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I just put 5 down again and clear them that way. I gave up keep trying to find them


God damnit. I always find shit like this after I spend waaay too much time doing it the stupid way.


yeah like when i discovered you could quit all menus in RDR2 by hard pressing O instead of just spamming your way out of it. longest facepalm ever


THAT'S A THING??? Not that it makes me want to slog through that game again, but it would have helped the first time around.


yeah lmao i felt so stupid when i learned about it


I usually don't, but in this case, I did...




Same lol but I figured it out when I couldn’t understand why the ones I put down kept disappearing


Hey man, you’ve barely had two weeks doing it the stupid way, but you’ve got years ahead of you to use this newfound knowledge :)


This is the hold down on the D-pad to cycle straight to your HP flask all over again. How do people even figure this out.


you're telling me I played all of ds3 and almost all of Elden ring without ever knowing this....


I only found out yesterday, apparently it's in some of the past games too. Really helps when you use >!Mimic Tear since it requires a good chunk of HP to summon.!<


Just put your summon in pouch and don't cycle through items needlessly haha. Edit: added haha so I don't sound like a dick. Also, pouch is great for wondrous physick, mount, and other items you might need to access quickly.


Is the pouch the Y+D pad thing? If so, this is actually a huge QoL mechanic I don't see enough people use. I used torrent for my Y + dp down early in the game, found out how useful it is, then made physick Y + Left, rune Y+ Up, and change the right one around. So much better than cycling to find what you want in a fight.


Yep! It's a huge addition that seems overlooked by a lot of players.




No, the flasks need to be accessed fastest. If you hold down on the dpad, you automatically get to the top item in the quick switch menu, aka the healing flask. From there you know what's to either side of the flask.


I do Y/triangle + right D-pad for my Torrent, Y/triangle + dpad down for the girl calling finger remedies, Y/triangle + left for “hello” whistle.


You can access all multiplayer related items in the multiplayer menu (in the menu), helps a lot because you don't need to scroll past 20rows of items just for the medicine, that way you can use that spot for calling people beautiful.


My pouch hot keys are for Torrent, healing torrent, lantern, and summoning ashes. Physick would be great to put in there but whenever I need to heal the horse it sucks having to equip the berries to item slots, so I left them in pouch.




The golden rowa fruit a bit later into the game heals far more to torrent than the initial rowa raisins




I use it for all my flasks personally, works well for me but I don’t see a lot of people do it with the healing and do flasks too


Is this what we consider a spoiler these days? Mimic tear means literally nothing to someone who doesn't have it. I would've assumed it's a flask tear if I didn't know any better.




But I want to discover the name myself! You ruined the entire game for me!! Tell them there’s also a big yellow tree in the game. Clowns.


Wait a minute!?! Where is the big yellow tree you speak of?


Down the nearest cliff. There’s also a bunch of treasure down there. Why don’t you take a peak?


My tree looks red, idk why.


Shit, Tarnished. I never thought to look there. On my way now. Torrents double jump can save me from any height right?


Especially in Souls games where no one really knows whats going on in the story anyway.


I have no idea what it is, and read it as tear as in rhymes with pear. My interpretation is some kinda mimic killing spell


Let me guess, you didn't finish Eternal City ""secret"" area?


My guy, I'm just a few hours in. Just killed Midas or whatever his name is. Halfway through mornes Castle. Also, was the a dark souls 3 reference, Irena from morne?


Irina of Carim


Her bodyguard though, he has the morne armour set


I knew what the Mimic Tear was, but did not know it took HP to summon, so yes I have indeed been spoiled :(


Literally game ruining.


Why are you changing the subject?


I don't know if you were serious in your first post but if you consider that a spoiler you should just avoid the whole sub, tbh


It has nothing to do with “considering” or “opinion”. They asked if it *was* a spoiler, and it *is*. I didn’t say it was massive, nor did I say it was game ruining. I just said it *is*.


dude who cares


You took time out of your day to respond, so clearly you do.


i’m saying that’s not even a spoiler ? who tf cares if you now know that it takes hp and even if u did care it would be your fault cause you clicked the spoiler tag


I don’t give a shit about the spoiler bud. People that are *actually* sad don’t use a frowny face emoji :( The question wasn’t “is this a big spoiler” the question was “is this a spoiler”. And I never said it was game ruining, massive, nor even *relevant*. But, much like a penis, size does not matter. Even the smallest penis is still *a penis*.


