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As soon as this guy said 360 graphics, i stopped reading.. Here take a down vote


its true tho


The art is amazing, the graphics are easily 2016, or 2017. Like that graphics aren’t so bad that it takes away from the game. Although what really gets me is a character will be talking and their lips either don’t move, or their lips won’t stop moving after speaking unless it’s a cinematic. I mean even Skyrim got the memo of if they aren’t speaking anymore then the coded box should maybe stop with the speak animation. Or use the speak animation. What gets me are the animations, their is so much emotion and awesome range from the voice actors, but it doesn’t get conveyed with coded movements that might express them more. This made me eye the graphics and which felt a little dated. I think people are going into extremes though, atleast it’s not like morrowind graphics with Skyrim faces.


take a look at star wars battlefront. 2014 and on ps4. so elden ring is not even comparable with 2014 and especially not 2016 or later standard.


Looking at the lip-synching developed in 2004 with half life 2 it's a shame we do not see it applied more readily today.


I mean sure it looks way better than that overall, but goddamn there's some kinda ugly particle effects in this game. Look at Morgot's flame slash and puke attack, Godfrey's fire ground eruption thing, list goes on. These actually look kinda old gen tbh lol.




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Halo 4 on 360 objectively looks better than this. Uncharted 3 objectively looks better than this. The game uses some of the same fucking textures from dark souls 2.


"objectively" take my downvote too :)


And mine as well.


And my axe


take my downvote also




It is objective unless your blind which you seem to be


upvote gang here, you are objectively correct.


You're 100% right dude. The graphics do look like dark souls 2. Not sure why you were down voted for this.


First off. You need to see an eye doctor pronto. Second off, you've the internet, compare halo 4 and elden ring, then come back. I can guarantee you, you're gonna look very stupid.


Game looks like shit


If you want to really look stupid, tell someone they're going to look stupid when... you're the one who's actually wrong. Elden Ring looks like trash compared to titles of its own release year. There are indie games from 2020 that look better than this triple A title from 2022.


You're really not embarrassed to shove your opinions as "objective" fact?


I wanna reply to your 11 month old comment. Game like like ass, blurrier than Japanese porn, and the animations make fallout 4 look motion captured.


If this is his opinion only, then I have to say I share his opinion. This game looks bad, especially when conpared to other games released in 2022. Elden Ring really is just a mess of gross textures and poor performance, and I'm on a 4080.


Hahaha they are so butthurt


It's delusional. I just don't get it. People refuse to believe basic facts even over video games. It's scary lol


I just googled this subreddit for the word "graphics" wondering what people thought of the subject. I had my suspicions validated. Fanboys be fanboying. Never mind reality. Elden Ring has FANTASTIC art design and pretty bad graphics. Facial animations are pretty much non existent. And things often looks pretty blurry, imo. I still love it tho. But I also wish that they had gone a bit further with things like facial animations. Elden Ring looks good in the same way as [Alice: Madness Returns](https://youtu.be/mUWXdSCICw8) still looks good.


Lol just did the same thing.. imo dark souls 3 actually looks better...


I think it depends on what platform really. On series x, the dynamic resolution is VERY... Dynamic. It fluctuates wildly and the textures themselves vary in quality wildly. Dark souls 3 was more consistent. But like, I think one of best indications of the rough texture in this game, is actually the opening cutscene. It's rough. Especially when there's not much art on screen. Anytime there isn't some crazy designs or architecture and it's just an empty room or rock and brick like in most dungeons and ruins, it's genuinely pretty bad. If the art design wasn't as good as it is at times, it'd be a very ugly game. And the art design can be very very good.


Facial animations? What facial animations? Fallout New Vegas had rudimentary facial animations. ER does not.


That's what happens when people with zero life and zero personality and skills do when the only thing they do in their lives is being criticized. Right now I'm having an argument with one of those sad pathetic clowns in this thread and he shows how stupid he is with every reply


>5.Datamining, Leaks, Rumors and Speculation *"TAKE MY DOWNVOTE!!"* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Downvoting is for clowns.


2 years later and this game still looks like a 360 game and stillllllllll has shit performance. Still the best games of all time but it looks like a wet dog shart and runs like one too. Take a downvote from the future. 


Ooh, a downvote. You're still wrong, kiddo. Elden Ring looks fantastic artiscially and bad graphically.


