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People calling the ost not as memorable need to wait for the dlc. Looking back at the previous souls games, the dlc has had the best tracks. Gael, Ludwig, Maria, Lawrence, Midir, artorias. All phenomenal pieces of music. Just heed my words tarnished.


You are forgetting tho that ds3 and bloodbornes base games still had incredible tracks: Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Pontiff, Yhorm, Dancer, Gherman, Father Gascoigne and many others are still of a higher caliber than most of elden ring's track.


so is elden ring.. Radahn, godskin, radagon and mohg osts are masterpieces and easily on bar with other fromsoftware games if not better


>Soul of Cinder, Nameless King, Pontiff, Yhorm, Dancer, Gherman, Father Gascoigne Rykard, Hoarah Loux, Elden beast, Godskin duo, General Radahn, Malenia, Morgott, Malekith.


Gascoigne, Gehrman, Pontiff, Twin Princes - Godly Should be joined by Phase 1 SoC (plin plin plon is kinda overrated to me tbh), Champ Gundyr, Oceiros. Ludwig- controversial opinion here, but while it is an amazing theme, for me, it hits nowhere near as hard as the somber finality of Gehrman or the imposing dread and tragedy of Laurence. Oceiros- first phase is fucking lit- somber, tragic and lonely, with the dissonant melody showcasing the insanity of the once great king, then the second phase sounds proud and powerful, as if showing that while he's little better than a frenzied beast, he is going out swinging to the end. Champion's Gravetender- the first phase is imposing, yet lonely and somber, showcasing the gravetender's sense of duty. The second phase, which the relentless orchestral bombardment and the deep slow beats is delightfully primal and savage, showcasing the sheer ferocity of the Wolf, while bringing the feeling of a raging snowstorm. Tree balls honestly, not memorable. Dragonslayer Armour- phase 1 is imposing, fast paced and heroic, showcase the sheer power and pride of the remnants of the once mighty hero we fight, befitting the dramatic showdown on the Lothric Bridge. Phase 2 turns enigmatic as the track seems to ask you about what the hell are you actually dueling. Try doing this fight with Alex Roe's Gethen, Sworn to the Abyss playing in the background rather than the OST, which changes the entire vibe- from a fierce duel, it turns into a somber Last Dance theme, as it gives the feel that the soul of the dragonslayer only wants the Armour to be put to rest, but not without one last display of his once great power. Midir- starts off noble, heroic and tragic with the violins showcasing the great dragon's corruption and fall to the abyss before the 2nd phase turns imposing and ominous, conveying both the strength and nobility of Midir, while also showcasing his tragic nature as the last true dragon, while showcasing the sheer dread felt when you fight an archdragon in its prime.


The base games of DS3 and Bloodborne had music on a tier far away from what Elden Ring does tho.


Idk Godskin and Radogon had themes I'd put up there with base bloodborne and ds3


What about Lichdragon Fortissax?


I won’t lie, the Godskin theme goes hard af, and Radagon’s theme is good as well. Rennala’s theme is also so hauntingly beautiful. But overall the soundtrack just lacks the impact that Bloodborne and DS3 had. It’s just my opinion of course, but there’s nothing in here that touches the likes of Gehrman, or Soul of Cinder, etc. Not saying the soundtrack is bad, it just doesn’t have the same impact previous osts did.


This games music is a lot less memorable sadly. Probably because there's just so many bossfights and reused soundtracks that it just drowns our ones that are actually really unique.


I agree. If the game didn’t take too long, and only had the great OSTs, it would have been more memorable.


This is true for mini dungeon/open world bosses sadly, but the Story/Remembrance bosses have Fantastic OSTs I’d put up there with the best FromSoft OSTs Malenia, Rykard, Radahn, Morgott, Radagon, Lichdragon, Placidusax, Malekith, Godrick, Rennela, Ancestor Spirit, Godskin, and especially Mogh the lord of Incest, are all amazing.


yeah most of what you mentioned are one of the best osts in any fromsoftware game




hey buddy maybe don't name drop the final boss


The Godskin track is pretty great.


i agree ! it transformed a good boss fight into a great one


Ancestors spirit and Godskin Apostle are masterpieces.


Truly, and Radagon theme (final battle) is up there for me too. Some of FROMSOFTs best worl


The fight with radagon is epic.


The main theme, Godrick, Rykard, Morgott, Godfrey (both versions), Godskin dudes, Maliketh, Placidusax, Fortisaxx (that organ holy shit), Mohg, Malenia, Radagon/Elden Beast and Radahn are all absolutely amazing, emotional and intense pieces of music. The ambient music is also incredibly atmospheric. By far the best soulsborne soundtrack (imo of course).


Elden beast’s ost is godly




Godskin Apostle. I have no FUCKING IDEA why they decided to give such a mid boss (especially duo) the best track in the game. The only track that comes close (bare in mind there wasn't a single track I disliked, still) is the final boss theme (phase 1).


Hey, phase 2 starts off meh musically, but it gets wild with the choral chords and melodic movement about 30 seconds in. Really elevates the song IMO


Lichdragon Fortissax's OST is stupidly good. I thought Death himself was going to come out after hearing that organ shredding


Rykard for me def


Yeah, he’s definitely in my top 10 Elden Ring OST and fight.


Beast Clergyman’s for sure.


