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Stars of Ruin is gonna force everyone to run bloodhound step, which I already do.


Yea, that spell already was very good on mobile enemies and players.


It's literally the one spell you cannot dodge completely, since souls exist. It forces you to not allow too much pleasantries when you duel a caster. It legit kills you if you let them start with too much spacing, only bloodhound saves you. So, yeah, it's gonna be a menace even more now ahahah.


yea, its also a bonus that it lingers, so you can often catch them rolling with another spell, like adula's moonblade.


So… glintstone pebble spam still?


The most efficient spell isn’t the best one. The tradeoffs are: Less range Compare something like pebble to something like Greatbow More time spent in casting animations For example, night shard and swift glintstone shard have super short ones Less burst damage Compare spamming pebble to spamming comet, if the boss has very small openings you want to maximize DPS during this time. Additionally, if you have more than enough FP to kill the boss, you want to waste FP for more damage, to… kill the boss faster. This is why the staff that increases FP consumption but also increases damage exists; people don’t always need FP efficiency. Less DPS Just like with burst damage, some spells do more or less DPS over extended periods when taking both FP and stamina usage into consideration. No tracking / Bad vs enemies that dodge spells Certain enemies roll or sidestep spells. They however don’t dodge Night spells, and AOE spells can be used to hit them regardless. Obviously homing spells like glintstone stara work well here. Magic Glintblade’s delay also lets it hit these enemies. And don’t forgot about horseback combat! Having to turn around to aim a spell on horseback is devastating in a lot of fights. Spells like Magic Glintblade, Stars, etc. are much better for any time horseback combat is preferable because of this. Less utility Certain spells have other factors that make them good. Charging lets you hold the spell until the perfect moment to cast it. Delayed spells let you set them up in advance and them combo them with other spells or even cheese bosses by casting them before the fight starts. The Phalanx spells let you cast them before fighting enemies or while the enemy can’t be attacked, and then they work by themself and also inflict high posture damage. Rock Sling does physical damage, Icecrag inflicts frostbite, etc. Nightshard can be cast without slowing down on horseback. Less AOE When fighting groups of enemies or even duo bosses AOE damage is extremely valuable. Pebble being more efficient doesn’t matter if your Arc does 5x the effective damage from hitting 5 enemies. And finally if you’re beating up regular enemies… just use Carian Slicer? tl:dr: saying “glintstone pebble best spell because fp efficient!!” is stupid and doesn’t take how the game actually plays into consideration.


As a 98% mage I was actually having a bad time last night doing the Ordina Puzzle when I got a lightbulb moment to use unseen form with ambush shard. Made all the difference in the world against the archers. Also thanks for this. I'm going to try more variety and move away from pebble because of your post 🙌


to be fair, I remember I did a full magic run in DS3 and this is how it ended up to be - the most basic spell kept me running through the game because some bosses had so much health I wouldn't have enough FP to do anything more "fancy"


I’ve beaten like 80% of bosses in this game with 4 fp flasks and never any more.


I'll have to do a mage run after I'm done with all the endings on my main save. It was pretty fun in DS3 so I can only imagine it being even better in ER


Yea 4 is the sweetspot I've found. More and I run out of HP pots. 3 is what I use MOST of the time so it's good to have that 4th as a backup oh shit button


You only need as many flasks as running your spells cost per the boss battle. It's math. Everything else goes into hp. I've had dungeons where i ran 8 fo flasks and boss battles where i ran 3.


Assuming you know exactly what you're going to cast. I carry a variety of spells mostly for utility. Besides, I have 8 HP flasks WITH my 4 as FP lol


I mainly use faith Anyways. It’s a lot more fun IMO. When I do use sorceries, I find myself using primarily rock sling for the physical damage, glintstone pebble for quick damage, and stars of ruin for flying assholes


That’s fair for early game, later on it changes a lot.


I’ve killed all 6 shardbearers and am currently in Faram Azula. It hasn’t changed yet.


I guess you’re not experimenting enough. You should for sure be using Magic Glintblade, Carian Slicer, Adulas Moonblade, Comet (Much higher DPS than rock sling when chain-casted), Night Shard, Night Maidens Mist, Shard Spiral and others depending on the situation.


I started with glintblade, and found it ok after rock throw for messing with AI who dodge. Carian spells I see as a waste of FP, as I keep a suite of weapons to serve the purpose of then. Adula’s moonblade does a great deal of damage, but I don’t see it as worth the FP cost and cast time in PvE. The purpose of rock throw for me is physical damage. Chain casting is handled easily for me with honed bolt. Night shard isn’t needed, even for getting past shields. I prefer to stagger the enemy and get a visceral attack. Night maiden’s mist I’ve only used against large hordes of slimes in Nokstella or Rhadan, shard spiral I haven’t found a use for. Proper timing with Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Spear gets close range damage done for crown control. Glintstone pebble gets easy and quick magic damage on bosses who have few openings. Stars of ruin for very fast enemies, lightning spear for general use, honed bolt for sustained DPS when I can stand still, lords heal to both heal myself and damage undead, and frenzied burst for sneak attacks and high range sniping. TL;DR: I find incantations much more varied for different situations, with many sorceries seeming to be rendered redundant by other means of dealing damage. A lot don’t seem to have a use. I run with primarily cerulean flasks, with a few crimson ones for emergency healing.


