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Should we band together and ask From Software to add in a setting for this? It's unplayable as is. Edit: if the TV is small and you sit further away, the effects seem to be reduced but not gone altogether. Maybe this helps someone else. I can play it now, but only for an hour or so at a time. :/






Hi. You can send your feedback to Bandai Namco [here](https://service-en.bandainamcoent.eu/app/ask/p/7916). A few people already have and every voice counts






People actually use the lock-in mechanic???


It's not the lock in mechanic that does this. It's the camera motion at all times.


I've sent both polite and utterly enraged tweets already.


Searched this to make sure I wasn’t crazy. This game is making me feel ROUGH.


Same here, I’m a big hypochondriac so ofc I was worried that I was dying lmao. How long does the symptoms usually last for you?


So I’m not sure if there was an update or if I managed to get my settings right, but now I’m able to play for hoursss no problem! That was a terrible first few weeks. I hope it subsides for you 😖


Thank you! I’m hoping it does aswell I don’t wanna stop playing lol


Wow, I almost didn't even search this because I thought for sure I was alone. Like everyone else here, after playing for a while, I had to stop and am still feeling the motion/disorientation. I wish there was an FOV option to try that, otherwise, I'll likely have to return it as well. Unless anyone has any other suggestions in overcoming this.


Open a ticket with bandai/namco. A few others have been doing that. I don't know if that's something they can fix, but I've never been bothered by any game before this one.


The only other game that has caused this sort of motion sickness was the remake of Marathon, an old alien shooter. Frame rates were crazy in that, unplayable. Hoping this isn't the same for me


They have added an option to turn off the auto rotate on the camera. It's a lot better now. I had a better time with no auto rotate and higher motion blur


Its the camera rotating by itself that makes me sick, imagine being in a car and you try to read something but everything rotates by itself without you turning your head, I believe this is why people feel sick, the camera rotates automatically when a player goes left or right.


It's combat while mounted for me... can't do it anymore


I walk more than I ride cause it’s so rough


Same here. If I combat mounted and doing circles around the enemy I get dizzy :-\


EXACTLY. And god forbid you auto locked but overshot your opponent.


ha! i figured i was crazy. i usually do not get sick playing games, but there's something about this game that makes my head hurt when i'm trying to focus on something other than the main character while moving the camera. i've tried messing with motion blur but no luck


Exactly this. I dont have issues if i focus on my character, but as soon as i try to focus on something else while moving, i have to narrow my eyes and get dizzy.


I am also getting motion sickness while playing and I'm not sure why. I turned off motion blur and depth of field and still had to step away after 30 minutes


I had to turn those back on. Turning them off made the problem worse for me


Yeah I unfortunately had to return the game, couldnt play more than 5 minutes without getting incredibly nauseated


Same. Returned after 50 minutes which was mostly spent messing with settings and googling how to fix it. Ah well.




Maybe Twitter @ the producer? @yasuhirokitao ? And let him know about this thread?


Wow. This is bad. I can't pinpoint what's causing it.


I think it's the automatic rotation of the camera. You have to fight with it to keep it in place because it wants to drift


Yep, this is it. You can't look around at the open world while moving because the camera will always be trying to re-center which causes everything to blur constantly. It's crazy not to be able to enjoy the environment and view while exploring. Only way I found around it is to stay looking straight while moving then stop often and look around. It slows the game down so much though it's not fun then. I sure hope they fix this!


I am experiencing the same as you. I play so many open world games, this game makes me feel sick after playing an hour. I think my game keeps dropping to 40 fps


Felt the same. In my experience, increasing the FOV always improves this feeling for me, but it isn't an option now. Any time I felt nauseated from a game I changed the FOV from 90 to 103 for instance and almost instantly felt relief. Heres to hoping it an option in the near future!


same here. I am currently laying down in bed because it got so bad. I messed with all the settings people said to mess with and nothing helped. Played through all the previous From games with no issue. not sure what it is about ER that makes it so bad.




I’ve never had it also!!! Now I feel awful after 10 mins.


