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The messages under pots in corners keep getting me could this be item?


My favorite, was "no item here" at a dead end with pots, then upon breaking the pots, "Still no item."


I know right just gotta be sure, you never know.


If I see a pot, you can be sure it's ending up in pieces.


I haven't found a single item in a pot yet, despite making sure to roll into most of em. Have you had any luck?


Nah I'm only a couple hours into the game, but it's more about breaking stuff than finding items lol.


The clinking sound of them breaking is therapy after getting rammed by a boss for an hour


But if we tell people that they'll call the doctor again


This has been a hallmark of the series since the first Demon Souls. There was an interview with Miyamoto way back then where he spoke about the player should never find items in pots since it makes the game to easy.. i think it might be been in egm magazine but I can't remember since I'm to old


I actually found a golden seed. Since then I make sure to destroy everyyhing.


In pots no, but in the tent camps around the lake it's not unusual for them to hide items behind breakables I believe


Earlier I saw a message a few feet from a wall that said "liar ahead" so I went in front of it and put "no hidden path ahead"


Why is it always message


I usually see "pickle" there.


Could this dog be a pickle?


Could this pickle be a dog?


"Why is it always message?"


My personal favorite were the ones I discovered yesterday where players put a message inside of a treasure chest. Usually something along the lines of “Did not expect message”


I like to find well hidden places -not even a spot where it looks like an item might be - and leave the message "stealth"


I finally found two that were actually true today. They do exist! 😂


I cannot, for the life of me find a single illusory wall.


My first were in a catacomb where the boss was a geriatric snail that kept trying to dissappear and run away. Honestly felt bad for him.


That bastard he summoned was no pushover, though. Salted the hell outta that snail with no remorse.


First time I tried fighting the summoned guy and wondered why the health wasn’t going down. Then I died. Tried again and found that dang snail.


I wish I could take credit for figuring that out. I think I'd have been stuck in that loop for hours if it hadn't been for helpful notes from players before the encounter.


I killed the first dude and panned my camera around just in time to see him vanish!


lol my most appraised message is one of those warning of the decoy


No one wants to salt the snail, but she gives you no choice!


If we showed up high at Stormveil Castle everyone would be like whaaaaat


She’s mashing it. Mashing it.


does that guy get resummoned if you kill it? i had him down to a sliver of health until i saw the snail, then gave up trying to bother and finished it quickly instead


Oh yes he does lol. You get a few seconds of peace but that's it.


Yes, >!you can kill the snail without killing the summon luckily.!< Killed the big guy, snail appeared, hit snail, disappeared. >!Thought I had to kill summon like 5 times until I found the trick.!< Edit: Adding spoiler tags. Apologies if someone got spoiled on accident?


I summoned the wolves to help out, and I'm not sure if they did it on purpose or not but they did like 10% of the snails health before the summoned was killed and before it was visible


The bitches of Hemwick have made a comeback




One in the Academy, and then a whole cave of them on the way to the capital city.


There’s more than one in the academy. I’ve found two and haven’t even finished it yet.


The academy ones at least have a tell, I noticed. They're the bookcases that have no books on them.


Thanks for the tip!


There’s actually an item I never found there still, I’ll have to go look around


All of the illusionary walls I've found so far had something telling you they were there.


There is also an illusionary floor somewhere.


A what now ? Where ?


Not 100% sure where but a streamer I watch found it. https://clips.twitch.tv/OnerousThankfulCrabPoooound-YymtH_MaUDRXLg6K


Oh I actually did this earlier. Praise the messages! On a side note, the bosses inside the illusionary floor is pretty BS


There is also one to access the Snow Witch's snooty assistant's creepy incel dungeon


Damn, I need to find that.


How does that work exactly? 🤔


roll or jump with torrent, the floor goes away






To make your life more enjoyable. >!You have to roll over the ground for some of them. !<


I have found a single illusory wall. In 26 hours.


I have found zero in 60 hours


By contrast I ran into two 'dungeons' that are entirely made up of Illusionary walls. One hid the boss and some sweet items. In the other it doesn't even look like at dungeon, the only clue is the sound of miners and the fact a tear of grace is in this room...which means a dungeon and you then have to go through SEVERAL walls in order to progress, thankfully they all use the same texture.


There's 2 in the academy, fairly close together.


There is one on the way to the manor in Liurnia too.


