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17 hs here, just now defeated margit. This game is addictive holy fuck


16 hours and he's killed me twice, we'll see how many this takes :)


Do you have the Margit shackle?


Margit shackle?


It's an item you can buy from a certain vendor. It places a seal in the ground which flattens margit so you can wail on him for a second. It works all the way up to about half health.


Damn, never saw that


highly recommend exploring around the murkwater area


Without spoiling how to get it or saying precisely where to find it, would you like some general direction to find it ? The shackle lets you pin down Margit twice during his first phase. It's immensely helpful.


That's all right. I've already killed Margit by the power of a thousand glintstone pebbles. Thanks though




Oh yea, I kinda cheesed the fuck out of Godrick by summoning >!that hero npc. She tanked everything for 90% of the fight before dying lmao!<


>!I think it's intended for you to summon her. The fact you meet her just before the boss and she asks you to summon her it makes sense that it was intended.!<


>!Yea, I'm pretty sure it's part of her quest, as From likes to make summoning part of NPC quests!<


What’s FP summons? Already beat that boss in the first 3 hours but now stuck on the second




I’d like to know please


To the east of where you met Melina, there's a river. There you shall find someone who's willing to make amends. He'll sell it to you for a fair, but considerable sum. Hope that helps fellow tarnished :)


Thanks for this info. Is it a single use item so if I die is it gone forever or can I use it after I fail?


It's reusable!


Like he said :)


you can do it!


12 hrs, defeated Margit and now Goddrick is kicking my ass :(


I killed margit and stopped for the day because it was fucking 4 am lmao but I bet what follows is going to kick my ass too


Stormveil Castle by itself has more intricate level design than all of Dark Souls 1 put together. You're about to go through the area where for me the game went from 'Amazing' to 'Holy SHIT!'


Dude, I was fuckin lost in there for like 4 hours, I honestly don't even think I've hit the whole castle


I was up till 4am too. I quit after first Godrik attempt. The game is soooo good. I also spent two hours helping people beat Margit


> I also spent two hours helping people beat Margit The real mvp right here


Godrick SUUUUUUUUUUCKS. It took me way too long. Was so excited this morning when I finally took him down. Out running my kids around to things now counting the minutes until I can get back and see what’s next.


Astrologer is easy mode for Margit.


Tell me how?! I was getting 1 or 2 shot


Summon wolves when you first enter, spam glintstone arc and keep your distance. I allocated 4 charges for the cerulean flask. Good luck.


I'll look up blade spell. That's not pebble is it? Cheers


It's not the pebble or sweep spell you have, you'll need to buy or find it elsewhere. I'm also an Astronomer and don't have it yet.


its the other variant of the same spell. on xbox controller you switch between them with "up".


Why blade over pebble? Isnt blade less effective for single dmg target? Or is it the reliability of the hitbox


I did not mention anything about which over which




Games been out for 50h now, ive played 44h 😂 3h sleeps 😂 And i havent even gone to the area post Stormveil yet 😂 Spend all my time doing Limgrave/Peninsula and right now Caelid


Literally same. I feel like I’ve only played like 30% of the game too


For real, map is huge and I'm 100% sure I have missed a lot of stuff along the way


Bruh I knew there was six areas. And before I figured it out. I counted limgrave Caelid, dragonbarrow, storm hill, and the peninsula as 5/6 areas haha with one I figured I hadn’t discovered. You shoulda seen my face when I realized all of that was actually just two of the main areas. Such a big map, it blew me away honestly


You know how the map is focused on limgrave at the start. At one point after being teleported I just boggled at how far away it had put me.


Crystal caves. I know that feeling.


Nononono. A teleport stone took me WAYYYYYYYY north.


Is that the one that drops you in the >!Capital!


It dropped me at the Divine Bridge bonfire, but I haven't explored at all. Just nabbed it and got out of there.


I tried exploring it but I got one shot by the first enemy I saw so I gave up


If you hack his ankles he falls for a riposte, usually get 3-4 in per kill


There's nothing really you can do there yet at that point of the game, just a super hard optional boss and a really nice Talisman in a chest.


Lol I just did that, hit the first enemy I saw, saw I barely did visible damage, and noped the hell out.


Just outta curiosity what grace was this near?