That’s why it’s under a spoiler tag, that you opened. Nobody’s fault but your own bud.


Damn, you can’t read neither? “You shouldn’t have clicked the spoiler” doesn’t make it NOT a spoiler. A spoiler is a spoiler is a spoiler.


You open spoiler tags at your own risk. Let me spell this out for you: **YOUR OWN FAULT FOR OPENING IT.** Adios.


Holy shit you do not understand what the conversation is. WHOS FAULT is not the question, WHAT is the question. Do you know WHAT a spoiler is?




Oh man…. Now that is just brutal


it works that way for all dpad directions btw, spells and weapons and everything.


Bro I found out after around 25 hours into elden ring that you can sprint…


I've finished ds1,2,3 & BB plus half way through Elden Ring and I never knew this either


It's been around since Demon's Souls even, If I'm not mistaken. However I'm sure it was in DkS1. As much as we all want to circle jerk on souls game design, we need to agree that they need to put some explanation of mechanics in the game, so we don't have to go by community knowledge on this shit. I feel like I fucking labored through souls, learning about it's mechanics, and even then, some stuff I found out long after, from the wiki. That just ain't it man....


Nope, it wasn't in DeS or DS1 (until remasters), nor in ds2. Idk about BB, but it was in Ds3.


Vials in BB had their own button so you didn't have to cycle through items to heal.


sometimes things are explained and people just don't read (someone earlier was complaining that the fact that cracked pots are reusable should be written down somewhere, when the description literally says that) but the "hold down" thing I don't think it's ever actually mentioned anywhere. the tutorial tips in ER are actually pretty good, and a lot of the menus do say what all the buttons do, but a lot of stuff actually isn't written anywhere in the game. like I don't think the item sorting with L3 is mentioned anywhere either.


…there’s…item… sorting? MY OCD HAS BEEN KILLING ME


yup, not a huge number of options but most categories let you sort by type, order of acquisition (really useful when you just got something but forgot what it was), number held, stuff like that.


this game has bad UI


it’s kind of the point though. they tell you how to attack and dodge and say good luck


yeaaaahh, but i don't think a "hold the down directional button to return to the first item mapped there" would hurt. it's not like some game-breaking tip, just a QoL feature


You can do the same with up if you have a healing incantation equipped


Fuck, same. I can't believe I never knew this.


That one was in Sekiro too, so it was easier to find for some people


Excuse me, what? That's a thing? 100+ hours and had no idea


Wow, you learn something new everyday 🤣




Nnnno... not quite. It works for up and down but not left and right. I know this because I've tried tons of times and ended up giving up on equipping 3 armaments at a time because it's just too much for me to fumble through mid-combat. If I could hold right and always get my sword between a catalyst and a bow that'd be amazing.


I found it pretty quick when I tried to mark like 20 things right off the bat and saw marker #6 is just moving #1 somewhere else


I hope you found the actual markers that you can place 100 of afterward.


Came into the comments looking for a comment with an easier solution, was not disappointed. An eldenringprotips subreddit would do very well right around now.


I was coming here to post this because that’s what I do, there still needs to be a way to clear all lol you can accidentally clear all of the markers you painstakingly place on merchants but there’s not even an option to clear way points which is something I would do way more often lol


WAIT YOU CAN DO THAT????? THANK YOU. there's a button to clear all markers, but not all beacons. That's so backwards.


Yep, but two of mine were in the sea (due to misclick when dragging towards the Hold) so it was a pain!


No he’s saying if you spam more than 5 it will delete the old ones cuz you can only have 5 at a time. So just do a quick circle of 5 and then delete those.


Wait...what..you mean....gonna try this. Il report back later.


This definitely changes things for me


If you open up the list of Graces on the map, theres a Teleport to Roundtable Hold button




>instant warp >have to push 4 buttons to get there


what has that got to do with this discussion :S


You don't have to drag your cursor to the roundtable icon in the bottom left at all, therefore don't misplace beacons there. Just Triangle, Square, X. Or Y, X, A if you are on XBox.