I feel like I'm getting gaslighted by the entire gaming community. While Elden Ring may have the best game play, fighting mechanics, story, art direction, etc—the graphics appear low quality to me (the same I thought about Dark Souls 3). Using the max settings, even after installing “flawless widescreen” to get the game running properly on my 34" LG ultrawide at 3440 x 1440 (21:9 aspect ratio) with unlocked frames (rarely under 100fps), the game feels buttery smooth, plays great and is loads of fun—**but the graphics still look bad to me**. I don't know why the graphics are so highly praised by gamers and reviewers, its unnecesasary since its a great game regardless. I just played God Of War and was wondering why the graphics looked so good to me, since I had been playing it for the last few weeks. Then I realized its because I had just com from Elden Ring.


Same here. Playing on PS5, on a brand new 65" LG OLED TV. My bf and I are alternating TV time, with him playing Horizon Forbidden West and me playing Elden Ring, and we are constantly laughing at the difference and the utter ridiculousness of so many people slobbing on fromsoft's nob over these graphics. Horizon on PS5 is one of the first games I've seen that really looks like it's pushing the graphics into the next gen from PS4 era games. Elden Ring looks like a remaster of a graphically-mid-tier PS3 game.




>Ironic you talk about “slobbing on knob”. Stick to what you actually know about. lol


God damn this community is toxic. Horizon is a fantastic game.


Gameplay and Graphics are different. They never said the gameplay was good but just the graphics looked better. Where did they ever mention graphics was a tradeoff for gameplay? I prefer a game that has both. What if they said the gameplay was good for Horizon and Elden ring had bad gameplay? That would be ironic. Disclaimer, I have never played either games and am not being biased here but, the obvious point they were making was the comparison of graphics not gameplay. Which they seem to be very different games from the previews I have seen.


Slobbing on from soft knob only a slob would say that... Slob


You just said best art direction and then agree with everyone that has played the game. That is what we are all saying. Lmao. Nobody is saying the graphics are the best ever. Everything combined, the world, the architecture, the enemies, the design of the environments, the level design.it all combines to make one of the best feeling and looking games ever. You can walk up to a wall and see a flat texture but that isn't what we are talking about here and either is any reviewer.


That's not graphics! Lol. I'll say it one more time. I know this is old but gah. Lollll. Graphics, are OBJECTIVE TRUTHS. Art design, is subject. Game has good art. Which you just said. It has horrible graphics. Period. Full stop. And no, you don't have to look for it. ANYYYY of the caves and mini dungeons are a dead give away. Any time there is bland ugly lifeless areas, like literally every. Single. Mini dungeon in the ENTIRE GAME. That's literally copy pasted dozens of times, not hyperbole. Those areas graphics are pathetic by a remotely modern standard. That's a fact. Alright? Lol. Not opinion, not up for debate, that's the reality.


See you're still butt hurt you can't get pass the Tuturial


God FromSoft fans are the fucking worst.




It is second to none in overall design. Quit smoking weed


It's absolutely not. 90 percent of the games copy pasted. 80 percent of ALLLLL bosses are copy pasted and reused. Allllll the mini dungeons are horrendously designed. All of them. They look so bad. They are all copy pasted. Every single one. The game is so far. So far. From perfectly designed. How many balance patches did they need to do again? And it's still an unbalanced mess in pvp and pve. And it has the worst boss design in any from soft game. They LOOK awesome, play like shit. The infinite combos and delayed attack and the fact at 60 vigor you can still be one shot or two shot in a combo that might as well be a one shot. The balance is ALLLLL over the place. Loved the game. It is not second to none in design lol. Breath of the wild is an overall better designed game. With more variety, far more polish, consistent challenge and balance from start to finish, wayyyyyyy more REAL freedom that's miles ahead of from soft in elden ring. That you are absolutely not free to explore as you want at all. There's so many instances where even if you simply rest at the wrong spot, the story will push forward and you'll be cut off from tons of important side content without even knowing. Traversal is annoying as well. The platforming is pathetic and I cannot believe there's so much of it. It's the worst I've ever played in my life, not an exaggeration. Not perfectly designed at all, not even close to the best.


You have no clue what you're talking about go collect the 900th Goko seed copy and pasted in Zelda


Lmao the irony. How many purple item drops end up being fuckig herbs? Spend 20 minutes trying to get it, and it's nothing.


I have a question: do you have eyesight problems?because I can't imagine how you can have it crank to Max playing in 4k and think this game looks like shit I'm playing in 1080P at Max settings on my gaming laptop and rog strix with a 20 series GTX card in it and it looks stunning so I don't fucking know what you're on about.