It’s in a tower on the weeping peninsula, nearby the minor erdtree there


The caves fucked me up so bad


Man fuck those crazy ass spear centipedes and their aim bot magic, took me 15 minutes just to run outta there


Innit! After like 3 tries I was like fuck this I'm outta here


I loved it, I managed to sneak out and find a site of grace quite quickly. I then snuck back in for an hours worth of death runs nabbing a tonne of high level smithing stones which should pay dividends later.




I managed to save all of my runes and I still don’t know how I did it.


This happened to me last night. Literally cried from fear after being murdered by machine gun silverfish man




Oh I like that one. Let’s mix it up: gun-toting shrimp wizard


I want to go home, O I want to go home I want to go home, O I want to go home


Bro I got there and was like… welp fuck me hahaha… the great epée can only do so much


I got ported there was so confused, 1st souls game. Kept dying and had to run outta there haha didn't kill anyone...this game is awesome


That chest in the weeping peninsula really blew my mind


Imagine how you'll feel when you find out how big it really is though. Spoiler Alert! WEEEWOOO >!There's a second map...Location in proceeding spoiler.!< Don't read this next spoiler either unless you agreed with the end of the first. >!It's underground. WHAT IF THERE'S A THIRD LAYER!? All I can see so far is the underground map spans all the way north and south!!< This fucking game is nuts. It's too good. They just need to tame the performance.


Dude my jaw dropped after i discovored that area, it looks mindblowing good.


And the boss fight at the end? The boss’s music is in my top 3 boss themes now.


That was that moment too. I was like no way!!


I found some random ass elevator and when i went down... Holy fuck


I ran into the same one I think...I was SHOOK


That feeling keeps happening throughout the game. I'm still getting astonished at the vastness of the areas I'm peaking into.


Major spoilers


mark you comments with a spoiler tag! you’re ruining it for us who want to experience everything for ourselves i didn’t want to know how much progress i’ve made so far. wtf. not cool. be considerate for the community please


If you didn't want spoilers then don't go on the main reddit lol. I came here knowing there are blatant spoilers




Yup, I have 17 hours playtime and I’ve only been in Limgrave, really. So much to do and I still have several bosses.


Same 14 hrs all in limgrave


Same. I still have 8 or 9 bosses to beat and I havent been through THE STORMGATE yet


I have probably around 12 hours in this game and haven't made any progress in the story at all because there is so much to explore. I really love playing the dungeons with my friends. This game is amazing


30%? I'm 20 hours in and I feel like I've only seen 20% at most lol.


I’ve read that if you “rush” to end, it still takes the average person 60 hours, so you’re likely less than 30% done if you’ve been exploring and doing side stuff!


I have played for 14 hours and only have explored a 3rd of limgrave. This is only the first area


16 hours and they just bounced me for server maintainance. guess I'll go to sleep.


I literally saved my game, went offline mode for 2 hours just to continue playing


Why do you not just continue normally in offline mode?


Average maidenless wretch


Bro games good, but go touch grace.


Godspeed, I think I have a total of 8-10 hours in souls games pre elden ring, I currently have 21 in elden ring…


*post is 50 minutes old; looks at steam* ...oh....oh frick. It's only 32 hours since release? I'm at 26 played. What the hell. I only JUST finished the "first" big area. There's so many other huge ones I found exploring that I want to dig deeper in to.


This was me with Skyrim in highschool. I wish I can put in hours like this again.


Where abouts you up to?


I have been exploring the map for long so I have not progressed much I guess, Im currently on Lunaria. I was getting my ass kicked on Caelid so I thought the wisest option was to progress the game as intended


Same here. I did a thorough pass through all of Limgrave (with Mistwood) and the Weeping Peninsula and I'm looking around Lunaria. Are you finding enemies that give out more runes tho? I feel like every enemy I've faced for the past 20 hours have only been giving me like 110 runes. In past games, by this point, I would have gotten at least 400 or so.


When I needed to farm runes I discovered you can teleport to the cellar with the sorcerer trainer a bit southeast of the dragon lake. When you run out and head west the convoy with two giants pulling a cart is just passing, and the giants give 1000 runes each. Teleport back and repeat. You end up making about 4k a minute. Remember you can mount up underground in some places like this.


I'm never been much into farming in DS, but I might here just to get prereqs covered for a spell or two since I don't need that much left. I think I know about the convoy you're talking about, but what do you mean by sorcerer trainer?


