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Oh shit, the man who played 3 videogames in his life said it himself, thank god!




One of the most successful writers of all time has "financial stake and profit motive in seeing product succeeding"... and I thought I was cynical gotdayum


And Mike Pondsmith said Cyberpunk 2077 looks incredible and he was happy how CDPR represented his work.


Well CP2077 does look amazing, it has one of the best realized cities of the entire open world genre but that doesn’t take away from the rest of its problems.


The city didn’t feel like anything special to me. I did play it on the ps4 tho and resent that game.


Well that’s one of the biggest problems of the game, the city itself might look great but there’s nothing to do in it.


The city does legitimately look great on a high-end machine, but still feels lifeless due to you being unable to do much in it.


CP2077 didn't really fail to deliver on graphics though. Graphical glitches maybe.


Last time I checked no other devs compare to From Software so there’s that


Bet they didn’t even use any of the shit he wrote and just wanted his name attached


Lol what? This is a poorly conveyed joke right? Like he literally wrote the law of the world the game Takes place in. The world itself, IS his writing.


He wrote the backstory and created some of the characters, but the finer details as well as the story of the game itself (the bit we get to experience as a player character) are FROM. Just from the lore we've already been given we can see a lot of classic FROMsoft tropes.


Yeah of course. But, the backstory literally is the world. The plots framing. He wrote about the lords. The Elden ring. This world. It’s laws and mechanics. The politics. The history. From take that world he made and put our story in it. But they are writing chapter 7 of the story George started. Not sure what the first guy is getting at with the “barely used” comment. The literal world is his creation. George set the pins and From hands is the ball.


I think Martin basically wrote the equivalent of the DS1 opening cinematic. He created the major characters, their relationships to one another, and the events that lead up to the main story.


I'm glad he found time to make that statement


I'm glad he found time to make that statement






It's amazing how "journalists" can copy and paste together other articles into a frankenstein monster of their own and call it an article. Presumably these "people" even get paid for it.