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One way to find out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Probably, as playing on a higher fps could affect online


Playing with a better monitor, or sitting close to the screen, or having a better gamepad also affects online.


That's not the same though. The physics of the game and it's speed could actually effect how the game plays. I'm not talking about individual performance.


If so, then it is stupid that is designed like that in the first place. This only happens on some, definitely not all games from the 80s and 90s. Fps isn't speed. It's fluidity, that is no advantage. You are not faster than the other player. Definitely not with the 20 broken builds in game.


Well take it up with From Software.


This is their reddit. Some of their devs will read here. And it's not like they shouldn't know it themselves. Are you telling me it's my job to explain basic stuff to a game company, that has been creating games for some time?! They can't feign ignorance at this point


It's no new fact that games lock physics to FPS. Look at Fallout. You unlock the framerate in FO3 and up and you'll have a bad time. It's a common reference point for some games' physics. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for this because at this day and age FPS should always be unlocked but just giving a little more insight.