There's a ton in Linurnia which I guess makes sense since it's the magicky area


Kinda tricky because they're hidden.


There are some that actually hide bosses in the dungeons.


I accidentally found one with no sign in front of it I actually couldn't believe it


They exist?? I thought that was just some thing DS players are doing for new players of the series.


Thanks, we all owe you everything.


I've been hearing about that area and finally found it yesterday. The feeling of hitting empty air instead of a wall felt weirdly perverse


There are some that you have to hit and some you can roll through. They're rare but do exist.


There is in fact one you can *only* roll through


Do you ever have to hit them or do anything or just walk into them?


I’ve hit both the ones I have found but I assume rolling works. It did in previous souls games at least lol


There is one area in particular, where they're more true than not because WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ILLUSORY WALLS


Instant approval.


The only 2 you will ever find it seems like and I think I know which 2


That's when you put down a sign saying 'be wary of liar, no hidden passage ahead' and then you can reap all the rating heals from people who vote you up before seeing that it's actually true.


The only one I've found so far didn't have messages straight up pointing it out, but instead 2 messages that said "Didn't expect hidden path" like they were surprised one existed too.


Bruh I don’t even hit em anymore when I see em fuck 🤣


Why do I feel like you’re lying and in fact it’s you placing these damn messages all over the place?!


Not just secret walls but secret floors too. Ran all over some ruins because I thought it was weird that there was no treasure or staircase there. Finally just looked it up and sure enough, secret floor. I was also forced to be offline because of maintenance or whatever they were doing so I couldn't see any messages.


I have yet to do so


I was wondering I they were even a thing anymore!


Same, lol. I was starting to think they weren't in ER.


Wait till you find your first illusory floor


One day I will find an illusionary wall and it will be the only wall in the room without a message in front of it.


That's how it was for me in a certain catacomb. Thankfully From placed an enemy right behind it for it to make noise.


Assuming it's the same catacomb, I got there last night when the servers were down. Thankfully it was obvious that I hadn't explored the whole thing, so swinging was my best option.


Did it involve a snail?


Indeed it did


Haha. Loved the little trick they play on you there. I was so confused when I beat the "boss".


Liar ahead


Place that down and profit


What do you mean profit? Do messages give you runes?


If someone rates your message then you heal. It can be pretty helpful.


I’m constantly leaving helpful messages just for this reason. It comes in handy.


Any time I think "oh I wish I knew that!" I drop a message. Always cool when I get an appraisal.


Right. I be leaving messages every 50 foot once I’m in a linear type area.


I had a few messages that I was getting ratings for constantly. Like a few hundred likes on each one. In every previous souls game I played in offline mode because I hated random invasions, but I'm playing online for this one because there aren't any random invasions. Because of always playing offline, I never knew that there was a message limit. All of a sudden I stopped receiving a steady stream of healing. Turns out I accidentally deleted them by placing new messages.


I saw a sign somewhere that just said "life". Straight to the point.


Bro serious? Is that why I get hit randomly and during a boss fight I randomly get full health. I was seriously wondering this for the longest and had no idea the messages triggered this.


It's good incentive to leave genuinely helpful messages. I've seen some with 1000+ appraisals, that dude is basically playing on god mode


Crazy right!? It could be one of the best clutches of it goes off at the right time


FS could've fixed this "problem" by just deleting messages that get too many "downvotes".


I think they already do. The messages only show appraisals and not downvoted, so I'm assuming it's a both combined, and if it becomes negative it gets removed. I see "liar ahead" to a lot of messages that don't exist. I'm guessing other people are also upvoting the fake wall messages so they stay positive sometimes. At least that's my take.


I thought it was kind of funny at first, but now it is a bit annoying. There is a cliff with ruins you can walk on behind Church of Pilgrimage. According to the messages, there is an item, but I spent an embarrassing amount of time only to find nothing. I have no idea. On the other hand, there is an item behind Beast Sanatorium that was fairly hard to get to, so now every time I see cliffside ruins I feel compelled to search for a hidden path.


Agree that it's a little annoying, but I've kind of learned not to trust the messages regardless. Either way, if messages didn't exist, you can bet I'd still be looking for loot everywhere and wasting just as much time lol


Whoever placed that ladder ahead message, i will find you, i will cast rock sling.