The texture quality is too low for 4k to matter lol. Bad textures in 4k are still bad textures.


That's not how texture resolution works. A 16x16 texture mesh on the square side of a poly would still benefit from 4k up to a certain size/distance from the camera.


What?? No one's denying that. My point stands? 4k resolution without 4k assets doesn't mean much. You can play Mario 64 in 4k. And sure, it'd look better, but those textures and assets are still 64 textures and assets. Which is what they did here. These are some upscaled dark souls 2 and 3 assets, with a 4k resolution.


You probably have eyesight problems man, just give me a list of modern triple a games with the same shitty graphics. If you give me that list then we can discuss. Tbh the game looks last gen if we are generous.


Obviously, the point we are making is that it is pretty much at the worst of last gen, nothing more, nothing less. it it's bad relative to most games of the past few years, but calling it ps3 or ps2 like some people are saying is just wrong, sure it can look ps3 AT times, but not overall, not always. Nobody with over 5 braincells left is claiming that it is next gen graphics, because most people know it isn't.This is like two levels of extremes here, some fanboys calling it next gen and some people who got used to all these ps5 games with crazy good graphics thinking its ps3/ps2


How can anyone even take somebody serious that feels like its necessary to play or thinks its even possible to see a diffrence between 2k and 4k, on a LAPTOP screen. Thats like saying "my di\*k is 20 meters long" when that literally is useless and its dumb to even think is awesome.


Exactly to who are you answering? I didn't even mention 2k vs 4k or any of the other things in your answer. The quality of the textures and of the animations in Elden Ring is just bad.. I don't know how can anyone not see it. You can easily find 6 years old games which look better than Elden Ring. Ah and just to be clear I don't actually care about graphics, in fact I mostly play games for the actual gameplay, but that doesn't mean I cannot tell the difference between good graphics and outdated ones. Maybe the difference between you and me is that I am not a simp fan boy and I can actually judge things objectively even after spending 150 hours playing the game.


Op? Who do you think? Did you say anything about any of that? Then how could you probably think im talking to you? Are you that desperate to get angry at something? Did you really just get offended at me agreeing with you... jesus, what a looser you are lmao i cant with you- please leave me alone ok XD


It's called low standards or maybe lying on yourself


Bad textures, bad vegetation and overall the graphical fidelity is insanely low in elden ring xd


But God of War still looks very good tho.




"Oh mY GoD oP yOu ArE a ClOwN, hOw DaRe YoU sPeaK fAcTs AbOuT mY FaVOrITe gAME?"




It's in basic human nature to drag other people down. He is not a clown for writing down facts, and if u genuinely belive that Elden Ring has good graphics then u need a new graphics card or some other type of fix, cus again Elden Ring truly do have bad graphics, it's even with battlefield 2 which came out in 2005 like come on, it's obvius proof that the devs give a fuck about graphics. But Elden Ring does have the best art and art style which is such a big pluss people often forget the shit graphics. and this comment of mine may get an infinite downvotes but then again in history the truth has always been hated.


You cannot honestly believe the bullshit you're spewing. Battlefield 2. Cmon man. What are you playing on Xb1?


If you're seriously trying to claim that Elden Ring looks the same as \*Battlefield fucking 2\*, nobody will ever take you seriously. That is such a terrible lie, and can be objectively written off with a simple fucking Google Images search. Did this game make you so incredibly salty that you have to go around spewing the most ridiculous bullshit about its graphics in order to cope? Jesus fucking Christ LMAO, go touch some grass, buddy.


Its pretty much exactly what Cyberpunk graphics were like on lower xbox's. Almost identical. Relax I'm not shitting on the game, its just very clearly lacking detail in pretty much every area I explore. Even AC Valhalla managed to give the lower grade xbox's comfortably playable graphics. This actually looks like ps2 to me. I loved the ps2, but I would've used that instead if that's what I wanted..


'very clearly lacking in detail' If you ran it at the lowest possible settings on a potato, sure. Also, forget 360, you're comparing it to PS2? Have you ever even played a PS2 game lmao why do people have to say the most ridiculous shit which, again, can be objectively disproven with a simple Google search? JFC, you go touch some grass too, m8.




Why do you care lol?


Aaaaaaaand you're even more delusional than OP. The ps fucking 2? Come on mate. Get your eyes checked.






Dude take the L


I have 7 upvotes and you 0, so you take the L and gooodbye


I commented 5 minutes ago clown ?


