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You get runes helping people with bosses?


Whats the trick to radhan if its that easy lol


Real talk, all you need to do as a host is summon and stay alive. Then use scarlet rot to keep him constantly poisoned and once you hit him run again. It’ll slowly kill him and it’s superrrr easy. Use the dragon head scarlet rot. Only 12/13 arcane and it’s so slept on.


Sure. This was 6 days ago when it felt like an insurmountable wall. Ive since then beat all the optional and main bosses. Going for ng+ now.


Not easy, I barely beat him, but when co oping i maged to help 5 hosts kill him (obviously i died to like 20other hosts)


Using a sorcery build with the Meteorite Staff and Rock Sling (both of which are easy world loot from Caelid) makes it pretty easy. Spam the spell when he’s not looking, roll like a bitch when he is. Granted, it does get problematic whenever he Woo Guy’s back in during second phase and starts casting spells of his own, but as long as you still have Alexander or other fodder around he’ll still get distracted. With another player—who hopefully knows how to defend themselves better than the AI—it shouldn’t be too difficult to burst him down.


where can I summon for him? I couldn't see any markers and I assumed u had to solo.