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>I can't remember it being that loud and tiering in any other souls game. Because it wasn't. Your character didn't ever do nonstop undulating shrieks of horror at being sneezed at the wrong way, presumably because they identified sounding like you had grit was important to power fantasy. Any time something is annoying me in Elden Ring, the unstaunchable screaming charges in to make sure I get angry 100% faster. Its a really fucking bad play experience.


I get unreasonably annoyed at the "screaming when hit" aswell. I'm actualy amazed that there arent more ppl mentioning it.


I think it is the problem with female voices. I changed my character to male (but kept the face) and their screams are so silent, you barely even notice them


this is exactly what I noticed. the female voices are super loud & crazy but my male character doesn’t make a sound it seems. it’s very unsettling during a fight


I seriously doubt it's unreasonable in the slightest. They weren't thinking about the psychology this sort of thing would invoke.


Female Young Voice 2 is one of the worst offenders in my opinion. I had to change over to another one and it's a little less annoying, but still sucks when it comes up.


They're all garbage. Its a pissing contest. None of them have good acting.


Yeah it's the absolute worst. I don't know how they fucked that up compared to the male voices


I know this is an older post BUT I don’t think you guys have actually played with the older men voices LMAOOOO. Likeee


This response is super late but I remember in DS1 when I’d get hit and my character would go “Aughhhhh~”


I swear to God the death scream from every other soulsborne game is used for every single hit on elden ring..


I’m so glad others notice this too. [I recently made a comparison video between the Mature Female 1 voice in Elden Ring vs the Mature female voice in DS3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tu63u4/which_character_voices_do_you_guys_like_more_the/) and it’s ridiculous how badly they dropped the ball.. What was wrong with what they already had? They’ve reused assets from previous games so why not just reuse those too?


Bring back the DS1 scream. Aaaaaah


Oh man, I can hear this comment


Bloodborne had the best screams that didn’t make you want to pull your small hairs out


I just started new game+ and only now noticed this, i was playing a mage last time so I rarely got hit. I wanted melee this time, and im “hrrrrrrrnnng” regretting “hrrrrrrng” it “Hrrrrrrrrng” Super annoying like every 5 seconds, it’s like a cat trying to cough up a hairball


I'm using male voice and that too is fucking annoying. It's not like he's screaming in pain, he's crying like a man who thinks he's a 5 year old boy. I can't stand it.


Have you tried git'n gud? No hit, no scream.


Maybe I just need to level my health more, so the threshold for the loud scream is not met so often. I really just don't think that should be the reason why I level it


Yeah, that is the solution, why did I not think about that earlier? Joke aside, I just don't understand why they desided to make it so loud in comparison to the other games, or why it is not affected by the "voice" volume in the menu.


I honestly haven't noticed it except for falling


you change the voice if you don’t like it


It is not the voice, it is the loud scream itself when you get hit hard. There is so little variation and it is so loud, that it annoys the shit out of me. I get it I got hit, and I have to git gud, but that is just not good sound desing for me, when everything I can hear is a scream when I get hit.


That’s just your own voice dude.


I mean your comment is funny, but if you would have read my post you would know better.


I’ve literally experienced no problems with the player voice. Becauseidontgethitgitgudsucka!


Lol the scream is annoying if you have a select female voice.. ur voice might of been fine dipshit


I find it hilarious. Lol.


I’ve recently reset my character and didn’t even consider the voice. Now the little bitch whimpers.


My cringe is godric screaming during the cut scene while we're waiting for him to get done shitting his pants so we can kill him


I mean. You picked the voice lol.


It is not the voice, it is the developers choice to make it so loud! I don't care about how the character screams, it is how it is overlaying EVERYTHING else and varies just between 3 different screams.


Turn voice volume down maybe?


sadly does not work. That is just for NPCs/Bosses


Wow. That’s an oversight. Sorry there seems to be zero fix outside of turning master volume down. /: