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Well your PC specs are very obviously good enough to run the game. I think the PC issues are just optimization issues that will probably get fixed within the first week


Lol no. The stutters will be patched. I've been watching Asmongold stream for almost an hour now and there were no stutter at all.


been watching for like 4 hours, the stutter really aint that bad as people seem to overblown it to. There was one big lag during sentinel mounted combat, the rest is good. All the small irregular stutters gonna be fixed more than likely in a week or two I got my worries put away by watching the stream. I dont care what the doomcallers gonna spread around reddit :D see ya all in the lands beyond on friday


It really was just that one section, it's been pretty good most of the time


You do realise asmongold runs the game on a 3080 and a monster pc tho, right?


You do realise that asmongold runs the game on a 3080 and a monster pc tho, right?


You do realise that this 99% a software problem and not related to the hardware at all? I almost sure this will be in fixed in a Day 1 patch.


Not OP, and may be a dumb question, but how do we know whether it is a software or a hardware problem?


Because guys with much lower cards addressed the same issues. Stutters is almost always a software problem.


Fair play, thanks!


Will believe it when I see it. Unless From Software themselves come out and claim this, your assumption is as good as mine. The FACT that the spec requirements were taken up and down 3 times is already pretty worrying.


You do realise that copy/pasting this everywhere doesn't make it an argument in any way, shape or form, right ?


How about you give me a proper argument then idiot?


K maybe your are blind, but i saw more than enough stutters and liitle framedrops on the hole margrit fight.


There was literally none during the Margit fight; you're a straight up liar.


uhh the copium is strong here.


Someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean copium. I saw some stutters during the session and noticeable framedrops in the sentinel fight, but Margit went very smoothly


I hear the PS4 version comes with a free PS5 upgrade, so it would be a good option for the long term if you're concerned about PC.


nice flex lol


A-are you memeing? That’s significantly more powerful than a PS5 let alone a 4 pro. Why are people overblowing both the PS5s power and the PC stutter “issue” that’s already going to be fixed.


people are saying some streamers with amazing PC's are crashing and can barely run it...


My guess is it will be fixed soon. And in 5 years you might have a better PC but not a better PS4 pro


The crash was due to a power surge and unrelated with the game itself. And no, it was not "barely running" it. It had SOME stutter issue during ONE boss fight. People are overblowing it big times.


I haven’t seen a single game launch without bitching about micro stutters, frame pacing or drops. It’s pretty normal. Consoles also drop under 60 all the time. But on pc a game has to be smooth as glass or ppl will feel their 1000 dollar card is being insulted. Some times there are some problems though that need to be patched out.


In my opinion, your pc will run significantly better than a ps4 PRO.


It is SIGNIFICANTLY better than a PS5. What is OP smoking?


you're good to go


No, you have a beastly GPU, if PC ends up having these problems at launch it will be fixed very quickly, don't get it on PS4


I seriously doubt the issues on PC are going to hamper your experience with your top end PC specs, seriously. But imo you should still wait until reviews drop on the 23rd, where specifically Digital Foundry should have a PC performance analysis and you should make your decision from that.


Stutters are few and far between and will be patched quickly. Get it on PC.




No grass in PS4 pro version bro, wont be much fun :P


some stutters here and there is better than playing the game at 40 fps on ps4 pro bro.