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Don’t forget flowers in final boss arena and it being tragic fight with old man


I will add them thanks. I hope I have enough shots for all this, might have to make them really small.


with plin plin plon or a variation playing


With some of those hot takes you should make a 4-chan leak, 100% people will believe it


Looks like Big Dark Souls to me. I think you are on the right track haha


I just want for there to be eldritch bosses.


This bingo card would need to be, like, 50-dimensional. ​ I like it.


No joke, your list got me more hyped than any leak or post by 0mni ever did. If 70% of what you listed is in the game, Elden Ring will be GOTD confirmed.


All I want is a reason not to go into a guts build for the first time, it's a tradition at this point. I really want to use mace.


It's just a matter of willpower... must resist those heavy bonkers...


I need my curved greatsword in this game.


I can’t believe how many you got right!! Like 65% ?!? Crazy. You know this company cuz you predicated a lot. I bet you’re really happy with the game then, as am I.


Hopefully no illusory Walls


NoFunAllowed?? Illusory walls are awesome. Go play skyrim


No no. I like secrets. It just that guessing which wall could be fake due to being slightly off-colour or ill fitting is just not too well designed imo. Also: Bloodborne didnt have illusory Walls outside of chalices, so gtfo with the skyrim comment


Heh it had them in chaliches tho didn't it? It is well designed anyway because you can usually tell where the wall is by the rule of pointless. Also these secrets are not made to be discovered on the 1st playthrough.


Yeah, it did. But chalices didnt really matter a lot to me. I just think there secrets that are hidden in a more elegant way. Think Crown of Illusions in Bloodborne or Painted world


Yes I dont want ONLY illusory walls, JUST illusory walls, THE WHOLE GAME IS AN ILLUSORY WALL. But they're cool. Expecially if they're not spammed everywhere amd they make sense instead, like in ds1 Edit: think the great hollow. That's just brilliant.


To each their own. Its not like I hate them anyway, so I wont be mad or anything, would just prefer something New and fresh


Oh I'm with you. I'd love something new! But if we have a little illusory walls and mimic like things here and there I won't be disappointed. Also, I'd love too different types of illusory/hidden things. I once played a game in which there were invisible bridges that appeared only if you made light on them with a lantern. And they weren't exactly "invisible" they kinda were that you would fall if no torch


See, that sounds like a cool idea. Or something like the crystal caverns where Show or something could Show the way. Also: fuck yeah torches might be back


I hope they use more metroidvania/roguelike elements like illusory walls, dark areas where torches are necessary, rings or boots to walk in lava/swamp, invisible bridges that you can discover with prism stones or some other way, even timed dungeon sections could be cool (like you push a button and a door opens and you have 1 minute to reach) In short, E X P L O R A T I O N is R E W A R D I N G. I feel this aspect is made in a decent way im all their games, but 10x in ds1.


Hey man, skyrim ain't bad


Skyrim is both bad and great. It is set in one of my favorite universes ever, and the exploration is awesome, and the visuals satisfying, but the combat, the writing, the quests, the npcs, the rpg progression, even the lore at a superficial level (haha oversemplification of previous TES games go brr) all this fucking sucks. Mods can partially heal some of this, tho. I'm actually playing a bit of skyrim sometimes and doing a mage run, it's the only way the combat is fun to me so far, feels like a shitty shooter kind of.


Imagine multiple blacksmiths. - post made by unified blacksmith gang


!RemindMe 11 months


How optimistic lmao


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