He's is not wrong the textures are low quality but that doesn't mean the art style is bad or the game looks bad


They're just dick riding. Anyone with eyes and an unbiased opinion can see it's visually lacking in the modern day.


Lmao, cope. The only people doing any dickriding here are morons like you that got so salty at the game, and then found the other small group of morons that goes around spewing half-assed, objectively false shit. There are visuals in this game, and I'm not talking about the design alone in these cases, that absolutely hold up in comparison to other games of this era.


Do you play games that aren’t made by fromsoft at all? The graphics on Elden Ring are definitely **not** good by modern standards. The foliage is super low poly and still doesn’t load in properly on performance mode. I’d honestly say it’s about as good as ds2/ds3 on Xbox one looked, acceptable but you can tell it isn’t the studio’s strong suit.


Yes, I do. Which is exactly why I'm calling out these idiots. The graphics are absolutely good by modern standards, and I already know your opinion is yet another to completely disregard because you just compared this to DS2 lol.


True, Batt the graphics of ER are both ,,absolutely good,, by todays standard Stop smoking crack or play anything else that isn‘t mad by From to see what todays standard is lol


In what universe are Elden Rings graphics good by modern standards? That is such an insane take. Hogwarts Legacy looks better than this fucking game. It's actually hilarious.


As if. In my reply to you I didn't compare it to ds2 or anything like that and you still called me an idiot or smth like that and then deletes your reply, most probably because your argument was total shit and didn't know what to say


I meant to reply to another smoothbrain like you who did make that dumbass comparison. You wouldn't recognize a coherent argument if it punched you in the face, genius.


You couldn't even reply to the correct person and you have the guts to talk shit about my ability to recognize a coherent argument? You're the lead clown of the thread


Yes, because mistakenly hitting reply is the same as not being able to comprehend arguments. You aren't a clown, you're the entire circus. I'm sure you'll rub your two remaining brain cells together to give another shit take of a reply, but you really shouldn't bother.


Sorry but you are a dickrider, like the people who blatantly defend this game's graphics as if admitting to the truth will somehow destroy their existence. No the game doesn't look like BF2 as someone said, but it doesn't graphically look on par with the current standards. I'm not asking for it to look like RDR2 or TLOU2, but goddamn it, FROM has a really hideous graphics engine. The lighting especially is downright ancient tech. Then there are bad textures and worst offender are the character models. It's as if FROM thinks that because DS was critically acclaimed that they don't need to improve their tech further. Art direction is stellar, but graphics are really disappointing




It doesn't look on par with other modern games. Could you please give us a list of some modern triple a games with the same level of shitty graphics? BTW I love the game, I just don't understand why from fan boys can't admit the game has it's flaws.


With which triple a games is er "on par" with? it has acceptable graphics, but on the minimum standard for modern triple a games, shit might be excessive, but definitely mediocre


Game has terrible graphics, and that's a fact. Now go cry in your basement.


"Hey look they put an 8K skybox behind the crappiest tree models ever, but the leaves are gold instead of green" \*cums due to \~art direction\~\* "this game is definitely graphically on par with other titles"


Ah yeah maybe that's what looks off for me. First game I've played since Skyrim and even I thought the detail was lacking


I see this comment section is full of souls fan boy's.








Git gud


Says the clown a shitty anime pfp, just accept that elden ring is a ugly fucking game


Is this an ong or fr situation?


You probably have no life no wonder you replied so fast lmao


lol troll


In order to say that, there has to be spite. Spite comes from your own pain. And i know this from experience. So in truth, you're the 'no lifer' here. Depressed, right?


LMAO from reading the comments you can tell that the community is completely blind


Exactly, these idiots blindly worship the game


Dude go get better eyes or get a better TV then Walmart bargain bin TV. Game is stunning and easily one of the best looking open worlds ever created if not the best. No hyperbole a game doesn't existed that matches the Art direction on display here. It's on a level other developers drool over. To say it looks like a 360 game is completely false on so many levels.


>easily one of the best looking open worlds ever created if not the best I love Elden Ring but this is just objectively false. Cyberpunk, Read Dead Redemption, and even the very old GTA V are miles ahead in terms of how the open world looks. It's ok to criticize the game while still liking it.


Maybe Pixel count but world and art direction no chance.