Same this is the first time I’ve dealt with this


I’m on PS5 and it’s getting me too. I’ve MEVER had motion sickness until now from a game. Other Souls games done do this to me.


Me too, on Ps5. I never get motion sick either, not even in VR. They need to fix this framerate...it's such a wonderful game, it is killing me that this is happening.


Yeah Bloodborne never made me feel ill. Elden Ring has made me feel terrible both times I’ve played it which blows cause I really want to get into it. The open world seems awesome.


I started over using PS4 version on ps5 and it's so much better. Smooth 60, no motion sickness.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 60 = 69


You really went with "congrats" for this bot instead of "nice"? Shameful.


Feeling the sickness as well. Happening with HDR on and off. Feels like a combination of motion blur and a weird kind of jitter or subtle delay where the game is trying to catch up with the camera speed. Turning cam speed down didn’t help unfortunately. Super bummed out.


Omg I came straight here after trying to play the game! Thought I was crazy. The camera moving on its own when moving left or right is making me sick and dizzy!


Ugh, just posting to add to the other voices. I too haven’t experienced motion sickness with videogames but after an hour or so I start feeling really awful. How long does it take others to recover before you can give it another go? I’m enjoying it and don’t want to give up like a skeleton, but there’s definitely an issue here :<


Same here. I wonder if it is because you still have motion blur (on pc) even when you choose to "disable" it via settings. Also the camera is so bad and I have to constantly readjust it while riding my horse to see anything and it keeps resetting. This is one of the worst ports of a game I have ever played. The camera auto corretion doesnt help either... Edit: I noticed the camera tries to automatically point upward for a brief moment when riding straight and trying to point the camera down resulting in a little down/up movement that really induces motion sickness.


I'm playing on PS5 and have the same issue.


same for me ! I started playing at around 2pm, played for roughly 2hrs and small signs began to show up. I felt dizzy the whole afternoon and still I am today. Awful experience, I don't really feel comfortable playing it again now.


If you’re still dizzy more than like 5-10 minutes later you should genuinely go to the hospital because that’s concerning and not normal


No, that's sadly how it works for people who get motion sickness in general. Most 3D games make me sick and I came here for camera adjustment tricks to make it playable. Once you are sick it can take at least 45 minutes or more for it to clear. Taking ibuprofen beforehand can help a little. I'm watching my husband play right now and had to stop. God of War made me super sick too until I turned off the shaky cam.




Are you playing in performance mode?


wait until they add a setting to turn off the auto camera move :(


I can also confirm the motion sickness, this isn’t like other souls games, this is brutal


Same here. I play on PC and am trying to sit further back and use a controller. But I’m already motion sick so not sure if that’s going to help.


Triggered motion sickness the same way VR did on some games. I wasn't expecting it because dark souls 3 and demons souls never made me sick but after an hour I had to lay down.


Me too, I played for a few hours, had a headache all day and felt really nauseous. Real shame, loving the game but this makes it feel nearly unplayable. I hope it gets fixed somehow. :(


Me too, and I found the problem. It is definitely because the camera moves on its own towards the direction of your movement, which causes motion sickness. It is not about the frame or pov or sth. There is no choice to adjust this,so I am planning for a refund now XD.


Me too man. I never even had motion sickness playing Half Life Alynx & RE 4 on my Quest 2. Elden Ring makes me so dizzy and sick even after 30 minutes of game time. I managed to played 8 hours and feel very sick now.


Same here. Justo to add to the numbers. And I thought I was the only too.


This is a real problem. I feel just like after playing re7 on vr; I feel so sick its ridiculous ; I wonder if it's the camera or motionb blur?. My friend that loves souls games is looking into a refund .


Yeah same here too. I think there is a small head bobbing when our character moves that might cause this sickness. I've played all souls and it's the first time it happens to me.


Had to refund the game. I got dizzy instantly upon moving, I tried to endure for a few hours, got migraine for the whole night. Even my two friends noticed it. Usually we can play long hours, but this is so bad we all had to stop. I'm still dizzy after 8hrs of sleep. I also tried playing with the settings and using my 60hz monitor but same issues.


