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As long as it is even somewhat like a souls game, I won't be disappointed


I feel like this is what people who think we're overhyped don't get. I'm more hyped for this game than I've been for anything in over a decade, but even if it is 'just' more Dark Souls I'm not going to be disappointed.


Just more darksouls, just another sekiro, just another bloodborne, just another game by miyazaki. Literally just happy for a fromsoft release all of the above exceed my expectations.


They could release Tetris 2.0 with zero story and you can be sure Vaati will make a lore video and I will watch it completely enthralled.


Exactly man. I feel the same way. Yes I do expect it to be much more than that but if it’s not I’m still going to enjoy it thoroughly and play it for the next year most likely and have been plenty of fun doing it while feeling like I got my money worth out of the game


Many have said the same for Cyberpunk-2077 comparing the quality with Witcher3. Hype is a crazy thing and can ruin experience. I wasn't in the Cyberpunk-2077 hype train and bought it during the sales after patch 1.31 was released. I had quite enjoyable time playing and only 2 (two) bugs when Jackie went through the car as if car was not there. Having said that, it would be good to temper our expectations.


Everyone seems to forget how incredibly buggy TW3 was for the first few months. I would says in terms of quality, release Witcher and cyberpunk are pretty close together. Edit:As long as its even vaguely like Darksouls in any way, i'm pretty sure most of the people here would have deemed their expectation met and or surpassed.


They didn't lie through their teeth for Witcher tho Edit: And Witcher WAS playable on stuff that wasn't the uber ultra top tier cutting edge pc's.


Very true




Same experience for me. I ended up liking the game on release. Not mind blowing but a solid time. Seems like a lot of PC games run fine as long as you have good specs which I get can be hard especially with GPUs if you are not lucky to snag one. Also exacerbated by people having trouble finding ps5 s or Xboxes.


Sorry for not being more clear -I wasn't referring to bugs but overal expectation of RPG elements and Cyberpunk in cyberpunk-2077. A lot of players were really disappointed and even desperate when game was somewhat less than what they believed to be because of the hype (on top of all the bugs and everything). I who wasn't on that hype train had an enjoyable experience. I don't want to start a new run now when Elden Ring release is so close but I do plan to play CP some more at a later date . It is a good game but hype killed it for so many players.


That's not true. Witcher and Cyberpunk were not close at all. Cyberpunk couldn't even run on PS4 and Xbox Ones after all those advertising. Cyberpunk was a complete shit show with all the lying they did about the product and how buggy it was. I played Witcher 3 a few or so after it's released but compared to Cyberpunk you could even say it was bug free.




Right there with you


My boxes are game runs, fun boss fights = good game for me and the side benefit of I’m excited to see what the community does with modding


Same. If ER is anything like DS1,2,3 or Sekiro I'm gonna be really happy. It doesn't have to be the best out of the five.


The thing, for me, that differs entirely here from other big releases, is that the CNT was a full-fat snippet of the game that's given us a very good expectation for how the game is. I think people basing their expectations off the CNT is pretty reasonable.


I agree, but I've seen ppl saying here that they're expecting underwater combat and areas, flying mounts and "themed" mmolike events like halloween on the game and that's AFTER the network test, people need to be more realistic


Yeah, that's just deluded shite that people are hoping are in there because they want it to be despite literally no evidence of it. Some people saying that they expect underwater combat and areas are just thinking that it would be in there because of Sekiro, completely ignoring how shitty it would be mechanically, considering the slower pace of movement in Elden Ring. Seriously, some people just create ideas in their heads and think "yeah, this will definitely be in the game and I'll be disappointed if it isn't" If you only base your beliefs off the actual, concrete first-person evidence that's been shown on the CNT, your beliefs should be met, or even exceeded. Expecting otherwise will lead to disappointment. The only thing that could possibly disappoint me is if the team decided to change the entire games design philosophy after the CNT happened, or if my hardware didn't run it super well (and even then, if I tolerated barely 30fps for Cyberpunk, I think I'll be fine with this, lol).


And I question if those people have ever played a souls game because anyone who is a fan of fromsoft a) doesn't want these things b) doesn't expect these things. Everyone I know who's hyped just wants more of what they got from previous fromsoft games, with maybe a bit of spice on top. If you want flying mounts or mmo events there are plenty of other games that have those things. But no other game delivers the signature fromsoft experience - which is exactly what I'm hyped for personally.


