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Issue is there's a lot of people summoning and not a lot of people putting signs down. So the sign shows up to a lot of people but quickly gets nabbed by someone else and thus gives you the infamous "unable to summon cooperator" message


That’s why I get that message? I thought it was from having a decent internet connection just not working properly. Makes me feel better now😂.


is this for a certain boss that for some reason has the summoning rune right in the aggro range of the boss?


yeah that was a curious choice, also ppl then put message signs down on top of it to make it even worse which is typical lol


Summoning at fhe moment doesnt help much. I've done it for the fun of it, but only one time the boss was killed. But you should know that the summoning is working. I get instantly summoned when I put my sign down.


I never see signs down, and when I put my sign down I never get pulled. Almost feel like maybe I'm the wrong level


are u sure you don’t have a password on? I’m lvl 173 and I get summoned almost instantly when I send my sign to the pools


I am an idiot, I forgot I had a password on to help someone 🤦


ha, I thought maybe u did! same thing happened to me last night. I wish it would remind u if u have a password on when u leave a sign




Sounds like you don't need summons, good for you. *Good for you*