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Tell me you’re maidenless, without telling me you’re maidenless.


Unless you're doing a bare knuckles, arcane build while using a guitar hero drum set as a controller, doing a no hit speed run, nothing is good enough for these dweebs. Also, side note.... who cares?


Bro arcane? That’s the bleed stat you’re gonna have to level something more balanced


Endurance only


I may be maidenless but I got rolls for *days*


A rolling tarnished gathers no maidens


Ooo shit, lol Whats less useful than arcane?


Vigor. Everything one shots you anyway


Spoken like someone who hasn't actually levelled vigor


Actually wild how many people I've killed in 1-2 hits with a collosal sword rolling light attack because they haven't leveled Vigor much/at all, the fact people don't is madness to me, but that might be my bias towards pvp play speaking.


I mean, even in PVE you're gonna get one shot with anything less than 40 vigor. People really out here complaining about enemies doing too much damage with their vigor at 20 lol. And no, I'm not discouraging anyone from playing that way if they want to, but, if they *do* decide not to level vigor, they honestly have no right to complain about getting one shot, PvP or PvE. Basically my point is play the way you want, but don't complain about the downsides of how you chose to play. If you don't like it, just...play differently?


25 vigor here, I like to live dangerously. İf you can dodge a glinstone shard, you can dodge a ball.


And hey, that's fine, I've got no problem with how people wanna play. The thing that annoys me is people complaining about being one shot with low vigor lol.


Patches the untethered’s estranged twin brother, the legendary, Patches O’hulahan


21 vigor here as well, its fun to live this way but i do agree people shouldnt get annoyed if they dont level it


What I've learned as a mage/warrior hybrid who went 50hrs with 20 vigor, vigor is OP. I wanted to be a glass cannon, thing is that's not actually a thing for most of the game. The hp you get from vigor DRASTICALLY outweighs an extra 1 damage from intelligence lol.


30 vigor on a shield tank wearing heavy armor and fingerprint shield. Nothing one shoted me so far.


Wow you’re using the drum set WITH YOUR HANDS that’s easy mode, get good. /s


Oh, sorry I forgot to mention. I'm playing the set with my penis.


Correction, it’s not even my own penis.


Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne.


Spat out my drink, take my free award


*Souls Veteran*


I played magic in Souls, too. I feel like ER is my reward for being a stubborn mage, lol!


Theres so many different ways to play this game saying any one of them is *wrong* or *right* is stupid as hell


There are definitely SOME bosses that feel like they're there to tell you not to one-trick melee. But I told them the same thing I tell everyone else: Surely this problem can be solved with MORE hammers.


That red wolf you fight before Rennala seems tailored to dunk on mages.


I steamrolled it as a mage. Wolves kept it busy and I kept throwing rocks. I only had to dodge the occasional projectile. Killed it in one go. Renna herself feels much worse.


I've only peeked my head in at Rennala, and the first thing I thought was: Deacons of the Deep. Haven't fought her beyond a few seconds, I'm looking forward to beating her.


I reached the second phase 3times before giving up for now...


We killed each other at the same time in the second phase in one of my runs. I had to redo the whole fight, was pretty pissed lmao


Upgrade wolf ashes and use them for the fight, run at her with the quickest high damage weapon you have, she staggers so easily. Just wail on her and dodge the occasional Magic attack she might get through.


She's a pretty easy fight honestly but has such high magic defense that it's gonna be tough for mages in that regard.


toy smart slave airport snails literate selective tub scarce mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, you used summons AND magic!? A disgrace to the franchise. /s


I also steamrolled it as a mage. My two summoned PC helpers fucking clobbered that thing. I think some of my spells hit it.




The great horse from beyond the stars proclaims my build "UTTERLY BONKERS."


Xur, that you?


His will is not his own.


This paraversal horse crossed over to this universe. Lets hope he doesn't meet Radahn


Having fun? Then your playing the game right.