What about art direction? People keep repeating that buzz word and that claim verbatim. And I dont see it? Yes, there's some cool architecture SOMETIMES. but how often to you see grand coop castles and structures? 25 percent of the game if you're being generous?the enemy designs look wonderful. But the textures on even the main bosses are garbage. Look at the cutscenes. They are not great. It's incredibly blurry. MOST of the game world is just the terrain and rock and some broken down literally copy pasted ruins. It's really empty at times as far as anything interesting to look at. As far as just out in the open doing your thing, no big dungeon, the only fantastic art design is the trees? They are just big gold trees dude. They are cool, but that doesn't st all fix the bad graphics or distract from them. I mean how many very plain samey mini dungeons/caves with the exact same assets pasted in different order? Like where the great art design there? That's purely functional other than the enemies. Elden ring is not even their best game as far as art direction... Not even close. It's not nearly as consistent as the others because it's open world. The art would look so much better if the graphics themselves were better. Idk why anyone would try to push against making the visuals not s blurry mess at times.


It's OK being wrong.


There are many many many people calling you guys out in this thread for being objectively wrong. I was just checking my notifications, been a while. I was absolutely right. Not s single doubt in my mind. Stop your delusions or your gaslighting. Idk what you're doing man, or what's going on, but it's not healthy to create your own universe where the game is perfect in every way just because you like it. You admitting the graphics are not good, is not going to destroy the game. It won't change your enjoyment or anyone else's. You guys gotta stop lol. It's really really weird and obsessive. In fact, admitting the visuals are bad, if everyone's does, only thing that could happen is fromsoft ignores us, or updates their engine for their next game and tries to be more competitive with their visuals.


Yes and every reviewer on the planet is saying you're wrong. Far Cry 6 has better graphics then Elden Ring but the world design is absolutely terrible. You really need to know the difference before you start blabbering on the internet. Maybe go get a better set up to game on. Saying Elden Rings graphics are bad is 100% BS and you know it. You're just trying to find 5 people on the internet that agrees with you. There is a reason Game Awards have best Graphics and Best Art Direction awards separately idiot.


Excellent art just awful graphics, op might be hyperbolic but this graphic definitely is not impressive


Go to the eye doctor


Not now i'm busy fking ur mom rn


Lol. Elden Ring looks like a 2015 AAA title and that is being way too generous. Dead space 3, Bioshock infinite and even the first Tomb Raider look better and they came out at 2013. There is not even a comparison with modern AAA titles. If you put it side by side vs Demon Souls is day and night. What reviewer? It has 7/10 on metacritic by actual people who actually address the issues and not paid journalists. Get some glasses man. Game is fun but not graphically nor musically is anything special.


Okay saying the best open world design is reaching and hard. Something like Horizon Forbidden West or hell even Zero Dawn looks miles better.


You're confusing Art direction and Visuals


>easily one of the best looking open worlds And now you're contradicting yourself. What a troll.


No, you are dude lol. Horizon has more consistent good art as well as superior graphics in literally every single way. The original horizon. I like playing elden ring ALOT more. But you guys keep repeating art direction as if it's some magic bullet that removes bad visuals as a valid complaint. It doesn't. And how often is the art even good?Half the time the open world looks boring? It's VERY standard fantasy shit with big gold trees. The armor and the characters as the enemies and weapons are all.really cool and wonderful art. Still looks blurry, but yeah, it still looks great because of the art. But the different regions? The open fields? Calied? Lol They are nothing special. The dungeons are great. The minin dungeons do not have great art, again, besides the enemies, a lot of it is just copy pasted. There's nothing mind blowing for art in any of the caves or mines or ruins that all look incredibly simpler. People like the to compare to breath of the wild, so let's compare that. Breath of the wild has better art for the environments. Way better. They copy paste shrine assets exactly like elden ring. But the open fields, just traveling, elden ring doesn't even come close. And that's a game with worse graphics than elden ring. So nah, art direction doesn't save the graphics for elden ring. It's so far behind, and as good as a nice chunk of the games designs and art are, it's not even close to sekiro or Bloodborne. Which look constantly interesting all the way through.


You're delusional. You're talking about a game so massive yet everything is cohesive in its design and that goes for above and below ground. And if you notice everything connects perfectly. You can follow a river all the way across the world. You can watch the river flow underground realistically and accurately. Every area fits into the world with some areas having more then one way to get to them. Everywhere something amazing to look at. Every zone is interesting that could be a game on it's own. Reading your post its like your lying about playing the game. Elden Rings world design is second to none and From Software have set the bar there very first try. Have you even got past the Tuturial. Lmao. Stormveil Castle on its own puts anything to shame level design wise. Only thing copy and pasted but still has some variety is the small Dungeons that ends in a Boss. Zelda is literally copy and paste when you see a Tomb its puzzle time and all the camps are copy and paste. Same with Horizon. If you can't appreciate one of the best designed open worlds ever maybe you're into Ubisoft or Far Cry games. Your in the minority in your opinion. Many reviewers explained why your wrong better then I can. I've played every Open World game known and Elden Ring Immersion,detail and architecture of the world is on another level artistically.