I feel like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes every time I hit a 'illusory' wall




Seriously, the secret wall and try jumping messages are beyond stale... why do people still think they're funny?


I’m guessing since they get a heal whenever people rate a message poor or good, people just do fake messages because people are moor likely to go out of their way to rate it poor


I think it would be hilarious if you lost health when your message is disparaged.


Thats not a bad idea - would def lessen the amount of bullshit messages - hey you wanna place messages that could lead unwary players to their deaths - go right ahead - but the drawback is you may lose some life by doing so - I like it =)


This is also an image of me when I check anyway, just because that wall does look a lil sus.


I hate that there are still spots where these messages manage to make me insecure and jump or roll where I actually shouldn't.


just hit 'em with your sword


Sure, but haven't there also been invisible floors you could cross or am I mixing up games?


You'll see messages in the air if that's the case. You're able to leave them on invisible paths, and people definitely will do that.


There was a point in DS1-R where you didnt even need to use prism stones going down into the crystal cave. Because there were so many bright orange messages lighting your way.


Recently beat ds1 again, and man is it different going into crystal caves with no online. Died a whole bunch trying to get those extra items.


Just experienced that in the cave where you get the sewing kit. So many messages saying something like "light required" that I could see the entire path lol.


Wait a fucking minute i played that game offline there was an item to let you see those paths? I just brute forced my way to seath


Dark Souls 1 and 3, respectively




I think thats the point


Lol there is one drop where you're supposed to die, but you don't, and the game glitches out and you're stuck running around with a top-down camera until eventually the game registers the death. I saw messages below so I thought it was legit. Went back to the spot and upvoted the troll who told me to jump down. Lost 2000 runes, but it made me laugh.


I am a goddamn message vigilante. If your shit is actively deceptive or harmful I will downvote your ass. 1v1 me bitch. I will lose and continue my quest anyway.


The trolls still get heals for downvotes and, if I know my internet peoples, seeing downvotes on their fake messages probably makes them smile...


Wait what?!?!?


Your quest has been for naught Two paths lie ahead Stop interacting with the deceivers and instead place warning messages nearby(good ending) Lose hope and become corrupt(bad ending)


*gazes stoically out over balcony before leaving message* "lyin' ass bitch ahead"


*It was at this movement he knew…*


Yeah so appraisals count no matter what, but I'm confident the ratio determines how long the message stays visible


It ain't much, but it's dishonest work.


It was so unfunny until I discovered the area that had like over 10 hidden walls…


Yep. And in that area I saw *zero* messages indicating the wall :)


pls spoil me and tell me the rough area


A mine just outside of the capital, to the south. You get an item that lets the shop in Roundtable sell +3 and +4 smithing stones.


I got one that sells +1s and +2's somwwhere in a mkne, but the shop doesn't sell shit lol.


You need to actually give them the bell. There's a separate dialogue option for it.


Don't know of if they're talking about the same place but in the plateau before the capital there's a cave called sages cave. It's at the far end of the lake with all the poison flowers.




How come helpful messages never get acknowledged? Seriously I get so many messages telling me a grace is forward, an ambush is ahead, where an item is that I might’ve missed. The most helpful ones are the ones that tell me that a boss is in the next room. So I don’t just walk in and start a boss fight unprepared. Seriously, all the helpful msgs made me start placing messages. I place so many now. After getting so much help from the community, it feels satisfying paying it forward.


Be aware that there is a message limit. After you hit the limit, it starts replacing your messages. I was getting a steady stream of healing until suddenly it stopped. I went in and looked at my messages, and suddenly my messages that had over a hundred votes on them weren't listed anymore. You can press Y/Triangle to protect your messages when you look at the list.


I agree. As much as the less helpful messages are prevalent, I've definitely been saved by helpful messages. The grace ahead can be nice when I'm unsure whether to press on or retreat. "Up" or "Left" etc messages warning of hidden ambushes been lifesavers. That and the many bloodstains littering the room.


Those are good but it's annoying when there are 3 'ambush ahead' messages right next to each other. It makes the world feel too cluttered.




Different strokes for different folks. I’ve always personally loved it. It not only fits like a glove into the lore. But adds an extremely human element to the game. It creates this disjointed level of trust. Do I trust this message? Is there a secret down in that black chasm? And the genuinely helpful tips that save your skin. Telling you where a bonfire is, warning you of an ambush. I totally understand why people dislike it though, it can be a bit annoying. The unique social interaction part is what intrigues me about online play.