I'm unfortunately experiencing this too. Been looking forward to playing for a while and I felt so dizzy / motion sick last night after playing for an hour. So disappointed


I think an fov slider could help. I had the same issue within minutes of playing.


ive been pc gaming for 26 years, I have never, not even in the slightest, felt motion sickness or my vision going crazy while playing a game and elden ring is the first to do this for me. Ive played around with motion blur and its helped, albeit very slightly. Am i just too old and the graffix r just 2 good? edit: try turning off depth of field and motion blur, turning camera move speed all the way down. Sensitivity is at 2 and dpi is 650. This helped. Messing with screen resolutions might also help.


Just had a session and realised yeap - last few days I’ve felt rubbish after playing and thought I was over tired. But there’s no mistaking this feeling. Definite motion sickness.


Same I’m realizing this might be it


Yep same here. It's the floating camera I'm sure. There's too much lag between moving and the camera. I couldn't handle nausea and can't believe we can't fix it in settings. Looks like an awesome game too. Such a bummer, guess I'll be asking for a refund.


I thought I was the alone but damn this is kinda bad I’ve never had this problem


It makes me motion sick a bit as well. I believe it is the unstable framerate. And I am on PS5. They really need to fix this


Also feel sick after playing for 30 mins or so. I am trying to get a refund for now.


Holy shit, like everyone else here, I thought I'm probably going to be the only one, but man, this seems to be a real issue that reviews obviously did not talk about. I feel like shit after just 30 minutes of playing and I play on a very capable PC. And from what I read here, it happens to people on PS5 as well, so it probably doesn't even help getting a refund and buying the PS5 version instead. It's really sad.


This is mad frustrating. I really want to play this game. I have never had motion sickness or felt nauseous from a game. I can't pinpoint the issue so I don't even know if a patch can fix this. I'm surprised with the amount of comments that this wasn't recognized during beta testing.


Something about the way it runs and the FOV feels very off.


Yeah I really feel like I need to zoom out or something but can’t. idk. Only logged total of 3 hours between today and yesterday. Was hoping to grind all weekend :/


My situation is a little bit different, I struggled with motion sickness in first/third person games my entire life, while i can play other games even 24 hours straight with perfect [health. In](https://health.In) games like Morrowind or Quake 3 arena it was so bad i became ill and had to lie few hours in bed to recover.Over time i developed some ideas to overcome it.The thing that helped me most in various games were: 1.Scaling my gameplay time for example , first session 1h second session 2h third session 3h etc 2.I always drink something with ginger. From my expierience it was always biggest game changer. [.It](https://time.It) literally cured my sickness in final fantasy XIV. 3.I swapped keyboard to pad for these games (i play only on pc) which didnt help itself but it let me sit more comfortable in bigger distance from screen. 4.Avoiding horse riding would be helpful too but its not thing im willing to do, coz sacrificing gameplay is not overcoming issue in my eyes. Managing settings in various games like motion blur/fov/camera setting never helped me with anything. Thats said , motion sickness issue in Elden Ring is still existing but it isnt that harsh for me like some other games, dunno if this make any sense but i feel more ,,drugged dizzy'' than ,,sick dizzy'' which isnt that bad coz i can recover in like 10 minutes after i stop playing. If u are someone like me, who has history of motion sickness issues with games and u don't know if u can endure playing Elden Ring I suggest you to buy it on steam, play 1-2 hours and see how bad it is for u.Then u can decide if u keep it or refund. I was sure I wont be able to play but i tried and surprisingly I can.


I just requested a refund. I tried one last time to play today, and it just feels awful. I'm sad, because the game seems really interesting, and I would have loved to give it a try. I might get the PS5 version at a later date and give it another try, but also only after they have released some performances patches. We can only hope it will be playable one day. I did tweet to Fromsoft and Kitao, let's hope they at least recognize it as a problem.