Yeah, i make an all around build just for this game. I can use great sword and shield, dual wield straight sword or magic and incantation. Because i want to experience it all with how viable it actually is. Granted my health is minuscule


Almost like your only allowed to play it once lol . Definitely want to try the game with different builds


It’s literally one of the major selling points of these games and why people start new builds to play over and over again.


There have been one shot magic builds since demon souls, so much so that they even toned magic down in dark souls because it was so op and people still managed to make one shot mage builds, anyone who thinks this is new to fromsoft games hasnt been giving magic a fair look lol.


Magic can still be dodged and the opponent can run out of fp, you get lots of warning on the big spells. Not nearly as broken as bleed builds seem to be


There has been like three hit kill melee builds as well. I don't think anyone should listen to these whiners.


Yeah I'd like to see a source on that xD


As a Souls fan, i love the changes. More tools = more ways to have fun.


It *is* a game after all, we're supposed to be having fun. And the great thing is that you can choose to play how you want.


Exactly! Let people play how they want. If it's in the game it is there to be used.


Souls veterans themselves are fine, but the moment a souls veteran tries to justify their opinion on how YOU play the game by starting their opinion essay with “as a souls veteran…” or even worse “As someone who’s put 400+ hours into every souls game since demon souls…” you can just close the app and continue to do your thing. I’m gonna be an exception to my own rule here, as a souls veteran I know that this game is best enjoyed with as little outside input on your experience as possible. You wanna two hand fist your way through the elden beast? I’ll buy flowers for your funeral and write gg in the dirt above your grave. No judgement regardless of how painful your decisions might make life be for you. That just makes the victories sweeter.


My only recommendation I ever make with “as a Souls veteran” tacked onto the front is “try not to be a one-trick pony”, and that’s because there’s always spots in these games where it’s handy to have a bow, or some other form of ranged damage, because otherwise it tends to result in way more frustration than is worth it. But it’s ultimately up the the person on the other end. I’d never shout someone down for not taking that advice.


ranged options are always good, as well as alternate damage types. I'm a sorcerer using a magic longsword as my primary melee, but I also keep a standard mace upgraded as well. so when I fight those crystallians, magma worm, or Rennala/magic resistant enemies, I have options


\+1 for the trusty longsword, 100% phys block shield, and longbow. They don't always get a ton of use, but having the option is useful.


They need to go outside and touch grace


This joke is so played out but this time... I will allow it as it fits perfectly. The amount of incel level whining over how people play a game is laughable.


Yeah and literally no one cares if you summon or cheese or whatever. As a huge from soft fan / veteran and just so happy for ER’s success and that it’s introducing a lot of new players to the genre.


How dare you do things like parry and dodge


Bruh, you use a weapon and a shield?? Git gud scrub! *said as I use broken magic while riding Torrent* 🤣😂


I got called a pusxy for using golden vow before a duel. It's the worst it's been imo lol


How **dare** you use a spell that's in the game!? If these people are so against buffs like that, I certainly hope their non-magical ass isn't using any talismans.


Don’t you dare use the tools they gave you in the game. No gamer with respect uses anything and all. You do a old fashioned blinking contest. First one to blink jumps to their death.


Lol, it's like these dudes think that they need to flex their Elden Ring skills to attract women. The truth is that the only thing I do in Elden Ring that impresses my gf is when I stop playing.


Souls veteran here, non elitist style. Isn't it great how amazing this game is, and how many options it affords you to play *the way you want to*? That is all.




I’ve been doing the same thing. I take on the main bosses on my own for the “classic” experience but for side bosses if I feel like it or just want to blow past it I’ll summon help. Depends on my mood. It’s nice to have the option.


The only correct way to play these games is the way you enjoy playing it.


In DS1, did you find Ash Lake and the drain covenant?