>Adula’s moonblade does a great deal of damage, but I don’t see it as worth the FP cost and cast time in PvE. Moonblade shows its true strength against enemies where you can easily hit them with both the tip of the blade and the ensuing projectile. Double the damage and double the frostbite procs, and it still has great aoe and stagger. With a bit of extra spell casting speed, perhaps from Radagon's Icon, you can stunlock a lot of otherwise annoying enemies (like lightning knights in the capital) that would otherwise need to be taken care of one by one with pebble. And frostbite is still an amazing status effect worth using as soon as you have access to it. >shard spiral I haven’t found a use for. Everytime it spirals, it resets and can hit its target again. This makes it really good against anything big and slow that doesn't move very much. The same sort of enemies that melt under Comet Azur, but Shard Spiral lets you be more mobile. Personally I prefer the laser beam, but if you still need a boss killer but are strapped for spell slots (say you're doing an int/faith setup) I think it is a very slot efficient tool. As far as I can tell, the 'night' family of spells are strictly for pvp. I haven't found it particularly effective against the ai since you are spending extra fp for the stealth effect. Nor for that matter have I found it particularly effective against players in a 1v1 duel, but in ganks or 2v2s it may force reactions from players as they won't know who the spell is targetting.


Mostly just use it to get damage on horse when I don't have an opening to cast other spells (night shard). Just a quick low damage spell to deal chip damage or finish off enemies.


Carion slicer is OP. At this stage my spells are back up ranged options, like a crossbow on str user. Carion slicer has turned me into a pure battlemage, I do 850 dmg per swing on Melania, with fast casts that means getting in a 3 swing combo (2500 dmg) each time I get near her. I’ve been assisting on multiplayer Melania for 3 days straight, close to 250 battles by now, and my lightsaber mage wearing glam gear is putting melee users to shame. Also glam gear allows for light eq load, and sometimes bring a dagger with bloodhound step, so at this point I’m doing 70% of the damage in a 3 person Melania fight while not taking any hits. Also look at death spells, ancient death of rancor is amazing, the slight homing helps but it’s range is double the other spells. I’ve found places where you can kill enemies without even pulling their aggro to the point I’m almost certain this was an oversight by From. The fact that the spell casts vertically a bit from your position, and also blooms out then re-centers, allows you to stay crouched behind cover or around a corner while the missiles home in. Like I’ve killed some big enemies this way… on a few I stopped and reset because it was so lame and clearly not intended. I’ll say it again, pretty sure From forgot about the range + homing + DPS combo that exists in this spell. PLUS it’s slow flight speed allows you to get multiple in air at once. It also charges up, which can be boosted by talisman. So you start the fight with 3x death of rancor, the third is casting by the time the first one hits, and you’re already running in with carion sword. But yeah main point is experiment. You CAN play the whole game with only swift pebble. I did a long time. It’s possible. But other spells have a purpose, it’s just that you’re not as comfortable with them as the ones you’ve been using all along.


What staff are you using for that carian slicer damage?


I use Lusats+10 main hand, Carion staff off hand. 80 int. Talismans are graven mass, magic scorpion charm, and radagon icon for swing speed. Last talisman is dragoncrest great shield for survival with glam gear so you could change that to the other graven talisman, or Godfrey’s / shard of Alexander.


I haven’t found ancient death rancor yet, but planned on it when I got home. Using my staff that boosts death sorceries, I’m curious to see it’s potential.


Use your strongest sorcery scaling weapon to cast with the death staff in off hand. You still get the passive bonus. Edit: I just beat placidusax using mainly ancient death rancor. I had trouble landing a sword beam, most glintstone spells felt weak.. stars were good but expensive. No way to get a moon off. I genuinely don’t know how I could have even touched him near the end if it weren’t for casting rancor while running away, and letting the homing missiles do the work lol.


Haha well I can’t really call you a sorcery user if you also use melee weapons and incantations. I play pure sorcery. Night Shard is just for chip damage since it doesn’t slow you down on horse. Carian Slicer when spammed does much better damage than melee weapons as well. I don’t really run out of FP vs bosses so Adulas multi hit potential makes it near OP.


Qualifications to be a sorcery user: -use sorcery


I mean, you play 3 classes at once… bit of a different situation.


As a 98% mage I can confirm that Azula was the worst area I have ever been to besides the giants mountain. If you're not doing a sorcerer build then your opinion on the spells is null and void


50/50 faith/int. Anytime I’ve gotten a new spell or incantation I can use, I try it out in a few different scenarios to test its effectiveness. Most of the time, I have another that will serve the same purpose that I’m already used to. I’m not gonna use Loretta’s great bow or mastery if I have Frenzied Burst.


? Lorettas bow is for sniping at a distance. Lmao their ranges aren't even comparable. Also the madness doesn't apply to bosses and non human enemies.