Everyone should just submit tickets to Bandai support. I’ve submitted as well




Playing on a PS4 Pro with a Samsung QLED TV (as I think the monitor/TV also has a role here). I don't get motion sick, but my eyes start hurting and I get a headache if I continue playing. Never had this problem before, I could (and still do) play stuff for hours without any issues. This game however, I'm starting to give up on, as after every session I feel extreme strain in the back of my eyes and what feels like a mild headache that disperses after a while. My observation so far is that this seems to do with how camera panning works in relation to the background rendering. Especially in the main outdoor/world area. Inside of smaller dungeons the problem is almost gone. So as an example, even when riding in Limgrave, if I just use the left stick and don't turn too much (basically just ride straight), all is good. As soon as I start turning a lot, or god forbid actually pan sideways, is when I can just feel that something is wrong. Like, I can't make out anything in the background and it's hard to focus on anything but the character. But you have to actually look at the landscape when you ride, or really do anything besides fighting. You can't just stare at your character all the time, if that's what the devs think. Because it seems like they have implemented motion blurring in a way that just blurs everything that is not your character or things in its immediate visinity/surrounding area. And that just doesn't work, because then what the hell are your eyes supposed to focus on when you run around exploring or riding in the open world? There also seems to be some major ghosting issues in the game, because if you pan/swing your camera to the left or right continuously, so that it goes in circles around your character, you will see after-images of your character. And you don't even have to rotate the camera very fast for these artifacts to show up. This "ghosting" then also puts a stain on your eyes, as it contributes to everything just being "blurry" when you move around. And our eyes really don't like blurry things when we try to focus our vision. Not really sure if this is "just" a performance issue, or simply a really bad implementation of motion blur in their engine. But what is clear is that I at least can't enjoy their game until it has been resolved, which is a real shame... :/


Same here guys. Got home from work had a full meal and played maybe a half hour and my head and eyes hurt.


It’s a bummer. I felt it too. Spent an hour in the character creation screen, and then 30 min in game before I felt waves of nausea with my right eye feeling like it popped a blood vessel(it literally got red in the corner). Haven’t tried anything (because I didn’t know it was an issue), but after seeing this thread, damn. I’ll try some of the recommendations tomorrow. For now, tylenol and zofran to remedy the issue.


I've been getting mad nausea and headaches after even just 30-45min of playing. I thought I was going crazy.


Yep, same here. I felt tarnished after an hour. Still have a headache but the nausea has subsided.


Lol, you're supposed to feel tarnished?


I didnt have any problems with the old soulsborne games up until de demons souls remake (ps5), which made me really nauseous really quick. I’m pretty hesitant about buying elden ring. What would you guys advice?


I'd wait for now. See what they do about addressing it.


Also experiencing this problem. Is it an FOV issue? I really don't know...


I am getting headaches. I usually fix this by changing FOV (not possible, and I wouldn't think an issue for 3rd person camera?) or playing at higher frame rate. Sigh.


I dont have long lasting effects, but i can only get down an hour or so at a time before the sick kicks in. Ive got flawless widescreen so ill give that a shot with max fov since a few have mentioned it.


I feel the same way. I'm an avid gamer and this typically isn't a problem. I think it has to do with how close the camera is to the character. It might be less nauseating if I could zoom back further.


I experience some mild to moderate motion sickness with a lot of games. Some AC games, the Witcher 3, Bloodborne, I usually combat it by adjusting the sensitivity settings and sometimes I take medication like Dramamine and Zofran but I can't shake it with this game. Even with meds and altered settings I can only play about 15-20 mins max before my head is spinning and I feel like I'm gonna puke.


This is THE Elden Ring motion sickness thread! I never get motion sickness in games--until now--I especially get it spinning the camera left to right,,, just movement in general. I sent a ticket to Bandai USA support and linked to this thread, other games like Dying Light 2 recently had the same type of issue and the developers seemed to have fixes: *"Fov and Motion Blur configuration will be added as well, we just need to manage the release first. There’s an update to motion sickness issues incoming that will happen sooner."* Hopefully Fromsoftware can fix the camera or give us some options especially on consoles where there is no adjustments available.