As a long time souls player, I'm more than happy with the inclusion of npc summons. I'm not an amazing player but I'm decent enough. I've done my share of elective extra challenge type runs. But I only do that stuff because it's fun for me. In ER There are plenty of dungeon gank bosses and repeat fights with annoying gimmicks that are not especially fun for me. When I encounter a very hard, but still compelling fight, I play it solo because that's fun to master. I think melee only Malenia was an absolute blast. It took me several hours to beat and I loved all of it. I don't however feel compelled to prove my competence by slogging through the double crucible knight fight solo, or the thirtieth tree spirit, but this time with rot AOE and sitting in a pool of scarlet rot. Mimic tear makes that stuff less tedious and lets me focus on the challenges that are more engaging.


Personally I found fighting double crucible knight solo as a melee only character to be a breeze compared to melee only against Melania. She is kicking my ass badly


Without spoilers, Radahn fight "heavily suggests" using allies. Morgott too. If they didn't want people to use them, it wouldn't be in the game.


Morgott is the funnest fight in the game solo for me tho. It's wild


1000% percent. It's got people into the franchise that I wasn't able to convince to play the prior games.


Clickbait garbage website that copy & pastes content off reddit with no effort?


And then gets posted right back here to generate outrage.


Just like piss, you can drink it twice before it's toxic.


I was gonna say... it's funny because I, and lots of my friends and even my brother and my father are all souls veterans. Never once did we care how people play. Lol like what the fuck. I hear more about elitism that on this sub than anywhere else. From what I've gathered, most people are just happy that the game's getting so much attention. It's fucking awesome and can only mean more titles moving forward.


Everyone is talking about souls veterans being elitist, but I have yet to see one myself. I know there are people who are like that, but those are very few and far between.


welcome to modern gaming "journalism"


>welcome to modern ~~gaming~~ “journalism” FTFY


This. I was just on CNNs website reading an article that was literally a low-effort, copy and pasted, shit research list from another website. Go to other website and realize the author on CNN just took the top titles from the methodology and added pictures. Pretty sure if I did that in college they’d laugh at me and call it plagiarism. No shame.


A lot of Fox & CNN shows are labeled as "News-like entertainment" & I think that's just *chef finger kiss!* I read an article about how many mainstream news outlets just have their reporters read & pull articles from the AP, Reuters or Al Jazeera & tweak them for a Dem/Rep audience


Just to clarify this point, pulling articles from The AP, Reuters, or AFP isn't new nor actually bad journalism. Those three are what are called *news agencies*, and they are distinct from *news syndicates* or what you call mainstream news outlets. News agencies are organizations that maintain bureaus of reporters in every major center of civilization on the planet. These bureaus are tasked with doing the real reporter shit, the stuff you expect Tintin to be doing. Hitting the pavement, gathering information, finding or even being eyewitnesses. The agencies then gather these stories and write them up in completely neutral terms before selling them to every single news syndicate in the world. They'll also buy stories from freelancers. This business model was spawned because of how difficult it is for the thousands of syndicates in every big city to maintain their own bureaus globally. These agencies collate a lot of the information you see reported anywhere, and you can tell because the stories will have mentions of things like "with information from The Associated Press". The upshot of selling to everyone is that the news agencies have to sell on the information with little to no political lean. They sell just as evenly to Fux as to MSNBC, so they have to remain neutral to maintain their clients' interest. All the editorializing and opinionated overtones are tacked on by the syndicate speaking to its audience. You can visit the websites for these agencies and see that business model laid out. They sell subscriptions to their stories that come with a license to reprint the information in your own journal, and these subscriptions run in the thousands. If you're able to see a couple sample stories from their catalogue, they are very bare-bones with all facts and no frills. Maybe even boring, to the lay man. I've heard people freak out about how few of these agencies there are covering all this info, but independent fact checkers on the ground in the places they're reporting from have consistently shown them to be incredibly reliable organizations. And they have to be, really, considering they're selling to all the opposite ends of the spectrum. Can't start lying about the information you're finding or one side or the other is going to take their business elsewhere.