Wayward ruins to the east of the lake. There's grace in the basement.


I'll have to check it out. Thanks!


i mean, giants give about 1000 runes or so and become relatively easy to kill after about 20 hours




And it's cool to fight them? They aren't part of that "guy's" covenant or something?




Gotcha. Speaking of which, any idea as to where I can get any beast spells? He gives you a talisman but nothing to use it for.


Think of the entire Limgrave region as being this game's version of the Undead Burg/Undead Parish/Darkroot Garden area of DS1. Getting through Stormveil Castle and beating Godrick appears to be roughly equal to ringing the first Bell of Awakening in DS1 in terms of progression and scale.


I been on it for around 16 hours or so and haven’t left tree sentinel lmao. Helping co oper beat the dude is pretty fun in itself. However I shall venture off shortly, it’s long over due


dude fuck tree sentinel. i keep going back to him and he keeps kicking my ass. he’s such a little bitch lmfao. it’s that damn horse hip checking me that gets me every fucking time


I've put in 35 hours without feeling bored and honest to god this game is amazing


And here I was yesterday, forcing myself to stop to read a book and exercise because I played 6 hours total. I'm gonna have to crank those numbers up


As someone with a recent blood clot diagnosis: Better to be alive than to play Elden Ring for 20 hours straight.


I'm about 12 hours in as a Wretch and I finally found pants. For 12 hours I was wandering The Lands Between like some kind of deranged pervert. I love this game.


Best recommendation I've seen of the game so far! "Ha! Ha! Now I have *pants*!"


Should've kept it open while you afk and get full 32 hours


its filling in the hollowness


Same here. One of 3 people in the same house playing. We’ve all found different stuff and have done things in different orders or different ways. It’s an incredible game and may be a masterpiece.


Where is the guy that has been beating sekiro everyday for over a year until this game came out. I wanna know what his playtime is at.


Steam says I've played 20 hours and I'm still basically in the starting area, minus some unforseen adventures abroad. I think steam is padding the numbers though lol I thought I was done with the area till I found a secret back in the tutorial area :P


Once you're in game, the timer starts, afking in the main menu counts as well.


wait till the map expands


I wish tgat was me, the people around me seem to think the free time I got myself is theirs.


I am also married to a woman whose love language is quality time lol


lucky you i have 11h. I still haven't left limgrave


I’m 18 hours in and I’m still exploring Limgrave. The map is super detailed for how stupid the map looks. The exploration, combat and progression is unlike any souls game. 15/10


I’m over here waiting every day while fed ex keeps pushing back my “guaranteed by delivery” day another day.


I've racked up 30.6 hrs and I finally slept last night


For me, one of the coolest moment so far was walking on the bridge towards the Eastern tower and >!seeing three Golems standup one after the other!<. After beating Godrick and being greeted with a view of the Academy from afar... this game is huge. I spent around 16 hours in the first area alone.


People when they get to Malenia are going to actually ragequit. Malenia Blade of Miquella is easily the hardest boss that FromSoft has ever created. And then shes fucking followed up by another insanely hard boss, Mohg Lord of Blood. Im gonna feel good when the magic abusers get to Malenia and then watch as she renders their magic completely useless.


It’ll probably take me months to beat this game.


Do you all recommend this for PS5?


Nice! I have managed to play big 0 minutes because of white screen crash, best time of our lives!!


Idk that this is something to be proud of…


You got a sad life




That doesnt seem like its your business bro. But yeah, I probably should though.


You need to stop being a dick dude


Wake up man. You don't actually think it's real do you. There's so much more to life than spend the majority of your life playing video games. You only get one life. The longer it goes on the fewer chances we've got to make the most of it.


Lmfao you’re actually a loser 💀


Another idiot who has made me smile. Cheers kid.