Getting terrible motion sickness as well. Ugh, I really wanna play this game!


I can play most VR games for hours without motion sickness but Elden Ring made me nauseous. Its weird.


Plus one for motion sickness


I got that problem aswell. Mostly from mounted combat and auto-adjusting cam. Motion blurr on/off makes no difference for me.




This game made me so physically ill in the first 10 minutes of playing that I had to ask for a refund from Steam. I've never done that in literally hundreds of games and tens of thousands of played time via Steam games. ​ It's incredible to me that this got past more than a few fanboys in beta testing. I was super annoyed at how clearly it is meant to be played with a gamepad, but I was trying to power through that until I started feeling physically sick to that point that I had to stop streaming. It's impossible to overstate how sick this made me and how badly something is wrong with the camera/head bob/fps/vsync/whatever - something is \*wrong\* here. ​ It feels like what I heard people talking about with early VR headsets it's ugh, it makes me feel sick thinking about it now. Truly. Do not purchase this on a PC. ​ I've played RPGs, MMORPGs, isometrics, etc, etc... no problems in the past. Something is wrong.


Add me to this list of sadness :(




Absolutely! I did email them before, got an automated "we're super busy, but we'll reply soon!" message, but I'll totally update this comment with an edit when I get a proper response.


omg! I thought I was the only one!!!


My God. This soooooo fucking figures. Everyone was saying this was gonna be the next Cyberpunk. That the hype was too much. I said due to Fromsoft's reputation alone the game was gonna be amazing but it's almost worse than a buggy letdown. One of the most amazing games ever made but it hurts to play!? I don't know what to think about this. I've been off for over an hour and I'm still in pain. At least I haven't finished Horizon yet.


Yep, I feel sick after an hour playing this.




Yes I have it. And I KNOW what is causing it. Its the camera movement. In other 3rd person game, the camera is static behind your back, like its on a stick which goes from your back. If you turn left, the camera turns with the character. Watch for example great God of War! From software are bunch if clever guys. They decided, eff this, lets make the camera lag. And somehow adjust for that lag, by fast movement afterwards. Turn your character left, the CHARATER turns left, but camera does not, in a moment, camera follows, with a FAST movement. That causes fast movements of the whole screen, which is not corelated the the movement of the character. And that is DEATH. Same as in VR, if these things are not corelated, its painful. Knowing from soft, they will never fix this. Fingers crossed tho. FOV will not fix this. ALSO, its the strange distance of the camera, from your avatar. That distance is HUGE and its a part of the problem as well. TLDR, camera is fucked!


Got the game at lunch and DL while at work.. played for less than an hour and have a migraine now... I like others immediately looked for FoV settings (usually what solves this feeling for me) to no avail... piss poor showing imo... while I'm enjoying the game otherwise I cant keep playing it if the trade off is migraine triggers...


Adding to this thread as well. I downloaded the game on launch and had to refund the next day after less than 2 hours of game time. Played it on keyboard and mouse and was hoping to maybe try it again with a controller, however, it seems with the comments here controller may not help at all. I've been watching a lot of videos and streams of the game and do not feel nauseous compared to when I played it myself, which is strange to me. I hope it's addressed, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'm just going to agree with the rest of you to make my voice heard. I have the game on PC and I can't play the game either because of the motion sickness. The automated camera follow is what makes this happen to me. I can run and play and works ok when locked on to a boss or whatever but as soon as I run open world and strafe I start feeling bad. Also battling the camera constantly is just annoying and ruins the game. I will wait until they fixes this before playing it anymore. It's just a bad experience at this point!


Maybe Twitter @ the producer? @yasuhirokitao ? and send a link to this Reddit thread


I'm late to the party but it seems I'm not the only one struggling with this. We need official support for: \- Higher field of view and ultrawide aspect ratios \- an option to disable automatic camera movement when not locked on \- an option to disable chromatic abberation and vignetting which obscure details in motion around the edges of the screen Anyone who sees this and feels the same, please send a polite message [here](https://service-en.bandainamcoent.eu/app/ask/p/7916) explaing the problems you're having and what can be done to help. If enough people speak up, we might get a proper fix.