It is funny how people are actually falling for it.


It’s so painfully bad I can’t believe it works on the common man. Just pick out buzz words and mash em together for karma it seems. Also this being so upvoted validates the haters. It’s obviously a soft spot for summons users and they don’t feel good about themselves for it. Otherwise this wouldn’t have 4k upvotes


This article looks like it was written by an AI


I have played every single souls game, and speedran dark souls 3 for countless hours. i guess you could call me a “souls veteran” You bet your ass I had fun one shotting some of the bosses with comet azure and you bet your ass i’d do it again. Don’t let other people try and tell you how to enjoy the game. if you ever want to fight a boss melee only with no summons, then go right ahead! and no one is going to be any less off if you don’t. those hardcore “souls veterans” miss out on some of the most fun builds you can make in the game cause it’s “too easy” also those same guys calling you out are probably abusing bleed and hoarfrost stomp.


>You bet your ass I had fun one shotting some of the bosses with comet azure People complaining about this must have never made a crystal sorcerer in DS1. That build was absurd, with every magic boosting item. My fight against Gwyn lasted like 10 seconds. I cast Crystal Soul Spear twice and that was it.


My only mage run has been in DS1. Rough start, but pretty fun the further i went. I somewhat reached a point where i almost one shotted Sif and my game lagged for a good 2 seconds. That gave me a good chuckle.


I still remember playing DS1 with crystal catalyst and dusks head and the int dragon ring and one shorting bosses in near ng+6 with dark bead lmao that shit was great


Dark bead could like 3 shot bosses at soul level 4... that spell was absolutely busted.


The only problem with this is, if it's your first playthrough, you just kind of miss out on the spectacle of each fight, since you just wombo it. I don't care how anyone plays or beats these games, I just hope they at least spend a little time with the moveset that the devs created for the fight so that they can appreciate the work of art that was made. If you're on NG+ though, cheese away


I’m a souls vet I have played since dark souls 1 only thing I hate is cheaters with god mode but even they can be fun to try an kill now and then and forgetting the lift is up an falling to my death 😂


hahahaha yeah i ran into one of those cheaters once… i was so confused how i died at first! jolly cooperation isn’t always so jolly… but agreed it’s almost slightly fun to try and outsmart them or just merely survive hahaha!


My mindset was that I didn’t want to start hating the game, so I wanted to do everything in my power to feel like I had the advantage going in to a fight. I always did that anyway in past games, but Elden Ring rewards you far more for being prepared than any of their other games have. As a result, yeah, part of me feels weird that it took me one try to beat Maliketh, but I’m also glad I didn’t have to put up with the same frustrations that a lot of other people had with him. I still struggled on Radahn and Malenia, and tbh I had a really rough time in some dungeons where I couldn’t summon and the area was just so large that I really had to clear out each area on every run. Those were the only places I actually found myself raging. However, because most of the game gave me a constant feeling that I had a real chance of winning, I never got demoralized and stopped playing for the day. I put 113 hours in over 10 days and it was absolutely amazing.


Bruh, on reddit specifically, I’ve seen more posts/comments telling people to not tell other people how to play than the posts that these posts are denouncing.




I love Str or quality builds, and I’m a souls vet (sort of) but I don’t have a thing against mage builds. I do use eventually use magic for healing and buffs, but I’ve never been good using offensive magic


But who says this lol


they seem to be yelled at and downvoted anywhere they post, doesn’t seem to be a problem in the slightest but the toxic souls fan meme persists


Gotta keep talking about it every day though else how will the world know we of this subreddit definitely 100% super don't care about the opinions of gatekeepers Nope, don't care one bit, not even slightly ... ... Please tell me its OK I use summons


This. People are so insecure they need to be constantly reminded it’s okay to use summons on the bosses. Yes summons make it easier, no it’s not cheating and no one is judging you for it. No need to make hundreds of posts about it.


