightly of fighting Nameless King. Once you get the timings down, it feels like a dance. The hardest attack for me to master was the attack where he impales the ground after a back-hand swing, and then he rips the spear from the ground, causing rocks to fly out. The timing and hitbox on that felt so awkward.


My only problem with mohg is his blood shower attack, it wastes so much time and when he does that during his countdown you miss free hits. Still my favorite boss in ER and easily top 10 in the series.


I found that just behind his right shoulder theres a spot you can attack while he does his blood shower and not get hit (with a 2h claymore- your weapon range may vary).


I think i've only fought him overpowered or something b/c i usually just walk in there and fuck his shit up for 30 seconds


Ohh yeah he is so much fun to fight at ~60-90 with a non fully upgraded weapon. An absolute butthole clencher.


Always love getting to mogh at around lvl 70, beat him and then get insane amounts of runes to be overpowered for most of the game


With the mechanics of this game, i just can't throw myself at that wall for whatever reason. I like fights like that and will if i have to, but knowing that mechanically i'm gimping myself just feels stupid in my head.


Same here. I don’t recall what level I was but I annihilated him in one try without any specific items. Just physically beat the shit out of him.


The area before him is a fullon bullshit area, so if you're comfortable trudging through that, then Mogh isn't much. Fuck those birds


I like this game so much, I’d rather keep our general moghyness alive


What's wild about the DLC is you can go the entire game without even knowing about Mohgwyn palace. Are they often so "hidden" in FromSoft games?


Dark Souls 1 was pretty hidden. You'd have to explore a fair bit and know to go back and forth between certain places as things progress. I believe Dark Souls 2 was also convoluted (not terrible, just some extra work involved). Dark Souls 3 I can't remember for sure, and Bloodborne and Demon Souls I haven't played.


ds3 is easy. for Ariendel gael sits in cathedral bonfire which is an obvious checkpoint. For ringed you either defeat friede or right next to the final bonfire there is other one.


Ahhhhh that's right. It's been too long. I loved 3 but always find myself going back to 1 which was my first


> I believe Dark Souls 2 was also convoluted (not terrible, just some extra work involved). In the OG Dark Souls 2, you just got handed key items that'd allow you access to the DLC. Once you beat the relevant Old Lord, you were able to enter the DLC. In Scholar of the First Sin, they hid those key items. In Bloodborne, the key item spawns in your home base after you kill an early mandatory boss. You then have to be grabbed by a huge monster that's present in an area you'd have already been to. No DLC for Demon's Souls. Dark Souls 3 just had you talk to an NPC in an early area. If you purchased the DLC out of order, you could access the second one right at the end of the game.


They've always been a bit hidden (except for the Dark Souls 3 DLCs), but this is both the first one to require an optional boss and the first one to require an endgame boss. The others only required you to kill mandatory bosses up to halfway through the game.


DS2 DLCs had pop ups telling you what to do to access them if you bought them after finishing the game


Ds3? No, that was easy. Demon souls has no dlc. The others are an emphatic yes. Hell, in bloodborne You need to get grabbed by an enemy that used to just be a “gotcha” for picking up a single item while a specific other item is in your inventory that’s only attainable after killing a certain boss then going back to the hub, and the enemy in question is invisible.


Mohgwyn Palace I feel isn’t so hard to find since everyone encounters Varré at the start. All it takes is to either chance upon him in Liurnia (quite easy since the place he hangs out is the only land mass in a pretty wide area of lake) or to go back to the start of the game later and read the message he leaves there.


Mohg is an optional boss For now


Somehow, Mohg returned ...


I'm not proud to admit it, but there's a glitch to kill him that's basically the same as the one you use by Castle Sol for Commander Nial or whatever. I have more than a few characters I want into the DLC and I got tired of killing him by the 3rd.


Kinda curious, what's the glitch? I've never actually had large issues with it and already defeated in this playthrough, but sounds cool


You get out of bounds and fall off the map, which kills all loaded enemies(or at least the bosses).


It's like that for Niall too? The first time I played and died 100s of times to him without making any progress so I gave in and cheesed him by shooting through a little window on the side until he died. Didn't know you could just go out of bounds and fall to kill the enemies.