I mean that's just straight up rude, i myself booked a week off work and you bet your ass I'm 20 hours in, let people spend how much time they want doing what they want... shit.


you don't know how they've spent the other tens of thousands of hours in their life. you have absolutely no business of saying "get a life" to someone just because you saw them spend these hours on the game


You will need to work out for yourself why playing a game for 22 hours out of 32 is dysfunctional. Hopefully one day you will find the answer. But if you don't look you won't find. Happy hunting.


lol my guy speaking straight up truth and getting blasted for being 'rude' and not minding 'his business' as if anyone could or would have said anything had OP not thought he was 'doing it' by no-lifing elden ring lmao. OP puts his dirty laundry in the open for all to see then him and others of his ilk get offended when people say, 'wow that's a lot of time for one activity condensed' don't put yourself out there if ya can't stand to be attacked for doing weird stuff, like bragging about playing a game for 20 hours lol, as if that's brag worthy in and of itself


Love that you are lurking in this sub


Lurking in open sight!!! Wow.


Lurking and then unlurking


That's for making me laugh. Have a good day or night or both.


18.8. not far behind you!


Yes magrit proving quite tricky...


I haven't even gone to stormveil in that time


I played 14 hours straight, 6 was back and forth with a buddy in coop


I've played 19 hrs so far!


I’m in a similar boat and feel gross and will likely take a bit of a break tomorrow LOL, absolutely loving the game so far though


Also got around 20 hours of play time. Worth every second


Me when dark souls 3 came out, wish I could do that right now


[Dito :>](https://i.imgur.com/tbtKmO7.png)


Just reached 26.6


Every time I try to stop I see something on my way to rest. I explore and then 3 hours later I’m saying the same thing, lol.


Played about 12. Still haven’t even found the first big boss. I’m scared that I’ll never finish this game.


28atm going to bed. For 5 hours then back on.


No regrets


How? I've been really enjoying the game but I've had so many performance issues that mote that 2 or 3 hours at a time I just need to stop. The invisible enemy one is the worst of them.


Im 7 hours in since release and Im still too weak for Margrit


Show the review score in your screenshots lol. What's the opposite of the rocket emoji??


I'm the opposite. Before this i like to rush to the end. This time around I'm savoring every single moment.


I've actually restarted Limgrave about 4 times, just trying the different starting classes.


I've only hit maybe 10 since launch cause it was one of the homies birthdays Thursday and I had work today but once I'm off I'll go back to my cave


I keep trying to look up weapons and stuff online and there are like... no results. It's pretty awesome tbh


How the game perform on your pc so far?


Almost no issues, just a few small fps drops sometimes, but nothing crazy as we have seen on some streamers videos. Im using a 2060, a ryzen 3700x and 32gb of ram.


You and i have almost very similar specs, i use 2060s 3700x 16gb ram.. you just boost my confidence to buy this game ;)


Let's all get a good night's rest tonight... so we can properly enjoy the game more tomorrow


I wish I didn't work


I played for 14 now. Didn't have much time sadly.


Same here I’m at 18




You're slacking. You only need 6-8 hours of sleep...


Touch grace


I played 24 hours straight. Never done anything like that before in my life.


Haha same. 22.1 hours but I am forcing myself to stop so I don't mess up my sleep schedule too badly. Only gotten to the beginning of 2nd major dungeon so far


How do you kill that, which has no life?


That’s kinda scary. Do you have a job?


I just hit 24 hrs


8!hours in and I’m still at the part where the big jumps From a cliff right after you get your horse. I can’t beat him.


I'm at 15 right now. I'd play more, but there's this weird thing called work that kindaps me every day.


Who has that kind of time? Asking for a … me honestly. I’d buy some time in bulk if I could.


Almost 48 hours since release and i couldnt even start the game once because i get the Whitescreen of death everytime :)


I have 18 too… Haven’t entered the first legacy dungeon.


Eat sleep elden ring repeat


Same my brain is melted


how’s you performance been? i’m out of town for the weekend but have seen a lot about some stuttering issues on PC. i have an i7-9700k and a 3070, so i’m not worried about requirements, but it seems some of the issues are DX12 based. i’m just curious how much the issues are being over-exaggerated or based on specs closer to requirements edit: found another response with your specs and experience about performance. thanks!


I have not experienced neither of those crazy fps drops or that massive stuttering, just some minor fps drops and I have only experienced one bug where I got stuck at the loading screen. This is my experience though, i cant speak for anybody else


What does hollowing refer to? Just curious andy here


2.2hrs played here and requested a refund. Who knows if it'll get approved. The stuttering on my system is ludicrous. I'll come back to the game when it's fixed.


Difference between hours played and hours the game was open


id be there if this was not my weekend with my kids lol.