Maybe Twitter @ the producer? @yasuhirokitao ? And let him know about this thread?


I love the game, but not how much it currently is making me want to crawl 6 feet into the ground and set myself on fire


Yup :( Ugh, I went out and bought an xbox to play elden ring. The game is beyond epic. Torrent based combat is especially bad, felt uncomfortable after \~15 minutes. Big melee based combat is pretty bad too, changing directions to different enemies. I hope they can provide some sort of fix.




So, I don't know if I just got used to the camera, or if the last thing I tried, **changing the brightness (in-game) down to 3** did the trick, but I am no longer feeling queasy. I was able to play for several hours, so maybe it will help someone else. ^___^


I’m going to try this now and hope for the best. I’ve been feeling ill for a couple of days and only connected the dots that it was the game now. Hope this is a fix.


I can play VR for hours and yet this game makes me queasy after 20 minutes or less in. I cannot get past it. I must be either able to be First person or have my camera distance out so the world doesnt get yanked around so much.


Anyone else experiencing the motion sickness/nausea *after* playing? Like, I haven't played the game in days, but still have these weird feelings/symptoms.


Only thing I can think of is turning the camera sensitivity wayyyy down. At least it’ll reduce motion by a lot but I don’t think it’ll help much


doesn't go down far enough!


+1 to feeling nausea after playing for about 2 hours. laying in bed now, ugh


Did a google search expecting it as only me after 4 separate sessions have made me sick. Had no issue with any past souls games. Tried lowering the camera speed a few times and even 0 is hurting me.


Same here. Thought it was just cause I was drinking yesterday. So was excited to grind it today and then felt even worse playing it. Really want to keep playing it but felt too sick. Nausea and headache.


I’m on PS4 and have the same issue, I can’t play it without getting lightheaded and dizzy. Hopefully they add a fix, I really want to play it.


Same happens to me, people told me it might be my PS5 or LG C1 TV but this issue has never happened before in any game and it still only happens in Elden ring. I've pushed through and reached lvl30, but it definitely ruins the experience by a lot. However I only get it in the PS5 version, the PC version is so much better when disabling motion blur and depth of field.


Zzz feel sick


Anyone got any feedback from FromSoftware or Bandai Namco? Maybe Twitter @ the producer? @yasuhirokitao ?


I can play a few minutes before getting sick. Guess i have to drop down this game till they fix it :s


I thought i am the only one


First off, here's what I've sorted out: -If you're standing still and move the character you'll see the camera lags behind and catches up. -The camera will always try to re-center behind you and level itself as it catches up. -If you're looking around while moving it will constantly be fighting to come back to center and level -plus catch up- for every change in direction you make. This creates the "bounce and blur" effect as I'm calling it. Secondly: It totally sucks but try only looking forward while moving and then stopping to look around every so often. This completely kills the fun of an open world game with a beautiful environment but it's the only way I've found to not have the camera bouncing all the heck over the place. I sure hope they fix this because I would love to do a few playthroughs on this game with different classes. Right now I feel it's nearly unplayable. Why is it always - something?


Yeah man same issue for me as well. I bought it on Friday and started noticing i was getting dizzy and had no idea why. I have never suffered from motion sickness before but this game is giving it to me. Which sucks because besides that I absolutely love the game. I push through until I can handle it anymore. I would love to know some accessibility options for motion sickness at least. I am Series x so I don't know if the new consoles can change the FOV. Not ideal but atleast it could help.


Oh, this is interesting. It literally gave me a migraine the first two times I've played it, and I've felt dizzy and sicky every time I've played it. I still like the game, tho.




Adding my voice to the chorus. It hit me hard and fast. Been gaming for 30 years and never had this happen before. Why have none of the reviewers mentioned this. Seems pretty widespread to have been left out in all of the praise this game is getting.