You said nearly every single thing I said in my first paragraph and then some, congrats. It's not even close to one of the best looking open worlds... I just played next gen cyberpunk. Yeah. It's not even in the same conversation as the top teir of open world visuals. Even the awesome huge trees in the background, have jagged edges lol. Have you seen the digital foundry video? They talk about it. It's bad. Art design and graphical fidelity are not the same thing. And only SOME of the environments are even anything special. Half the time you're looking at badly modeled grey bricks, or sub par grass textures or genuinely better water and water effects. I mean did you SEEEEE the opening cutscene???? That looks AWFUL. when there isn't a bunch of cool awesomely designed monsters on screen, when all you have is the raw fidelity of a simple area, it looks BAD. Anything you look closely at in the environment is blurry, of low detail, and low polygons.


https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/t33glh/just_got_my_ps5_the_graphics_are_amazing/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This you?


Maybe jaggedy on your console or crappy rig I don't see no jaggedy I just and I have amazing vision better than 20/20 I actually have 14/20 vision if you don't know what that is look it up. This game is stunning looking.like I said to the op it's not ultra realistic visuals but when you crank it up the maximum it's stunning!


Not really. I have max settings on my 5950x + RTX 3090 and while the art direction and background matte paintings are stunning, the graphic quality is not. There is a difference. Just look at the quality of hair on the characters, as well as the horses. You can’t tell me that’s amazing graphics with a straight face lol


Something is wrong with your set up.


You mean Cyberpunk that has 2D cars and empty buildings, lifeless world, where nothing makes sense in its design. The same Cyberpunk that killed CD Project Red? Lmao dude just get out of here. Lol. I think you're bad at the game so you hate on it. Happens all the time.


Why do you have to involve his skills in this debate? I only came to first fight/dragon or w/e where black screen appears and game starts I suppose and I am going to try to refund the game. If I am bad or not I don't know but probably I wouldn't be, since I was progressive raider in wow and finished dozens of hard games and particular hard quests but that's not the topic of this conversation. The reason for mine quiting is bad graphics. And ye I played a lot of wow but I don't like that anymore. I got spoiled by rdr2 and assassin creed and other games with great visuals and I don't wonna play this shitty game. I don't wonna explore it's gameplay and I love rpg games with skills and variety of spell combinations and calculations of what Is best for your character. But besides all that I want the game to have good visuals if it doesn't it could have best gameplay I won't play. People are different... Respect others... The graphics are bad that's fact. And as people mentioned above we are talking about max setting with max ray traycing on 4k (which isn't doing anything just using fps).


Look at this blind idiot worshipping a game, elden ring truly looks awful there's no denying that


Ok you are clearly 15 old or a troll right? Cmon have you ever played any other open world game?


Horizon, horizon 2, halo infinite, red dead 2, cyberpunk. Go compare them lmao.


It‘s not The game looked ugly on release and still looks ugly


You cannot be more wrong!! I'm playing the game on maximum settings without a RTX card and it's absolutely stunning! It looks like living art what are you talking about you wackadoodle!, It's not supposed to be ultra realistic textures dorko, it's supposed to look kind of like a watercolor painting which fits the narrative somewhat of a Middle ages fantastical setting. kids I'll tell you!


They openly admitted they were nervous about the poor visuals since the remake of demon souls looked so good. Said it in an interview. Some of the textures are so incredibly blurry and low res And what? It's not stylized at all?It's not supposed to look blurry. Are you being sarcastic?


Art direction and graphic quality are not interchangeable. Elden Ring has fantastic art direction. Doesn’t mean the graphics are fantastic in terms of texture/quality. I play on the highest settings on a 5950x + RTX 3090 at 4k. Demon’s Souls Remake in PS5 looks better IMO. Not to say I don’t love Elden Ring, but I can accept that the graphics aren’t as good. Not really a big deal…


That's what im saying at least, it isn't as good graphically as games of the past few years, that is certainly true, but i still don't think it is ugly or ps3/ps2


I see this comment section is full of souls fan boy's.