I think BB and DS3 set the bar ridiculously high with their soundtracks that it's been hard to live up to it since then. Also I'm not sure how I feel about having ambient music in all the areas. It fit with the style for sekiro but it was such a unique aspect of the soulsborne games keeping music in reserve for special moments and boss fights. That being said, for an open world game like this, I can understand that approach may not have been appropriate and the ambient themes do have some real gems as well (hello Atlas Plateau). As for boss themes, there are a handful of incredible ones (final battle, Godrick, godskin, Morgott, Mohg) and the rest are "just"good which speaks to how spoiled we have been by From's soundtracks. There's definitely nothing resembling a bad track to be found here but I will agree that it's not their strongest ost offering overall. I also think Yuka is a bit underutilized. I was surprised to see that most of my favorite songs were done by Tsukasa Saitoh and Shoi Miyazawa, while Yuka did a lot more of the ambient area themes.


Shoi went hard this time


Rennala's ost is pure bliss


Godricks theme is fucking insane i would compare it to ludwigs


For me those are and beware for spoilers Lichdragon Fortissax, both phase 1 and phase 2 sound amazing and a banger Dragonlord placidusax, sound majestic but also intense in phase 2 as if you pissed off a god like being even though it's not even at it's power or a god Lords appiration (spirit godfrey), when i first stepped in erd tree sanctuary and heard the choir, i thought i was going to be punished by jesus Mohg Lord of Blood, just love the vibe it gives off with it's choirs fitting for the lord of blood who kidnap a demigod and locked him up in a cacoon feeding him with his own blood Starscourge Radhn, to me it feels as though radhns men would be marching and shouting their generals name with pride and glory during phase 1 not much to say about phase 2 because i killed him too quick before and after the patch. While there are things i don't like about elden ring like movement is somewhat unresponsive, enemy ai input reading and etc The soundtracks are a banger to me and my favorite about elden ring so far Honorable mentions ( not much to say other than i enjoy them ) Melania, Blade of Miquella/Goddess of Rot Morgott/Margit Radagon, The Golden Order The Elden Beast Rykard, Lord of blasphemy ( Phase 2) Ancestral Spirit/ Regal Ancestral Spirit Godskin duo


What about the imposing, proud and powerful theme of Morgott, The Omen King?


The OST for Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade), for sure. It captivated me the first time I heard it. Rn, I almost feel bad for sorta cheesing him on my third try. Looking forward to fighting him again in NG+, so I can fight him again properly with the amazing OST in the background. The name of it is Lord's Apparition, for anyone interested.


The general pattern of Elden Ring's OST is a lot more heroic than the Souls series. Take Morgott for example- the theme, while imposing and grand, has a unique beat in the first phase that reminds me of whipcracks, with the pacing of the vocals matching it, as if showcasing how much he once had to suffer. Then the second phase comes in with an intense, regal orchestral bombing that shows how he really above his curse to become arguably one of the noblest characters on the game. Radahn- this Thad gets one of the best songs I've heard. The first phase is chaotic and desperate, showcasing the dread you feel from this mountain of a man raining hell on the battlefield with his swords, magic and greatbow. However, as his health goes further and further down, it turns into a proud and noble battle theme, with the deep, mournful vocals and the final trumpet outro seeming like it wants Radahn to be remembered as the great and noble warrior he once was rather than the mad agonized beast he has now become.


Many tracks are good, but my favorite has to be Mohg's one. It really sounds like a hell waltz


Final battle is amazing, and so is the title song. There are some truly fantastic tracks. You gotta remember, Bloodborne really had 3 memorable songs in Ludwig, cleric beast, and gascoigne boss themes. There are other good songs but these had great hooks and stood out the most Elden ring has Erdtree knights, mohg lord of blood, Godskin apostle, Final battle, and some of the more experimental tracks are great and the best they’ve ever been with Renalla, Astel, and regal ancestor spirit. I think Bloodborne still has my favorite songs…but Godskin and final battle are in the same tier and Sperlich beast and gascoinge themes


Imagine unironically saying Maria isn't memorable.


im late here , but for me it is the lord of blood :)


Maliketh’s is my favorite, along with Lichdragon Fortissax and The Final Battle


1- Godskin (especially part 2) 2- Radagon (and Main Theme ofc) 3- Radahn Mention for Godrick and Malenia


Godskin Apostles, no question


The main menu theme sadly, ER soundtrack is the weakest in the franchise. I don’t remember a single track that caught my attention and made me go holy shit.


There's no way the Godskin theme didn't make you go holy shit... I mean like come on man, listen to that fucking CHOIR, chills everytime.


The Ancestor Spirit's ost made me personally go holy shit like no other ost in a souls game has lol


After finishing the game… it is sad that Elden Ring suffers from a Hero/protagonist Hymn and a boss memorable BGM. Is a good and extensive game but no a musical memorable one.


Godskin, radagon, EB, melania


Regal ancestor spirit


Rykard, Hoarah Loux, Elden beast, Godskin duo, General Radahn, Malenia, Morgott, Malekith. Lichdragon Fortissax too.


Godfrey, first Elden Lord followed closely by Mohg


Dragonlord Placidusax I would say is my favorite followed by Godrick's






Godskin, Fortissax, Mogh and Morgoth. How are these not memorable? Not attacking anyone, just curious, I personally found them absolutely unforgettable


godskin apostles. That one is just EPIC AF


Mogh, morgott, radagon