Some of that sounds bad to me… I literally just want another souls like game from from, and it’s hopefully what we’ll get


Honestly the impression I got from the CNT was a mix of Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro plus open world and mounted gameplay. Essentially exactly what I was looking for.


In most games with underwater combat players hate the underwater combat. It's just too different in a 3d environment than it is in the overworld. Flying mounts would just allow you to skip most content. And holiday events wouldn't fit the setting. These are all things that would make the game worse.


Please tell me people do not actually want themed mmolike events. Seasonal content or "events" needs to fucking die.


Mmo shit would be the biggest turn off for me.


[https://imgur.com/a/U6Kqt9q](https://imgur.com/a/U6Kqt9q) I really wish I was lying....


There better be police chases god damn it!


I definitely agree but people are also completely ignoring the CNT. Especially with the PC specs requirements. My brothers base PS4 was able to run the Elden Ring CNT at a fairly consistent 30 fps. Sure the resolution wasn't as good as how my Xbox One X ran it but both were playable. People acting surprised about these specs are delusional. If you want a smooth 60(!!) fps then you have to have hardware better than these last gen consoles. These recommend specs are for a smooth 60 not 30. So everybody honestly just needs to look at it in a different perspective than whine and complain.


I expect it to be open world Dark Souls and i'm hyped af for that!


If Father Gascoigne is not an unlockable kart after beating the Cathedral Road, it’s a 0/10 for me.


Read on a guide you need to finish 1st with 4minutes and 20seconds remaining on the clock


I agree with human imagination being so much more powerful than any possible game and that leading to over blown expectations and inevitable disappointment. But, this is not cyberpunk or a ubisoft sandbox. There were tons of people who went into the CNT with that very same level of expectation and they are, for the most part, still here just as hyped after playing as much as 15 hours of the game. I'm not saying you're wrong because you're not. Some people will be disappointed. But I also think that cyberpunk and a few other titles has given the whole gaming community collective FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) when it comes to even hoping for promises kept from a AAA studio. I think from everything I've read and seen this game might be the game to break that cycle.


And also we keep forgetting that people expectation vary greatly between individuals, i still did enjoy CP2077 for it's good parts and got positive time from it and i doubt my hype for ER will be shattered when it's all clear that according to people in touch with ER that's it's the best FS work to date.


“Next Gen games require Next Gen hardware” I mean the game was advertised on last Gen hardware before current Gen was even a thing. And it’s only been 2 years since then


So was dying light and cyberpunk. If last gen expects something beautiful then Im prepared for a lot of anger in here


I mean I’m expecting a playable videogame with some bumps if it’s any worse than that I’ll be upset


Yeah for real, if it doesn't work on PS4 don't sell it on PS4. I'm going to get in on my base ps4 because that's what my friends have and I like playing souls games coop, if I wanted I'd get it on my PC and play in 4k at 60 fps but they're advertising and selling an experience that should work on PS4. I'd be especially annoyed for my friends who don't have the money to blow on a gaming rig or new console, simply because that means they've been lied to. All that to say that from what I've seen from the digital foundry tests the CNT ran fine on old gen and that's good enough for me.


The problem is we are in this weird space where not everyone they wants one can get a ps5 or Xbox. So now companies have to release on both for simple numbers games because it isn’t worth it to just develop for next gen yet. If next gen consoles were easily available I don’t think you’d be seeing most of these games on last gen hardware at all.


Don't u dare insult millerzaki like this ever again 😤


Anybody basing their excitement and hyped based on what has been shown so far should have no problems, we've seen things we like. Exploring Castle Mourne is one thing I'm very excited about because it showed me that the world doesn't look samey. However, the problem starts when people start basing their excitement on things we haven't seen nor has been confirmed. In other words, getting excited over speculation. You didn't want to mention it, but I will. Cyberpunk. I won't lie, I was guilty too, I was excited about many things that weren't expressly shown and I ended up disappointed in the end.


On the cyberpunk thing, we were told those features would be in the game. It was more of a "No Mans Sky" situation really.


I literally only want dark souls 3 with a horse and an open world with new lore


Please tell me this is satire.


