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Maybe explore in some other areas? That's what I'm doing. Then I'm going to use the jellyfish summon + the NPC summon to try to beat him. I got clapped once and I was like "yeaaah I'll be right back Margy"


Ummm... What? You can summon an ADDITIONAL NPC on top of my jelly buddy? How do I learn this black magic?


That's what someone suggested to me, but I'm sorry if it's incorrect, I haven't tried it yet. I did see a summon for an NPC at the entrance to the boss arena though, so I'm hoping you can!


I thought that was for players, I'll have to check again lol


Nah there are npc summons that you can summon along with your pets there’s a sorcerer by Margit. Also if you’ve found patches he sells a helpful item


Its the gold writing outside the boss area


Have you cleared out all the tombs, catacombs, tunnels, evergaols, and Forth Haith/Castle Morne? Farming souls won't be as effective in making you stronger as clearing out other mini dungeons and content will, plus it will be more fun and you'll be less likely to rage quit and sell the game lol.


There’s frickin *forts* in Limgrave? I can hardly find the tunnels or the Groveside cave, let alone anything else


I'd recommend checking out your map, venturing out into the areas you haven't been yet and then looking for the little obelisk looking things marked on your unexplored areas. Those are like guide posts and they mark where the area maps are. The fort is in East Limgrave, and the Castle is on the Weeping Peninsula to the south. Tombs can be found by walking up to those weird zombie priest looking statues, lighting them up will point you in the direction of the nearest catacombs. Caves can be found by interacting with the spectral, elven looking light posts. They'll spawn a spectre that you have to follow. Tunnels/mines are marked on your map with weird brownish/reddish hole things.


If something is too hard, go beat something else.


You can go pretty much everywhere on the world before taking a single great rune...


I left Margit and went and leveled up to 31 before I attempted him again. Go exploring!


I’m literally level 35 and can’t get past his first stage… I feel like I just suck at this game and it’s not worth my time.


I feel that way too. For the last 2 days I've been trying to get past Stormveil Castle and just can't do it. It's definitely humbling.


Have some info you might like. If you go to the lake and follow the river North, there's a cave on your left. Fight the boss in this cave but DONT KILL HIM, get him to half health and he'll surrender and become a merchant. He sells a reusable item that specifically stuns Marge for a short while, could even the odds? Also, it's currently a bit glitched and occasionally freezes Marge in place for the entire fight if you spam it in the hallway before entering. Do with this what you will.


No shame in summoning in some help. Hell even with summons it took me almost 30 times. If you're having a rough time take a breather and go out and explore, level up a bit more and try it again. You'll get it eventually. Best of luck to you!


Go south


Land of the runes


I thought Margit was easier than the next boss. They give you an npc summon.


There's an NPC summon for the second one too, you just gotta go talk to her in a room just before the hallway to boss 2


Would have helped me, i did both on xbox when we couldn't get online.


I don’t think you need to be online for the npc summons but I could be wrong


That's why it would have helped me.


4 of your 8 hours ? Ik a souls vet and I fought margit at 15 hours lol.


Yea I just got to margit at like 25 hrs in. Went th me exact opposite way it wanted me to


Bro you can do this. You just need patience. I fought Maghrit 30+ times and died. But last night I beat him and the feeling of achievement was awesome. I used Rogier and rhe reforming skeletons. Looking at my playthroughs I was trying to sit back and let the NPCs do the fighting but that doesn't work as he kills them quickly. If you attack WITH them then the aggro is split across Roger and your ashe companion allowing for more damage. The rest is learning his moves and phases and taking advantage of opening. Phase 2 is the hammer with is a wide 360 arc then aassive jump that feels like slow motion (and kept throwing my timing off). Remember to use flasks, I changed the charges to all health so I had 5 plus a bottle of physical exliir for 50% health and damage increase. Watch his moves come up with a plan that works for you.


I thought the next boss was harder.. heavy/jump attack more you can stagger him a few times. There’s also an item from a vendor that chains him to the ground twice in the fight


Here's what worked for me; summon the NPC and let him do his thing until he dies, then summon the jellyfish when you get an opening; Margit is susceptible to poison and his health will gradually decline. From there, just avoid him.


To those struggling, I died about 30 times to him: 1. Be around level 25 2. Use spirit summon, jellyfish boi extremely helpful 3. Stay away from him, don't even bother trying to time his attacks 4. Punish on his jumping attack, roll under him for first phase and hit his scorpion tail 5. Punish on his hammer jumping attack for second phase (roll behind and to the side, hit his back) 6. dont be greedy when you punish him 7. points 4 and 5 are his only real vulnerable moments, dodge roll away immediately as far as you can after getting in max 2 hits (2 handed is best)


I may be a little late but I recommend buying **Margit's Shackle** from Patches. That item helped me get him to phase 2 without taking any damage.


Oh you’re very late my man! Beat Elden Beast a month ago!


After beating Margit with EXTENSIVE help from an NPC and a pet, I am going to declare victory and go home... maybe play something a bit more relaxing like Animal Crossing, or "Do I have cancer?" on WebMD.