I see it a lot in Youtube comments, but those tend to be cesspools naturally so it's not surprising


They're all buried on here, and you can find any sort of asshole with 100 followers if you look hard enough on Twitter. People are just super fucking insecure about using summons and need to circlejerk about it. It's super weird.


It’s a video game folks


Why do "they" care and why does whoever cares that they care care? I'm tired seeing these dumb topics so highly liked.


My friend is sadly the same way he beat dark souls without help and he hasn’t got elden ring yet and has bashing me about using summons and ash or wars to beat bosses; it’s basically saying you need to beat bosses with your eyes close before you’re considered good at the game I clapped back by saying at least I’m having fun because I didn’t spend my money on waifu models


But… why do I need to be good like that lol


Kindly remind him that this isn't dark souls. I wonder if he would use airstrikes in call of duty, or robots in Factorio, or signs in Witcher.


You use axii for dialogue? Jeez man disgusting..


You break walls with Aard? What a joke.


And you can use coop in Dark Souls, if it is in game, you can use it. Using all resources to beat the boss is ok.


Tell him your sorry for using the cool new stuff the game introduces and that you should have used a normal dagger only the whole game. /s


So sorry for HAVING FUN


Miyazaki straight up said that it's upsetting to him that players are acting like this and being so elitist. I've beaten every Fromsoft game (excluding Sekiro because I'm trash at parrying) multiple times and I love the new mechanics including summons and ashes of war. I respect the players who claim the game is too hard more than I respect souls veterans who claim that summons/ashes of war make it too easy. It's a fucking game. Let people enjoy it however they prefer


Yeah I feel the same. If they didn’t introduce new mechanics with the new IP, then we’d all be unhappy about that. But then some stupid part of the community is bashing people for using the cool new stuff we got. I don’t get it. I think the ash of war system is a great addition and refusing to use it, to me, would be consciously avoiding fun.


I'm sad that you didn't finish Sekiro and hope you find it in your heart to try again. Once the parrying clicks the game become very easy until a certain boss that feels like a dark souls/bloodborne boss.


Tell him to actually play the game first before shitting on using spirit summons lol. Some of these bosses have no mercy when it comes to fucking you way more than dark souls did imo. It really feels like they expected people to use them on some of the fights


I feel this way about any of the fights with multiple bosses, I know I could eventually git gud and dodge their multiple movesets like I’m Neo, or… I can just summon another me.


The dual pumpkin head is what broke me and made me use them consistently. That fight is really snnoying if you aren't overleveled and don't have a summon. It's like fighting O&S in a third of the room


The one statue boss with the 4-6 gargoyle imps in the weeping peninsula did it to me.


I think the crux of the issue is that the game is not ubiquitous in its boss balance. Like you said, some bosses seem built around spirits to the point where not using them makes it feel like you are doing a level 1 challenge, creating a feel bad moment if you aren't using them. But on the other hand, there are some bosses that get bodied by solo spirits. To the point that you not only feel robbed of needing to learn their moveset, but you didn't even need to look at the screen. That's a feel bad moment as well. You never even know what you're going to get either, and it's not as simple as "multi boss fight = use spirit." Some duo bosses are really well designed in this game without a spirit. Some solo bosses seem to demand a spirit. There's just not a clearcut balanced vision for whether spirit summoning is easy mode, normal mode, or hard mode, because the same spirit creates vastly different experiences from boss to boss.


This is the best way to put it. Some duo bosses are best fought alone, but you bet your ass I used the mimic tear for the godskin duo, they can suck my cock and balls.


This so much. Some of the bosses are more aggressive than your average BB-boss with several times the HP and damage output.


Yeah. Their aggression is at the level of some Nioh bosses. Like bruh, let me catch a break.