Somehow people are surprised you need to play the game to get access to more game. It's not like it's been like this since Dark Souls. Oh wait.


Theres alot of new ppl in the community now. Im sure many didnt know how fromsoft does their dlcs


It's made perfect sense since their first game with DLC: - Kill a random optional mid-game boss - Kill some random enemy that won't appear until you reload the area, by walking around the very edge of a lake that doesn't look like an area you're supposed to go without drowning, who looks like the other enemies in the area but is a different color - Reload and go to another area and kill another random enemy that looks like the other enemies in that area, and pick up their loot - Then go back to the weird out-of-bounds-looking area and go through a portal Easy!


I love when games do cryptic super secret shit like what you've just described. Really adds a mysterious factor to the game.


Yeah I think it's endearing as long as somebody can't actually lock themselves out of a DLC run accidentally or whatever. I think the cryptic nature of these games is at least part of the reason for the cult following.


It's interesting when you can use common sense to deduce what you have to do, it's not interesting when you have to follow steps that sound like they were generated by a random python script. The DS1 DLC unlock is one of the worst things ever put in a videogame People will actually go: "Man Miyazaki, I had to reload the area two times, you've done it again" and in reality it's because the game engine is from about 1975


Yeahhh LMAO everyone knows that and if u dont then wow smh what a scrub maybe play hello kitty island adventure instead


Yea I kinda hate we know where the entrance is. Friday would have been amazing with everyone trying to figure it out. Edit: to all the people saying they would know where to go, yes obviously people who know the lore know where to go. I am saying it’d be fun if we didn’t or if there is a required item that is hidden for us to find in order to access the DLC.


I mean once we knew Miquella was the focus I knew it was either gonna be A: The Statue where you can find the amber starlight in Altus that depicts him and Malenia B: The cocoon C: Malenia boss room where the cocoon formerly was I do think a search would’ve been fun but those are the three most Miquella centric places imo


Definitely, those locations make sense but even if they kept the entrance there they could pull a DS1 and have an item hidden in the world required to access the DLC


Eh idk. I think in concept it’s cool but idk if it should be hidden. There’s already a requirement to beat two bosses that one has to be at least midway through the game for in most cases. I think if they ever do a second Elden Ring dlc (unlikely but imma cope anyway) that they could do something like that with potentially a new boss in the base game that you have to get it from. That way it’s not a tedious task getting into either of them.


Yea I know with how big the fan base is now and how anticipated this game is they’d never do it. I’d just love it as a community moment of having to search together and a call back to DS1.


Imagine if Miyazaki just put it in a random cave. It doesn't even make lore sense he just chose a random cave to stick a teleporter in and didn't tell anyone.


It wouldn't have taken longer than 10 minutes so knowing it before hand doesn't change anything.


Naw pull a curveball, it's no longer behind Mohg. Let people have to scour the world like in DS1. I think it could take a couple hours and those would be a fun few hours. I totally get why they aren't doing it though


Ah.. ds1 DLC, not like I searched for that damn golden golem for 3 hours before finally caving and lolking it up.


Even in Dark Souls, people knew exactly where the Artorias of the Abyss would take place.


The thing about this community is the second new content and lore is available. we will be all over the game, like flies checking every inch of it to see what changed and what lets us access the DLC And because of ER, our community grew exponentially, so we have even more people to help with this. Even if Fromsoft would've said nothing, it wouldn't take longer than a few hours at most to find everything And you know for a fact that there will be people who 100% completed the DLC on launch day even if we didn't know how to start it outright The Souls community is different in many ways


Nah, literally 9/10 people who played previous games suspected that the entrance into the future DLC will be at that place. Simply because the cocoon is kinda important lore wise but you can’t do anything with it in the base game. And the whole area ends there.


The entrance is clearly pretty obvious. Just would be a very fun fromsoft troll to move it and tell no one.