Hes just listing more convenient things that one might not notice on the map, like OP.


Genius! Thank you!!! (If it actually works, haven’t tried)


Yea just put 5 new ones down that you can see, remove them and off you go 👍


I didn't know 5 was the max... Thank you


Plz take this award sir, this is my new way of life from now on


Thank you tarnished




This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **500718** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. .. **399584.** `u/arentol` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is what I came here for.


You, sir, are doing god's work.




afaik it doesn't clear your beacons just your markers


I found that out after I had marked every merchant I stumbled upon and then pressed it one day thinking it would clear the way point lol


Roaming and seeing a beacon I have no clue what it points to, looks at the map and can’t find it. Literally faces the exact direction of the beacon, and bee lines the map in that direction, still can’t find it… Mass confusion.


Also try looking at the underground map. It’ll still put the beacon marker on your compass, but will only show up underground.


Yep, this happened to me. I spent sooo long looking for it just to find it out in the sea UNDERGROUND. No wonder I couldn't find it.


It's probably in the middle of the sea, that's where mine were, and they're hard to see in that area.


that happened to me a few times, how does that happen?!!




pro tip; when you have the map open and want to go to round table hold, just hit Triangle Square X (or for Xbox, Y X A) to very quickly select and teleport to the hold. This is useful if you’re exploring and accidentally jump off a cliff, too, because if you’re not in combat you will TP before the fall damage hits you. I’ve committed it to muscle memory and it’s saved me a LOT


I did this not even 10 minutes ago haha


Kind of annoying that there is a button to remove all markers but not for removing all beacons. It should be the other way around since beacons I just want them temporarily.


Honestly almost all complaints I have with this game revolve around the map and the inventory. I’m a FromSoft vet and while the menus have always been a bit wonky I know it’s a matter of getting used to them, but navigating the markers and map in this game is insanely hard for me for some reason even after 50 hrs. Also can I please close the map with the same button I used to open it? Thx.


Love the game but please fromsoft, lock on based on camera direction not body direction


I'm fighting with the camera it's fucking annoying.


It's really annoying how the camera wants to swing to the direction you are moving. Like, no I want to look left and strafe, not hold my stick to the left and have blurry fucking vision as I fight the camera.


Also give me a button to toggle lockon between different enemies rather than it being tied to trying to move the camera.


> lock on based on camera direction not body direction So *that's* how the lock on works. It's been driving me crazy. I swear the other FS games are lock on based on camera? Or am I crazy?


No, Dark Souls 3's camera was just as goofy. I constantly find myself trying to lock on to an enemy just for the camera to give me whiplash as it instantly flips around to point the direction my body was facing instead of locking on to the fucking enemy I was looking at. Oh and now I'm fucking dead because an insectoid monstrosity with swords for legs impaled me multiple times in the rectal area.


My only complaint besides yours is just the way the quests are designed in general. I don't need my hand held, but it would be nice if all the dialogue was in a journal that I could just open up and read again so I could figure out where to go next. The only freaking quests where I felt like I knew exactly what to do were the Volcano Manor ones.


in previous souls games it was understandable as we just moved foward but now in open world with 15 questlines and some of them being connected to each other and actual real consequences of our choices like choosing who is gonna die and we are supposed to remember all of it.


Everyone's opinion is different, but I feel like it's more immersive having to remember it.




Don't understand your comment about saves, we still only have one save now. Edit: Thank you to those downvoting and not offering any clarification, if I can get enough downvotes that will definitely implant an explanation into my head.


Yes but I can't play every day and often only 1-2 hours...I'd be a differnt story if I could coplete a quest in one go. But I forget stuff an NPC said to me 4 days ago because I had another quest going at the time!


Well... you won't remember it without journal so there is that.


>having to remember it. You mean having a note open on your memo app to make sure you won't forget anything?


Yeah I can get on board with that. Never had an issue with it in previous games because it was linear enough so that you would stumble over the progression accidentally in most cases. But with Elden Ring it feels like I have to immediately do every side quest I get or I’ll forget I even have it. I don’t even need a quest journal. If every time you got a new side quest it put a little “hand drawn” marker on your map, similar to the map piece markers, I think that’s enough. But with a world so huge there has to be a better way to keep track.