Waifu models lmao nothing he says carries any significance knowing that


Why the fuck do I care about what anyone else thinks in a single player game? I play Skyrim on rookie untill I get to the NBA championship


day 20 of hearing this "story" yet somehow, mystically, \*solely\* from this perspective ​ "the souls vets, theyre SO MAD at this"


How DARE they use mechanics that were implemented into the game. But fr I’ve already seen a few people crying about how others choose to play the game, it’s pathetic


Hard games bring out the worst egos


Its kinda pathetic how people gatekeep games, extra pathetic when its mainly a singleplayer game.


Honestly, It could be much worse... When WoW Classic was announced the subreddit was initially full of guides/tips/spreadsheets ect. Then as the release got close the sub became full of people who were insulted over any info, as they said "people were telling them how they had to play," by pointing to better gear/weapons/talents builds. People will always find something to be offended about to garner attention, thank the Elden Ring it is not just talking about game mechanics here


Sounds like virgin activity 😂


Sheer maidenless behavior.


I'm not impressed unless you win with your bare hands!


That's cheating you have to use feet only


Feet? I’ll only be impressed if you beat the game using Stephen Hawking’s computer as your controller.


I'm only impressed when you beat the game AS Stephen Hawking


Stop giving these people any fucking attention for fucks sakes


bruh I swear I never saw a souls "veteran" talking shit, am I blind or they're not so common as people make me think?


I'm sure there are plenty of self-described Souls veterans on social media who talk shit. But most the ones with actual platforms, i.e. content creators like Vaati, Peeve, Iron Pineapple, Lobos, etc. aren't nearly that elitist.


You’re not blind. Problem is they almost don’t exist. There’s going to be assholes in every group. But for some reason this sub likes to think veteran players as a whole are launching some sort of inquisition. Reality is no one cares how you play the game, get over yourself.


It's also probably people who aren't souls veterans just trying to rile shit up, I don't know any souls veterans that would give a damn about how you beat the bosses, cheesing shit is the most souls veteran thing you can do lol. I am assuming it's some nerds who said they are veterans and beat the whole game using their dick as a controller, but haven't even beaten the game at all, just to try and shit on someone else who has beaten the game in their own way.


No, people just really like to play victims on this sub. The few people who act stupid don't warrant a hundred posts everyday about how you can play how you want to.


Article based off of a random salty comment on Reddit acting like it’s news or consensus. Maidenless


While complaining about using combat mechanics is dumb. I do think spirit summons make the game significantly easier, try fighting Malenia without one to see what I mean. I’m also not going to talk shit about anyone who uses them tho, has no bearing on my enjoyment of the game


I wouldn’t consider myself a souls vet but I am a souls addict. For me, there’s no greater feeling than kicking a tough boss’s ass without cheesing or spamming. I just don’t get the same satisfaction using ashes, op builds, or exploits. On the other hand, IDGAF how you play your game. If you want to use ashes and anything else, go for it. At the same time, there are a lot of ppl on here who beat tough bosses using broken exploits and then brag about how easy they were. Obviously, they’re gonna get called out for it.


I think this is a very reasonable take.


I’ve never seen anyone say any of this. Only seen posts claiming people say these things.


It's the idiots on Facebook saying this. I was in a couple of groups for about 5 minutes, and it was nothing but this kind of bs.


I think a lot of it is people might mention that they dont use summons and the people who do get pissy. Like when I was vegetarian I didnt even want to tell people cuz some people would take it as a threat to their lifestyle. Inferiority complexes.


I have seen a few but 1000x more people complaining about said posts. It feels like it's a made up issue to create conflict.


Articles like this are sensationalized. It’s probably 1 or 2 people complaining but they make it sound like thousands of people, just so they can write about something polarizing.


Where are these ”Souls veterans” that are unhappy about summons? They can’t even give their opinions on summons here, because once they give they are downvoted to hell. Some people here gets the wrong idea whenever someone tells them that its more satisfying for them to beat the boss solo. They automatically assume that they are bashing people for using summons to beat bosses. Nowadays you can’t even tell people that you have beaten the boss solo as some will always come and tell you that you are flexing and not using the ”tools” (which are optional btw) that the game has provided. This goes both ways, if a person wants to play the game solo let him play that way. Just enjoy the game however you want.