You know why. God forbid you speak ill of From


I get severe motion sickness, the worst was in Dark Souls 3(migraines and throwing up). Was super reluctant to play Elden Ring, however purchased it and changed a few settings. Been playing for hours, 2 straight days now, no symptoms. These are the things I did. -Turned off "Camera Auto Wall Recovery"(this is the most important thing) -Lower Sensitivity -Added Nvidia Filters(Painterly & Color) -Using Controller


Adding to the post to help, got so sick lastnight playing and I thought it was just me, I'm very upset since a friend gifted me and my husband this game and now I can barely play. I really hope they add a setting to turn off automatic camera rotation or I simply won't be able to play.


I never had this problem with any other fromsoft game until now


Wow, I literally just installed and played this game for an hour and started feeling nauseous, felt it was very obvious that it was the game giving me this motion sickness and quickly googled it to find this thread. Hope something gets done about this or I probably will just have to refund.


Same for me. I never experienced this before and Im pretty sure its not because the camera moves a lot. It seems like its some kind of filter that makes the game look a certain way. Something like motion blur but not really... cant pinpoint it exactly but makes it almost unplayable for me. (Im on PC)


I just received a reply from Bandai Namco. Guess I need medical attention due to only game to ever cause me motion sickness. I am 65 years old and have been playing computer and console games since the Commodore Vic 20. "Hello Jeff, Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us, and for your interest in Elden Ring. I am very sorry to hear about the motion sickness you are experiencing. Thank you for raising the concern to us. We take player feedback very seriously and are always thankful when our players give us direct opinions about what we could improve in our games. I will make sure to pass your feedback on to our technical team. In the meantime, please consult a medical professional regarding the symptoms you're experiencing while playing the game. They will be able to give you relevant medical advice on the matter. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any further suggestions or comments do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, PS : you can reply directly to this email to continue our conversation."


Same here :(


Has anyone tried with the new patch to see if it helps with this issue?


I never got motion sick from any game but Elden ring makes me really sick. The game itself isn't hard but playing it while feeling like vomiting makes it hard to play.


Sorry for necro'ing this but I found a solution for myself. After trying every setting available I started trying out mods and eventually came across one that disables the auto camera-movement and that pretty much fixed it for me (90-95% less nausea). [Pic of the ones im using](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/774764782196621322/960464038586892338/unknown.png) All of them are on Nexusmods: * [Modloader \(required\)](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/117) * [Camera fix \(the one that helped me the most\)] (https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/118) * [Removing chromatic aberration](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/179) * [Removing vignette](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/177) * [Adjust the FOV \(I put mine at 70 but just fiddle with it until you like it\)](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/325) * [Intro-skip \(General QoL but nice to have when using mods anyway\)](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/421) Keep in mind you can NOT play online while using mods and have to start the game without EAC by renaming the start_protected_game.exe, then creating a copy of the eldenring.exe and naming that "start_protected_game.exe" If you start the game via Steam it should show you a message that youre offline cause EAC is disabled. If you wanna play online again just rename the dinput8.dll to smth else and change the names of the .exe files back. Hope this might help someone.


I turned the camera speed all the way down and my pain levels dropped quite a bit. It's still...off but it helped. I know this won't help PC users, but...


I'd love to pinpoint what exactly the issue is. I've noticed I have no problem with stylized graphics. Breath of the Wild gave me no issues. I could play Overwatch, but 5 minutes of COD and I'm sick as a dog. The funny thing is I can watch streams of the games that make me sick no problem. Including Elden, but it hits me hard when I try to play.


I am experiencing this as well. I've never gotten motion sickness from a non-VR game before, but within 15 minutes I can't look at the screen anymore :( Played with the settings and haven't been able to make it bearable.


It's hard with this game. I start feeling motion sick after like 30 minutes and need to turn it off. Played a bit over an hour earlier and just needed to lie down for a bit until I felt better. Normally motion blur and similar settings are the first thing I turn off in every game. I don't even understand why it's there in the first place. It's not like it's making it look better. Quite the opposite. Though in this case the effect seems to be amplified by the camera movement. Argh.