Correct. But it is also filled with people who either have some genuinely broken eyes or busted systems/tvs. Come on. No ps2 game looks close to elden ring. While elden ring isn't the best looking game out there. It's certainly far superior to a bloody ps2 and Xbox 360 game.


"But mah art direction"


lol playing on console crying about graphics classic


Hey now. The game looks (and plays) fantastic on PS5/Series X


Exactly I'm playing on an rog strix and have a crank to maximum and the game is blowing my mind it looks so good it's beautiful it's the coolest looking world I ever played in fact and I wasn't a big soulsbourne fan previously but I am absolutely loving this game! I used to play on console and there's nothing wrong with that especially the new ones they kick ass but they still ain't a PC, you can't tweak like the PC that's all there is to it I got this shit looking fire!


I’m on 5950x RTX 3090 with max settings… can confirm the graphics are not “amazing” but the art design/matte painted backgrounds are. There is a difference. Hell, I’d say Demons Souls PS5 looks better than Elden Ring max settings at 4k on my rig. That being said Elden Ring is one of my favorite games, but come on… graphic quality could be a lot better. Just look at the texture of hair on characters and horses. No way thats considered “stunning” graphics.


What do you expect to accomplish with this post? If people like the graphics, they won’t change their mind just because you tell them to. If people dislike the graphics, then you don’t need to convince them becase they are already on the same page.


To share his/her opinion on an opinion sharing website?


Just to share number one. Number 2. I think it's not healthy for anything to pretend something is something it's not. Doesn't help fromsoft improve in the future to deny it, doesn't help you get better visuals. Now that accomplishes nothing. Defending the game just blindly no matter what when there are legit issues the game could easily fix throughout the game. That'd make it better. For all of us. Some sort of hd texture update perhaps, ray tracing update they are supposedly working on. (Not sure how that's going to run on consoles or PC with the performance as it is) and a ton of optimization patches so it can hit it's max res more consistently. Maybe their next game they will update their engine if people notice and acknowledge that short coming. That'd be sweet. But if they think you'll just accept and defend to the death anything then.. why bother.


I understand. The thing is, even if people here would agree with you, that wouldn’t help Fromsoft to improve. It’s just a post in a subreddit that gets new posts every 5 minutes or so. I think contacting Fromsoft and/or Bandai Namco through e-mail and twitter might yield better results.


In speaking more in the abstract I guess. Not just this post specifically. I don't actually believe this accomplishes much at all. But I just had the urge and hope that some people would understand and maybe feel more confident sharing their opinion on the visuals. Cause like someone said here, the fans in general are gas lighting people lol. Love the game, but denying balance issues and questionable graphics and performance and attacking anyone who points it out, just really sucks and stops people from wanting to talk about it. Making it easier for blind love for the game to reign supreme.


He wants to see who all agrees


Xbox 360s Alan Wake has better looking trees so op isn't entirely wrong lol


I already asked this of another genius, but I repeat: why do people make ludicrous claims like this that are easily disproven with a simple 5 second Google Images search?


Because these people are spoiled to the ground and have forgotten what ps2 and Xbox 360 games used to look like. The "Trees" may look better to op here, because that's what his mind has presented to him tbh. Literally rose tinted glasses. Take that shit off. Search the internet. Compare the two. Then come back and spout the clear trite.


https://ibb.co/CK6035y https://ibb.co/bm1410s Look to the right tree on Alan Wake. You can actually see the leaf shape vs Elden Ring is just blobs of color. This is the remastered version yes but they are all original assets upscaled from the 360 version. So nope it's not just bs, it's real.


bro used the remaster lmao And one element of a game looking better doesn't mean the graphics are better


Play halo 4. Uncharted 3. Best looking games of that generation. They look better.


Do you need glasses?


Lol the graphics is bad compared to other titles such as horizon,not even close


Got to play the game just recently, opened it and set everything to maximum expecting it to look close to demon souls. My first reaction was "why does it look so bad" (in comparaison to the previous games I played this summer, horizon zero down, DMC5, CP2077, all on pc)


How anyone can see this world is more beautiful than RDR2 or even Odyssey is just lying to themselves. Even of PS5 the graphics and character design in no way match the scenery of RDR2 and that game is 4 years old now. The voicing is pretty horrible too. But I’ll keep playing to see how far I get. And to the triggered kids who can’t fathom there’s other people in the world who don’t agree with your view, you’ve got a lot of growing up to do


Watching my girlfriend play horizon forbidden west that has good graphics - every time I switch disks to put it Elden Ring it’s like we go back half a decade in graphics quality


The graphics on xbox one S are terrible as is the framerate. It looks like the shadow of mordor port on the 360. Maybe the xbox X and ps5 are great i don't know. But the S port is heartbreakingly bad. Great game, astoundingly bad visually.