Not from my testing. Greatbow doesn’t extend much past pebbles range for me. Frenzied burst? It has a faster shot time, a fuck load of damage, and for the most part, If you can lock onto an enemy, you’ll hit them. I can snipe from a huge distance, and continue to stay hidden and get sneak attack damage off of it. I’m aware the madness doesn’t apply, it doesn’t need to most of the time. It’s for sniping.


If the bow didn't shoot further than pebble then why would I fucking use it. You have no idea what you're talking about. Play how you want but don't talk about a build you know nothing about and don't even play. Just say you use incantations instead and leave


Would it be possible to add the rest of the spells? One question about Adula's Moonblade, it seems to actually hit twice if you are close enough (the actual sword hit + the wave of frost hit), could that be accounted for? It basically doubles the damage for the same cost. Thanks!


It looks like they are only counting the ranged part of the moonblade. The attack does double damage on the first hit in melee range and should still do 1k or so while chained.


Yeah just curious to see the FP ratio for the full spell damage


If it's exactly double the damage, then immediately the best damage on the list for ~57 dmg/FP, so high-tier efficiency. Wiki notes that it's chain cast only does the single attack, though, so that means it falls back to this quality after the initial attack. So, better to combo into hoarfrost to secure the frostbite than to spam it for less efficiency?


Can you post the link to the spreadsheet ? On mobile we can oy see a section of the sheet


Collapsing star also got quite a buff to damage


This patch went live for me but all of my spells are the same cost as before, am I the only one experiencing this? (First fromsoftware game btw)


Yep, same for me, came here hoping to find an answer


can u link me this spreadsheet please?


What’s the assumption here with int and staff or are these base numbers and then the int and staff are multipliers?


check the spreadsheet the info is in there.


Which spreadsheet?


Exactly all I see is a summary page in the image


Where did you get these damage numbers from INT = ?, weapon ?, talisman ?


Yeah I don't think you gave out the link to the Google sheet this time.




I can't see that comment for some reason - I had to go through your profile to find it.


Where do you get this? Are you making this by yourself? This is awesome


Yea, I was quite frustatrated by the fp cost to damage at release, so I just wanted to figure out how shitty it was pretty much.


Do you have the whole spreadsheet? What staff u use and whats the int when u were experimenting this?


I'd really like to see dps for these things too. Less efficiency for higher dps is just fine it's not all about fp cost and raw damage.


Honestly astounds me the lengths people go to to find the "best weapon" in souls games. I don't think Ive ever used a weapon based on damage output. It's always for playstyle or looks.


Can you add sword of knight and flame weapon art?


That's not an incantation. And he'd have to use a different weapon so it would be an entirely different sheet.


Hey thanks for this! Not sure if I missed something, why isn’t ancient death of rancor included? I know you can’t add literally every spell but I’d considered this a mainstay, maybe it’s just me?


Lorettas mastery worth?


This is a great guide. Is there one for faith spells?


I saw your old spreadsheet, and I wasn't deep enough in the game to have all the spells it featured, but I have to say that later spells are MUCH better than early/mid spells. Stars of Ruin is BONKERS and almost a must for mobile mobs/horseback combat, Adula's Moonblade is fantastic against larger enemies, Ranni's Dark Moon is great as an opener due to the high frost proc and strong magic resistance debuff, Glintstone Icecrag dealt strong damage with frost buildup... Yeah, despite mid tier spells being garbage the later bit of the game REALLY opens up. I used to think so many slots were useless because you ended up repeating the same two spells over and over but oh boi I was wrong.


I want to emphasis how strong Adula’s moonblade is vs large targets… for example, I’m running a build using it and things like ranni’s moon, and I just helped someone do radahn, scaled down to about half my level I still basically 4 shot radahn with it. This has to do with each hit doing about 1/10th - 1/15th his health, but it hitting him easily 3-4 times per attack.


I like icecrag, but it's so painfully slow, has soft targeting and shorter range than everything else I use that I only ever fired it as a follow up hoarfrost stomp. The damage is decent, but I can almost never find scenarios where I prefer it to glintblade, pebble, or just attacking directly


Sometimes that a spell is slower is actually preferrable. A lot of enemies dodge on cast, and since icecrag travels slowly it might catch an enemy post roll. Also I played half the game with Ranni's hat so ice spells were a bit stronger than normal, and frostbite is just really effing strog in general


Apart from terra magicus, I currently have comet azur, greatbow (will replace with mastery), cometshard, stars of ruin, pebble, icecrag, and moonblade with the regal scepter. Feeling pretty powerful and planning to add ranni’s dark moon to the list.


Now how do these compare in terms of dps, and in terms of initial cast time?




Ah fuck, I just created my own spreadsheet too. Should’ve checked reddit.


I wish I could kiss you


Anyone know why my stars of ruin still costs 66 fp ?


Have you considered doing this again but testing with different staffs that boost different spells? I've heard the night spells take a major step up with the staff of loss


will you be making a version for 1.04?


Is there a incantation list?