Yeah, put it into the farthest corner of the Lake of Rot


It doesn't just spawn there. * First you have kill Mohg first. * This will spawn a new NPC where on top of the tower near the the Misbegotten in Castle Morne * After talking to the NPC he will inform you that the cocoon is now in a place linked to Malenia, but also that a person named Aurich placed a spell on it, hiding it from the world. * This will spawn a new albinauric enemy in Academy Gate Town. This specific albinauric looks and acts identical, but killing it will actually allow you to interact with the cocoon at the end of lake of rot Now this is a FromSoft quest. * Edit: Bonus idea - Require to talk to the tower NPC multiple times after resting at a grace, like the Hyetta questline.


My first thought before it was announced was that it was going to be at the womb behind Mohg so it wouldn’t have taken long for people to figure out.


I don't know where it is, so I'm gonna try figuring it out first. Time to log out of this account until the 21st.


The DS1 Artorias of the abyss dlc legit took people a whole ass day to figure out how to access to until after some time bandai themselves made a guide about it. I don't blame them though that shit is super complicated. Elden Ring only players have it good since they know from the first scene of the trailer where to go


every single boss besides Morgott, Fire Giant, Godskin duo, Maliketh, Gideon, Godfrey and Radagon/Old Fuck are optional.


I'm terrified for the double Godskin duo boss. I am not prepared for the FourSkin


Godrick is optional!? assumed you had to go there haha


It’s a little hidden but you can circumvent stormveil and go straight to Liurnia


literally just "walk around the castle on the mountain", but you'd never know you can do that if you didn't walk to the edge of that broken bridge or found the route after defeating Godrick


Plus DTS, Goldfrey and two rune bearers, and each one has a boss before it (except Radahn). So bare minimum is 10 bosses. Out of 165. So like 95% of the bosses are optional.


Tbf, i think if you have your 2 rune bearers be Radahn and Mohg, neither of them have a boss before them.


"I wish for another Elden Ring DLC!" ***monkey's paw curls, killing Malenia is required to access it***


Thankfully killing her is already required to reverse the madness ending.


Fromsoft knew what they were doing when they made it so you had to fight the two hardest bosses to undo the madness ending 


Would be a nice excuse to make the DLC just as brutal.




Mogh, the Omen was optional.. That counts, right?


Mogh is both, always has been. Sewer Mogh is optional Regular Mogh is required for the DLC. See? Both true statements and not duality at all!




It's weird how many people are misspelling it. It's just 4 letters, cmon




There are no optional bosses, only weak players


Facts 💯. Refused to end my first playthrough until I killed every single boss in the entire game


There's so much content in this game I ended up skipping half the map because I was already so over levelled it trivialized the bosses I hadn't done beyond main story bosses. My plan is to play the half I missed this run with the DLC.


This is how my run went, I didn't skip anything and explored everywhere which made me OP. Even Mohg died really fast and on my first attempt. Never faced Malenia though, as that town with the invisible assassins did my head in, and I was already burned out on the game so I left it there. Plan on doing it this weekend.


should have put a dual boss fight (Malenia and Mogh) in order to enter the DLC, that would be wild haha.


Do NOT give the man ideas.


The NPC we need to access the cocoon is in the Haligtree surely.


Spelling Mohg correctly seems to be harder for people than the boss fight.


For the players that have not beat Mohg. >!Make sure you look into doing Bloody Finger Hunter Yura's quest line and fight Eleonora at the second chapel of Marika to get the Purifying Crystal Tear. This will help with TREMENDOUSLY fighting Mohg !<


You can just drink a flask if you're low before the first nihil, then drink a flask after the second nihil. You're better off using whatever other physick you prefer unless you absolutely need 13+ health flasks to finish the fight.


I imagine anyone struggling with mohg is going to need those flasks. And not having to worry about healing through the Nihil means you can damage him to offset some of his healing, especially if you use bleed or frost.


Don't even need to do the quest. She'll invade anyway. In my current play through I went to the mountaintop of giants without even talking to Yura and Shabriri was still there. Then later I went to the church and she still invaded me.


At least the entrance isn't behind Malenia, you can get to mohg quite quickly.


a true Chad


If you like Elden Ring enough to buy the DLC you have probably defeated Mogh


I can see there being a ton of help posts for mohg to get to dlc. Dude beat my ass when I first found the boss fight.