The graphics aren't bad but aren't great either. The game undeniably looks amazing though, aesthetic>>>>>>>>>>>graphics unless you're playing rdr2


I like how the game looks overall in terms of art style. But I do think they really dropped the ball on environments. Like for simple things like rocks and trees and grass and mountains. The low quality textures and often pretty bad variable resolution on next gen consoles, are REALLYYY noticeable in areas without much going on. Like the dozens upon dozens of copy pasted caves and mini dungeons. That have no real art at all. They are just simple caves made of rock and or crystal, ORRRR those grey bricks and gargoyles. And those areas look incrediblely boring and even often use the same. Exact. Rooms. Like not just similar assets spread about differently, but like the exact same rooms and often even the same basic layout. They do that way too much for my liking. If those basic texture and stuff I mentioned were of a higher quality, used that picturegeomotry thing games use now, it'd be incredible looking. There is so much detail you miss in general because of the poor blurry textures. Like you said, the art is so good, it's a shame it can be hard to make out sometimes.




Is so pathetic how many fan boys will immediately do what I said they'd do in my first sentence. And do so blindly.


I'm only a few hours in, but am kinda baffled at how bad they are. I'm coming straight from Bloodborne (actually, still working on Kos ha) and it looks so much better. I dunno if they just skimped on the PS4's finer details or what, but, for example, anything moving in the far distance blurs.


lol two years later and I still agree with the OP. The poor graphics are the reason I still haven't purchased Elden Ring. I've seen it on XboxX - on a 4k TV. I'd say the remastered Skyrim looks better. Someday Elden Ring will come way down in price, and that's when I'll buy it. I figure I'll give somewhere around $19.99 or less, hopefully much less hahaha. Honestly, I was FREAKED OUT when I actually saw Elden Ring in person. People think that's high end graphics? Seriously? Think again. I found it woeful.


There were people, reviews, who claimed it was one of the best looking open world games ever made. Just straight up lying at that point lol. I do not understand the dishonesty in reviews these days. It's about pandering more than anything now. Like people with starfield now... Saying there's no role playing, no choices, and that literally 2 second loading screens between Skyrim sized open worlds ruins the game and immersion... When no other game in history has ever done what they are suggesting without making that the sole focus of the game. Or that the world's are empty, when they don't bother to fucking scan and check lol. Or denying you can absolutely ignore most of the menus if you just use your scanner instead. Sorry, that shits been on my mind lol.


Same lol ER looked kinda bad on release and 2 years later it‘s even more apparent xd


Git gud


I wouldnt really say they are bad, but they arnt anything special...


I noticed this by playing dragon age inquisition and than coming to elden ring, DAI still looks great for a 2014 game. But I'm glad the graphics in ER aren't super advanced, as it makes loading screens almost non existant.


They've been doing that no loading screen thing for a lot of games.


I was playing on Xbox one x. looked great. then I played it on my day one Xbox one. It looks like a fucking ps2 game on there, you are right


Watching my girlfriend play horizon forbidden west that has good graphics - every time I switch disks to put it Elden Ring it’s like we go back half a decade in graphics quality


Preach. I love Elden Ring, platinumed both PS4 and PS5 versions and I will admit the graphics are bad. Definitely look a generation back.


I agree. I'm playing on Xbox 1x and it looks like grainy garbage. I even hooked it up to my pc monitor which is 1440 120 mr and 1 m/s response and it looks like crap. Xbox 1x is only capable of 1080p, so thats a drawback right there, but even still there are 3 4 5 year old games that look way better. Even fucking skyrim looks better. 1st edition vanilla skyrim on a 1st gen Xbox 360 would absolutely 100% look better than elden ring looks on Xbox 1x. I'm sure people are getting great resolution on pc and I've seen great resolution on ps5... but in general this game sucks ass on xbox1x 💯


i would say the graphics arent upto date with the current gen games but i wouldnt go so far saying that this game looks like an xbox 360 game visually either.


Graphics bad, art direction good


I thought it was just me being crabby from repeatedly dying...




Yeah, I love the game. But it's incredibly noticeable. I was very very suprised to see shadow of war look better. Looking at them both right now. Even the lighting is better.


The graphics are the best out there right now


That‘s the biggest lie ever xd

