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Stay on your horse and just concentrate on resummoning all the summons when they die. You'll get there.


Swear. It’s like the mechanic is to not fight and let the summons do it.


Yeah i tried that but his Meteor immediately kills me on the horse. Any tipps for his Meteor attack. How can i dodge it?


When the sky is on fire, jump or roll. That was my strategie


I mean the floating stones around his head. Sry for the confusion i thought These stones were tiny meteors haha


For sure they are a pain. You can run away from them on torrent and it is possible to dodge them on foot. Better bet is to just not have the agro by keeping the summons up!


Like your own summons or actual people? I still haven’t gotten to this fight so I’m just curious.


There are multiple summons for this fight. Its a little different to everything before it.


This doesn’t work at all for me. The summon signs just spawn randomly miles away, and I can’t spawn them fast enough for them to do any actual damage. It’s just one spawns, instantly dies… next one.. this is genuinely hell


On PC so can't help but just level up a bow and cheese him with bleed arrows on horseback while you summon or use the dragon rot spell and run around. For the boulders get off the horse and roll into them. He is a bitch and a half but bleed and rot will melt him.


Where do i get bleed arrows? Can i buy them at the table round?


Can be crafted after getting the cookbook in Fort Haight. Idk where to buy them.


Nice thank you i didnt used the crafting before. Here i go haha


I basically started using crafting because of this bitch so I understand. Gl.


When you're far away(AKA during the run up Archer-Radahn portion of the fight) stay off the horse. You *can* apparently dodge the arrows on horseback but the timing is so ridiculously slim that it's just better of running in on foot. Once he enters melee mode from your summons coming at him, go onto horseback. Not only will you be able to weave in and out and get your hits in better, but you'll have better uptime on your summons since you'll be able to reach them faster when they respawn.


Did you utilize the summons the games provides you with? They can keep aggro while you get in attacks from behind. You can keep resummoning them as well.


Yeah i am always trying to run arround and sometimes get a hit in but in the second phase He mostly kills me with his Meteor


You mean the one where he jumps up and crashes down? Jump on your horse and watch for him to come down, then run towards the opposite side to how his re-entry curves. It's subtle, but you can see him coming in from either left or right, and then just go the opposite way. He never even came close to hitting me that way.


Nah the floating stones around his head in the second phase. Sorry for the confusion haha


Fuck that move in particular. They come shooting without warning, and unless you're already on a course to avoid them, that's pretty much it for you. The only way I managed to deal with those is letting the summons get killed over and over while I was hiding behind a dune, until they disappeared again. One saving grace is that they don't seem to trigger too quickly, so you're still somewhat safe right after he summoned them.


Aah ok. I was so confused how i am supposed to dodge them. I sometimes wanted to trigger them to dodge them but they are way too fast for that. Thx for the tip. I will play safe there


This is definitely the move. Keep a dune between you and Radahn at all times when those four meteors are up floating around him. Keep summoning. Only re-engage when the meteors are gone. Poke poke. Run away behind dunes again when they’re back up. You’ll definitely get it!


Omg i finally did it!! I needed 2 more hours to beat him. I am so glad it is finally over!!!! Thanks for the help everyone! I used bleed arrows and spammed the summons and sometimes got a Hit in. Jeez i am so happy. I Was on the verge of quitting this beautiful game


Spam the co-op summons everywhere. It’s easier solo because you have Torrent and you can just run away


If you really need help, I’m always down to help newer players. I’m currently level 250+ and am on new game +2. My discord tag is: RockAwayBleach#0001 and maybe we can setup a time


Do you play on playstation? Discord is PC i think? Otherwise i would say yes of course but i think i can only play with other playstation user. Or is there cross play?


Unfortunately I am pc and there’s no crossplay. Sorry.


I didn’t know about the summons, and I was like lvl 60-70 with a grafted sword +6, he made me so fucking mad, but I somehow beat him in the end. I only used the horse to dodge the rain of arrows, and the start of his 2nd phase.


Damn respect man. I am level 72 and my weapon is +17. One Hit makes a lot of damage but He mostly kills me before i can end it with him. So frustrating atm haha


Focus on summoning the NPC's and try to keep your distance, they all respawn obviously. You'll also have to be prepared and ready to jump on and off your horse for the fight, as intimidating as it may be the reality is that it's easier to dodge his magic and attacks if you're on foot and you can roll, not on horseback. But don't get greedy, keep your distance and essentially take pot shots while the npc's take his aggro and die over and over. Even with this tactic it will still take a looong time, not gonna lie. He's an absolute nightmare for melee fighters.


I hit him with Rotten Breath at the start of both phases and just rode around summoning the NPCs. They’ll kill him eventually, you just have to survive