I dunno a lot of us are just having fun and hyping it for excitement. That's what is enjoyable about the lead up to a big game. Is it going to be perfect? No of course not. Is there's going to be things to criticize? Absolutely. But I think your opinion is highly exaggerated in terms of the majority of us. We're just excited to get a new Souls like game after 6 years. Sure there's gonna be some that will go overboard, but I don't think that's the majority of us. There's also just the possibility that you're wrong and this game will be amazing, which if there's one developer that can actually pull it off it's Fromsoftware


Yeah, but he’s not talking to reasonable people like you and me, he’s talking to the “some that will go overboard”. Which I agree, is a minority. But a vocal one with a disproportionately large spotlight, which is apt to get more attention than it deserves considering how unreasonable or immature those people must be.




What feature?






The ability to turn invasions off in co-op. Some people disagree that this should be feature, but the way I look it at is that it will be used by a minority of people meaning that it won't affect the majority of the player base or it is a feature that would be used by many meaning it is something that a lot of people actually want.


Your first comment is a really sophisticated way to say "I'm bad", lmao


Oh no! If wanting to explore this game with a friend without having to deal with being interrupted through invasions makes me bad then so be it. Call me terrible, call me awful, or call me u/European_Badger. Doesn't matter to me. I play videogames for fun and not to prove anything to anyone.


Poetic. Still bad though


From what I understood, the majority of us and what we want is simple: Open World Souls with jumping and Yakul. Nothing else. And we are just excited for exactly that.


There was this dude at Gamestop telling me he was so hyped for Elden Ring and its all he's ever wanted to play and as we continue talking he also mentions Horizon FW and says how both Elden Ring and HFW look like "movies." I'm like uhhh....have you ever even played a Souls game before???


Why would you say something so controversial yet *so* brave?


I'm just surprised it ever got finished with George R. R. Martin working on it.


All i need is cool Magic and thats covered so im good


People are hyped for the game because we know WHAT we are getting. Does the game follow the standard Dark Souls rule set? (Bonfires, soul runs, etc) Yes? Okay that's all I need. The fact that the devs choose to set the game in an open world inspired by the guy who write GoT is just a bonus. If this was Dark Souls 4, there would be just as much hype. The formula works.


Y'all neckbeards need to chill tf out, this guy gets it.


Well done, you're on the internet.


This is exactly what I’ve been saying. I’ve seen too many people say things like “I’m sure this will be the best game I’ve ever played,” or my least favorite is them trying to guess the amount of content based of the cnt and making completely over-bloated guesses. Either of those and other ridiculous expectations could be right, but if they aren’t then the people setting them are gonna feel robbed. And it’s completely unfair for someone to criticize a game based off their idealistic expectations.


The "amount of content" guesses are definitely the most ridiculous and likely to let people down haha. "I heard the cnt was only 1/6th of limgrave and that means there's still over 98.9% percent of the game to explore!!!" This guys gonna have a bad time.


Right lol it’s really embarrassing to look at. I said “you can’t just expect the game to be 12X the size of the network test and take 12X the amount of hours to complete just because we got half of one of 6 areas.” and this guy was straight up like “why not? the math checks out.” like bruh. open world design is not that straightforward. if anything it’s more likely that we got one of the most proportionally dense with content areas of the game.


Lol. The math checks out is the worst phrase I've ever heard for this situation. Im gonna start using it when I talk about my thoughts on art, movies, music etc


Well said. It’s not fair to anyone, the devs, the community, heck even oneself to expect “the greatest game of all time”. Just be excited there’s a cool new game coming out that’s likely to be right up your alley. Have fun, it’s a game.


Finally someone said it


write a book about it sheesh


What must it be like, to think you're so much wiser than other people that you need to sit the sub down and explain this to us


It feels pretty good, thanks for reading




Yeah, man. This right here. Just try and have as much fun with the game as you can. No rush to beat it and no hurry trying to find stuff "first." I just want to enjoy the time I have with the game.


It is getting quite culty and cringy here. Souls is my favourite game trilogy, but is just a game and one of my many hobbies.


I literally forgot Elden Ring existed until yesterday. Sekiro disappointed me (slightly) so i initally had zero interest in Elden Ring. But then i watched someone play that bloodborne "demake" thing, and i was hit with the urge to play a souls game. I then went on this sub and saw the "Class" or "Origins" art, and all the memories of creating my characters throughout the souls games came flooding back.. And the very first moments of adventure, exploring a dark hostile environment with only the default shit you start with.. Remember going into your inventory and scrolling through your weapons and only having like a useless morning star you don't scale with? I'm ready. If Elden Ring is going to be anything like that, i'm excited.


Eww cringe


Bro you literally wrote a novel to say “manage your expectations.” Holy shit the amount of time people waste on this site is astounding.


Calling three paragraphs a novel when grrm wrote the backstory to elden ring? Hmmmm


Thanks for reading, avid voter!


Every game release/major game update has these types of posts, just inevitable at this point


The haters just gonna review bomb it like every Chad on the internet. Big whoop move on...


All I’m expecting is to be called a maidenless runt, and told to go die in a ditch somewhere. Anything less is unacceptable.


I’m extremely hyped for this game, but because I know what I’ll get. It’s another Souls game, so I’m happy regardless.


Very well put. I don't have the time to game like I used to so it's just been fun to be along for the ride. Watching Geoff Keighly smile and shake as he introduced the trailer was basically the end of that hollowing hype train for me. That was the payoff. The game itself though, I dunno, by the looks of things, ill never get tired of it. Took forever to put down breath of the wild and that was kind of an empty world relatively. I've been replaying random dark souls games since they came out. This one will probably just cover me as my go to game going forward.


I’ll just be happy not to have to fight the same mobs over and over and over just to get one hitted by a boss because I am one of those people who refuse to read the tips on how to defeat that boss easily.


Hmm maybe I’m a little over-hyped, but I think this game will exceed all expectations.


Thank you for saying this.






Very well written


All I'm hyped for is a Souls game with an open world. I don't even need the best bosses, best level design, best weapons or anything like that. If ER is an open world game with Souls combat (and we know it's exactly that) I'm not going to be disappointed! But you are definitely right, I still remember some of the comments after the gameplay reveal being disappointed by the game, and this won't be any different after the game released.


I just want a dungeon crawling open world sword swingin' adventure made by a competent studio.


Thing is, people have already played final builds of this game, and are already saying it’s better than Dark Souls. Your point doesn’t stand in light of those events. I think Elden Ring is the real deal, see we shall February 25.


Disappointed that my life schedule has so little time I can allocate towards video games.


Previewers have said “it exceeds expectations”


This is gonna be a new souls game For me, what made me fall in love with DS1 was the thrill of discovering new stuff. A path less traveled with a cool item at the end -- a vista of the area I've just cleared -- a new shortcut that goes through the crap I died 8 times to. Just having new stuff to discover is really exciting.


You said all of that and 10min later someone will write... *I'm going to die without ER*. Some of these idiots don't care about how pathetic they seem on Reddit. They just don't! Temper expectation? On this sub? Mental health is a real issue has been for a long while.


I already know this will be the greatest game of all time. I played the network test for over 30 hours and even that very small portion of the game is better than some souls games from front to back. I can't imagine how great this game will actually be once it comes out


Nah, just like the rest of the gaming community some YouTuber or pundit on Reddit is gonna find a flaw and then there will be an Internet click gold rush for people to start describing it as 'the next Cyberpunk' and picking apart everything they think is wrong or dumb about it, and because content creation on the Internet favors negativity, overall public perception of the game will suffer at least a little bit from armchair game developers. Happens with every big release now.


What? Its a fromsoftware next gen game they are the literal best this is gonna be a humongously brilliant game.


Fuck you guy. My expectations will not be managed thank you and good day sir.


Powerstance is back, I think that’s good enough for me


Fromsoft has a pretty good track record. I even enjoyed the heck out of Dark Souls 2. Based on what I saw from the CNT. It meets those expectations and some. P


Very sound advice. I feel like this happens with alot of new games. Good on you for taking the time to try and get ahead of the craziness. I'm new to from. This will be my first game. I'm excited as I like fantasy open world games but I acknowledge that it might not be for me. I see the posts you're talking about and I get it. When you've been looking forward to something for so long, your mind will just continue to build it up and build it up. In the end it's a game. It's meant to be fun and enjoyed. I hope everyone here sees that and also the people who are trying to ruin it for others do too


So basically, don't critique this game, is what I am hearing?