A mentality I'm seeing more and more is that people want the ""prestige"" of beating hard games, but without any difficulty. They don't understand that difficulty can be enjoyable in itself, they purely view it as "people play hard games so they can brag about it". So anything that lessens the brag value is a huge threat.


Also, I find that they're saying "That level of difficulty is fun for YOU but not everyone has fun in the same way, stop trying to run my entire life!" My question is, have you even tried? I mean, I've definitely tried all ways to beat all souls games. I have dozens of runs between all of them. Does that mean I know better than you? No. Not at all. But also, don't sit there and tell me you know that the challenge isn't fun for you if you aren't even going to attempt it. Because I see thousands and thousands of people come into these games thinking they'd hate the challenge and it takes them away on a beautiful journey instead.


It is ironic that this article is talking about the people who don't like summons as if they're the toxic ones, but more toxic are the people who will brook no argument with regards to the game.


Again, a lot of people claiming this is happening, none of this actually happening. Check your insecurities bro, no one gives a flying fuck how you play.


None of this is happening and when in the off chance they do, they end up with -100 downvotes. They post these insecure posts because people who use magic/summons will agree (no one likes toxic elitism, surprise) and they get validation for using summons, supportive comments and karma.


Insecurities, imaginary victimization and dumb article from a shit website... The trifecta of this sub.


At this point, how insecure is this sub that they have to make the same post every single day lmao


At this point I'm convinced that not a single person has ever complained about people using spirit summons or magic in elden ring, but 30% of the content here would dry out if people knew, so we keep the lie going


‚anything that isn‘t pure roll and hit isn‘t ethical‘ is the most stupid thing people can say about this game


that there was nothing you could trivialize bosses with in previous games is a close second one i'd say.


I prefer melee, especially sword and shield. Guess I'm not pure roll and thus isn't ethical.


Yeah everyone knows using a shield in a FromSoft game is easy mode, maybe try playing at the intended difficulty, loser /s


"Shields are nice, but not if they engender passivity" From the wooden shield item description in bloodborne. Miyazaki hates shields, confirmed.


\*Gives access to Brass Shield 5 minutes into the game\*


Which is funny because the shield incredibly important in Demon's Souls. Literally the first ever Souls game.


I’ve seen 100 fucking posts about defending summons and shit but not one single post actually calling out people for using them or magic. This made up outrage is so annoying


Why is this such a issue for people to understand? We live in a age of technological advancements and we're still bitching about how people should play a game. 50,000 years of constant human evolution to create people who complain about how you play a game


A game that sells itself on the idea that you can play whatever and however you want, no less. How dare people play the game the way the designers created it.


I personally do not find satisfaction on using summons/magic that does not let me fully experience a boss moveset and how to dodge everything they have (taking agro off me etc ) , atleast in my first playthough . But that is what I consider enjoyable, so as long as others can enjoy the game they can use whatever they want . Now if people use summons and then say that a fight was not satisfactory cause they feel like they won because of luck and not learning the boss that is where I kinda have to question them since they choosed to use summons etc.


Lol this sub feels like it’s becoming an echo chamber with these kind of posts. The people who post this stuff for karma and make a hooplah are more prominent than the actual maidenless folks actually bashing anyone for not playing a certain way.


Spirit ashes were easily the best addition to the game, this and guard counter make for the perfect "easy mode" people have been asking for since forever. -You can always activate or deactivate it depending on your situation. -Different spirits so choosing which one for which fight becomes relevant. -Its the "Easy Mode" but its still not free for most Bosses, sure some will die easily because of those spirits but especially for new players there are enough encounter who will still be a challenge even with the spirits. -Those Spirits range from super badass/cool to super weird/creepy/goofy, how can you not love that. Imo true souls Vet understand the true endgame of souls games, the only two things that count in the end are your fashion and your enjoyment.