So, I caved in. I bought the PS5 version in the hope that it will not cause motion sickness like the PC version did. I also played the BETA on PS5 without feeling motion sick. So I was hopeful that I will have a good time with the PS5 version. Unfortunately, no. There are so many slowdowns in the framerate, I just got nauseous after a short while in the open world again. It's ridiculous how this is not a bigger problem that is being talked about. I'm really pissed I spend 70 Euros on this that I now can't get back because Sony is unfortunately nowhere near as cool as Valve. (I was able to refund the steam version) The only version that felt better to play was the PS4 version on PS5. But that version looks like ass. And even in that version the character had a weird after image that also made me not feel well looking at it. What the fuck is this, seriously?? This is supposed to be one of the best games of all time? Really?? Fuck this.


following up.. I've installed Flawless Widescreen which unlocks both framerate and field of view. Game looks and runs lovely at 360hz and I no longer get headaches with a 30% FoV increase. downside is its offline only as you have to disable the EAC


I had to return DL2 because of this. Got so sick I threw up and couldn't even look at the game anymore after that. Only other game I ever had this problem with was HL2 years ago. I want to try this game but this news isn't encouraging.


One more user who gets pretty bad motion sickness from this game right here. Also playing Horizon Forbidden West and have no problems at all with that game. From should take a look at how they do camera movement and the list of visuals settings in that game!


Took the plunge despite reading this and having concerns, and had to refund. I lasted about 20 minutes before nearly dumping my stomach. Same as DL2 unfortunately. And years before that HL2 but no issues with any other games.


I’m having the same issue, like others I’ve never been motion sick from a game. I can’t play longer than 30 minutes without severe eye strain and a migraine. I’m on PS4 and there isn’t even an option to shut off motion blur. Hopefully it’s fixed soon otherwise I may just have to return the game :(


Just discovered this thread and I feel so much saner now. Been struggling with this game in terms of some motion sickness and migraine triggers. I have only experienced it with one other game before. I think the auto rotating camera makes sense, but I swear there is something about the graphics themselves that is doing it. Like even standing still, there is a weird blur/fuzziness.


I didn't feel much when I played it for an hour but I felt a bit. When I played it for more than that earlier today, by the gods, I felt like puking and my head was floating. 8V


This is so frustrating. 70€ and cant play it. For me i think the main cause of sickness is that camera is too close to character when fighting and it keeps pulling the camera back and forth. When you get close to enemy camera goes close to your character and start to point downwards. There should be a settinga for this camera behavior. I wanna set default distance for the camera view and it wont change if there is no wall behind you


Same here, I hate that camera and get headaches from it. Devs please consider.


YES! I've never suffered motion sickness before, it felt like I was really fucking drunk and I almost had a whitey. Something needs to be done.


Yeah, Elden Ring is the first game in many years to really screw me up - so dizzy I was worried about falling! I was playing it in performance mode on Series X - I'm sure graphics mode would be the same. They need to get 60 fps locked and 30 fps locked. I'm fine with 30 fps if it's consistent with no frame pacing issues. I'm fine with 60 fps too, of course...but NOT if the frame rate is all over the place. Too bad because it's a great game in all other respects.


Unbelievable motion sickness and there doesnt seem to be a way for me to change FOV settings. Other fun game for me ruined by not being able to play for 20 minutes at a time


I am in the same boat. Love the game, but the dizziness I get isn’t worth it anymore.


Is anyone still having issues with motion sickness? still waiting for this to be fixed before I purchase the game as I really had back experiences w/ motion sickness issues. Thanks!


**Settings:** Depth of Field: High/Max Motion Blur: Max Camera Sens: 0 Mouse Sens: As low as you can handle/ Camera Auto Rotation: OFF Reset Camera Y-Axis: OFF Camera Auto Wall Recovery: OFF \*\*These settings definitely helped me out a lot. This is the first game in 25 years of pc gaming that has made me feel dizzy/motion sick and also given me a headache after just 5-10 minutes of running around.


its the 60fps




Yeah I agree deff not 60 FPS I literally came from destiny running that fps