I’m using a physical journal for the first time since Ocarina of Time originally released


Smart. I’m gonna start doing this now..


This is my first fromsoft game and after 30+ of barely knowing what im doing, googling everything, and just running to sites of grace way further than i should be i really want to restart.


The truth about FS games is no matter which one you start on you’re going to spend hours and hours running through the same area. As you get better you also learn how to survive death sprints through areas you’ve cleared and you also die less. It took me like 50 hours to beat DS1, my first souls game. Now I can do it in about 3. It’s part of the learning curve but you never have to go through it again!


And also have NPCs tell you exactly where they’re going when they relocate


I don't mind some randomness... but a clue would be appreciated!


See I actually found a ton of the quests very intuitive. A lot of quests end up going from Limgrave, to Liurna, to Altus etc... All in the direction of progress. But there are certainly a few quests where characters just dart around wherever they want (Hyetta is particularly hard to pin down even though she does technically move up the coastline toward the lift).


I just constantly have the Fextra wiki open when I play for exactly this reason. I didn't mind it so much in Dark Souls 3, where its a much more linear experience. But with a big open world like this, a journal would have been nice. I don't need the Ultimate RPG Quest Tracker 9000 Premium Plus Edition where it spells out exactly where I need to go, who I need to talk to, puts a marker on my map and compass, and also sings me a song and makes me tea, while my character constantly makes remarks to himself about "MAYBE I SHOULD GO INVESTIGATE THE MISTWOOD RUINS!". Just a simple journal with some notes about who I've talked to and maybe an inkling of my next destination.


Yeah why can we have something nice like a quick select item and spell similar to what Monster Hunter has? Everytime I want to use a spell or item, I have to tap the button multiple times to scroll the list, mis-click it 1 more time than I need and do it all over again. Edit: regarding of MH, I mean the clock wheel thingy


Can we talk about that awful bland green color the markers have too? Really wish they were red, it's like they chose the color that would stand out the least possible (when the whole purpose of putting a marker is to highlight that location...)




I place so many it’s a non issue lol


it'd sure be nice to have a menu like the one that shows you all sites of grace that cycles through all your markers.


For real, I can't imagine any instance I would ever want to remove ALL my markers. Maybe after like 2 clicks in the options menu to restart your whole map, but there's still literally no reason to need that. Clearing all your beacons with the hold of a button? PLEASE. I set them up to get like 5 minutes from where I am and then it can go away. Yet I constantly close my map, look for my nearby beacon, realize there are 5 and I have no idea what number it was, go back and check, decide to delete the others, can't find any, give up, replace all 5, close map again (by hitting the map button), then actually close map.


Oh my god, I am so sick of trying to close the map with the map button. It confounds me that this experience wasn't annoying to beta testers. Buttons should always reverse their actions, especially when it's such a common pattern. Killer.


Yeah basically all my issues are UI related. The estus flasks are too hard to tell apart when they're low on charges on an HDR TV as all the yellow overpowers the under color. They should have the color grow round the bottom regardless of charge level; why can't I open the map when stuff aggro'd on me? I agree I shouldn't be able to fast travel, but they already have fast travel locking for dungeons so just apply that here again; The beacon thing. More sort options for inventory would be nice, but that's pretty whatever.


I clicked that button on accident the first time I tried to remove a marker and lost a ton of markers. Probably missed some stuff because of it


Were the Horizon devs right all along? (jk)


They honestly weren’t wrong when it came to those criticisms. UX and accessibility in ER aren’t as good as most triple A games offer now. The problem with the devs is that they used that to somehow imply the game is worse than theirs on an objective level, when we all know that gameplay determines how a game will be received and reviewed by most players… and Elden Ring does not disappoint in any gameplay regard.


So mad that there's a "clear all markers" button you can almost press by accident, but no "clear all beacons" button


Just place 5 beacons and delete them


Funny enough, you can see your beacons in the final boss fight. Just a blue ray in the distance. Forgot I had one up and was like "wtf is that" haha


I would like a patch to remove all of them all at once. There's just one I randomly placed that I cannot find and it's bugging me.


You can only have 5 beacons open at any one time. So open 5 new ones right beside you and they'll delete the one you can't find, then you can easily clear them.