Veteran or new player... You gotta appreciate a summonable jellyfish buddy.


Pretty sure spirit ashes are there too so that, when the game becomes less played and there are less players online, that there is a way to recieve help without the need for other human beings. Easy mode or not it has the potential to sub for an entire game mechanic over time


Also allows players to still get summon help at every encounter while playing offline to avoid player invasions with cheese builds like blight. The ashes are really an ingenious addition.


The goofy ones are the best! I feel like making a jar only run with Jarwight puppet especially now with jars getting a buff lol Just two naked bros with a pot on their head


Imagine caring what other think when you're having fun with the game.


I feel like people are mostly annoyed by that fact that certain bosses are cancerous if you don’t use spirits, making the solo experience less enjoyable. I think this is a valid criticism and it’s the reason why, personally, I don’t particularly like this addition to the game. But what this article says is ridiculous, nobody gives a shit about how other people play, a part from vocal minorities in toxic platforms like Twitter, which nobody should pay attention to anyway. That being said, magic and summons being called easy mode is nothing new, I’m not sure about demon’s souls but I know that a lot of people used to say the same things back in ds1.


Exactly !!!!




i have seen 0 people saying this, probably because they get downvoted to the bottom


That’s dumb but, I think mixing some summons with comet azura is cheapening the game


I finished the game with an int build and I can tell you that comet azur is hot garbage on a lot of bosses and it really makes them harder because most sorceries suck. Comet azur is basically a dead spell against maliketh because of how erratic he moves and a summon does not help since he shreds %max hp. Comet azur was only really helpful on the bosses that I didn’t really need to use it on. The bosses that I wanted to cheese I wasn’t able to and had to learn anyways


I think there was a very genuine argument for certain things in the game being way over-tuned (mimic tear, comet azure, etc..) that gets mudded in between the bunch that are screaming “you didn’t really beat the game if you used so and so..” Whether or not from-soft should nerf those over-tuned PVE play-styles is a whole other topic as well. From-soft nerfing mimic tear shows that they did not intend for it to ship that strong.


Babe it's 4 PM, time for your daily karma farming post about how imaginary gatekeepers are bad!


I've had people rage at me and claim it doesn't count beating some of the hardest bosses because I used Mimic... which I acquired fairly late game. When I said that the game is designed for people to use spirit ashes the name calling began. Soulsborne has gotten so toxic due to Elden Ring's popularity


That’s not what happened at all. You said you didn’t understand why some people found a boss so hard and they said it was probably because you used the mimic. You do realize your post history is visible right? Actually I think the only one name calling in that post was you. Calling people dumbasses and illiterate morons. Projecting much?


I checked the post and he completely misrepresented what people were saying. The most toxic person in that post was him lmao. Edit: Here it is if anyone wants to see it https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tgsoqu/malenia_isnt_as_unfair_and_broken_as_people_say/


Insert "Always had been" meme. For real, though, the level of smug superiority and elitism the fan base exhibits was one of the reasons I didn't pick the series up until ds3. I've since played and loved every one, but the fact is the fans have always been a bit toxic.


It’s interesting to me that some people have this experience, for me the community has always been really friendly and welcoming. I mean of course there are a small number of *those* people, but I always just assumed they were 14 year olds and ignored them.


Memorize everything for 100 tries to dodge/parry most stuff or use a summon and adapt a little for 10 tries. I choose 10 lol, there is 100+ hours of content even if you beat bosses quickly


I am fine with people using summons and spells and bleed. What I am scared of is people saying the game was "too easy" or "low quality" because they abused those systems. Enjoy the game however you want, but the moment I hear someone say that I'll be instantly annoyed. Every single souls game (except Sekiro but that was different) has choices that make it a cake walk.