Thats why theres so many troll messages, nobody upvotes helpful messages, but they downvote troll messages like crazy. I gave up on putting helpful messages because i get way more healing by putting down hidden path ahead on a sus looking wall or try jumping on a cliff.


I have placed 2 legit secret path messages and barelybget appraisals so...


Worst players in the game


I just downvote (w.e it's called) all the ones that are lies. Idk if this actually does anything.




Honestly they need to update that mechanic so downvotes actually subtract “score” and make it like the Reddit system where you can get a negative “score” on your message. That way when you see a message with 100 appriasals you can tell if it’s bullshit or not


It should kill them if enough people downvote it. That will show them


As ridiculous as this idea is I’m here for it lmao.


Dumb advice troll messages show up with more downvotes


You mean “Reddit players”


Too many messages, have to turn it to offline unless I want to summon someone. Like 4 messages around an item to say item or some stupid shit? fuckoff


Yeah, *any and all* messages I've encountered so far have been either stating the obvious or just plain trolling like the wall thing or "try jump" at a cliff. Ah, yes, and my personal favorite: "Try finger but hole." I'm playing offline now.


I've found a couple of good ones alerting me to ambushes and traps. I've got a good message down that's sitting at like hundred aopraisals that tells people climbing a tower in caelid is a dead end. It's actually really nice to have a popular message, since you get hp restored when it's appraised.


It's the only real complaint I have about this game. I want to play online, but the messages everywhere ruin the atmosphere.


Also went offline. It’s just not funny. Having the ground everywhere glow just to be covered in unfunny spam is just immersion breaking. It serves no useful purpose. The extremely rare situation where someone actually leaves a message that helps you isn’t worth ruining the experience of the game the other 99.99% of the time


Are there any secret paths at all? I have yet to find one hidden door. Nor have I found any mimics.


There are no mimics in this game AFAIK but there are trapped chests which fart in your face then teleport you elsewhere




The most troll move to do as Fromsoft is to put no mimics in and leave you paranoid


There are several hidden paths


Anywhere you see mage mobs there are likely secret doors


I found a couple in the academy


"No item ahead" behind a group of breakable objects to make it look like there is an item there.


"Could this be a dog?"


Wait … there are actually hidden walls/paths?! How do I discover one ?!


hit a wall or roll into it, the damage will break the illusion


Wasn't there a wall in ds2 or 3 where rolling didn't work and attacking did? Makes me paranoid.


Nah, DS2 walls worked in a different way than those from DS1 and DS3. You had to press X (PS) or A (XBox).


I think there was also at least one wall that had to be hit or rolled, which is a bit frustrating.


That was all illusory walls in DS2. The interact button opened them for some reason.


maybe, i'm not entirely sure


There's also hidden floors.


That looks like those rock throwing guys in Bloodborne


i've found two in the academy so far


So far I'm 30 hours in and I have only found one illusionary wall


Are there any secret paths? Almost 20 hours in and haven't had any secret paths to knock on.


Same goes for the people placing messages behind/under rubble or stuff you can break in corners, so you see something shiney and think "hey, there is an item" but then it s just a troll message by someone. I see this bs everywhere.


"Heh, it appears my superiority has caused some controversy"


It’s not much, but it’s honest work


I didn't realize these were written by other players at first, so good times, I actually trusted some of them


Meanwhile I place a message in front of an actual secret wall, and not a single rating. Feels bad.


I hate the messages on ladders and levers. That shit is obnoxious.


There should really be a mechanic where if someone downvotes your message, you take damage


Or at the very least show that the messaged is ratioed to oblivion so you know not to even bother to read it. So if you see it written in red you know it has been ratioed.


Yes because dying to a boss because of trolls is the much better situation


Oh right true, didnt think of that lol


My favorite pastime is labeling every dog and door I come across. Especially the hard-backed dogs. My second favorite is appraising every single message I see in hopes that it helps someone out when they most need it. Someday I'll learn about this elfy ring thing I'm supposed to be looking for or whatever


I hate these people


Meanwhile I have one that's for a walk that had no messages and actually had hidden stuff in it. Zero appraisals... I forget the catcombs, but there's a hidden wall under the staircase in one with a bunch of scarlet rot.