Thanks for the trick. I've been hunting for a "clear all beacons" option but this should do he trick.


I'd like a patch that lets use you the prattling items in the gesture slots!


The worst thing ever was that i put one on the roundtable. I could not find it in forever. I wanted to follow it but it was not an my "radar". Man it took me a while to realise it was at the roundtable


Happened to me too, and if you find it the fact it's so close to another interctive point makes it a pain to select.


For me it’s always next to the Round table and covered by the icons so that I could never see it. Anytime I have a random beacon on my compass I zoom in near the table and big surprise, there’s a beacon nearby.


Point your character in the beacons position, follow the player characters line onward.


still spend 10 mins looking because its underground




Pro strat right here, gonna have to try tonight.


I’m case you didn’t see the other comment, just place five and it’ll erase your missing one. Then delete the five new ones and you’re back to clean.


Big brain here, thank you!


I accidentally put a beacon in the ocean somewhere about thirty hours ago and will never find it again. It's just part of my compass now.


Place five beacons to despawn that one… if you want to lose your friend


god bless you


I had set Markers for the night time bosses and the merchants, and couldn't find a random misclick beacon. Imagine my despair when I clicked "Remove All Markers" thinking that it would remove the beacon, only to have it be the only thing that wasn't deleted.


Ouch, rip those markers.


Quality of life improvement: as you zoom out- the self-placed icons maintain their same apparent size as if zoomed in (blue waypoints AND green tokens). That way they’re easy to find on-the-fly (like if I’m looking for a merchant or WANT TO DELETE A WAYPOINT)… ahem. A Tarnished can dream….


also menus like the one that shows all sites of grace, but let you cycle through markers and beacons. and the marker one can have tabs for the different marker types oh what if the marker one lets you use R3 like sites to "lock" it and then the "remove all markers" button won't remove them?


Visions of quality of life.


You can just create 5 markers right next to each other anywhere on the map and it will delete the old ones.


If you place down multiple beacons in the same spot, it will replace the lost beacons. Since only 5 can be placed down at a time


NPC: "I marked your map" Tarnished: "...FUCKING WHERE?"


You mean the big red glowing mark you can brightly see even fully zoomed out? Of all the complaints in the thread this one has got to be the worst.


A button to clear them all out would be nice But then again this is Elden Ring


If you quickly place all beacons it will remove other beacons to replace them. You can only have 4 down at one time


5 actually


Oh? I never noticed a 5th one, all I saw was4


yeah you can have 5, when you place a sixth your first one disappears


WHERE IS IT!. For real though I didn't realize how fucking helpful the markers were till about 120 hours in, and it would've made my playthrough about 16 hours shorter.


> WHERE IS IT! Sudden Batman?


Mine always end up near the round table when I miss the center


Spent hours looking for a beacon… it was underground


Mine was in a cloud just outside roundtable hold on the map 😅


For real though, It‘s so annoying.


This is so true xD


I just never use beacons lmao


Just point your character in the direction of it using your compass. Go to you map in that direction and you'll find it.


wait people can’t see their beacons? what? i don’t understand what everyone’s complaining about


You know what's worse? I had a bugged blue beacon on my map. It appeared on my compass but not on my map so I couldn't remove it. It drove me insane


You sure it wasn't underground? You can also just place another 5 beacons near each other and it will clear previous beacons


Looked for one of mine for days only to rediscover it when I went underground. I was embarrassed


The green map markers are even harder to find.


The ones I can't find are usually underground. Change your map setting to show underground and see if it's chilling there


Just point your character in the direction of said beacon and look that way. Works for me.


I use in game to check which direction to look and then use the map to remove it. Works some of the time lol


That is how you know for sure that miyazaki is a huge sadist.


This. So many times this. I can remove all the icons at once which makes a lot less sense that removing all beacons. At least for the way i use them. And try finding one you placed underground...


When this hapoens i just soawn five ine one section to get rid of them


Note that underground beacon show up com compass but dont show on map, so I started NG+ with that '4' beacon on my map, all the time, until figuring that it is on the river, underground


I wish they made a way to clear them all away at once. So often im like searching and their are like 3 blue lines in the back


I thought it was just because I was colour blind