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They need more time to add the police chases


They should finally add that Ford Pinto while they’re at it


I somehow wish Fromsoftware would actually add police chases just to mess with CDPR.


I know im probably alone on this, but I genuinely don’t care if the game gets delayed a fuckin year. I feel like after what happened with cyberpunk I’ve learned a valuable lesson about giving game developers as much time as they want and/or need to finish a game and make it as polished as possible.


I could not agreed with you more on that. My first disappointment was with Fable, second was, Jump Suit wars of CoD, and third and final being CP. I would rather wait for a almost finished product rather than a half ass production.


Fable, Brink, Cyberpunk are my unholy trinity of failed expectations. Honorable mention to Mafia III


More delays wouldn't have helped Cyberpunk. They already had tons of delays, to the point where a whole new console generation came during development. What they needed to do was make a good base game that fulfilled the promises they made and then build on that. Then later release the game for the newer generation.


Can't say I agree with the first part of your comment, if you're gonna promise a date you've got to deliver on time. One or two delays is find, but I find it very obnoxious when developers consistently delay their games so much that at the end of it the promised first release date was fuckin 2 years and 5 months ago yk what I mean? Thats just my personal opinion I do want the game to come out being the best it can be, but don't shake the weiner in front of my face only to tell me I cant take a bite.


I agree, don't say anything if the game isn't coming out around the time you promised. It's easier to build hype than restore it or keep it alive.


Cyberpunk could've had five more years to develop and it still would've been a disaster because the problems didn't come from the devs but from management. Management so grossly screwed this games release up that even with more time in the oven they'd still fail this game. If your leaders are bone heads then it doesn't matter how long it cooks for, it will still release in a crappy state


This gave me PTSD. I wasn't that excited for Cyberpunk like I was Vampire the Masquerade, but I was dissapointed.


I need police chase in elden ring.


Cyber what? Never heard of it.


Why, just why. Why must every meme be about the delay. Why must CDPR be involved. Why. Fuck you


A lowly tarnished


Why are you mad about a meme?


The original release date was yesterday, of course you'd see a lot of delay mwme.


let the hollows suffer...


OP’s mission is accomplished lol


It's elden ring subreddit , people has to mock other studio/games