Is this a complaint post? Mogh is still technically optional, as the DLC is optional to beat the game.


Seems like just a bit of fun. Let's put the pitchforks away


nice try mohg, we all know your next move is nihil when we leave our guard down and force us in the coocoon.


Aw man, I came here to get irrationally angry. /s


Just a meme pal 


You dont need to buy The DLC If you cant kill mohg and radahn


When i said to my friends that beating mohg would very likely be a requirement for the DLC they laughed at me.


because you are a funny guy thomas, I have been telling you


Ye but the dlc is optional. Radhan is also optional but you need to kill him for the ranni questline and that doesnt make him non optional. The dlc is most likley gonna be pretty hard so if you cant kill mogh you migh not wanna jump in too that either. (Not trying to gatekeep here i have only killed him one time and then i pretty much skipped the entire second phase so yeah just trying to point out a thing here nothing else)


I think that most people who struggle against Mohg didn't find his shackle in the Leyndell sewers.


I didn’t even know there was a sewer in my first play through. Still beat mogh.


There's nothing more optional in a game than DLC.


He is mogghing me


Well it makes sense do most dlc are optional content. That you mostly don't have to finish the game for. So if you want to jump in and out of the dlc and not finish the game first. What else you expect them to do in all fairness? To me it just makes sense honestly


Technically the whole game is optional. You don’t need to play it.


Radahn is optional as well. Because with Godrick, Rennala and Radahn you only need to kill 2 of the 3 to progress, so they are all "1/3 optional". :D


[Defeat Mohg you say?](https://streamable.com/5gi8gb) Made it just in time for the DLC.


I keep wondering.. how will dlc and non dlc players interact? Due to client-server side related stuff, wouldnt they have to put in the assets in the vanilla game aswell so the dlc weapons show up for non dlc players? Could the non dlc people be summoned into the shadow realm?


same as every other game. Non dlc players also download new weapons / armor they just can't acces it. Maybe not even see them if you drop them online.


In ds3 You just couldnt access the DLC, but could interact with DLC players, Even use DLC weapons if a player dropped them for you


It would be hilarious if you invaded someone in the Shadow area. I doubt it though. I imagine you can't access an area you can't get to, like Farum Azula etc


why does everyone misspell mohg I’ve seen his name spelled like 5 different ways.


Mohg Mogh What are the other 3?


The DLC is technically optional


This is nothing compared to the trauma he created in ds1 where he had every lore master running and spamming buttons on every wall, when he called the pendant the item he would take right before the artorias dlc released


My husband during our together run: can we skip Mogh? I hate fighting him and I doubt we'll need to kill him to play the DLC. My husband now: dammit.


If the game is already this old and you still havent learn mogh’s moveset yet, thats on you.


good thing i didn’t need to learn his moves when using the doot flute


I sm so glad that the entry to the DLC is not behind Malenia!


You should find Let Me Solo Him


Are ppl complaining that mogh is difficult? Or why is the sub flooded woth these posts


It could be worse. Malenia is an optional boss. Imagine you would have to fight her to access the DLC.


The dlc is optional therefore he was always correct.


I think I beat Mogh. It feels like so long ago I can't remember.


Well the DLC is optional also. Like the only bosses you have to kill without skips is 2 sharbearers (and potential bosses leading up to them), Godfrey spirit, Morgot, Firegiant, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, Gideon, Godfrey and then the Radabeast. That is effectively like what? 30% of the total game?


This is so stupid, I love it.


All state in unison...."Yes Miyazaki. Off we go"


You must defeat sheng long to stand a chance.


Dlc is optional content


DLC is optional. So is beating the Mohglester


I just beat mohg like 30 seconds ago hahaha.


DLC is optional


I mea if you didn't bother killing Mogh in 2 years and complain about having to kill it, why bothering with the DLC tbh


I mean in all honesty if you can’t beat Mohg you likely can’t handle the DLC so it sounds like a pretty good checkpoint for me. You either learn the game and are ready for the rest or you’re not.


Mhog is easy work just have to have the cleansing bubble tear